unresloved reference to Select.from activeandroid - android

i have code
fun loadAllNotes() : MutableList<Note> = Select.from(Note::class.java).fetch()
but i have trouble with Select.from: Unresolved reference: from.
It's code by guide and it works in tutorial.
How can i fix it?

need to use
import com.reactiveandroid.query.Select
import com.activeandroid.query.Select


How Do I Get My Project To Recognize Remember and MutableStateOf?

I am trying to make use of the following code:
var a by remember {
When I put that code in my project. Both remember and mutableStateOf is red. My project doesn't recognize what they are. I think I have to import something or add a dependency, but I am not sure what or how to do this.
I think you forgot imports.
by it is kotlin operator. You have to import it.
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue

Android databinding with Kotlin map

This is a basic question that for some reason Google doesn't seem to have the answer. I'm trying to use a Kotlin map object with databinding for xml. How the heck do I import the Map object in the xml?
type="kotlin.collections.MapsKt" />
doesn't import the map object. I get a Failed to resolve Bracked Expr formIds["Submit"], target: kotlin.collections.MapsKt when I try to use the object.
I create formIds as follows:
val _formIds =
mapOf<FormType, Map<String, Int>>(...
Anyone know?
type="kotlin.collections.MapsKt" is not enought for databinding. Declare it explictly with types and provide import if required. For example type="java.util.HashMap<String, Integer>"

CoordinatorLayout.DefaultBehaviour deprecated, no other option

So according to android documentation, defaultBehaviour is deprecated and AttachedBehaviour should be used instead.
does not "exist" in android. I always receive the Annotation type expected error.
My import is:
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
Am I using the wrong import?
AttachedBehavior is an interface, not an annotation.
Therefore your CustomLinearLayout must implement AttachedBehavior and override the getBehavior() method to return an instance of your MoveUpwardBehavior class.

ArgumentMatchers.any must not be null

I am trying to test ViewModel to make sure livedata gets updated correctly. However when using ArgumentMatchers.any() it fails with IllegalStateException saying:
ArgumentMatchers.any(mViewModel.CountSubscriber::class.java) must not
be null
fun emitValueIfCountIs7() {
doAnswer { invocation: InvocationOnMock ->
val subscriber: mViewModel.CountSubscriber = invocation.getArgument(0)
// When
// Verify
assert(mViewModel.countResponse.value != null)
I am using Kotlin and have the following dependencies:
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-inline:2.23.4"
testImplementation "com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:2.1.0"
Here are my imports:
import androidx.arch.core.executor.testing.InstantTaskExecutorRule
import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.doAnswer
import io.reactivex.Observable
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
import org.mockito.Mock
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock
Strange thing is that it used to work before, and I don't know what has happened that could affect this.
Getting matchers to work with Kotlin can be a problem.
If you have a method written in kotlin that does not take a nullable parameter, then we cannot match with it using Mockito.any().
This is because it can return void and this is not assignable to a non-nullable parameter.
If the method being matched is written in Java, then I think that it will work as all Java objects are implicitly nullable.
One possible solution would be to use a library like mockito-kotlin
But you can solve this issue easily with a few lines of code yourself.
If you need typed any(type: Class)
private fun <T> any(type: Class<T>): T = Mockito.any<T>(type)
You can use this matcher instead of Matchers.any() :
object MockitoHelper {
fun <T> anyObject(): T {
return uninitialized()
fun <T> uninitialized(): T = null as T
and use MockitoHelper.anyObject() instead of any() in your kotlin tests.
You can find more information in this post: Using Mockito with Kotlin
There is a discussion about possible solutions in this post :
Is it possible to use Mockito in Kotlin?
The correct solution is mentioned in the comment section of the question by #Ana Koridze. Yes, if you are using Koltin + mockitoKotlin. Make sure you are using the following import:
1 - Using the Mockito-kotlin:
import org.mockito.kotlin.any from Mockito-kotlin
instead of
import org.mockito.Mockito.any
testImplementation "org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin:$mockito_kotlin_version"
2 - Or if you are using older mockito kotlin version original created by nhaarman before the intergation
import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.any from nhaaram's Mockito-kotlin instead of import org.mockito.Mockito.any
testImplementation "com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:$mockito_kotlin2_version"
BTW, if you are using Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA. the any() from mockitokotlin library should be italic by default style/color scheme.
Notice the any() at the end of line. This is from mockitokotlin
And here is the any() from mockito
Thanks #Sattar for the recommended edit.
mockito-kotlin has added support for nullable args with anyOrNull()
`when`(myMock.doesThis(any(), anyOrNull())).thenReturn(someObject)
use Mockito-kotlin
testImplementation "org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin:$mockito_kotlin_version"
this will use any that works for kotlin as this is a wrapper lib for Mockito but for kotlin
This is what worked for me,
either replaced all generic any()s , with a specific anyTYPE(), i.e anyInt(), anyList() etc from core lib org.mockito:mockito-core and it fixes the (nullability)issue, it seems the specific definitions with type can handle null. this option does not require you to import any extra lib
if you really need to use the generic type any() , add this official Mckito extension lib https://github.com/mockito/mockito-kotlin and make sure you use the any() from this lib (by making sure your imports has this in it import org.mockito.kotlin.any)
I suggest to start using MockK lib https://github.com/mockk/mockk instead of Mockito as it is a Mock library for Kotlin = MockK)
however, if you feel lazy to switch right now or maybe dealing with legacy tests (as in my case :), this should fix your issue too.
For me all solutions above were not enough - in addition to that I had to mark the called method as an 'open' method.
According to this:
The method is final and Mockito couldn't mock it so I had to add 'open'.
I wrote a simple wrapper function around Mockito's any() and got rid of the warning.
private fun <T> any() : T {
return org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any()
I am still pretty green at Kotlin though, so I am not sure whether there may be some unwanted side effects. I put this answer out there in case it helps anyone or someone gives me feedback.

How to call my function directly in Chaquopy?

How to call a function I wrote using Chaquopy?
I used sample from documentation and it worked well. I could put the text on a label using Python. Then I created a button and want to call my function (for example, my_func):
from demo.chaquopy.pythonactivity import R
from java import static_proxy, Override, jvoid
from android.os import Bundle
from android.support.v7.app import AppCompatActivity
class MainActivity(static_proxy(AppCompatActivity)):
#Override(jvoid, [Bundle])
def onCreate(self, state):
AppCompatActivity.onCreate(self, state)
self.findViewById(R.id.label).setText("Hello From Python!")
def my_func(self):
self.findViewById(R.id.label).setText("Another text")
I tried to write 'android:onclick' as with Java functions, and it doesn't work. And I couldn't find it in samples and documentation. Please can anyone help? Thanks a lot in advance.
To declare a listener in XML, the method has to be visible from Java. You can make it visible like this:
from java import method
from android.view import View
class MainActivity(...):
#method(jvoid, [View])
def my_func(self):

