RxJava Reduce Single's until some dynamic condition is met - android

Any RxJava experts that can help me figure this one out?
I have a function that returns a Single<ByteArray> based on some position parameter.
Basically, I want to keep calling that function, until it returns an empty ByteArray.
NOTE: The position parameter is supposed to indicate how many bytes where already read. E.g. first time it will be 0, next time it will be how many bytes where retrieved the first time, and so on.
This is what I have now:
fun readBytes(position: Int) : Single<ByteArray>{ ... }
fun readAllLogs() : Single<LogEntry> {
val oldPosition = AtomicInteger(0)
val position = AtomicInteger(0)
Observable.defer {
}.reduceWith({ LogEntry() }, { log, bytes ->
log += bytes
}).repeatUntil {
val canWeStop = position.get() == oldPosition.get()
For completeness, here's my LogEntry accumulator
data class LogEntry {
var data: ByteArray = byteArrayOf()
private set
operator fun plusAssign(bytes: ByteArray) {
data += bytes
Question 1:
How can I exit this stream elegantly? E.g. not keeping track of separate variables outside the stream?
Question 2:
Any optimizations I can make? I'm going from Single to Observable twice to be able to chain these operators. I'm sure that can be more efficient


How to update data with SharedFlow in Android

In my application I want update data with SharedFlow and my application architecture is MVI .
I write below code, but just update one of data!
I have 2 spinners and this spinners data fill in viewmodel.
ViewModel code :
class MyViewModel #Inject constructor(private val repository: DetailRepository) : ViewModel() {
private val _state = MutableStateFlow<MyState>(MyState.Idle)
val state: StateFlow<MyState> get() = _state
fun handleIntent(intent: MyIntent) {
when (intent) {
is MyIntent.CategoriesList -> fetchingCategoriesList()
is MyIntent.PriorityList -> fetchingPrioritiesList()
private fun fetchingCategoriesList() {
val data = mutableListOf(Car, Animal, Color, Food)
_state.value = DetailState.CategoriesData(data)
private fun fetchingPrioritiesList() {
val data = mutableListOf(Low, Normal, High)
_state.value = DetailState.PriorityData(data)
With below codes I filled spinners in fragment :
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.state.collect { state ->
when (state) {
is DetailState.Idle -> {}
is DetailState.CategoriesData -> {
categorySpinner.setupListWithAdapter(state.categoriesData) { itItem ->
category = itItem
is DetailState.PriorityData -> {
prioritySpinner.setupListWithAdapter(state.prioritiesData) { itItem ->
priority = itItem
When run application not show me number 1 in logcat, just show number 2.
Not call this line : is DetailState.CategoriesData
But when comment this line viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.PriorityList) show me number 1 in logcat!
Why when use this code viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.CategoriesList) viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.PriorityList) not show number 1 and 2 in logcat ?
The problem is that a StateFlow is conflated, meaning if you rapidly change its value faster than collectors can collect it, old values are dropped without ever being collected. Therefore, StateFlow is not suited for an event-like system like this. After all, it’s in the name that it is for states rather than events.
It’s hard to suggest an alternative because your current code looks like you shouldn’t be using Flows at all. You could simply call a function that synchronously returns data that you use synchronously. I don’t know if your current code is a stepping stone towards something more complicated that really would be suitable for flows.

Kotlin Flow with initial value, replay = 1, no duplicates, no conflation

I need to transfer a stream of values from a publisher / producer to one or multiple consumers / subscribers / observers. The exact requirements are:
the "stream" has a default value
consumers receive the last published value when they subscribe (the last value is replayed)
the last published value can also be retrieved via a value property
two consecutive published values are distinct (no duplicates)
all published values need to be received by the consumer (values cannot be conflated)
consumption happens via a FlowCollector
the implementation must be multiplatform (Android, iOS, JS)
MutableStateFlow is meeting almost all of these requirements except item #5:
Updates to the value are always conflated. So a slow collector skips fast updates, but always collects the most recently emitted value
So something like this:
val flow = MutableStateFlow(0)
// runs in co-routine 1
flow.collect {
println("Collect: $it")
// runs in co-routine 2
repeat(10) {
flow.emit(it + 1)
will print 0 and 10 but not the numbers in between because the collector is slow and emitted values are conflated
I could use MutableSharedFlow:
val flow = MutableSharedFlow<Int>(replay = 1, extraBufferCapacity = 1)
MutableSharedFlow doesn't conflate values but 1) has no value property (there's last() but that's a suspend function), 2) allows duplicates and 3) has no initial values.
While it's possible to add these three requirements, adding the value property and the duplicate check isn't trivial.
I could use a BehaviorSubject:
val subject = BehaviorSubject(0)
val flow = subject.asFlow().distinctUntilChanged()
That would work perfectly but I'd have to add https://github.com/badoo/Reaktive just for this.
So here's my question: is there a Kotlin Flow solution that meets all the requirements without having to add the missing pieces "manually" (like with MutableSharedFlow)?
It's not so bad to add the missing pieces you want to MutableSharedFlow to have exactly the syntax you want:
class MutableBehaviorFlow<T : Any?>(
private val initialValue: T,
private val _backingSharedFlow: MutableSharedFlow<T> = MutableSharedFlow(
replay = 1,
extraBufferCapacity = Int.MAX_VALUE,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND
) : MutableSharedFlow<T> by _backingSharedFlow {
init {
val value: T
get() = try {
} catch (_: NoSuchElementException) {
override suspend fun emit(value: T) {
if (value != this.value) _backingSharedFlow.emit(value)
override fun tryEmit(value: T): Boolean =
if (value != this.value) _backingSharedFlow.tryEmit(value)
else true

Find first occurrence index value in efficent way in kotlin

Hey i have nested list and i wanted find first occurrence index value.
data class ABC(
val key: Int,
val value: MutableList<XYZ?>
data class XYZ)
val isRead: Boolean? = null,
val id: String? = null
I added code which find XYZ object, but i need to find index. So how can i achieved in efficient way. How can i improve my code?
list?.flatMap { list ->
}?.firstOrNull { it?.isRead == false }
If you would like to stick to functional style then you can do it like this:
val result = list.asSequence()
.flatMapIndexed { outer, abc ->
.mapIndexed { inner, xyz -> Triple(outer, inner, xyz) }
.find { it.third?.isRead == false }
if (result != null) {
val (outer, inner) = result
println("Outer: $outer, inner: $inner")
For each ABC item we remember its index as outer and we map/transform a list of its XYZ items into a list of tuples: (outer, inner, xyz). Then flatMap merges all such lists (we have one list per ABC item) into a single, flat list of (outer, inner, xyz).
In other words, the whole flatMapIndexed() block changes this (pseudo-code):
[ABC([xyz1, xyz2]), ABC([xyz3, xyz4, xyz5])]
Into this:
(0, 0, xyz1),
(0, 1, xyz2),
(1, 0, xyz3),
(1, 1, xyz4),
(1, 2, xyz5),
Then we use find() to search for a specific xyz item and we acquire outer and inner attached to it.
asSequence() in both places changes the way how it works internally. Sequences are lazy, meaning that they perform calculations only on demand and they try to work on a single item before going to another one. Without asSequence() we would first create a full list of all xyz items as in the example above. Then, if xyz2 would be the one we searched, that would mean we wasted time on processing xyz3, xyz4 and xyz5, because we are not interested in them.
With asSequence() we never really create this flat list, but rather perform all operations per-item. find() asks for next item to check, mapIndexed maps only a single item, flatMapIndexed also maps only this single item and if find() succeed, the rest of items are not processed.
In most cases using sequences here could greatly improve the performance. In some cases, like for example when lists are small, sequences may degrade the performance by adding an overhead. However, the difference is very small, so it is better to leave it as it is.
As we can see, functional style may be pretty complicated in cases like this. It may be a better idea to use imperative style and good old loops:
list.indicesOfFirstXyzOrNull { it?.isRead == false }
inline fun Iterable<ABC>.indicesOfFirstXyzOrNull(predicate: (XYZ?) -> Boolean): Pair<Int, Int>? {
forEachIndexed { outer, abc ->
abc.value.forEachIndexed { inner, xyz ->
if (predicate(xyz)) {
return outer to inner
return null
In Kotlin, you can use the indexOf() function that returns the index of the first occurrence of the given element, or -1 if the array does not contain the element.
fun findIndex(arr: Array<Int>, item: Int): Int {
return arr.indexOf(item)

Paging library 3.0 : How to pass total count of items to the list header?

Help me please.
The app is just for receiving list of plants from https://trefle.io and showing it in RecyclerView.
I am using Paging library 3.0 here.
Task: I want to add a header where total amount of plants will be displayed.
The problem: I just cannot find a way to pass the value of total items to header.
Data model:
data class PlantsResponseObject(
val data: List<PlantModel>?,
val meta: Meta?
) {
data class Meta(
val total: Int? // 415648
data class PlantModel(
val author: String?,
val genusId: Int?,
val id: Int?)
DataSource class:
class PlantsDataSource(
private val plantsApi: PlantsAPI,
private var filters: String? = null,
private var isVegetable: Boolean? = false
) : RxPagingSource<Int, PlantView>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 1
return plantsApi.getPlants( //API call for plants
nextPageNumber, //different filters, does not matter
.map<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val total = it.meta?.total ?: 0 // Here I have an access to the total count
//of items, but where to pass it?
data = it.data!! //Here I can pass only plant items data
.map { PlantView.PlantItemView(it) },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = nextPageNumber.plus(1)
override fun invalidate() {
LoadResult.Page accepts nothing but list of plant themselves. And all classes above DataSource(Repo, ViewModel, Activity) has no access to response object.
Question: How to pass total count of items to the list header?
I will appreciate any help.
You can change the PagingData type to Pair<PlantView,Int> (or any other structure) to add whatever information you need.
Then you will be able to send total with pages doing something similar to:
data = it.data.map { Pair(PlantView.PlantItemView(it), total) },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = nextPageNumber.plus(1)
And in your ModelView do whatever, for example map it again to PlantItemView, but using the second field to update your header.
It's true that it's not very elegant because you are sending it in all items, but it's better than other suggested solutions.
Faced the same dilemma when trying to use Paging for the first time and it does not provide a way to obtain count despite it doing a count for the purpose of the paging ( i.e. the Paging library first checks with a COUNT(*) to see if there are more or less items than the stipulated PagingConfig value(s) before conducting the rest of the query, it could perfectly return the total number of results it found ).
The only way at the moment to achieve this is to run two queries in parallel: one for your items ( as you already have ) and another just to count how many results it finds using the same query params as the previous one, but for COUNT(*) only.
There is no need to return the later as a PagingDataSource<LivedData<Integer>> since it would add a lot of boilerplate unnecessarily. Simply return it as a normal LivedData<Integer> so that it will always be updating itself whenever the list results change, otherwise it can run into the issue of the list size changing and that value not updating after the first time it loads if you return a plain Integer.
After you have both of them set then add them to your RecyclerView adapter using a ConcatAdapter with the order of the previously mentioned adapters in the same order you'd want them to be displayed in the list.
ex: If you want the count to show at the beginning/top of the list then set up the ConcatAdapter with the count adapter first and the list items adapter after.
One way is to use MutableLiveData and then observe it. For example
val countPlants = MutableLiveData<Int>(0)
override fun loadSingle(..... {
countPlants.postValue(it.meta?.total ?: 0)
Then somewhere where your recyclerview is.
pagingDataSource.countPlants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { count ->
//update your view with the count value
The withHeader functions in Paging just return a ConcatAdapter given a LoadStateHeader, which has some code to listen and update based on adapter's LoadState.
You should be able to do something very similar by implementing your own ItemCountAdapter, except instead of listening to LoadState changes, it listens to adapter.itemCount. You'll need to build a flow / listener to decide when to send updates, but you can simply map loadState changes to itemCount.
See here for LoadStateAdapter code, which you can basically copy, and change loadState to itemCount: https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-master-dev:paging/runtime/src/main/java/androidx/paging/LoadStateAdapter.kt?q=loadstateadapter
abstract class ItemCountAdapter<VH : RecyclerView.ViewHolder> : RecyclerView.Adapter<VH>() {
var itemCount: Int = 0
set(itemCount { ... }
open fun displayItemCountAsItem(itemCount: Int): Boolean {
return true
Then to actually create the ConcatAdapter, you want something similar to: https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-master-dev:paging/runtime/src/main/java/androidx/paging/PagingDataAdapter.kt;l=236?q=withLoadStateHeader&sq=
fun PagingDataAdapter.withItemCountHeader(itemCountAdapter): ConcatAdapter {
addLoadStateListener {
itemCountAdapter.itemCount = itemCount
return ConcatAdapter(itemCountAdapter, this)
Another solution, although also not very elegant, would be to add the total amount to your data model PlantView.
PlantView(…val totalAmount: Int…)
Then in your viewmodel you could add a header with the information of one item. Here is a little modified code taken from the official paging documenation
pager.flow.map { pagingData: PagingData<PlantView> ->
// Map outer stream, so you can perform transformations on
// each paging generation.
.map { plantView ->
// Convert items in stream to UiModel.PlantView.
.insertSeparators<UiModel.PlantView, UiModel> { before, after ->
when {
//total amount is used from the next PlantView
before == null -> UiModel.SeparatorModel("HEADER", after?.totalAmount)
// Return null to avoid adding a separator between two items.
else -> null
A drawback is the fact that the total amount is in every PlantView and it's always the same and therefore redundant.
For now, I found this comment usefull: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/175338415#comment5
There people discuss the ways to provide metadata state to Pager
A simple way I found to fix it is by using a lambda in the PagingSource constructor. Try the following:
class PlantsDataSource(
// ...
private val getTotalItems: (Int) -> Unit
) : RxPagingSource<Int, PlantView>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
.map<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val total = it.meta?.total ?: 0

Why is Livedata setValue ignored when called twice?

I have the following ViewModel with MutableLiveData data and another LiveData ones that is derived from data in a way that it updates its value only if the data.number is equal to 1.
class DummyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val data = MutableLiveData<Dummy>()
val ones = data.mapNotNull { it.takeIf { it.number == 1 } }
init {
data.value = Dummy(1, "Init")
fun doSomething() {
data.value = Dummy(2, "Do something")
data class Dummy(val number: Int, val text: String)
fun <T, Y> LiveData<T>.mapNotNull(mapper: (T) -> Y?): LiveData<Y> {
val mediator = MediatorLiveData<Y>()
mediator.addSource(this) { item ->
val mapped = mapper(item)
if (mapped != null) {
mediator.value = mapped
return mediator
I observe ones in my fragment. However, If I execute doSomething, I don't receive any updates in my fragment. If I don't execute doSomething, the dummy Init is correctly present in ones and I receive an update.
What is happening here? Why is ones empty and how can I overcome this issue?
Maybe I'm missing something, but the behavior seems like expected to me...
Lets' try to reproduce both cases sequentially.
Without doSomething() :
Create Livedata
Add Dummy(1, "Init")
Start listening in the fragment: Because number is 1, it passes your filter and the fragment receives it
With doSomething():
Create Livedata
Add Dummy(1, "Init")
Add Dummy(2, "Do something") (LiveData keeps only the last value, so if nobody observes, the first value is getting lost)
Start listening in the fragment: Because number is 2, the value gets filtered and the fragment receives nothing
A little offtopic: it's always good to write tests for ViewModel cases like this, because you'll be able to isolate the problem and find the real reason quickly.
EDIT: also be aware that your filter is only working on observing, it isn't applied when putting the value into LiveData.

