I have Firebase Crashlytics set up correctly on my application. But I have been unable to access my Crashlytics dashboard on Firebase.
It keeps taking me to this page to this page up fabric which I have been unable to. Is there a way around this.
Fabric/Firebaser here - hopefully this helps anyone who might run into something like this in the future. More clarification has been added to this particular screen since this question's creation as well.
One reason why this can happen is some sort of misstep in the migration process. If you have a Fabric app and are attempting to migrate to Firebase Crashlytics, you should complete the clickthrough migration and then you should be able to entirely skip seeing these options once that's complete. No other code changes are required. You will also be linked to the clickthrough migration if you choose option 1 on step 1 of the above view.
Other than that, ensure that you're installing Crashlytics correctly via these instructions. You can also click "Test your Implementation" at the bottom of that page to see how you can enable Crashlytics debug logging (to verify in your Xcode logs if Crashlytics is communicating with the server) and perform a test crash.
I am trying to link my Firebase project to BigQuery. It seems to not work and every time clicking the "Link to BigQuery" fails with this error (screenshot attached) even though I am the owner of the project. I could not find any more details about what is the issue. The same project successfully links to Google Analytics. Would be great to get any inputs on fixing this issue.
Based on inputs from firebase support team I was able to resolve this issue. We need to enable Firebase Management API in https://console.cloud.google.com/. I have put down the error response which you can lookout if the error occurs.
I have two projects.
connected like this document.
connected with Frabric plugin on Android Studio.
First of all, My colleague connected the first way. It worked fine. After that I needed to create a new project for test. And I connected Crashlystics with Fabric plugin(I didn't know how my colleague connected at that time.)
Now, I needed to connect Crashlystics to the original version(which is 1).
However, It shows the crash graphs, But I don't get any reporting like which line got which error. I checked my test project and it gets the reporting.
So, I disconnected my account connected to Fabric and my app. And then, I get 0 reporting in both project.
At the moment, My setting is just like the document. And of course, I have google-services.json file correctly.
How can I solve this problem?
The two methods that you've followed would have crash reporting at different places.
1st one would report everything on Firebase Console.
2nd would report everything on Fabric dashboard.
To connect fabric to firebase you would just need to migrate your app over to firebase with just a few button clicks and no code change.
My assumption is that you might not have stripped out the Fabric API Key (In your AndroidManifest.xml file) from your code hence the reports are not coming in at firebase console.
I'm trying to set up my app with firebase+crashlytics for having a better error dashboard.
All the firebase stuff is already working and I'm able to access the features
I tested crashlytics with:
Crashlytics.getInstance().crash(); // Force a crash
and i'm able to see the stack trace on my dashboard (inside firebase)
but I'm trying to log non-fatal messages like:
And it doesn't appear anywhere
I followed the whole instructions at:
Still doesn't find any dashboard with the "test" messages
Where does it go? what am I missing?
Sending non-debug errors (e.g. your test message) logs to Crashlytics locally, but these exceptions are not uploaded until the app restarts.
As the documentation states:
Crashlytics batches logged exceptions together and sends them the next time the app launches.
This is presumably due to the primary Crashlytics functionality (reporting crashes) working in the same way, and non-fatal errors being a secondary concern using the same code flow.
Whilst this is unfortunate, there are many third party log-collating services that can handle the non-fatal errors.
Note: I'm aware you've received an answer in the comments from Crashlytics, I'm providing a more comprehensive answer for future visitors.
It's an old question any way i wanted to share what happens to messages logged using Crashlytics.log(msg); These logs are not immediately shown to dashboard. Crashlytics stores all the logged messages logged using log(msg) method and uploads it to server when a new Crash or Exception occurs.
You can see these messages in Firebase console under logs section as shown in below image
One more thing if you want to log exceptions there is another method for it Crashlytics.logException(exception)
Crashlytics isn't made for develop logging/debug, it is made to cluster hundreds/thousands of logs from different users at runtime, this may cause delays between the time the log message are recorded and when you will really be able to see them at the dashboard making it unusable for development debug.
If you want to use Crashlytics to follow the code workflow and debug during development, you will need to use the trick in this answer.
As mentioned in below link
You can see this crashes on Crashlytics dashboard if you look at the specific crash itself.
The recommended way to add custom logging to your app is:
Crashlytics.log(int priority, String tag, String msg)
I've been following the docs here and have made it all the way to the point where I've installed it and am trying to send an error. I added a button to my page that when pressed just does:
throw new Error('Test Error for Crashlytics'). I've got it running in my simulator as well as an ad-hoc install of the app onto my phone, but no matter how many times I make my app error, the Crashlytics page in Firebase just shows
I've seen that this can take some time, but I've been waiting about 2 hours now since the first error and about 30 min since I last tried and still nothing. Not really to sure what to try next, I can't seem to find any documentation on how to possibly debug what is going on as well.
Firebase crashlytics will automatically record crashes so you won't need to add anything, unless you have custom requirement. For that you need to follow the this documentation.
And for forcing your app to crash, actually you can use
here is the tutorial from firebase documentation.
As announced by Google, the Firebase Crash Reporting is joining forces with Fabric. Here's a link
The exact details of how is this going to happen are abstract. But for developers who were using Firebase Crash Reporting, does this mean that they have to create a new account on Fabric and integrate its SDK and remove the one from Firebase?
I know I could wait until Google does the actual implementation, but switching from one SDK to another is not the best approach, if anyone has any insight on this...
The following is the text from the Firebase console when looking at Crash Reporting for the first time without any existing data. There's no additional information available about how exactly it's going to work.
Fabric’s Crashlytics
In the future, Fabric’s Crashlytics will become our primary crash
reporter because it provides advanced tools for solving stability
issues. If you’d like to be an early adopter, you can get a head start
by using Crashlytics on Fabric’s platform.
Crash Reporting
If you prefer to monitor stability in Firebase, you still have access
to Firebase Crash Reporting, which equips you with the essential tools
you need to track and resolve crashes. Eventually, Firebase Crash
Reporting will be seamlessly upgraded to Crashlytics.
according to the Google groups discussion, they recommend ppl to use crashytics for now if they don't have any strong preferences.
Ian Barber
We're mainly trying to signal forward intent - the feature sets are slightly different so I appreciate you may prefer to use Firebase Crash on a new app, but for those with no standing inclination we're recommending they go with crashlytics.