Set Id to dynamically created edittext - android

I'm dynamically creating Edittext on a button click and saving this edittext to an ArrayList of type Edittext and then getting values of all edittext in an ArrayList of type String. While creating new Edittext Iam also creating a BUTTON with cross image which delete that edittext when user click on it. and then Iam passing these edittexts to Options of CheckBox question which is also Iam creating dynamically.
Issue is when I create multiple edittext and randomly delete someone and click ok arraylist remove the last index of it .Iam also setting ids to Edittext but couldnt able to understand how to get the Id of the same Edittext whose value I want to delete and then remove him from ArrayList too.
Here I'am creating the Edittext and adding them in "moreOptList" with there ids.
EditText checkBoxMoreEdt = new EditText(this);
moreOptList.add(i, checkBoxMoreEdt);
Here Iam deleting the view on Button clickListener,but instead of deleting the the exact value from arrayList also its only delete the view and the last index of array from the list.For example if I have enter 4 options
and then deleted the option 2 which is b and click ok,it will show me
what its doing is removing the last save value from arrayList now How should I get the Id of exact edittext I want to delete and delete it from arrayList also.
final Button button = new Button(this);
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {

Most probably the problem is in ArrayList. When you remove element by index all elements are shifted, hence indexes do not match your views:
list.add(0, 0) //[0]
list.add(1, 1) //[0, 1]
list.remove(0) //[1]
list.remove(1) //throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
One options is to replace ArrayList with HashMap:
map = HashMap<Integer, View>()
map.put(i, view)
Another useful thing is to use setTag/getTag methods of View, you can store your indexes there, so you might not need to have external indexes storage:
index = view.getTag()


How to validate and set errors in recyclerview having multiple edittext?

I have a recycler view with multiple edittext and i need to validate each and every edittext before clicking add button and on tapping add button it again creates new edittexts but i need to validate previous edittexts before creating new ones and set errors how to implement this?
You need to add EditText values in array list and validate it when you click on Add Button like
val list = arraylistof<EditTextModel>()
val getItem = list[list.size.minus(1)]// get Last index of list
// because when you click add button always check last index because you already //check previous. when you add views on index 1 or index 2.... so on
if(getItem.editTextValue1.isEmpty() || getItem.editTextValue2.isEmpty()) {
Log.e("TAG","Edit 1 or Edit 2 may be empty. Please add values")

How to get user inputs from multiple fragments added to single activity

As shown in image, I have added the same fragment 5 times in activity by performing on click operation on ADD FRAGMENT button:
Now I want to get all user entered data from those 5 edittext on click of GET DATA button. Is this possible?
(Both buttons is in Main Activity)
First we need to traverse to the dynamic edit text linear layout and then only we can count how many edit texts are avaliable then read the values of corresponding edit text :)
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;// change as your //dynamic EditTexts' parent Linear Layout id.
for(int i=0;i<layout.getChildCount();i++)// Count how many children avaliable
View v = (View)layout.getChildAt(i);// get the child view
if (v instanceof EditText)// verifying whether the child is EditText for secure.
EditText editText = (EditText)layout.getChildAt(i);//thats it.
Log.w("Edit Text "+i+" Value" , editText.getText());
Now I want to get all user entered data from those 5 edittext on click
of GET DATA button. Is this possible?
Answer: Yes, this is possible.
Solution: You can make public variables in the activity and you can access those variables from the fragment which you are adding. On click of GET DATA button, you can read those variables set by the different fragment and show them in the same Activity or in different Fragment.

Android Studio - How to create a back button on randomly selected strings?

I have an array of strings that I am displaying in my activity using a random number every time a button called Next is clicked. How do I create another button called Back, that simply displays the previously or last generated strings in the order they were randomly generated?. So that instead of clicking next to generate another string, I can click Back at any time to view all the previous strings one by one and then click Next again to continue the random selection.
Create a array list of String like
ArrayList<String> arraylist= new ArrayList<String>();
after that using add function add the strings that you are displaying in your activity using a random number every time a button called Next is clicked.
now your randomly generated string will stored in arraylist one by one
This will store the string now how to retrieve?
following steps may help you not sure ...
While adding the randomly generated string into arraylist initialize the int variable with zero and increment its value after each adding...
public int indexvalue=0;
on your Onclick of NEXT button add two lines
And now on the Onclick of BACK Button Use indexvalue to retrieve...
String data = arraylist.get(indexvalue);
here Decremented the indexvalue to retrieve the previous string..
hope you'll understand what im trying to say little bit of lengthy explanation ...

Listview Row incrementing with new value

I have a listview with radio buttons now i need to add one value from a edittext after typing some thing in the edittext the typed text should appear in the listview as next row.? how it is posible.?
ListView with simpleArrayAdapter :
Follow these steps it may help:
1. Fetch the value from edit text after the user types using gettext()
2. Insert this value in an array.
3. create a list view.
4. create an arrayAdapter with the already created array as source.
5. Now set the adapter with listview using (array variable).setAdapter(adapter name);
For every time the user updates use notifyDataSetChanged() to refresh your listview with the new contents.
Pseudo code:
Click here for more.

Android - Get data from a dynamic EditTexts by ID

I have the code below in my adapter that creates dynamically EditTexts and set IDs using the method "et_settingValue.setId(setting.getId());".
An Editbox is created in every instace of the class Setting and it also contains a variable to store its id.
This part is already working properly, but now I need to access all those created EditTexts by ID and get its data. If possible, I would like to avoid creating another array to store the EditTexts because I already have their IDs.
Is there any way to do it using the dynamic IDs I already have?
EditText et_settingValue = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
Update 1
In my activity, I am trying to do this:
EditText et = new EditText(listView.getContext());
//loop to get each object child
settingConfig.getConfigName(); //ok
settingConfig.getConfigValue(); //ok
settingConfig.getConfigId(); //ok
et = (EditText) listView.findViewById(settingConfig.getConfigId()); //not working
et.getText(); // off course it will not working
Many thanks
ListView use a RecycleBin to reuse the view created from Adapter, so ListView will only contain a few child view, and you cannot find all EditText in the ListView.
To solve your problem, you should use a Map to record the value of all EditText. Add TextWatcher to each of them, and refresh the value in the Map on text changed.

