Jetpack Compose State Hoisting, Previews, and ViewModels best practices - android

So it seems like the recommended thing in Jetpack Compose is to hoist state out of your composables, to make them stateless, reusable, and testable, and allow using them in previews easily.
So instead of having something like
fun MyInputField() {
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
TextField(value = text, onValueChange = { text = it })
You'd hoist the state, like this
fun MyInputField(text: String, onTextChange: (String) -> Unit) {
TextField(value = text, onValueChange = onTextChange)
This is fine, however what of some more complex uses?
Let's pretend I have a screen represented by a composable, with multiple interactions between the View and the ViewModel. This screen is split into multiple inner composable (think for instance one for a header, one for the body, which in turn is split into several smaller composables)
You can't create a ViewModel (with viewModel() at least, you can instantiate one manually) inside a composable and use this composable in a Preview (previews don't support creating viewmodel like this)
Using a ViewModel inside the inner composables would make them stateful, wouldn't it ?
So the "cleanest" solution I see, would be to instantiate my viewmodel only at the highest composable level, and then pass to the children composables only vals representing the state, and callbacks to the ViewModel functions.
But that's wild, I'm not passing down all my ViewModel state and functions through individual parameters to all composables needing them.
Grouping them in a data class for example could be a solution
data class UiState(
val textInput: String,
val numberPicked: Int,
and maybe create another one for callbacks ?
But that's still creating a whole new class just to mimic what the viewmodel already has.
I don't actually see what the best way of doing this could be, and I find nothing about that anywhere

A good way to manage complex states is to encapsulate required complex behavior into a class and use remember function while having stateless widgets as most as you can and change any properties of state whenever it's required.
SearchTextField is a component that uses only state hoisting, SearchBar has back arrow and SearchTextField and also itself is a stateless composable. Communication between these two and parent of Searchbar is handled via callback functions only which makes both SearchTextField re-suable and easy to preview with a default state in preview. HomeScreen contains this state and where you manage changes.
Full implementation is posted here.
fun <R, S> rememberSearchState(
query: TextFieldValue = TextFieldValue(""),
focused: Boolean = false,
searching: Boolean = false,
suggestions: List<S> = emptyList(),
searchResults: List<R> = emptyList()
): SearchState<R, S> {
return remember {
query = query,
focused = focused,
searching = searching,
suggestions = suggestions,
searchResults = searchResults
remember function to keep state for this only to be evaluated during the composition.
class SearchState<R, S>(
query: TextFieldValue,
focused: Boolean,
searching: Boolean,
suggestions: List<S>,
searchResults: List<R>
) {
var query by mutableStateOf(query)
var focused by mutableStateOf(focused)
var searching by mutableStateOf(searching)
var suggestions by mutableStateOf(suggestions)
var searchResults by mutableStateOf(searchResults)
val searchDisplay: SearchDisplay
get() = when {
!focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.InitialResults
focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Suggestions
searchResults.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.NoResults
else -> SearchDisplay.Results
And change state in any part of UI by passing state to other composable or by ViewModel as
fun HomeScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: HomeViewModel,
navigateToTutorial: (String) -> Unit,
state: SearchState<TutorialSectionModel, SuggestionModel> = rememberSearchState()
) {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
query = state.query,
onQueryChange = { state.query = it },
onSearchFocusChange = { state.focused = it },
onClearQuery = { state.query = TextFieldValue("") },
onBack = { state.query = TextFieldValue("") },
searching = state.searching,
focused = state.focused,
modifier = modifier
LaunchedEffect(state.query.text) {
state.searching = true
state.searchResults = viewModel.getTutorials(state.query.text)
state.searching = false
when (state.searchDisplay) {
SearchDisplay.InitialResults -> {
SearchDisplay.NoResults -> {
SearchDisplay.Suggestions -> {
SearchDisplay.Results -> {

Jetmagic is an open source framework that deals exactly with this issue while also solving other major issues that Google neglected when developing Compose. Concerning your request, you don't pass in viewmodels at all as parameters. Jetmagic follows the "hoisted state" pattern, but it manages the viewmodels for you and keeps them associated with your composables. It treats composables as resources in a way that is similar to how the older view system treats xml layouts. Instead of directly calling a composable function, you ask Jetmagic's framework to provide you with an "instance" of the composable that best matches the device's configuration. Keep in mind, under the older xml-based system, you could effectively have multiple layouts for the same screen (such as one for portrait mode and another for landscape mode). Jetmagic picks the correct one for you. When it does this, it provides you with an object that it uses to manage the state of the composable and it's related viewmodel.
You can easily access the viewmodel anywhere within your screen's hierarchy without the need to pass the viewmodel down the hierarchy as parameters. This is done in part using CompositionLocalProvider.
Jetmagic is designed to handle the top-level composables that make up your screen. Within your composable hierarchy, you still call composables as you normally do but using state hoisting where it makes sense.
The best thing is to download Jetmagic and try it out. It has a great demo that illustrates the solution you are looking for:


What/Where is the best way to handle with states on Jetpack Compose?

I've seen some Jetpack Compose projects and I've seen two types of managing states, not realizing which one is better.
For example, let's assume: the input state. I've seen people manage this state in the UI, using remember to save the state of the value.
Another way I've seen is to create this mutableState in the ViewModel and store/use it from there. What's the best way to do this?
In addition to #Thracian's answer.
Let me share my thought process based on my current level of experience in Jetpack Compose. Just a disclaimer, I'm still in the learning curve.
IMO, theres no such thing as "best", things in our field evolves, what might be considered "best" today may become obsolete tomorrow, but there are certain practices that are "recommended", approved and adopted by the community which might save you from dealing with some pitfalls (e.g unwanted re-compositions, infinite navhost calls( you already dealt with this) etc..), but its up to you if you will follow it or not.
So what your'e trying to understand is called State Hoisting. The way I could explain this is by just simply sampling a scenario (again this is based on my own experience with how I apply my knowledge in Jetpack Compose).
Consider a Login use-case with 3 different levels of complexity
A Login UI prototype : — Just showcasing your potential Login Screen design and user interaction
Login UI Mock-up : — With a bit of validation and some toast showing a negative scenario, just an advance version of the prototype
A fully working Login module — where you have to construct view models, bind things to lifecycles, perform concurrent operations etc..
At this point, you already have an idea the different levels of state management based on the use-case above.
For a Login prototype, I won't be needing a state class or a view model, since its just a prototype
fun LoginScreen() {
val userName by remember { <mutable string state username> }
val password by remember { <mutable string state password> }
Column {
Text(text = username)
Text(text = password)
and because its a very simple UI(composable), I only need to specify basic structure of a composable using remember + state, showcasing an input is happening.
For the Login mock-up with simple validation, we utilized the recommended state hoisting using a class,
class LoginState {
var event;
var mutableUserNameState;
var mutablePasswordState;
fun onUserNameInput() {...}
fun onPasswordInput() {...}
fun onValidate() {
if (not valid) {
event.emit(ShowToast("Not Valid"))
} else {
fun LoginScreen() {
val loginState by remember { LoginState }
LaunchedEffect() {
event.observe {
Column {
Text(text = loginState.mutableUserNameState, onInput = { loginState.onUserNameInput()} )
Text(text = loginState.mutablePasswordState, onInput = { loginState.onPasswordInput()} )
Now for a full blown Login Module, where your'e also taking lifecylce scopes into consideration
class LoginViewModel(
val userRepository: UserRepository // injected by your D.I framework
): ViewModel {
var event;
var mutableUserNameState;
var mutablePasswordState;
fun onUserNameInput() {...}
fun onPasswordInput() {...}
fun onValidateViaNetwork() {
// do a non-blocking call to a server
viewModelScope.launch {
var isUserValid = userRepository.validate(username, password)
if (isUserValid) {
} else {
event.emit(ShowToast("Not Valid"))
fun LoginScreen() {
val userNameState by viewModel.mutableUserNameState
val passwordState by viewModel.mutablePasswordState
LaunchedEffect() {
event.observe {
Column {
Text(text = userNameState, onInput = { viewModel.onUserNameInput()} )
Text(text = passwordState, onInput = { viewModel.onPasswordInput()} )
Again, this is just based on my experience and how I decide on hoisting my states. As for the snippets I included, I tried to make them as pseudo as possible without making them look out of context so they are not compilable. Also mock and prototype are considered the same, I just used them in conjunction to put things into context.
It depends on your preference. Using states inside a Composable if you are building a standalone Composable or a library is preferred. Any class you see with rememberXState() keeps state variable. For instance scrollState()
fun rememberScrollState(initial: Int = 0): ScrollState {
return rememberSaveable(saver = ScrollState.Saver) {
ScrollState(initial = initial)
class ScrollState(initial: Int) : ScrollableState {
* current scroll position value in pixels
var value: Int by mutableStateOf(initial, structuralEqualityPolicy())
private set
// rest of the code
This is a common approach in Jetpack Compose. I use this approach in libraries i build, for instance in this image crop library, i keep state and Animatable. Animatable which is low level default animation class also has hold its own states.
class Animatable<T, V : AnimationVector>(
initialValue: T,
val typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
private val visibilityThreshold: T? = null
) {
internal val internalState = AnimationState(
typeConverter = typeConverter,
initialValue = initialValue
* Current value of the animation.
val value: T
get() = internalState.value
* Velocity vector of the animation (in the form of [AnimationVector].
val velocityVector: V
get() = internalState.velocityVector
* Returns the velocity, converted from [velocityVector].
val velocity: T
get() = typeConverter.convertFromVector(velocityVector)
* Indicates whether the animation is running.
var isRunning: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
* The target of the current animation. If the animation finishes un-interrupted, it will
* reach this target value.
var targetValue: T by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
private set
and so on. This approach is doing for ui components that don't involve business logic but Ui logic.
When you need to update your Ui based on business logic like search or getting results from an API you should use a Presenter class which can be ViewModel too.
Last but least people are now questioning whether there should be a ViewModel with Jetpack Compose since we can use states with an AAC ViewModel. And cashapp introduced molecule library, you can check it out either.
Also this link about state holders is good source to read

Jetpack Compose: Provide initial value for TextField

I want to achieve the following use case: A payment flow where you start with a screen to enter the amount (AmountScreen) to pay and some other screens to enter other values for the payment. At the end of the flow, a summary screen (SummaryScreen) is shown where you can modify the values inline. For the sake of simplicity we will assume there is only AmountScreen followed by SummaryScreen.
Now the following requirements should be realized:
on AmountScreen you don't loose your input on configuration change
when changing a value in SummaryScreen and go back to AmountScreen (using system back), the input is set to the changed value
AmountScreen and SummaryScreen must not know about the viewModel of the payment flow (PaymentFlowViewModel, see below)
So the general problem is: we have a screen with an initial value for an input field. The initial value can be changed on another (later) screen and when navigating back to the first screen, the initial value should be set to the changed value.
I tried various approaches to achieve this without reverting to Kotlin flows (or LiveData). Is there an approach without flows to achieve this (I am quite new to compose so I might be overlooking something obvious). If flows is the correct approach, would I keep a MutableStateFlow inside the PaymentFlowViewModel for amount instead of a simple string?
Here is the approach I tried (stripped and simplified from the real world example).
General setup:
internal class PaymentFlowViewModel : ViewModel() {
var amount: String = ""
internal fun NavigationGraph(viewModel: PaymentFlowViewModel = viewModel()) {
val navController = rememberNavController()
navController = navController,
startDestination = "AMOUNT_INPUT_SCREEN"
) {
composable("AMOUNT_INPUT_SCREEN") {
// called when the Continue button is clicked
onAmountConfirmed = {
viewModel.amount = it
// apply the entered amount as the initial value for the input text
initialAmount = viewModel.amount
composable("SUMMARY_SCREEN") {
// called when the amount is changed inline
onAmountChanged = {
viewModel.amount = it
// apply the entered amount as the initial value for the input text
amount = viewModel.amount
The classes of the AmountScreen look like this:
internal fun AmountInputRoute(
initialAmount: String,
onAmountConfirmed: (String) -> Unit
) {
// without the "LaunchedEffect" statement below this fulfils all requirements
// except that the changed value from the SummaryScreen is not applied
val amountInputState: MutableState<String> = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(initialAmount) }
// inserting this fulfils the req. that the changed value from SummaryScreen is
// applied, but breaks keeping the entered value on configuration change
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
amountInputState.value = initialAmount
Column {
amountInput = amountInputState.value,
onAmountChange = { amountInput ->
amountInputState.value = amountInput
Button(onClick = { onAmountConfirmed(amountInputState.value) }) {
Text(text = "Continue")
I achieved the goal with a quite complicated approach - I would think there are better alternatives out there.
What I tried that did not work: using rememberSaveable passing initialAmount as parameter for inputs. Theoretically rememberSaveable would reinitialize its value when inputs changes, but apparently this does not happen when the composable is only on the back stack and also is not executed when it gets restored from the back stack.
What I implemented that did work:
internal fun AmountInputRoute(
onAmountConfirmed: (String) -> Unit
) {
var changedAmount by rememberSaveable {
val amountInput by derivedStateOf {
if (changedAmount != null)
amountInput = amountInput,
onContinueClicked = {
changedAmount = null
validAmountChanged = {
changedAmount = it
Any better ideas?

How to safely (lifecycle aware) .collectAsState() a StateFlow?

I'm trying to follow the official guidelines to migrate from LiveData to Flow/StateFlow with Compose, as per these articles:
A safer way to collect flows from Android UIs
Migrating from LiveData to Kotlin’s Flow
I am trying to follow what is recommended in the first article, in the Safe Flow collection in Jetpack Compose section near the end.
In Compose, side effects must be performed in a controlled
environment. For that, use LaunchedEffect to create a coroutine that
follows the composable’s lifecycle. In its block, you could call the
suspend Lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle if you need it to re-launch a
block of code when the host lifecycle is in a certain State.
I have managed to use .flowWithLifecycle() in this way to make sure the flow is not emmiting when the app goes to the background:
fun MyScreen() {
val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
val someState = remember(viewModel.someFlow, lifecycleOwner) {
.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycleOwner.lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
scope = viewModel.viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
initialValue = null
I find this very "boilerplatey" -there must be something better. I would like to have StateFlow in the ViewModel, instead of Flow that gets converted to StateFLow in the #Composable, and use .repeatOnLifeCycle(), so I can use multiple .collectAsState() with less boilerplate.
When I try to use .collectAsState() inside a coroutine (LaunchedEffect), I obviously get an error about .collectAsState() having to be called from the context of #Composable function.
How can I achieve similar functionality as with .collectAsState(), but inside .repeatOnLifecycle(). Do I have to use .collect() on the StateFlow and then wrap the value with State? Isn't there anything with less boilerplate than that?
From "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-compose:2.6.0-alpha01" you can use the collectAsStateWithLifecycle() extension function to collect from flow/stateflow and represents its latest value as Compose State in a lifecycle-aware manner.
import androidx.lifecycle.compose.collectAsStateWithLifecycle
fun MyScreen() {
val state by viewModel.state.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
Source: Android Lifecycle release
After reading a few more articles, including
Things to know about Flow’s shareIn and stateIn operators
repeatOnLifecycle API design story
and eventually realising that I wanted to have the StateFlow in the ViewModel instead of within the composable, I came up with these two solutions:
1. What I ended up using, which is better for multiple StateFlows residing in the ViewModel that need to be collected in the background while there is a subscriber from the UI (in this case, plus 5000ms delay to deal with configuration changes, like screen rotation, where the UI is still interested in the data, so we don't want to restart the StateFlow collecting routine). In my case, the original Flow is coming from Room, and been made a StateFlow in the VM so other parts of the app can have access to the latest data.
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
val someStateFlow = someFlow.stateIn(
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
initialValue = Result.Loading()
val anotherStateFlow = anotherFlow.stateIn(
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
initialValue = Result.Loading()
Then collected in the UI:
fun SomeScreen() {
var someUIState: Any? by remember { mutableStateOf(null)}
var anotherUIState: Any? by remember { mutableStateOf(null)}
LaunchedEffect(true) {
lifecycleOwner.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
launch {
viewModel.someStateFlow.collectLatest {
someUIState = it
launch {
viewModel.anotherStateFlow.collectLatest {
anotherUIState = it
2. An extension function to alleviate the boilerplate when collecting a single StateFlow as State within a #Composable. This is useful only when we have an individual HOT flow that won't be shared with other Screens/parts of the UI, but still needs the latest data at any given time (hot flows like this one created with the .stateIn operator will keep collecting in the background, with some differences in behaviour depending on the started parameter). If a cold flow is enough for our needs, we can drop the .stateIn operator together with the initial and scope parameters, but in that case there's not so much boilerplate and we probably don't need this extension function.
fun <T> Flow<T>.flowWithLifecycleStateInAndCollectAsState(
scope: CoroutineScope,
initial: T? = null,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
): State<T?> {
val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
return remember(this, lifecycleOwner) {
scope = scope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
initialValue = initial
This would then be used like this in a #Composable:
fun SomeScreen() {
val someState = viewModel.someFlow
scope = viewModel.viewModelScope //or the composable's scope
Building upon OP's answer, it can be a bit more light-weight by not going through StateFlow internally, if you don't care about the WhileSubscribed(5000) behavior.
fun <T> Flow<T>.toStateWhenStarted(initialValue: T): State<T> {
val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
return produceState(initialValue = initialValue, this, lifecycleOwner) {
lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
collect { value = it }

Why need the author to add the keyword remember in this #Composable?

The Code A is from the project ThemingCodelab, you can see full code here.
I think that the keyword remember is not necessary in Code A.
I have tested the Code B, it seems that I can get the same result just like Code A.
Why need the author to add the keyword remember in this #Composable ?
Code A
fun Home() {
val featured = remember { PostRepo.getFeaturedPost() }
val posts = remember { PostRepo.getPosts() }
MaterialTheme {
topBar = { AppBar() }
) { innerPadding ->
LazyColumn(contentPadding = innerPadding) {
item {
item {
post = featured,
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)
item {
items(posts) { post ->
PostItem(post = post)
Divider(startIndent = 72.dp)
Code B
fun Home() {
val featured =PostRepo.getFeaturedPost()
val posts = PostRepo.getPosts()
...//It's the same with the above code
You need to use remember to prevent recomputation during recomposition.
Your example works without remember because this view will not recompose while you scroll through it.
But if you use animations, add state variables or use a view model, your view can be recomposed many times(when animating up to once a frame), in which case getting data from the repository will be repeated many times, so you need to use remember to save the result of the computation between recompositions.
So always use remember inside a view builder if the calculations are at least a little heavy, even if right now it looks like the view is not gonna be recomposed.
You can read more about the state in compose in documentation, including this youtube video, which explains the basic principles.

value of list in model is updated but it does not reflect on composable function

I am creating demo project for using jetpack compose with mvvm , i have created model class that holds the list of users.. those users are displayed in list and there is a button at top which adds new user to the list when clicked...
when user clicks on the button an the lambda updates activity about it and activity calls viewmodel which adds data to list and updates back to activity using livedata, now after the model receives the new data it does not update composable function about it and hence ui of list is not updated..
here is the code
data class UsersState(var users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList())
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val usersState: UsersState = UsersState()
private val usersListViewModel: UsersListViewModel = UsersListViewModel()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
usersListViewModel.getUsers().observe(this, Observer {
setContent {
onAddClick = { usersListViewModel.addNewUser() },
onRemoveClick = { usersListViewModel.removeFirstUser() })
class UsersListViewModel {
private val usersList: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> by lazy {
private val users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList()
fun addUsers() {
users.add(UserModel("jon", "doe", "android developer"))
users.add(UserModel("john", "doe", "flutter developer"))
users.add(UserModel("jonn", "dove", "ios developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun getUsers(): MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> {
return usersList
fun addNewUser() {
users.add(UserModel("jony", "dove", "ruby developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun removeFirstUser() {
if (!users.isNullOrEmpty()) {
usersList.value = users
composable function
fun addList(state: UsersState, onAddClick: () -> Unit, onRemoveClick: () -> Unit) {
MaterialTheme {
FlexColumn {
inflexible {
// Item height will be equal content height
TopAppBar( // App Bar with title
title = { Text("Users") }
FlexRow() {
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "add",
onClick = { onAddClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "sub",
onClick = { onRemoveClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
VerticalScroller {
Column {
state.users.forEach {
Column {
Row {
Text(text = it.userName)
WidthSpacer(width = 2.dp)
Text(text = it.userSurName)
Text(text = it.userJob)
Divider(color = Color.Black, height = 1.dp)
the whole source code is available here
I am not sure if i am doing something wrong or is it because jetpack compose is still in developers preview , so would appreciate any help..
thank you
Sean from Android Devrel here. The main reason this isn't updating is the ArrayList in UserState.users is not observable – it's just a regular ArrayList so mutating it won't update compose.
Model makes all properties of the model class observable
It seems like this might work because UserState is annotated #Model, which makes things automatically observable by Compose. However, the observability only applies one level deep. Here's an example that would never trigger recomposition:
class ModelState(var username: String, var email: String)
class MyImmutableModel(val state: ModelState())
Since the state variable is immutable (val), Compose will never trigger recompositions when you change the email or username. This is because #Model only applies to the properties of the class annotated. In this example state is observable in Compose, but username and email are just regular strings.
Fix Option #0: You don't need #Model
In this case you already have a LiveData from getUsers() – you can observe that in compose. We haven't shipped a Compose observation yet in the dev releases, but it's possible to write one using effects until we ship a observation method. Just remember to remove the observer in onDispose {}.
This is also true if you're using any other observable type, like Flow, Flowable, etc. You can pass them directly into #Composable functions and observe them with effects without introducing an intermediate #Model class.
Fix Option #1: Using immutable types in #Model
A lot of developers prefer immutable data types for UI state (patterns like MVI encourage this). You can update your example to use immutable lists, then in order to change the list you'll have to assign to the users property which will be observable by Compose.
class UsersState(var users: List<UserModel> = listOf())
Then when you want to update it you have to assign the users variable:
val usersState = UsersState()
// ...
fun addUsers(newUsers: List<UserModel>) {
usersState.users = usersState.users + newUsers
// performance note: note this allocates a new list every time on the main thread
// which may be OK if this is rarely called and lists are small
// it's too expensive for large lists or if this is called often
This will always trigger recomposition any time a new List<UserModel is assigned to users, and since there's no way to edit the list after it's been assigned the UI will always show the current state.
In this case, since the data structure is a List that you're concatenating the performance of immutable types may not be acceptable. However, if you're holding an immutable data class this option is a good one so I included it for completeness.
Fix Option #2: Using ModelList
Compose has a special observable list type for exactly this use case. You can use instead of an ArrayList and any changes to the list will be observable by compose.
class UsersState(val users: ModelList<UserModel> = ModelList())
If you use ModelList the rest of the code you've written in the Activity will work correctly and Compose will be able to observe changes to users directly.
Related: Nesting #Model classes
It's worth noting that you can nest #Model classes, which is how the ModelList version works. Going back to the example at the beginning, if you annotate both classes as #Model, then all of the properties will be observable in Compose.
class ModelState(var username: String, var email: String)
class MyModel(var state: ModelState())
Note: This version adds #Model to ModelState, and also allows reassignment of state in MyModel
Since #Model makes all of the properties of the class that is annotated observable by compose, state, username, and email will all be observable.
TL;DR which option to choose
Avoiding #Model (Option #0) completely in this code will avoid introducing a duplicate model layer just for Compose. Since you're already holding state in a ViewModel and exposing it via LiveData you can just pass the LiveData directly to compose and observe it there. This would be my first choice.
If you do want to use #Model to represent a mutable list, then use ModelList from Option #2.
You'll probably want to change the ViewModel to hold a MutableLiveData reference as well. Currently the list held by the ViewModel is not observable. For an introduction to ViewModel and LiveData from Android Architecture components check out the Android Basics course.
Your model is not observed so changes won't be reflected.
In this article under the section 'Putting it all together' the List is added.
val list = +memo{ calculation: () -> T}
Example for your list:
fun test(supplier: UserState) {
val list = +memo{supplier.users}
/* Do other stuff for your usecase */

