Why do I sometimes need key() in lists? - android

I have a component with some mutable state list. I pass an item of that, and a callback to delete the item, to another component.
fun MyApp() {
val myItems = mutableStateListOf("1", "2", "3")
LazyColumn {
items(myItems) { item ->
MyComponent(item) { toDel -> myItems.remove(toDel) }
The component calls the delete callback in a clickable Modifier.
fun MyComponent(item: String, delete: (String) -> Unit = {}) {
Column {
.clickable { delete(item) }
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
This works fine. But when I change the clickable for my own Modifier with pointerInput() then there's a problem.
fun Modifier.myClickable(delete: () -> Unit) =
pointerInput(Unit) {
awaitPointerEventScope { awaitFirstDown() }
fun MyComponent(item: String, delete: (String) -> Unit = {}) {
Column {
.myClickable { delete(item) } // NEW
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
If I click on the first item, it removes it. Next, if I click on the newest top item, the old callback for the now deleted first item is called, despite the fact that the old component has been deleted.
I have no idea why this happens. But I can fix it. I use key():
fun MyApp() {
val myItems = mutableStateListOf("1", "2", "3")
LazyColumn {
items(myItems) { item ->
key(item) { // NEW
MyComponent(item) { toDel -> myItems.remove(toDel) }
So why do I need key() when I use my own modifier? This is also the case in this code from jetpack, and I don't know why.
As the accepted answer says, Compose won't recalculate my custom Modifier because pointerEvent() doesn't have a unique key.
fun Modifier.myClickable(key:Any? = null, delete: () -> Unit) =
pointerInput(key) {
awaitPointerEventScope { awaitFirstDown() }
.myClickable(key = item) { delete(item) } // NEW
) {
Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp)
fixes it and I don't need to use key() in the outer component. I'm still unsure why I don't need to send a unique key to clickable {}, however.

Compose is trying to cache as many work as it can by localizing scopes with keys: when they haven't changes since last run - we're using cached value, otherwise we need to recalculate it.
By setting key for lazy item you're defining a scope for all remember calculations inside, and many of system functions are implemented using remember so it changes much. Item index is the default key in lazy item
So after you're removing first item, first lazy item gets reused with same context as before
And now we're coming to your myClickable. You're passing Unit as a key into pointerInput(It has a remember inside too). By doing this you're saying to recomposer: never recalculate this value until context changes. And the context of first lazy item hasn't changed, e.g. key is still same index, that's why lambda with removed item remains cached inside that function
When you're specifying lazy item key equal to item, you're changing context of all lazy items too and so pointerInput gets recalculated. If you pass your item instead of Unit you'll have the same effect
So you need to use key when you need to make use your calculations are not gonna be cached between lazy items in a bad way
Check out more about lazy column keys in the documentation

Jetpack compose optimizes the re-compose by only recomposing Widget which value has been changed.
In your Custom implementation of Modifier.myClickable when item list is changing due to deletion, only the inner Text(item, fontSize = 40.sp) will be recomposed since item has changed and it is the only one which is reading item. The outer Box() is not recomposed, hence it is holding the previous callback. But When you add key(item), the outer box will also be re-composed as the key value has changed. Hence it is working after adding the key.
So why is was working with Modifier.clickable { delete(item) }?
I think Compose kept track of change in the callback clickable { delete(item) }. So when the callback changed due to item deletion, it recomposed MyComponent, Hence is was working with clickable


Compose - DropDownMenu is causing unwanted recomposition

This is the composable hierarchy in my app:
When swiping the HorizontalPager the AsyncImage inside my PostItem's are recomposing.
Removing the DropdownMenu fixes this and the PostItem is no longe recomposing and gives the wanted behavior.
The problem is that I have huge FPS drops when swiping through the HorizontalPager.
Why is DropdownMenu causing a recomposition when swiping the HorizontalPager?
var showMenu by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
expanded = showMenu,
onDismissRequest = { showMenu = false }) {
DropdownMenuItem(onClick = {
}) {
Text(text = "Share")
Unfortunately, without seeing more code showing the rest of the structure, it's hard to say for sure what your problem is here.
A likely answer is that you haven't split up your Composable function enough. Something the docs hardly talk about is that the content portion of a lot of the built-in Composeables are inline functions which means that if the content recomposes the parent will as well. This is the most simple example of this I can give.
fun foo() {
println("recompose function")
Box {
println("recompose box")
Column {
println("recompose column")
Row {
println("recompose row")
var testState by mutableStateOf("my text")
onClick = { testState = "new text" }
) {}
output is:
recompose function
recompose box
recompose column
recompose row
Not only does this recompose the whole function it also recreates the testState causing it to never change values.
Again not 100% that this is your problem, but I would look into it. The solution would be to split my Row and row content into it's own Composable function.

Set Composable value parameter to result of suspend function

I am new to Compose and Kotlin. I have an application using a Room database. In the frontend, there is a Composable containing an Icon Composable. I want the Icon resource to be set depending on the result of a database operation that is executed within a suspend function.
My Composable looks like this:
fun MoviePreview(movie : ApiMoviePreview, viewModel: ApiMovieViewModel) {
modifier = ...
) {
modifier = ...
) {
onClick = {
}) {
imageVector =
// This code does not work, as isMovieOnWatchList() is a suspend function and cannot be called directly
if (viewModel.isMovieOnWatchlist(movie.id)) {
} else {
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.addToWatchlist)
The function that I need to call is a suspend function, because Room requires its database operations to happen on a seperate thread. The function isMovieOnWatchlist() looks like this:
suspend fun isMovieOnWatchlist(id: Long) {
return movieRepository.isMovieOnWatchlist(id)
What would the appropriate way be to achieve the desired behaviour? I already stumbled across Coroutines, but the problem is that there seems to be no way to just return a value out of the coroutine function.
A better approach would be to prepare the data so everything you need is in the data/value class rather than performing live lookup per row/item which is not very efficient. I assume you have 2 tables and you'd probably want a LEFT JOIN however all these details are not included.
With Room it even includes implementations that use the Flow api, meaning it will observe the data when information in either table changes and re-runs the original query to provide you with the new changed dataset.
However this is out of scope of your original question but should you want to explore this then here is a good start : https://developer.android.com/codelabs/basic-android-kotlin-training-intro-room-flow#0
To your original question. This is likely achievable with a LaunchedEffect and some observed MutableState<ImageVector?> object within the composable, something like:
fun MoviePreview(
movie: ApiMoviePreview,
viewModel: ApiMovieViewModel
) {
var icon by remember { mutableStateOf<ImageVector?>(value = null) } // null or default icon until update by result below
Card {
Row {
IconButton(onClick = {}) {
icon?.run {
imageVector = this,
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.addToWatchlist))
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
// execute suspending function in provided scope closure and update icon state value once complete
icon = if (viewModel.isMovieOnWatchlist(movie.id)) {
} else Icons.Filled.Add

Material Swipe To Dismiss in Compose maks incorrect items for dismissal

I'm implementing drag/swipe to dismiss functionality in a simple notepad app implemented in Compose. I've run into a strange issue where SwipeToDismiss() in a LazyColumn dismisses not only the selected item but those after it as well.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug with SwipeToDismiss()? (I'm aware that it's marked ExperimentalMaterialApi)
I've used the Google recommended approach from here:
this is where it happens:
/* ...more code... */
LazyColumn {
items(items = results) { result ->
Card {
val dismissState = rememberDismissState()
//for some reason the dismmissState is EndToStart for all the
//items after the deleted item, even adding new items becomes impossible
if (dismissState.isDismissed(EndToStart)) {
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
scope.launch {
state = dismissState,
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 4.dp),
/* ...more code... */
and here is my project with the file in question
You need to provide key for the LazyColumn's items.
By default, each item's state is keyed against the position of the
item in the list. However, this can cause issues if the data set
changes, since items which change position effectively lose any
remembered state.
LazyColumn {
items = stateList,
key = { _, listItem ->
) { item ->
// As it is ...

Composable reparenting in Jetpack Compose

Is there a way to reparent a Composable without it losing the state? The androidx.compose.runtime.key seems to not support this use case.
For example, after transitioning from:
// This function is in the external library, you can not
// modify it!
fun FooBar() {
val uid = remember { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }
Box {
Box {
Box {
Row {
the Text will show a different message.
I'm not asking for ways to actually remember the randomly generated ID, as I could obviously just move it up the hierarchy. What I want to archive is the composable keeping its internal state.
Is this possible to do without modifying the FooBar function?
The Flutter has GlobalKey specifically for this purpose. Speaking Compose that might look something like this:
val key = GlobalKey.create()
Box {
Box {
globalKey(key) {
Box {
Row {
globalKey(key) {
This is now possible with
See this example:
val boxes = remember {
movableContentOf {
LetterBox(letter = 'A')
LetterBox(letter = 'B')
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
Button(onClick = { isRow = !isRow }) {
Text(text = "Switch")
if (isRow) {
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
} else {
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
remember will store only one value in the same view. The key in Compose has a very different purpose: if the key passed to remember has a different value from the last recomposition, it means that the old value is no longer relevant and must be recomputed.
There is no direct equivalent of Flutter keys in Compose.
You can simply declare a global variable. In case you need to change it, wrap it with a mutable state, so changes will update your view.
var state by mutableStateOf(UUID.randomUUID().toString())
I'm not sure if that the same what GlobalKey does, in any case it's not the best practice, just like any other global variable.
If you need to share some data between views, it is much cleaner to use view models.
fun TestScreen() {
val viewModel = viewModel<SomeViewModel>()
Column {
Text("TestScreen text: ${viewModel.state}")
fun OtherView() {
val viewModel = viewModel<SomeViewModel>()
Text("OtherScreen text: ${viewModel.state}")
class SomeViewModel: ViewModel() {
var state by mutableStateOf(UUID.randomUUID().toString())
The hierarchy topmost viewModel call creates a view model - in my case inside TestScreen. All children that call viewModel of the same class will get the same object. The exception to this is different destinations of Compose Navigation, see how to handle this case in this answer.
You can update the mutable state value, and it will be reflected on all views using that model. Check out more about state in Compose.
When the view that created the view model is removed from the view hierarchy, the view model is also freed, so a new one will be created next time.

Updating AndroidView state in Jetpack Compose

Came across a curious situation with AndroidView this morning.
I have a ProductCard interface that looks like this
interface ProductCard {
val view: View
fun setup(
productState: ProductState,
interactionListener: ProductCardView.InteractionListener
This interface can be implemented by a number of views.
A composable that renders a list of AndroidView uses ProductCard to get a view and pass in state updates when recomposition happens.
fun BasketItemsList(
modifier: Modifier,
basketItems: List<ProductState>,
provider: ProductCard,
interactionListener: ProductCardView.InteractionListener
) {
LazyColumn(modifier = modifier) {
items(basketItems) { product ->
AndroidView(factory = { provider.view }) {
provider.setup(product, interactionListener)
With this sample, any interaction with the ProductCard view’s (calling ProductCard.setup()) doesn’t update the screen. Logging shows that the state gets updated but the catch is that it’s only updated once per button. For example, I have a favourites button. Clicking it once pushes a state update only once, any subsequent clicks doesn’t propagate. Also the view itself doesn’t update. It’s as if it was never clicked.
Now changing the block of AndroidView.update to use it and casting it as a concrete view type works as expected. All clicks propagate correctly and the card view gets updated to reflect the state.
fun BasketItemsList(
modifier: Modifier,
basketItems: List<ProductState>,
provider: ProductCard,
interactionListener: ProductCardView.InteractionListener
) {
LazyColumn(modifier = modifier) {
items(basketItems) { product ->
AndroidView(factory = { provider.view }) {
// provider.setup(product, interactionListener)
(it as ProductCardView).setup(product, interactionListener)
What am I missing here? why does using ProductCard not work while casting the view to its type works as expected?
Update 1
Seems like casting to ProductCard also works
fun BasketItemsList(
modifier: Modifier,
basketItems: List<ProductState>,
provider: ProductCard,
interactionListener: ProductCardView.InteractionListener
) {
LazyColumn(modifier = modifier) {
items(basketItems) { product ->
AndroidView(factory = { provider.view }) {
// provider.setup(product, interactionListener)
(it as ProductCard).setup(product, interactionListener)
So the question is why do we have to use it inside AndroidView.update instead of any other references to the view?
The answer here is I was missing the key value which is needed for LazyColumn items in order for compose to know which item has changed and call update on it.

