Not able to link Firebase project to BigQuery - android

I am trying to link my Firebase project to BigQuery. It seems to not work and every time clicking the "Link to BigQuery" fails with this error (screenshot attached) even though I am the owner of the project. I could not find any more details about what is the issue. The same project successfully links to Google Analytics. Would be great to get any inputs on fixing this issue.

Based on inputs from firebase support team I was able to resolve this issue. We need to enable Firebase Management API in I have put down the error response which you can lookout if the error occurs.


Trying to use Google Firebase Authentication with Android Studio

We're using Firebases authentication for logging in and registering accounts. For some reason, one person on the team (member 1) is able to use it properly but when myself or another team member (member 3) tries to test it by creating an account or logging in we get the error The given sign-in
provider is disabled for this Firebase project. Enable it in the
Firebase console, under the sign-in method tab of the Auth section.
We have tried everything we can think of to fix this error. Email/password sign-in is enabled in the firebase project. We've tried completely copying the files on his machine to ours and it still won't work. What's even odder is that it works fine on member 3's laptop, but not his desktop. I've also had member 1 send me a build from his machine onto my phone and it will work then. I tried completely reinstalling Android Studio as well. I'm not even sure what files to show because I can't imagine it's a problem with the code, since it works perfectly fine for member 1 and member 3 on his laptop. If there's any file you need to see I'll be glad to add it.
That might actually be working in the third members laptop because he would have linked the firebase with your project and put the SHA-1 of his laptop, If you want that to work with yours as well then you need to go to firebase console and add SHA-1 to the console to have it work. try this.
And if it helps please do accept i, if I didnt help let me know and il check more for you.

No reporting in Crashlystics after changing FIrebase project

I have two projects.
connected like this document.
connected with Frabric plugin on Android Studio.
First of all, My colleague connected the first way. It worked fine. After that I needed to create a new project for test. And I connected Crashlystics with Fabric plugin(I didn't know how my colleague connected at that time.)
Now, I needed to connect Crashlystics to the original version(which is 1).
However, It shows the crash graphs, But I don't get any reporting like which line got which error. I checked my test project and it gets the reporting.
So, I disconnected my account connected to Fabric and my app. And then, I get 0 reporting in both project.
At the moment, My setting is just like the document. And of course, I have google-services.json file correctly.
How can I solve this problem?
The two methods that you've followed would have crash reporting at different places.
1st one would report everything on Firebase Console.
2nd would report everything on Fabric dashboard.
To connect fabric to firebase you would just need to migrate your app over to firebase with just a few button clicks and no code change.
My assumption is that you might not have stripped out the Fabric API Key (In your AndroidManifest.xml file) from your code hence the reports are not coming in at firebase console.

I can't access my Firebase Crashlytics Dashboard

I have Firebase Crashlytics set up correctly on my application. But I have been unable to access my Crashlytics dashboard on Firebase.
It keeps taking me to this page to this page up fabric which I have been unable to. Is there a way around this.
Fabric/Firebaser here - hopefully this helps anyone who might run into something like this in the future. More clarification has been added to this particular screen since this question's creation as well.
One reason why this can happen is some sort of misstep in the migration process. If you have a Fabric app and are attempting to migrate to Firebase Crashlytics, you should complete the clickthrough migration and then you should be able to entirely skip seeing these options once that's complete. No other code changes are required. You will also be linked to the clickthrough migration if you choose option 1 on step 1 of the above view.
Other than that, ensure that you're installing Crashlytics correctly via these instructions. You can also click "Test your Implementation" at the bottom of that page to see how you can enable Crashlytics debug logging (to verify in your Xcode logs if Crashlytics is communicating with the server) and perform a test crash.

Firebase: There was an unknown error while processing the request. Try again. [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm just trying to creating new project in Firebase but getting this error every time.
What I did was sign out from Firebase and sign back in again. This worked.
The project was already created. The problem occurred because maybe the Firebase console was unable to sync or refresh, but signing out and back in worked for me. Try that.
My solution was to disable an Allow CORS plugin on Firefox. I hope it helps someone!
I have this issue as well however, it was because of an outage in the Firebase service. To check for outages, go to:
You can see there are red dots which shows the outage in the Firebase console.
Clicking on the red dot will provide you with a status on what's going on.
Signing out and then back in didn't work for me. Even worse, my projects were created somehow in the background and then I finally got an error message that told me I reached a limit and wouldn't be able to create any new projects any more.
I got emails though informing me about a "Project Shutdown Announcement". I clicked the link there and landed on a site that listed all these projects that had been created in the background although the error message "There was an unknown error while processing the request" would indicate otherwise.
I restored one of the projects there and used that. Hope that helps.
I had same issue. I clicked "Cancel", then refreshed the page. Project appeared under "Recent projects".
The same issue happened to me today, but none of the answers was helpful. the problem is currently only project owner can create it.
I am the editor, that is why I am unable to create it.
Check your role in Project overview -> Users and permissions. if you are an editor ask the owner to create it.
Note: This error did not happen to me when I create a new project. It happened to me when I create Firebase Storage in my firebase project. but I got the same error message(There was an unknown error while processing the request try again).
If someone searches help by error message this answer may help to them. (I also got this question by searching the error message)
hope, it is helpful to someone!
I was using Google Cloud Platform where I had exceeded my limits. Hence when I tried with other email ID. It worked Fine!!!!
I would suggest you to check the resources you have been utilizing by Google such as Firebase, G-Drive paid version, Google Cloud Platform etc.
Always, a new email ID is the best solution for practices purpose. No offense!
Logging out and back in did not work for me.
However, I was able to link my project to Firebase via the Android Studio Firebase tool.
If you are using Android Studio, go to Tools > Firebase > (Select the way you want your app to use Firebase. In my case I selected Cloud Messaging) > Click Setup Firebase Cloud Messaging > Click the Button in Step 1) Connect You App to Firebase.
This error usually happens for the first project created. Check your gmail is there an email from Firebase to welcome you? If you get one, just wait for several hours (or 12 hours) to come back to re-try creating project.
This works for me. Hope it could help.
I've been using Firefox along with the Disconnect add-on. In my case, adding Firebase webpage to the whitelist helped resolving the problem.
Apparently there is a limit on many projects you can upgrade to a paid plan in Firebase. I disocvered through my Google Cloud that I reached that limit but it also prompted to be request a higher quota. So I requested a max of 50 projects for paid plans and am now just wai
I had an ad-block chrome extension that was creating this problem. Disable ad-block for this site and it should work.
I was using Firebase Console with an account that is authorized by the owner, switching to the owner account (the one that has created the project at first) solved it.
I used incognito to prevent this error. This disables all the plugins from the browser.

Generate google-services.json for Android

This might be a stupid question but I am facing an issue when trying to generate my google-services.json file for my app. I am following this guide from the google developers team to setup my project for analytics but when I click on the get configuration file button nothing happens, I just get a loading spinner that never ends.
I tried on different browsers, it's still the same. I checked the chrome console and got :
Refused to display '…3Dtrue%26cntlbl%3DContinue%2BAdding%2BAnalytics%26cntapi%3Danalytics&hl=en' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'.
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').
Any suggestion?
You are trying this link while configuration
So please do the following steps
Now Choose your App Name.
Click Configuration Services
After that the 3rd Window will be open
Now Choose your Analytics account of your Apps.
Hurry you have done.
Please use all the process and done as it is you can do it.
Let me know if still you have any problem.
Well well, got a workaround. You console log helped: I clicked on the URL in the log ("…3Dtrue%26cntlbl%3DContinue%2BAdding%2BAnalytics%26cntapi%3Danalytics&hl=en") and it led me to the right page and I have been able to generate a google-services.json for my app.
A guy from Google analytics team suggests the solution here.
Try going through this website to get your configuration file - its the one for Cloud Messaging but it has a button that says "GET CONFIGURATION FILE":
Also I did experience the same problem last week sometime when configurating cloud messaging myself but it seemed to have resolved itself in the afternoon so it could just be a one day error thing.
Steps for getting configuration if your first time login to google developer account.
open google developer console.
login to developer console.
create project with valid name.
then goto the API section & enable GCM API.
Then get the configuration file.

