Image annotate in Android - android

Is there any library is available for annotating the image in android.
I would like to know how we can annotate the image which is captured from camera.
Can any one help on this.

I just finished working on my image processing app on Android. My app uses library called leadtools and it worked great for me. I didn't use annotations in my app but I saw that they have features for it in their libs.
You should probably take a look at it and see for yourself.
Hope this helps.


is it possible to use Tensorflow js custom model from local file in react native?

I am trying to use a custom Tensorflow.js model in react native using React Native CLI.
It seems that #tensorflow/tfjs-react-native is not maintained anymore. When I try to install it based on the instructions provided on the official GitHub page, I face many dependency conflicts that are impossible to resolve. So this fact renders the package useless.
Also, tflite is not an option either based on the nature of my model(Details are irrelevant, though I would gladly explain if it would help in solving my problem). But even if I wanted to use that format, I doubt it would work because the package available for that also looks deprecated considering it was last updated around 3 years ago.
And for the same reason(Model's Nature), despite having a fully updated package, ONNX is currently not an option either.
So that leaves me with Tensorflow.js. And I should mention that I know the hardware limitations involved in using this too.
So my question is, considering the things I've said above, is there a way to use Tensorflow.js meaning this package in react native, and load a custom model to make predictions?
or should I just give up? If yes, please do share a simple working piece of code.
Also, my model is a Keras model saved in Tensorflow.js format. Finally, I also tried loading a model from a URL but no luck there too(Note that I am not trying to imply that it is impossible, I am merely saying that I was not able to do it. Would be awesome if you could tell me a way to do that too if possible of course.)
Thanks in advance for your time. If there is anything unclear, tell and I will try to elaborate more.

Converting OpenCV code from iOS to Android

I want to convert the following openCV code(available in iOS) at Matching template imge(scaled) to Main/larger image to Android.
I have tried lot of things, but the opencv library has problem that surf detection is not available in OpenCV's Android Library. For using that they have told to use c++ code and doing some settings. Different sites are saying different settings. As i am totally new to android, i am not getting properly how to set it up. Please can anyone give me reliable and detailed way of doing that. or does anyone know ther other method of doing the same thing that is given in above question.
I have found solution to my question, You can check it out the solution on this post:Object detection with OpenCV Feature Matching with a threshold/similarity score - Java/C++

Cannot implement SURF in Android using JavaCV

I am trying to develop a simple Android app that will get the current frame from the camera on the phone using PreviewCallback. Then perform SURF feature detection and extraction using the ObjectFinder provided in the JavaCV project. However I keep getting an Exception. The same program works on my PC.
This is probably due to SURF being a patented algorithm and this is causing issues.
Thus can somebody provide me an alternative for this in JavaCV. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Your assumptions are correct. SURF/SIFT being a patented one, it has been removed from the latest opencv SDK. As an alternative you can try to use the androidobjectrecognition methods used in the same. You can checkout its source from:
I tried use ObjectFinder too. But after unsuccessful attempts I found this code. After little corrective it work for me in android.
Basil is right, but there are many new features to find images (freak, orb, brisk...).

Facial features detection using OpenCV Android

I need to develop a facial features detection application by which I could be able to detect eyes,nose,lips,head along with its face. For this I opted for OpenCV. I had gone through many tutorials and also sample projects. There I could see the usage of haarcascade files through which I could detect the facial features while recording a video. As I know the location of haar cascade file.
But no site could tell me the complete implementation of haarcascade files in OpenCV android project.
Kindly provide me some sites regarding or give me some brief knowledge regarding the same.
That is a good approach for detecting faces using openCV. Since you are using android, you will probably not find code written in java but you can always modal it to work on android too. This is what I believe is the best approach.
This is another detailed use of different approaches using OpenCV.
Hope it helps, if you need help in changing the code you have to post what you've done so far and then I would be happy to help! Cheers!

How to create a visable rectangle with no image in Cocos2D-Android?

Can someone give me a simple example since I'm trying to learn it but haven't seen examples for Android, for iOS plenty though. I want to create one so it is easier to debug my collision area's. Thanks in advance
I don´t know it this helps you. I use Cocos2d-x. This library is the same that cocos2d-android, but:
Works in C++, it is faster than Java
Is multiplatform, can compile in iOS and Android, and HTML5
Exist a big community whose hold the project, and cocos2d-android doesn´t have more updates
Exist This link with a lof of tutoriales to start.

