Jetpack Compose saving state on orientation change - android

I am using Android Jetpack's Compose and have been trying to figure out how to save state for orientation changes.
My train of thought was making a class a ViewModel. As that generally worked when I would work with Android's traditional API.
I have used remember {} and mutableState {} to update the UI when information has been changed.
Please validate if my understanding is correct...
remember = Saves the variable and allows access via .value, this allows values to be cache. But its main use is to not reassign the variable on changes.
mutableState = Updates the variable when something is changed.
Many blog posts say to use #Model, however, the import gives errors when trying that method.
So, I added a : ViewModel()
However, I believe my remember {} is preventing this from working as intended?
Can I get a point in the right direction?
fun DefaultFlashCard() {
val flashCards = remember { mutableStateOf(FlashCards())}
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(30.dp))
MaterialTheme {
val typography = MaterialTheme.typography
var question = remember { mutableStateOf(flashCards.value.currentFlashCards.question) }
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(30.dp).then(Modifier.fillMaxWidth())
.clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))) {
Box(modifier = Modifier.preferredSize(350.dp)
.border(width = 4.dp,
color = Gray,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))
onClick = {
question.value = flashCards.value.currentFlashCards.answer })
.gravity(align = Alignment.CenterHorizontally),
shape = RoundedCornerShape(2.dp),
backgroundColor = DarkGray,
gravity = Alignment.Center) {
style = typography.h4, textAlign = TextAlign.Center, color = White
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
horizontalGravity = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
Text("Flash Card application",
style = typography.h6,
color = Black)
Text("The following is a demonstration of using " +
"Android Compose to create a Flash Card",
style = typography.body2,
color = Black,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(30.dp))
Button(onClick = {
question.value = flashCards.value.currentFlashCards.question },
shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp),
content = { Text("Next Card") },
backgroundColor = Cyan)
data class Question(val question: String, val answer: String) {
class FlashCards: ViewModel() {
var flashCards = mutableStateOf( listOf(
Question("How many Bananas should go in a Smoothie?", "3 Bananas"),
Question("How many Eggs does it take to make an Omellete?", "8 Eggs"),
Question("How do you say Hello in Japenese?", "Konichiwa"),
Question("What is Korea's currency?", "Won")
var currentQuestion = 0
val currentFlashCards
get() = flashCards.value[currentQuestion]
fun incrementQuestion() {
if (currentQuestion + 1 >= flashCards.value.size) currentQuestion = 0 else currentQuestion++

There is another approach to handle config changes in Compose, it is rememberSaveable. As docs says:
While remember helps you retain state across recompositions, the state is not retained across configuration changes. For this, you must use rememberSaveable. rememberSaveable automatically saves any value that can be saved in a Bundle. For other values, you can pass in a custom saver object.
It seems that Mohammad's solution is more robust, but this one seems simpler.

There are 2 built-in ways for persisting state in Compose:
remember: exists to save state in Composable functions between recompositions.
rememberSaveable: remember only save state across recompositions and doesn't handle configuration changes and process death, so to survive configuration changes and process death you should use remeberSaveable instead.
But there are some problems with rememberSaveable too:
Supports primitive types out of the box, but for more complex data, like data class, you must create a Saver to explain how to persist state into bundle,
rememberSaveable uses Bundle under the hood, so there is a limit of how much data you can persist in it, if data is too large you will face TransactionTooLarge exception.
with above said, below solutions are available:
setting android:configChangesin Manifest to avoid activity recreation in configuration changes. (not useful in process death, also doesn't save you from being recreated in Wallpaper changes in Android 12)
Using a combination of ViewModel + remeberSaveable + data persistance in storage
Old answer
Same as before, you can use Architecture Component ViewModel to survive configuration changes.
You should initialize your ViewModel in Activity/Fragment and then pass it to Composable functions.
class UserDetailFragment : Fragment() {
private val viewModel: UserDetailViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
return ComposeView(context = requireContext()).apply {
setContent {
AppTheme {
viewModel = viewModel
Then your ViewModel should expose the ViewState by something like LiveData or Flow
class UserDetailViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _userData = MutableLiveData<UserDetailViewState>()
val userData: LiveData<UserDetailViewState> = _userData
// or
private val _state = MutableStateFlow<UserDetailViewState>()
val state: StateFlow<UserDetailViewState>
get() = _state
Now you can observe this state in your composable function:
fun UserDetailScreen(
) {
val state by viewModel.userData.observeAsState()
// or
val viewState by viewModel.state.collectAsState()


How to update properties of data class show compose ui can observe the changes

I have a CounterScreenUiState data class with a single property called counterVal (integer). If I am updating the value of my counter from viewModel which of the following is the correct approach?
Approach A:
data class CounterUiState(
val counterVal: Int = 0,
class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
fun inc() {
uiState = uiState.copy(counterVal = uiState.counterVal + 1)
fun dec() {
uiState = uiState.copy(counterVal = uiState.counterVal - 1)
Approach B:
data class CounterUiState(
var counterVal: MutableState<Int> = mutableStateOf(0)
class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
fun inc() {
uiState.counterVal.value = uiState.counterVal.value + 1
fun dec() {
uiState.counterVal.value = uiState.counterVal.value - 1
For the record, I tried both approach and both works well without unnecessary re-compositions.
Thanks in Advance!!!
So to summarize, "implementation" and "performance" wise, your'e only
choice is A.
This is not true. It's a common pattern that is used other Google's sample apps, JetSnack for instance, and default functions like rememberScrollable or Animatable are the ones that come to my mind. And in that article it's also shared as
class MyStateHolder {
var isLoading by mutableStateOf(false)
class ScrollState(initial: Int) : ScrollableState {
* current scroll position value in pixels
var value: Int by mutableStateOf(initial, structuralEqualityPolicy())
private set
// rest of the code
Animatable class
class Animatable<T, V : AnimationVector>(
initialValue: T,
val typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
private val visibilityThreshold: T? = null,
val label: String = "Animatable"
) {
internal val internalState = AnimationState(
typeConverter = typeConverter,
initialValue = initialValue
* Current value of the animation.
val value: T
get() = internalState.value
* The target of the current animation. If the animation finishes un-interrupted, it will
* reach this target value.
var targetValue: T by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
private set
Omitted some code from Animatable for simplicity but as can be seen it's a common pattern to use a class that hold one or multiple MutableStates. Even type AnimationState hold its own MutableState.
You can create state holder classes and since these are not e not variables but states without them changing you won't have recompositions unless these states change. The thing needs to be changed with option B is instead of using
data class CounterUiState(
var counterVal: MutableState<Int> = mutableStateOf(0)
You should change it to
class CounterUiState(
var counterVal by mutableStateOf(0)
since you don't need to set new instance of State itself but only the value.
And since you already wrap your states inside your uiState there is no need to use
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
you can have this inside your ViewModel as
val uiState = CounterUiState()
or inside your Composable after wrapping with remember
fun rememberCounterUiState(): CounterUiState = remember {
With this pattern you can store States in one class and hold variables that should not trigger recomposition as part of internal calculations and it's up to developer expose these non-state variables based on the design.
class SearchState(
query: TextFieldValue,
focused: Boolean,
searching: Boolean,
categories: List<SearchCategoryCollection>,
suggestions: List<SearchSuggestionGroup>,
filters: List<Filter>,
searchResults: List<Snack>
) {
var query by mutableStateOf(query)
var focused by mutableStateOf(focused)
var searching by mutableStateOf(searching)
var categories by mutableStateOf(categories)
var suggestions by mutableStateOf(suggestions)
var filters by mutableStateOf(filters)
var searchResults by mutableStateOf(searchResults)
val searchDisplay: SearchDisplay
get() = when {
!focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Categories
focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Suggestions
searchResults.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.NoResults
else -> SearchDisplay.Results
Also for skippibility
Compose will treat your CounterUiState as unstable and down the road
it will definitely cause you headaches because what ever you do,
This is misleading. Most of the time optimizing for skippability is premature optimization as mentioned in that article and the one shared by originally Chris Banes.
Should every Composable be skippable? No.
Chasing complete skippability for every composable in your app is a
premature optimization. Being skippable actually adds a small overhead
of its own which may not be worth it, you can even annotate your
composable to be non-restartable in cases where you determine that
being restartable is more overhead than it’s worth. There are many
other situations where being skippable won’t have any real benefit and
will just lead to hard to maintain code. For example:
A composable that is not recomposed often, or at all.

How to ignore/skip the initial value that StateFlow emitted?

In my Android project, I'm using DataStore and StateFlow to store and change the UI state. The problem is, every time the app starts, because of the necessary initial value of StateFlow, the corresponding theme setting will always set to the initial value before set to the value read from DataStore, and this will lead to a visual hit(change from Light to Dark or Dark to light) for users.
The following text shows the detail on achieving that(I use this sample code as reference):
Get the value from DataStore as a Flow and assign it to observeSelectedDarkMode(): Flow<String> function in my AppRepository class.
class AppRepository(
val context: Context
) : AppRepository {
private val dataStore = context.dataStore
override fun observeSelectedDarkMode(): Flow<String> = { it[KEY_SELECTED_DARK_MODE] ?: DEFAULT_VALUE_SELECTED_DARK_MODE }
Convert it to StateFlow using .stateIn() in my SettingsViewModel class.
class SettingsViewModel(
private val appRepository: AppRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val selectedDarkModel = appRepository.observeSelectedDarkMode().stateIn(
Use .collectAsState() in my CampusHelperTheme() fun to observe the change.
fun CampusHelperTheme(
appContainer: AppContainer,
content: #Composable () -> Unit
) {
val settingsViewModel: SettingsViewModel = viewModel(
factory = SettingsViewModel.provideFactory(appContainer.appRepository)
val selectedDarkMode by settingsViewModel.selectedDarkModel.collectAsState()
val darkTheme = when (selectedDarkMode) {
"On" -> true
"Off" -> false
else -> isSystemInDarkTheme()
val context = LocalContext.current
val colorScheme = if (darkTheme) dynamicDarkColorScheme(context) else dynamicLightColorScheme(context)
colorScheme = colorScheme,
typography = Typography,
content = content
It seems that everything is good, but when the selectedDarkMode value is different from its default value AppDataStore.DEFAULT_VALUE_SELECTED_DARK_MODE(Follow System), the app will turn from Dark to Light or from Light to Dark, which would give users a bad experience.
So what I want is let the app skip the initial value of StateFlow and then the app can set to what the user choose once it launch, then there will not have a visual hit to users.
I search on this site, and found this ask: How to use DataStore with StateFlow and Jetpack Compose?, but it has no content about the initial value I am looking for, I also found this ask: Possible to ignore the initial value for a ReactiveObject?, but it is in C# and ReactiveUI, which is not suitable for me.
How should I achieve this?

When I change ViewModel var, Composable Doesn't Update in Kotlin + Compose

When I change ViewModel variable, Composable Doesn't Update the View and I'm not sure what to do.
This is my MainActivity:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
companion object {
val TAG: String =
private val auth by lazy {
var isAuthorised: MutableState<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser != null)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser
setContent {
HeroTheme {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
if (user != null) {
} else {
AuthTools(auth, isAuthorised)
I have a a View Model:
class ProfileViewModel: ViewModel() {
val firestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
var profile: Profile? = null
val user = Firebase.auth.currentUser
init {
fun fetchProfile() {
GlobalScope.async {
suspend fun getProfile() {
user?.let {
val docRef = firestore.collection("Profiles")
return suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
.addOnSuccessListener { document ->
if (document != null) {
this.profile = getProfileFromDoc(document)
.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
And a Composable View upon user autentication:
fun Menu(user: FirebaseUser) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val ProfileVModel = ProfileViewModel()
modifier = Modifier
.background(color = Color.White)
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
) {
Text("Signed in!");
ProfileVModel.profile?.let {
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
) {
TextButton(onClick = {
}) {
color = Color.Black,
text = "Sign out?",
modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 8.dp)
When my Firestore method returns, I update the profile var, and "expect" it to be updated in the composable, here:
ProfileVModel.profile?.let {
However, nothing is changing?
When I was adding firebase functions from inside composable, I could just do:
And it would update the view. However, I'm not quite sure how to do this from inside a ViewModel, since "context" is a Composable-specific feature?
I've tried to look up Live Data, but every tutorial is either too confusing or differs from my code. I'm coming from SwiftUI MVVM so when I update something in a ViewModel, any view that's using the value updates. It doesn't seem to be the case here, any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Part 1: Obtaining a ViewModel correctly
On the marked line below you are setting your view model to a new ProfileViewModel instance on every recomposition of your Menu composable, which means your view model (and any state tracked by it) will reset on every recomposition. That prevents your view model to act as a view state holder.
fun Menu(user: FirebaseUser) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val ProfileVModel = ProfileViewModel() // <-- view model resets on every recomposition
// ...
You can fix this by always obtaining your ViewModels from the ViewModelStore. In that way the ViewModel will have the correct owner (correct lifecycle owner) and thus the correct lifecycle.
Compose has a helper for obtaining ViewModels with the viewModel() call.
This is how you would use the call in your code
fun Menu(user: FirebaseUser) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val ProfileVModel: ProfileViewModel = viewModel()
// or this way, if you prefer
// val ProfileVModel = viewModel<ProfileViewModel>()
// ...
See also ViewModels in Compose that outlines the fundamentals related to ViewModels in Compose.
Note: if you are using a DI (dependency injection) library (such as Hilt, Koin...) then you would use the helpers provided by the DI library to obtain ViewModels.
Part 2: Avoid GlobalScope (unless you know exactly why you need it) and watch out for exceptions
As described in Avoid Global Scope you should avoid using GlobalScope whenever possible. Android ViewModels come with their own coroutine scope accessible through viewModelScope. You should also watch out for exceptions.
Example for your code
class ProfileViewModel: ViewModel() {
// ...
fun fetchProfile() {
// Use .launch instead of .async if you are not using
// the returned Deferred result anyway
viewModelScope.launch {
// handle exceptions
try {
} catch (error: Throwable) {
// TODO: Log the failed attempt and/or notify the user
// make it private, in most cases you want to expose
// non-suspending functions from VMs that then call other
// suspend factions inside the viewModelScope like fetchProfile does
private suspend fun getProfile() {
// ...
// ...
More coroutine best practices are covered in Best practices for coroutines in Android.
Part 3: Managing state in Compose
Compose tracks state through State<T>. If you want to manage state you can create MutableState<T> instances with mutableStateOf<T>(value: T), where the value parameter is the value you want to initialize the state with.
You could keep the state in your view model like this
// This VM now depends on androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
class ProfileViewModel: ViewModel() {
var profile: Profile? by mutableStateOf(null)
private set
// ...
then every time you would change the profile variable, composables that use it in some way (i.e. read it) would recompose.
However, if you don't want your view model ProfileViewModel to depend on the Compose runtime then there are other options to track state changes while not depending on the Compose runtime. From the documentation section Compose and other libraries
Compose comes with extensions for Android's most popular stream-based
solutions. Each of these extensions is provided by a different
Flow.collectAsState() doesn't require extra dependencies. (because it is part of kotlinx-coroutines-core)
LiveData.observeAsState() included in the androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata:$composeVersion artifact.
Observable.subscribeAsState() included in the androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-rxjava2:$composeVersion or
> androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-rxjava3:$composeVersion artifact.
These artifacts register as a listener and represent the values as a
State. Whenever a new value is emitted, Compose recomposes those parts
of the UI where that state.value is used.
This means that you could also use a MutableStateFlow<T> to track changes inside the ViewModel and expose it outside your view model as a StateFlow<T>.
// This VM does not depend on androidx.compose.runtime.* anymore
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
class ProfileViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _profileFlow = MutableStateFlow<Profile?>(null)
val profileFlow = _profileFlow.asStateFlow()
private suspend fun getProfile() {
_profileFlow.value = getProfileFromDoc(document)
And then use StateFlow<T>.collectAsState() inside your composable to get the State<T> that is needed by Compose.
A general Flow<T> can also be collected as State<T> with Flow<T : R>.collectAsState(initial: R), where the initial value has to be provided.
fun Menu(user: FirebaseUser) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val ProfileVModel: ProfileViewModel = viewModel()
val profile by ProfileVModel.profileFlow.collectAsState()
// ...
) {
// ...
profile?.let {
// ...
To learn more about working with state in Compose see the documentation section on Managing State. This is fundamental information to be able to work with state in Compose and trigger recompositions efficiently. It also covers the fundamentals of state hoisting. If you prefer a coding tutorial here is the code lab for State in Jetpack Compose.
An introduction to handling the state as the complexity increases is in the video from Google about Using Jetpack Compose's automatic state observation.
Profile in view model should be State<*>
private val _viewState: MutableState<Profile?> = mutableStateOf(null)
val viewState: State<Profile?> = _viewState
In composable
ProfileVModel.profile.value?.let {
I recommend using MutableStateFlow.
a simple sample is described in this Medium article :

Jetpack Compose view doesn't observes state updates

I have a state class
object SomeState {
data class State(
val mainPhotos: List<S3Photo>? = emptyList(),
VM load data via init and updates state
class SomeViewModel() {
var viewState by mutableStateOf(SomeState.State())
private set
init {
val photos = someSource.load()
viewState = viewState.cope(mainPhotos = photos)
Composable takes data from state
fun SomeViewFun(
state = SomeState.State
) {
count = state .mainPhotos?.size ?: 0,
) {
//view items
The problem is that count in HorizontalPager always == 0, but in logcat and debugger i see that list.size() == 57
I have a lot of screen with arch like this and they works normaly. But on this screen view state doesn't updates and i can't understand why.
VM passes to Composable like this
fun SomeDistanation() {
val viewModel: SomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
state = viewModel.state
Also Composable take Flow<ViewEffect> and etc, but in this question it doesn't matter, because there is no user input or side effects
The problem was in data source. All code in question work correctly. Problem closed.
object wrapping is completely redundant (no fields, no functions), you can remove it (also, change the name so it won't confuse with compose's State):
data class MyState(
val mainPhotos: List<S3Photo>? = emptyList(),
According to Android Developers, you need to create the state in the view model, and observe the state in the composable function - your code is a bit unclear for me so I'll just show you how I do it in my apps.
create the state in the view model:
class SomeViewModel() {
private val viewState = mutableStateOf(MyState())
// Expose as immutable so it won't be edited
fun getState(): State<MyState> = viewState
init {
val photos = someSource.load()
viewState.value = viewState.value.copy(mainPhotos = photos)
observe the state in the composable function:
fun SomeDistanation() {
val viewModel: SomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
val state: MyState by remember { viewModel.getState() }
Now you'll get automatic recomposition in case the state changes.

Jetpack Compose State Hoisting, Previews, and ViewModels best practices

So it seems like the recommended thing in Jetpack Compose is to hoist state out of your composables, to make them stateless, reusable, and testable, and allow using them in previews easily.
So instead of having something like
fun MyInputField() {
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
TextField(value = text, onValueChange = { text = it })
You'd hoist the state, like this
fun MyInputField(text: String, onTextChange: (String) -> Unit) {
TextField(value = text, onValueChange = onTextChange)
This is fine, however what of some more complex uses?
Let's pretend I have a screen represented by a composable, with multiple interactions between the View and the ViewModel. This screen is split into multiple inner composable (think for instance one for a header, one for the body, which in turn is split into several smaller composables)
You can't create a ViewModel (with viewModel() at least, you can instantiate one manually) inside a composable and use this composable in a Preview (previews don't support creating viewmodel like this)
Using a ViewModel inside the inner composables would make them stateful, wouldn't it ?
So the "cleanest" solution I see, would be to instantiate my viewmodel only at the highest composable level, and then pass to the children composables only vals representing the state, and callbacks to the ViewModel functions.
But that's wild, I'm not passing down all my ViewModel state and functions through individual parameters to all composables needing them.
Grouping them in a data class for example could be a solution
data class UiState(
val textInput: String,
val numberPicked: Int,
and maybe create another one for callbacks ?
But that's still creating a whole new class just to mimic what the viewmodel already has.
I don't actually see what the best way of doing this could be, and I find nothing about that anywhere
A good way to manage complex states is to encapsulate required complex behavior into a class and use remember function while having stateless widgets as most as you can and change any properties of state whenever it's required.
SearchTextField is a component that uses only state hoisting, SearchBar has back arrow and SearchTextField and also itself is a stateless composable. Communication between these two and parent of Searchbar is handled via callback functions only which makes both SearchTextField re-suable and easy to preview with a default state in preview. HomeScreen contains this state and where you manage changes.
Full implementation is posted here.
fun <R, S> rememberSearchState(
query: TextFieldValue = TextFieldValue(""),
focused: Boolean = false,
searching: Boolean = false,
suggestions: List<S> = emptyList(),
searchResults: List<R> = emptyList()
): SearchState<R, S> {
return remember {
query = query,
focused = focused,
searching = searching,
suggestions = suggestions,
searchResults = searchResults
remember function to keep state for this only to be evaluated during the composition.
class SearchState<R, S>(
query: TextFieldValue,
focused: Boolean,
searching: Boolean,
suggestions: List<S>,
searchResults: List<R>
) {
var query by mutableStateOf(query)
var focused by mutableStateOf(focused)
var searching by mutableStateOf(searching)
var suggestions by mutableStateOf(suggestions)
var searchResults by mutableStateOf(searchResults)
val searchDisplay: SearchDisplay
get() = when {
!focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.InitialResults
focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Suggestions
searchResults.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.NoResults
else -> SearchDisplay.Results
And change state in any part of UI by passing state to other composable or by ViewModel as
fun HomeScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: HomeViewModel,
navigateToTutorial: (String) -> Unit,
state: SearchState<TutorialSectionModel, SuggestionModel> = rememberSearchState()
) {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
query = state.query,
onQueryChange = { state.query = it },
onSearchFocusChange = { state.focused = it },
onClearQuery = { state.query = TextFieldValue("") },
onBack = { state.query = TextFieldValue("") },
searching = state.searching,
focused = state.focused,
modifier = modifier
LaunchedEffect(state.query.text) {
state.searching = true
state.searchResults = viewModel.getTutorials(state.query.text)
state.searching = false
when (state.searchDisplay) {
SearchDisplay.InitialResults -> {
SearchDisplay.NoResults -> {
SearchDisplay.Suggestions -> {
SearchDisplay.Results -> {
Jetmagic is an open source framework that deals exactly with this issue while also solving other major issues that Google neglected when developing Compose. Concerning your request, you don't pass in viewmodels at all as parameters. Jetmagic follows the "hoisted state" pattern, but it manages the viewmodels for you and keeps them associated with your composables. It treats composables as resources in a way that is similar to how the older view system treats xml layouts. Instead of directly calling a composable function, you ask Jetmagic's framework to provide you with an "instance" of the composable that best matches the device's configuration. Keep in mind, under the older xml-based system, you could effectively have multiple layouts for the same screen (such as one for portrait mode and another for landscape mode). Jetmagic picks the correct one for you. When it does this, it provides you with an object that it uses to manage the state of the composable and it's related viewmodel.
You can easily access the viewmodel anywhere within your screen's hierarchy without the need to pass the viewmodel down the hierarchy as parameters. This is done in part using CompositionLocalProvider.
Jetmagic is designed to handle the top-level composables that make up your screen. Within your composable hierarchy, you still call composables as you normally do but using state hoisting where it makes sense.
The best thing is to download Jetmagic and try it out. It has a great demo that illustrates the solution you are looking for:

