I would like to use this effect:
It's a circle focusing the user on a special part of the application.
It also has a pulsaring white smaller circle.
Is there a Standard Android effect out there? I've already seen such a thing somewhere else.
Anyhow, I would appreciate it to get some code on how to achieve this effect.
Yes, you can achieve this effect by using third-party android libraries. One of them is FancyShowCaseView.
It uses Circular reveal animation and you can easily use it in an AndroidX project by adding the following:
implementation 'me.toptas.fancyshowcase:fancyshowcaseview:1.2.1'
If the project doesn't incorporate AndroidX, then use:
implementation 'me.toptas.fancyshowcase:fancyshowcaseview:1.1.5'
A sample usage has been provided in their github repo. Please follow the link associated with the library name. Hope this helps.
Another one is TapTargetView. This suits more to your required effect I assume. Please have a look here in the following at the end of this gif of the search button:
It's called Feature Discovery. Not sure that there are any standard Android effects for that but there are tons of libs on android arsenal
I'm making an app in Xamarin Android and I want to achieve something like this:
Basically, it's an infinite scrolling image animation. I'm really new to android development let alone Xamarin so I'm at a loss here. I dont think the Translate animation in XML would work here. I'm thinking of translating 2 ImageViews but I dont know how to do that outside XML.
Is there a library similar to that one for Xamarin? Thanks in advance!
The cool thing about Xamarin.Android is that you can easily reuse existing Java libraries. If you are fine with using the AndroidScrollingImageView library instead of rolling out your own implemenetation, here's what you should do:
Clone or download the project to your own computer and build the library.
As a result, you'll get a JAR file that contains the AndroidScrollingImageView control.
Create a new binding project and import the JAR file.
Xamarin.Android wraps the library with C# wrappers so you can invoke Java code from C#.
Now you can use the control in your AXML layouts and call the methods in code.
It's worth reading the binding article to understand how this works. There's also a good binding library example here, where James Montemagno does exactly what you want to do. You might want to study it to see how the binding works in real life.
I'm new at material design. I'm working on some projects and I want to use the material design. But I cannot find any source or sample for components. Is there any code sample (especially animated circle loader)?
Thanks a lot!
There are tens (if not hundreds) samples regarding ways to implement Material Design, some of 'em even described how you could make it work for older versions of Android.
This blog post by Google's own Chris Banes regarding AppCompat v21 is a good place to start when you're also working on Android versions lower than Lollipop.
While this, still from Mr. Banes, thoroughly describe one of Lollipop's most famed API, Palette.
Moving on, this blog post would help you started with those shiny round buttons (or FABs) and, as a bonus, a trick to apply ripple effect to it.
I think those three links should be more than enough to get you started making Material apps - I've built mine and those three were my first guides. Sadly though, I can't find one that matches exactly with your Dribbble link. Then again, I doubt a widget such as those exists today. I've been wrong before though. :)
Hope this helped!
Learn more:
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android
Git link:
Playstore link:
Is there any library is available for annotating the image in android.
I would like to know how we can annotate the image which is captured from camera.
Can any one help on this.
I just finished working on my image processing app on Android. My app uses library called leadtools and it worked great for me. I didn't use annotations in my app but I saw that they have features for it in their libs.
You should probably take a look at it and see for yourself.
Hope this helps.
today I came across the Path App:
And wanted to ask if its possible to implement this round menu in Android. Would be a Framelayout a good solution or what would be better? Also I heard hat somebody had crated a library which implemented almost the same thing. But didn't found anything.
Here are some open source projects that do it:
https://github.com/daCapricorn/ArcMenu - Apache 2.0
https://github.com/siyamed/android-satellite-menu/ - LGPL
Can any one guide me on how to use this library in Android?
I didn't find any tutorial or example related to this library.
I want to use an ImageView with a remote image while loading with progress spinner.
Any help would be appreciated.
Did you try the getting started guide on the project homepage?
It seems to contain instructions on adding the libraries to your project, and also build in the example applications. And of course the example applications contain their full source so it shows you how to use the libs in an application.