Jetpack Compose LazyColumn Scroll Listener - android

I want to programmatically change which tab is selected as the user scrolls past each "see more" item in the list below. How would I best accomplish this?

As Ryan M writes, you can use LazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex. The magic of Compose is that you can just use it in an if statement and Compose will do the work. Look at the following example, which displays a different text based on the first visible item. Similarly, you can select a different tab based on the first visible item.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
val listState = rememberLazyListState()
Column {
Text(if (listState.firstVisibleItemIndex < 100) "< 100" else ">= 100")
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
items(1000) {
text = "$it",
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),

Just create a NestedScrollConnection and assign it to parent view nestedScroll modifier:
val nestedScrollConnection = remember {
object : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
val delta = available.y
// called when you scroll the content
return Offset.Zero
Assign it to LazyColumn or to its parent composed view:
modifier = Modifier.nestedScroll(nestedScrollConnection)
) {
items(...) {
Text("Your text...")

You can use the LazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex property (obtained via rememberLazyListState and set as the state parameter to LazyColumn) and set the current tab based on that.
Reading that property is considered a model read in Compose, so it will trigger a recomposition whenever the first visible item changes.
If you instead want to do something more complex based on more than just the first visible item, you can use LazyListState.layoutInfo to get information about all visible items and their locations, rather than just the first.


Avoid initial scrolling when using Jetpack Compose ScrollableTabRow

I'm using a ScrollableTabRow to display some 60 Tabs.
At the very beginning, the indicator should start "in the middle".
However, this results in an unwanted scrolling animation when the composable is drawn - see video. Am i doing something wrong or is this component buggy?
fun MinimalTabExample() {
val tabCount = 60
var selectedTabIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(tabCount / 2) }
ScrollableTabRow(selectedTabIndex = selectedTabIndex) {
repeat(tabCount) { tabNumber ->
selected = selectedTabIndex == tabNumber,
onClick = { selectedTabIndex = tabNumber },
text = { Text(text = "Tab #$tabNumber") }
But why would you like to do that?
I'm writing a calendar-like application and have a day-detail-view.
From there want a fast way to navigate to adjacent days. A Month into the future and a month into the past - relative to the selected month - is what i'm aiming for.
No, you are not doing it wrong. Also the component is not really buggy, rather the behaviour you are seeing is an implementation detail.
If we check the implementation of the ScrollableTabRow composable we see that the selectedTabIndex is used in two places inside the composable:
inside the default indicator implementation
as an input parameter for the scrollableTableData.onLaidOut call
The #1 is used for positioning the tabs inside the layout, so it is not interesting for this issue.
The #2 is used to scroll to the selected tab index.
The code below shows how the initial scroll state is set up, followed by the call to scrollableTabData.onLaidOut
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scrollableTabData = remember(scrollState, coroutineScope) {
scrollState = scrollState,
coroutineScope = coroutineScope
// ...
density = this#SubcomposeLayout,
edgeOffset = padding,
tabPositions = tabPositions,
selectedTab = selectedTabIndex // <-- selectedTabIndex is passed here
And this is the implementation of the above call
fun onLaidOut(
density: Density,
edgeOffset: Int,
tabPositions: List<TabPosition>,
selectedTab: Int
) {
// Animate if the new tab is different from the old tab, or this is called for the first
// time (i.e selectedTab is `null`).
if (this.selectedTab != selectedTab) {
this.selectedTab = selectedTab
tabPositions.getOrNull(selectedTab)?.let {
// Scrolls to the tab with [tabPosition], trying to place it in the center of the
// screen or as close to the center as possible.
val calculatedOffset = it.calculateTabOffset(density, edgeOffset, tabPositions)
if (scrollState.value != calculatedOffset) {
coroutineScope.launch {
scrollState.animateScrollTo( // <-- even the initial scroll is done using an animation
animationSpec = ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec
As we can see already from the first comment
Animate if the new tab is different from the old tab, or this is called for the first time
but also in the implementation, even the first time the scroll offset is set using an animation.
coroutineScope.launch {
animationSpec = ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec
And the ScrollableTabRow class does not expose a way to control this behaviour.

Jetpack Compose: Mimicking spinner.setSelection() inside of a DropDownMenu

The use case is that you have 10s or 100s of items inside of a dropdown menu, the dropdown options have some ordering - as with number values or alphabetical listing of words - and selections are made in succession.
When the user reopens the menu, you'd like for it to open in the same region as their last selection, so that for instance you don't jump from "car" to "apple" but rather from "car" to "cat". Or if they just opted to view order number 358, they can quickly view order number 359.
Using views, you could create a Spinner and put all of your items in an ArrayAdapter and then call spinner.setSelection() to scroll directly to the index you want.
DropdownMenu doesn't have anything like HorizontalPager's scrollToPage(). So what solutions might exist to achieve this?
So far, I've tried adding verticalScroll() to the DropdownMenu's modifier and trying to do arithmetic with the scrollState. But it crashes at runtime with an error saying the component has infinite height, the same error you get if you try to nest scrollable components like a LazyColumn inside of a Column with verticalScroll.
It's a known issue.
DropdownMenu has its own vertical scroll modifier inside, and there is no API to work with it.
Until this problem is fixed by providing a suitable API, the only workaround I can think of is to create your own view - you can take the source code of DropdownMenu as reference.
I'll post a more detailed answer here because I don't want to mislead anyone with my comment above.
If you're in Android Studio, click the three dots on the mouse-hover quick documentation box and select "edit source" to open the source for DropdownMenu in Then observe that it uses a composable called DropdownMenuItemContent. Edit source again and you're in Menu.kt.
You'll see this:
internal fun DropdownMenuContent(
modifier = modifier
.padding(vertical = DropdownMenuVerticalPadding)
.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState()),//<-We want this
content = content
So in your custom composable just replace that rememberScrollState() with your favorite variable name for a ScrollState.
And then chain that reference all the way back up to your original view.
Getting Access to the ScrollState
fun MyCustomDropdownMenu(
fun MyCustomDropdownMenuContent(
//And now for your actual content
fun TopParent(){
val scrollStateProvidedByTopParent=rememberScrollState()
val spinnerExpanded by remember{mutableStateOf(false)}
Row(modifier=Modifier.clickable(onClick={spinnerExpanded=!spinnerExpanded}))//<-More about this line in the sequel
Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.ArrowDropDown, contentDescription = "")
expanded = spinnerExpanded,
onDismissRequest = { spinnerExpanded = false })
{//your spinner content}
The above only specifies how to access the ScrollState of the DropdownMenu. But once you have the ScrollState, you'll have to do some arithmetic to get the scroll position right when it opens. Here's one way that seems alright.
Calculating the scroll distance
Even after setting the contents of the menu items explicitly, the distance was never quite right if I relied on those values. So I used an onTextLayout callback inside the Text of my menu items in order to get the true Text height at the time of rendering. Then I use that value for the arithmetic. It looks like this:
fun TopParent(){
val scrollStateProvidedByTopParent=rememberScrollState()
val spinnerExpanded by remember{mutableStateOf(false)}
val chosenText:String by remember{mutableStateOf(myListOfSpinnerOptions[0])
val height by remember{mutableStateOf(0)}
val heightHasBeenChecked by remember{mutableStateOf(false)}
val coroutineScope=rememberCoroutineScope()
coroutineScope.launch{scrollStateProvidedByTopParent.scrollTo(height*myListOfSpinnerOptions.indexOf[chosenText])}}))//<-This gets some arithmetic for scrolling distance
Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.ArrowDropDown, contentDescription = "")
expanded = spinnerExpanded,
onDismissRequest = { spinnerExpanded = false }) {
if (!heightHasBeenChecked){

How to save paging state of LazyColumn during navigation in Jetpack Compose

I'm using androidx.paging:paging-compose (v1.0.0-alpha-14), together with Jetpack Compose (v1.0.3), I have a custom PagingSource which is responsible for pulling items from backend.
I also use compose navigation component.
The problem is I don't know how to save a state of Pager flow between navigating to different screen via NavHostController and going back (scroll state and cached items).
I was trying to save state via rememberSaveable but it cannot be done as it is not something which can be putted to Bundle.
Is there a quick/easy step to do it?
My sample code:
fun SampleScreen(
composeNavController: NavHostController? = null,
myPagingSource: PagingSource<Int, MyItem>,
) {
val pager = remember { // rememberSaveable doesn't seems to work here
config = PagingConfig(
pageSize = 25,
initialKey = 0,
pagingSourceFactory = myPagingSource
val lazyPagingItems = pager.flow.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn() {
itemsIndexed(items = lazyPagingItems) { index, item ->
MyRowItem(item) {
I found a solution!
fun Sample(data: Flow<PagingData<Something>>):
val listState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val items: LazyPagingItems<Something> = data.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
when {
items.itemCount == 0 -> LoadingScreen()
else -> {
LazyColumn(state = listState, ...) {
I just found out what the issue is when using Paging.
The reason the list scroll position is not remembered with Paging when navigating boils down to what happens below the hood.
It looks like this:
Composable with LazyColumn is created.
We asynchronously request our list data from the pager. Current pager list item count = 0.
The UI draws a lazyColumn with 0 items.
The pager responds with data, e.g. 10 items, and the UI is recomposed to show them.
User scrolls e.g. all the way down and clicks the bottom item, which navigates them elsewhere.
User navigates back using e.g. the back button.
Uh oh. Due to navigation, our composable with LazyColumn is recomposed. We start again with asynchronously requesting pager data. Note: pager item count = 0 again!
rememberLazyListState is evaluated, and it tells the UI that the user scrolled down all the way, so it now should go back to the same offset, e.g. to the fifth item.
This is the point where the UI screams in wild confusion, as the pager has 0 items, so the lazyColumn has 0 items.
The UI cannot handle the scroll offset to the fifth item. The scroll position is set to just show from item 0, as there are only 0 items.
What happens next:
The pager responds that there are e.g. 10 items again, causing another recomposition.
After recomposition, we see our list again, with scroll position starting on item 0.
To confirm this is the case with your code, add a simple log statement just above the LazyColumn call:
Log.w("TEST", "List state recompose. " +
"first_visible=${listState.firstVisibleItemIndex}, " +
"offset=${listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset}, " +
"amount items=${items.itemCount}")
You should see, upon navigating back, a log line stating the exact same first_visible and offset, but with amount items=0.
The line directly after that will show that first_visible and offset are reset to 0.
My solution works, because it skips using the listState until the pager has loaded the data.
Once loaded, the correct values still reside in the listState, and the scroll position is correctly restored.
Save the list state in your viewmodel and reload it when you navigate back to the screen containing the list. You can use LazyListState in your viewmodel to save the state and pass that into your composable as a parameter. Something like this:
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
var listState = LazyListState()
fun MessageListHandler() {
messages: viewmodel.messages,
listState = viewmode.listState
fun MessageList(
messages: List<Message>,
listState: LazyListState) {
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
If you don't like the limitations that Navigation Compose puts on you, you can try using Jetmagic. It allows you to pass any object between screens and even manages your viewmodels in a way that makes them easier to access from any composable:
The issue is that when you navigate forward and back your composable will recompose and collectAsLazyPagingItems() will be called again, triggering a new network request.
If you want to avoid this issue, you should call pager.flow.cacheIn(viewModelScope) on your ViewModel with activity scope (the ViewModel instance is kept across fragments) before calling collectAsLazyPagingItems().
LazyPagingItems is not intended as a persistent data store; it is just a simple wrapper for the UI layer. Pager data should be cached in the ViewModel.
please try using '.cachedIn(viewModelScope) '
simple example:
fun Simple() {
val simpleViewModel:SimpleViewModel = viewModel()
val list = simpleViewModel.simpleList.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
when (list.loadState.refresh) {
is LoadState.Error -> {
is LoadState.Loading -> {
is LoadState.NotLoading -> {
when (list.itemCount) {
0 -> {
else -> {
items(list) { b ->
class SimpleViewModel : ViewModel() {
val simpleList = Pager(
pagingSourceFactory = { SimpleSource() }).flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope)

Scroll to top when adding new items

I have a usecase where I would like a LazyColumn to scroll to the top if a new item is added to the start of the list - but only if the list was scrolled to top before. I'm currently using keys for bookkeeping the scroll position automatically, which is great for all other cases than when the scroll state is at the top of the list.
This is similar to the actual logic I have in the app (in my case there is however no button, showFirstItem is a parameter to the composable function, controlled by some other logic):
var showFirstItem by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Column {
Button(onClick = { showFirstItem = !showFirstItem }) {
Text("${if (showFirstItem) "Hide" else "Show"} first item")
LazyColumn {
if (showFirstItem) {
item(key = "first") {
Text("First item")
items(count = 100,
key = { index ->
) { index ->
Text("Item $index")
As an example, I would expect "First item" to be visible if I scroll to top, hide the item and them show it again. Or hide the item, scroll to top and then show it again.
I think the solution could be something with LaunchedEffect, but I'm not sure at all.
If a new item has been added and user is at top, the new item would not appear unless the list is scrolled to the top. I have tried this:
if (lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex <= 1) {
//scroll to top to ensure latest added book gets visible
LaunchedEffect(key1 = key) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
state = lazyListState
) {...
And it seems to work. But it breaks the pull to refresh component that I am using. So not sure how to solve that. I am still trying to force myself to like Compose. Hopefully that day will come =)
You can scroll to the top of the list on a LazyColumn like this:
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
Button(onClick = {
coroutineScope.launch {
// 0 is the first item index
}) {
Text("Scroll to the top")
So call scrollState.animateScrollToItem(0) where ever you need from a coroutine, e.g. after adding a new item.
In your item adding logic,
//Add an optional delay here
showFirst = ... //Handle here whatever you want
Here, scrollState is to be passed in the LazyColumn
val scrollState = rememberScrollState() LazyColumn(state = scrollState) { ... }

Why do I sometimes need key() in lists?

I have a component with some mutable state list. I pass an item of that, and a callback to delete the item, to another component.
fun MyApp() {
val myItems = mutableStateListOf("1", "2", "3")
LazyColumn {
items(myItems) { item ->
MyComponent(item) { toDel -> myItems.remove(toDel) }
The component calls the delete callback in a clickable Modifier.
fun MyComponent(item: String, delete: (String) -> Unit = {}) {
Column {
.clickable { delete(item) }
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
This works fine. But when I change the clickable for my own Modifier with pointerInput() then there's a problem.
fun Modifier.myClickable(delete: () -> Unit) =
pointerInput(Unit) {
awaitPointerEventScope { awaitFirstDown() }
fun MyComponent(item: String, delete: (String) -> Unit = {}) {
Column {
.myClickable { delete(item) } // NEW
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
If I click on the first item, it removes it. Next, if I click on the newest top item, the old callback for the now deleted first item is called, despite the fact that the old component has been deleted.
I have no idea why this happens. But I can fix it. I use key():
fun MyApp() {
val myItems = mutableStateListOf("1", "2", "3")
LazyColumn {
items(myItems) { item ->
key(item) { // NEW
MyComponent(item) { toDel -> myItems.remove(toDel) }
So why do I need key() when I use my own modifier? This is also the case in this code from jetpack, and I don't know why.
As the accepted answer says, Compose won't recalculate my custom Modifier because pointerEvent() doesn't have a unique key.
fun Modifier.myClickable(key:Any? = null, delete: () -> Unit) =
pointerInput(key) {
awaitPointerEventScope { awaitFirstDown() }
.myClickable(key = item) { delete(item) } // NEW
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
fixes it and I don't need to use key() in the outer component. I'm still unsure why I don't need to send a unique key to clickable {}, however.
Compose is trying to cache as many work as it can by localizing scopes with keys: when they haven't changes since last run - we're using cached value, otherwise we need to recalculate it.
By setting key for lazy item you're defining a scope for all remember calculations inside, and many of system functions are implemented using remember so it changes much. Item index is the default key in lazy item
So after you're removing first item, first lazy item gets reused with same context as before
And now we're coming to your myClickable. You're passing Unit as a key into pointerInput(It has a remember inside too). By doing this you're saying to recomposer: never recalculate this value until context changes. And the context of first lazy item hasn't changed, e.g. key is still same index, that's why lambda with removed item remains cached inside that function
When you're specifying lazy item key equal to item, you're changing context of all lazy items too and so pointerInput gets recalculated. If you pass your item instead of Unit you'll have the same effect
So you need to use key when you need to make use your calculations are not gonna be cached between lazy items in a bad way
Check out more about lazy column keys in the documentation
Jetpack compose optimizes the re-compose by only recomposing Widget which value has been changed.
In your Custom implementation of Modifier.myClickable when item list is changing due to deletion, only the inner Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp) will be recomposed since item has changed and it is the only one which is reading item. The outer Box() is not recomposed, hence it is holding the previous callback. But When you add key(item), the outer box will also be re-composed as the key value has changed. Hence it is working after adding the key.
So why is was working with Modifier.clickable { delete(item) }?
I think Compose kept track of change in the callback clickable { delete(item) }. So when the callback changed due to item deletion, it recomposed MyComponent, Hence is was working with clickable

