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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to open an options menu from another button, not from an actionbar button, like so:
How can I make a menu show up on a button like this?
What you're looking for can be done using a PopupMenu object.
You can look at these simple examples:
There are many other examples on the Web and YouTube.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a search bar in my app (edit: for the content in the database linked to my app), but every tutorial that I found makes that in the appbar, is there any way to make a widget like google search bar in the app?
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to implement a layout that pops from the bottom and covers half of screen behind it. How do i do it? Is there any library that does it out of the box? I want to do like something shown in the image below.
Take a look at Design idea first. And if feeling lazy, there is plenty of libraries to do this, for example this
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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to create an animation similar to that performed when we choose any react (which opens when we long press the like icon)?
The specific react icon jumps and replaces the like icon.
I have tried BounceInterpolator and few other interpolators but they actually don't fulfil my requirements.
Please help as I am a noobie.
Use this library to get your desired result, it will look something like this
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a button such as Whatsapp (for Android) to record audio, and with the same animation. But how should I do? With Floating Action Button of material design i can't.
did you saw the telegram code ? maybe you can find some "lights"
Check this link.
As suggested here:
How to create a whatsapp like recording button with slide to cancel
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Could someone tell me the name of the effect in the pink button (like the FAB button)?
It's called Circular Floating Action Menu. I'm not sure if it's supported directly from Google APIs, but I was looking into it just yesterday and I found this awesome git repo.
Take a look here