HDR gradient on Android not possible? - android

I am trying to render a smooth gradient from 0% to 10% gray across the screen of Asus Rog Phone 2 which supposedly has an HDR10 screen. In standard (8bit?) rendering mode I can clearly see banding between the gradient levels.
I followed the instructions from Android to modify the Vulkan tutorial sample code in the following way:
Added android:colorMode="wideColorGamut to AndroidManifest.xml.
Changed VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR.imageFormat, VkAttachmentDescription.format and VkImageViewCreateInfo.format to VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT (everything to setup swapchain).
Changed VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR.imageColorSpace to VK_COLOR_SPACE_DISPLAY_P3_NONLINEAR_EXT.
I render the gradient dynamically in a custom fragment shader as a function of texturing coordinates mapped to a full-screen quad:
layout (location = 0) in vec2 texcoord;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 uFragColor;
void main() {
uFragColor = vec4(vec3(texcoord.x*0.1), 1.0);
As a result I observe absolutely no difference from the original 8bit(?) mode. I am not quite sure how to debug it and what to try.
I also tried to implement the same effect in Unity with HDR options enabled. There I see that all the intermediate rendering passes (in Forward mode) render to Float16 but the last extra pass likely converts it into RGB8. The visual result is the same banding again.
This makes me wonder whether this is not caused by some missing setting. In another thread I saw discussion of Window.setFormat(PixelFormat) or SurfaceHolder.setFormat(PixelFormat) but I am not sure how this related to a Native Android app. I cannot see a way how to call such function and I am not even sure if it would make sense.
Thank you for any suggestions.

Where are you setting HDR? HDR is PQ transfer function, neither 10 bit, not BT.2020 has anything to do with HDR.
This talks only about WCG.
This should be used to trigger HDR. https://developer.android.com/ndk/reference/struct/a-hdr-metadata-smpte2086
For Java this should be used to check whether HDR is there.
See this question with further links What is the difference between Display.HdrCapabilities and configuration.isScreenHdr


Android Camera2 API - Set AE-regions not working

In my Camera2 API project for Android, I want to set a region for my Exposure Calculation. Unfortunately it doesn't work. On the other side the Focus region works without any problems.
Device: Samsung S7 / Nexus 5
1.) Initial values for CONTROL_AF_MODE & CONTROL_AE_MODE
mPreviewRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO);
mPreviewRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON);
2.) Create the MeteringRectangle List
meteringFocusRectangleList = new MeteringRectangle[]{new MeteringRectangle(0,0,500,500,1000)};
3.) Check if it is supported by the device and set the CONTROL_AE_REGIONS (same for CONTROL_AF_REGIONS)
if (camera2SupportHandler.cameraCharacteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE) > 0) {
camera2SupportHandler.mPreviewRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS, meteringFocusRectangleList);
4.) Tell the camera to start Exposure control
camera2SupportHandler.mPreviewRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START);
The CONTROL_AE_STATE is always in CONTROL_AE_STATE_SEARCHING, but doesn't use the configured regions...
After long testing & development I've found an answer.
The coordinate system - Camera 1 API VS Camera 2 API
RED = CAM1; GREEN = CAM2; As shown in the image below, the blue rect are the coordinates for a possible focus/exposure area for the Cam1. By using the Cam2 API, there must be firstly queried the max of the height and the width. Please find more info here.
Initial values for CONTROL_AF_MODE & CONTROL_AE_MODE: See in the question above.
Set the CONTROL_AE_REGIONS: See in the question above.
// This is how to tell the camera to start AE control
CaptureRequest captureRequest = camera2SupportHandler.mPreviewRequestBuilder.build();
camera2SupportHandler.mCaptureSession.setRepeatingRequest(captureRequest, captureCallbackListener, camera2SupportHandler.mBackgroundHandler);
camera2SupportHandler.mPreviewRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START);
camera2SupportHandler.mCaptureSession.capture(captureRequest, captureCallbackListener, camera2SupportHandler.mBackgroundHandler);
The ''captureCallbackListener'' gives feedback of the AE control (of course also for AF control)
So this configuration works for the most Android phones. Unfortunately it doesn't work for the Samsung S6/7. For this reason I've tested their Camera SDK, which can be found here.
After deep investigations I've found the config field ''SCaptureRequest.METERING_MODE''. By setting this to the value of ''SCaptureRequest.METERING_MODE_MANUAL'', the AE area works also the Samsung phones.
I'll add an example to github asap.
Recently I had the same problem and finally found a solution that helped me.
All I needed to do was to step 1 pixel from the edges of the active sensor rectangle. In your example instead of this rectangle:
meteringRectangleList = new MeteringRectangle[]{new MeteringRectangle(0,0,500,500,1000)};
I would use this:
meteringRectangleList = new MeteringRectangle[]{new MeteringRectangle(1,1,500,500,1000)};
and it started working as magic on both Samsung and Nexus 5!
(note that you should also step 1 pixel from right/bottom edges if you use maximum values there)
It seems that many vendors have poorly implemented this part of documentation
If the metering region is outside the used android.scaler.cropRegion returned in capture result metadata, the camera device will ignore the sections outside the crop region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result metadata. If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and not reported in the result metadata.

Unity canvas scaler hiding animations in high resolution display

I instantiate the following gameObject, which contains an Animator with the mode "always animate" on, the animation goes for 340ms, after that time I destroy the gameObject.
The gameObject Inspector properties:
I instantiate it using the following code:
instancia = (Instantiate(cardAnimation, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject).GetComponent<Image>();
Here is the Coroutine:
private IEnumerator KillOnAnimationEnd()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.34f);
Here is how the animation looks like when simulating in Unity (PC-Windows):
But on android after I open the chest it waits 340ms with nothing happening and then show the information above, does this have something to do with the plataform or is some unity or perhaps code related issue?
NOTE: I also have another animation in another scene that is just a already instantiated gameObject in the Hierarchy with always animated on and it works on Android.
So I have ran the newest version of the app in a emulator which is almost about 1080x480 and the animation showed just as the PC, also running on a 720p smartphone did the job, the only problem I'm still having is with my QuadHD resolution from Galaxy S6, everything else shows but the animation, I have even tried making the animation run without any script so it runs in a loop, but it doesn't show up in galaxy screen.
Given the news about the issue I think this might change a little bit the perspective of answers and perhaps help someone else solve the same problem in the future.
Okay, figured out the problem, its something to do with "rotation" in animations using Unity3D in 2D mode, gonna be reporting it form Unity so it is fixed.
The solution: Animate your UI only using scale/position, if used rotation it will not show on high resolution display.
I am pretty sure your WaitForSeconds(0.34f) is not working properly because there is no thing such as yield keyword in Java. I recommend you to use a invoke method instead to call your method that destroys your GameObject.

Minko - Android light issue

I am working with minko and seem to be facing a light issue with Android.
I managed to compile for linux64, Android and html a modified code (based on the tutorials provided by Minko). I simply load and rotate 4 .obj files (the pirate one provided and 3 found on turbosquid for demo purposes only).
The correct result is viewed in the linux64 and html version but the Android one has a "redish" light thrown into it, although the binaries are being generated from the same c++ code.
Here are some pics to demonstrate the problem:
linux64 :
Android version :
(Couldn’t link the html version but it is close to the linux64 one.)
Here is the part of the code related to the light :
// create the spot light node
auto spotLightNode = scene::Node::create("spotLight");
// change the spot light position
//spotLightNode->addComponent(Transform::create(Matrix4x4::create()->lookAt(Vector3::zero(), Vector3::create(0.1f, 2.f, 0.f)))); //ok linux - html
spotLightNode->addComponent(Transform::create(Matrix4x4::create()->lookAt(Vector3::zero(), Vector3::create(0.1f, 8.f, 0.f))));
// create the point light component
auto spotLight = SpotLight::create(.15f, .4f); //ok linux and html
// update the spot light component attributes
spotLight->diffuse(4.5f); //ori - ok linux - html
// add the component to the spot light node
//sets a red color to our spot light
//spotLightNode->component<SpotLight>()->color()->setTo(2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// add the node to the root of the scene graph
As you can notice the color()->setTo has been turned off and works for all except Android (clean and rebuild). Any idea what might be the source of the problem here ?
Any pointer would be much appreciated.
Can you test it on other Android devices or with a more recent ROM and give us the result? LG-D855 (LG G3) is powered by an Adreno 330: those GPUs are known to have GLSL compiling deffects, especially with loops and/or structs like we use in Phong.fragment.glsl on the master branch.
The Phong.fragment.glsl on the dev branch has been heavily refactored to fix this (for directional lights only for now).
You could try the dev branch and a directional light and see if it fixes the issue. Be careful though: the dev branch introduces the beta 3, with some API changes. The biggest API change being the math API now using GLM, and the *.effect file format. The best way to go is simply to update your math code to use the new API, everything else should be straight forward.

Why would transparency not work in LibGdx on Android 2.3.5?

I'm running into trouble with LibGdx developing an 3D Android app. I metioned it briefly in my answer to my own question, but I have been unable to figure out why I cannot get transparency from .png images.
The textures are transparent, I've checked in my OpenGL3+ framework on windows and they show transparent in the correct parts.
My (simple placeholder) fragment shader code ends with:
vec4 finalColor = ambient + diffuse;
finalColor.a = colorMap.a;
gl_FragColor = finalColor;
I've tried finalColor.a = 0.1; which doesn't work.
I've added this to my code but to no avail:
Gdx.gl20.glBlendFunc(GL20.GL_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
I've even checked and changed:
AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
cfg.r = cfg.g = cfg.b = cfg.a = 8;
Which I though was the number of bits per channel.
Any help at all on this would be appreciated, I just hope I've not overlooked anything.
It's not a gigantic issue, and I could more or less complete my project without transparency, but would really like to know why I cant get it to work.
GL_ALPHA is not a legal option for glBlendFunc. You either want GL_SRC_ALPHA (most likely), or GL_DST_ALPHA.
glGetError would have been helpful to you here, you should start using it!

Preventing "flickering" when calling Drawable.draw()

I have a little experimentation app (essentially a very cut-down version of the LunarLander demo in the Android SDK), with a single SurfaceView. I have a Drawable "sprite" which I periodically draw into the SurfaceView's Canvas object in different locations, without attempting to erase the previous image. Thus:
private class MyThread extends Thread {
SurfaceHolder holder; // Initialised in ctor (acquired via getHolder())
Drawable sprite; // Initialised in ctor
Rect bounds; // Initialised in ctor
public void run() {
while (true) {
Canvas c = holder.lockCanvas();
synchronized (bounds) {
* Periodically called from activity thread
public void updatePos(int dx, int dy) {
synchronized (bounds) {
bounds.offset(dx, dy);
Running in the emulator, what I'm seeing is that after a few updates have occurred, several old "copies" of the image begin to flicker, i.e. appearing and disappearing. I initially assumed that perhaps I was misunderstanding the semantics of a Canvas, and that it somehow maintains "layers", and that I was thrashing it to death. However, I then discovered that I only get this effect if I try to update faster than roughly every 200 ms. So my next best theory is that this is perhaps an artifact of the emulator not being able to keep up, and tearing the display. (I don't have a physical device to test on, yet.)
Is either of these theories correct?
Note: I don't actually want to do this in practice (i.e. draw hundreds of overlaid copies of the same thing). However, I would like to understand why this is happening.
Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios) on Windows 7
Android SDK Tools r9
App is targetting Android 2.3.1
Tangential question:
My run() method is essentially a stripped-down version of how the LunarLander example works (with all the excess logic removed). I don't quite understand why this isn't going to saturate the CPU, as there seems to be nothing to prevent it running at full pelt. Can anyone clarify this?
Ok, I've butchered Lunar Lander in a similar way to you, and having seen the flickering I can tell you that what you are seeing is a simple artefact of the double-buffering mechanism that every Surface has.
When you draw anything on a Canvas attached to a Surface, you are drawing to the 'back' buffer (the invisible one). And when you unlockCanvasAndPost() you are swapping the buffers over... what you drew suddenly becomes visible as the "back" buffer becomes the "front", and vice versa. And so your next frame of drawing is done to the old "front" buffer...
The point is that you always draw to seperate buffers on alternate frames. I guess there's an implicit assumption in graphics architecture that you're always going to be writing every pixel.
Having understood this, I think the real question is why doesn't it flicker on hardware? Having worked on graphics drivers in years gone by, I can guess at the reasons but hesitate to speculate too far. Hopefully the above will be sufficient to satisfy your curiousity about this rendering artefact. :-)
You need to clear the previous position of the sprite, as well as the new position. This is what the View system does automatically. However, if you use a Surface directly and do not redraw every pixel (either with an opaque color or using a SRC blending mode) you must clear the content of the buffer yourself. Note that you can pass a dirty rectangle to lockCanvas() and it will do the union for you of the previous dirty rectangle and the one you are passing (this is the mechanism used by the UI toolkit.) It will also set the clip rect of the Canvas to be the union of these two rectangles.
As for your second question, unlockAndPost() will do a vsync, so you will never draw at more than ~60fps (most devices that I've seen have a display refresh rate set around 55Hz.)

