My app is getting a list of movie objects, which includes a movie poster url, and it's displaying those posters and titles, then when a user clicks on that movie, it goes to a movie detail activity, that also has the poster and title, along with some more info. Pretty simple. I've noticed though that when I click the movie, there's still a second or two where the poster hasn't loaded, and I'd like to eliminate that, which seems relatively easy with caching. I was using Picasso, I recently switched to Coil for image loading, and they both claim to handle caching behind the scenes, but I'm assuming that isn't happening because of this loading time. In both activities I'm just loading it with:
posterImageView.load(it.posterURL ?: {url of "no poster found" image})
Is there anything extra I need to be doing in order to be loading these from cache instead of loading the image from url every time?
According to the official documentation here you should use LruCache as defined in here. But there is also a way around:
For storing a large number of images you should first create a temporary folder that can only be accessed by your application (usually inside data/data/package_name/) and then save every image you download for the first time in that folder giving the key as the name of the image. After that whenever you need to show the image just use the " if " condition to check if the image for that particular key (the name from which you saved the image) is stored or not. If it is then show the image. (Just remember to clear the folder images another time the app is opened).
I'm making an android app where you can add items to a RecyclerList and the items contain an image and some text but the app takes a long time to start up and resume due to those Bitmaps.
The way my app works is this: When you add a new items to the RecyclerView it prompts you for an image and then I decode that into a Bitmap (I reduce the image size) and save it in that Item's data model. Then on onBindViewHolder() I get the image from the Item and add it to the Layout. Also on onCreate() I iterate through all the saved Bitmaps (Saved in a folder) and initialize my list from there but this takes a relatively long time.
How can I make the Bitmaps load faster so that the app won't have long delays on onCreate() and onResume() (This one is because of the RecyclerView)?
What I thought about was maybe not saving the Bitmaps in the item at all since I'm saving a UUID and the UUID is the Bitmap's file name so this way I only load the images in onBindViewHolder() and then I can immediately recycle() them but I don't know if this will work.
I also read something about LruCache but I didn't really understand it, can it help in my case?
If there's any more information I should post about my app so answering this will be easier please tell me.
EDIT: The images are prompted and are from the user's gallery.
I am bulding up a grid of images for an app I'm building. It works like so:
Build up a list of Image IDs, which I must query using a different content provider each (these are images from MMS threads)
Create new activity, which hosts an ImageGridFragment. This fragment has a custom adapter that takes the grid of images, and loads each one as a bitmap asynchronously.
After images are loaded, they are cached in an LRU cache so I don't need to run unnecessary computation
So far, everything works quite well. However, I would like to pre-buffer images so that when the user scrolls down, s/he doesn't have to wait for images to load. They should already be loaded. The stock Android Gallery accomplishes. I've had a look at the source, but think there must be a more straightforward way.
To answer members' questions
Images are loaded one by one using the content://mms/part/xxx, where xxx is the ID of an image. These are MMS images, and to my knowledge, cannot be loaded as a batch process (though, maybe I'm wrong). I use a content provider in an AsyncTask to load each image
I've tried the following:
Pre buffer 30 images or so right when the fragment is created. This is not ideal because the massive I/O request, actually prevents the on-screen images from loading quickly (but the buffering does work well!)
Detect when the requested view to load is at the very bottom-right hand corner of the screen, which could work, but then would fail in the case that the GridView takes up only part of the screen. It also seems like there should be a cleaner way to do this
Thought about, but did not try, an OnScrollListener, but this will not pre-buffer images until I start scrolling, which is not ideal
So, my questions are:
Is there a good way to detect when the last GridView item is requested to load? I found that the GridView.getlastvisibleposition() method is not useful here, because it is actually returning the last element for which Adapter.getView() has been called for. If I can do this accurately, I can launch the buffer request at that time
Is there a better way to do this?
you can do right this
if(GridView.getlastvisibleposition() = mAdapter.count()-1)
how you load the images?
is it from URL or from sdcard?
are you using a image loader library?
I use a ShareActionProvider to share images generated by my app.
The thing is: I write a temporary image file to disk for the sole purpose of sharing - the shared image is a composition of multiple bitmaps on the screen, let's say in my own function createComposition(Bitmap bitmap1, Bitmap bitmap2). Right now, I run createComposition(b1, b2) every time that content changes, so that any possible share will result in a correct image being shared, but this leads to a lot of cpu cycles (and disk writes) wasted, because most content changes won't result in a share.
So I would rather create this temporary file after the user has clicked the share button, so that I don't have to generate a potentially useless image on disk every time the on-screen content changes. Question: how do I get there? Is there a listener for the ShareActionProvider? onOptionsItemSelected doesn't go off, anyway.
Do I need to extend ShareActionProvider, maybe?
OnShareTargetSelected Appears to be what you are looking for.
This question is not aiming code answers. It intend to get some ideas
for best code practices that deals with the problem proposed.
List view that is connected as usual with array adapter of countries.
country object have 2 attributes. an image url and country name. at
the very first time images will be downloaded from the url and must be
saved on the internal memory. next time images will be loaded from the
internal memory if exist. otherwise, they will be downloaded.
What is the best structure to solve this problem?
Spot lights
a bitmap object is the container that a download steam will write to.
an image in the internal will also be sit to the bitmap object before we set bitmap to the image view.
(is this point optional) a bitmap ref. should be a member of the country class.
on download complete the downloaded image may and may not still needed because it's view is no longer visible (actually it is visible
but another country owns it). is it better to check that before we set
the image bitmap. or its better to just notify data changed.
What do you think?
Use this library for image downloading
It has tons of features, you can cache in memory or on disk, has image loading events, and a ton of more stuff.
In my Android App I have a listview containing 30 rows, and each row consists of several textviews of which one is spannable and sometimes contains a lot of formatted text and images.
Those images are loaded from the web asynchroneously: A placeholder is displayed until the image has been downloaded is then replaced by the image.
Unfortunately, the rows of the listview are loaded when I scroll over them. This makes the whole thing very slow. Also, those images are loaded from the web again and again, whenever I scroll over the row.
How can I turn it off, that the ListView rows are loaded when I scroll over them? They should be loaded once when I start the activity and never again.
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Jan Oliver
When you do a lazy-loading ListView, is because you want to speed it up your app. Turn it off is not the best solution. So, what you can do is implementing a basic cache system in order to avoid downloading and setting the ImageView again and again.
The easiest way to do so is implementing a HashMap with URLs as keys and Bitmaps as values. Something like this:
Map cache = new HashMap();
// then, on your lazy loader
Bitmap image = cache.get(urlOfTheImage);
if( image == null ){
// download and decode the image as normal,
// then assign the decoded bitmap to
// the 'image' variable
If those images will be the same always, meaning that each time you open the app the same images will be downloaded, then you better save those images in the filesystem and use them from there.
On the other hand, if the images tend to change, you could implement some interesting stuff: use SoftReferences. There's an explanation in this video. This can also be used if you are loading images from the filesystem.
With regards to your comment, I highly recommend you watching the video I posted. It's one hour long, but it really worths the effort. When using an adapter, checking if the convertView is null is just a simple way to improve performance, though there are some other techniques that will improve your app even more. Also, if you had have problems while using that trick, is because you are probably implementing it the wrong way. Remember: even if you don't re-inflate the views, you do have to set the value of each one of the children views, otherwise you will experience some problems.
If you can, start with an Image Array full of the "placeholder images", then download the images in to an Array firing an AsyncTask during on Create. During row view building just refer to the array. That way if it has the new image it will load it, if not it will get the placeholder.
If you have a lot of data its gonna get real slow and be a crappy expirience for the user.
Create a list of objects that represent each row. Create a loader as a background thread that updates the objects as it loads the data. Your list view will draw data from the objects.
(Not a good idea if you have hundreds of rows and a huge amount of data in each row - in that case, you should only load data within a few rows of the currently active row and have some sort of MRU cache).