Why is Livedata setValue ignored when called twice? - android

I have the following ViewModel with MutableLiveData data and another LiveData ones that is derived from data in a way that it updates its value only if the data.number is equal to 1.
class DummyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val data = MutableLiveData<Dummy>()
val ones = data.mapNotNull { it.takeIf { it.number == 1 } }
init {
data.value = Dummy(1, "Init")
fun doSomething() {
data.value = Dummy(2, "Do something")
data class Dummy(val number: Int, val text: String)
fun <T, Y> LiveData<T>.mapNotNull(mapper: (T) -> Y?): LiveData<Y> {
val mediator = MediatorLiveData<Y>()
mediator.addSource(this) { item ->
val mapped = mapper(item)
if (mapped != null) {
mediator.value = mapped
return mediator
I observe ones in my fragment. However, If I execute doSomething, I don't receive any updates in my fragment. If I don't execute doSomething, the dummy Init is correctly present in ones and I receive an update.
What is happening here? Why is ones empty and how can I overcome this issue?

Maybe I'm missing something, but the behavior seems like expected to me...
Lets' try to reproduce both cases sequentially.
Without doSomething() :
Create Livedata
Add Dummy(1, "Init")
Start listening in the fragment: Because number is 1, it passes your filter and the fragment receives it
With doSomething():
Create Livedata
Add Dummy(1, "Init")
Add Dummy(2, "Do something") (LiveData keeps only the last value, so if nobody observes, the first value is getting lost)
Start listening in the fragment: Because number is 2, the value gets filtered and the fragment receives nothing
A little offtopic: it's always good to write tests for ViewModel cases like this, because you'll be able to isolate the problem and find the real reason quickly.
EDIT: also be aware that your filter is only working on observing, it isn't applied when putting the value into LiveData.


LiveData observer is not removed

I am trying to get LiveData updates in a ViewModel, and make sure that the observer is not leaking, but it is leaking. The typical problem is that the observer is not stored in a variable, but that is not the case here; the lambda is stored in a variable.
private val observer: (List<MusicFile>) -> Unit =
{ musicFiles: List<MusicFile> ->
init {
#VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PROTECTED)
public override fun onCleared() {
The problem is that after onCleared is called, the observer is still attached. I verified this with the following test.
fun onCleared_RemovesObserver() {
val musicRepository = MusicRepository.getInstance()
val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext
val musicFiles = musicRepository.musicFiles
val viewModel = FragmentMusicListViewModel(SavedStateHandle(), musicRepository)
In addition, I have debugged the test on the last line, and musicFile's attributes show the observer is still attached. Attributes mActiveCount and mObservers show the observer is still attached,
How do I actually remove the observer?
LiveData takes an argument of type Observer<T> in observeForever and removeObserver. Observer is what Kotlin considers a functional interface written in Java in the androidx.lifecycle library.
What you are passing in is of type (List<MusicFile>) -> Unit.
This is a high order function and is not the same type as Observer<List<MusicFile>>. They are functionally similar in that they both have one parameter of type List<MusicFile> and both return Unit, so what Kotlin does for the better or for the worse (the worse in this case) is it will "cast" the type for you.
When Kotlin "casts" from high-order function to functional interface it is creating a new object. This happens every single time in your code when either observeForever or removeObserver are called. That's why removeObserver isn't working, because you're actually not passing in the same object despite how the code looks. I've written about this before.
In short, you can fix your problem by changing the type of observer to Observer:
private val observer: Observer<List<MusicFile>> =
Observer { musicFiles: List<MusicFile> ->
// _uiState.postValue(FragmentMusicListState(musicFiles))

How to update data with SharedFlow in Android

In my application I want update data with SharedFlow and my application architecture is MVI .
I write below code, but just update one of data!
I have 2 spinners and this spinners data fill in viewmodel.
ViewModel code :
class MyViewModel #Inject constructor(private val repository: DetailRepository) : ViewModel() {
private val _state = MutableStateFlow<MyState>(MyState.Idle)
val state: StateFlow<MyState> get() = _state
fun handleIntent(intent: MyIntent) {
when (intent) {
is MyIntent.CategoriesList -> fetchingCategoriesList()
is MyIntent.PriorityList -> fetchingPrioritiesList()
private fun fetchingCategoriesList() {
val data = mutableListOf(Car, Animal, Color, Food)
_state.value = DetailState.CategoriesData(data)
private fun fetchingPrioritiesList() {
val data = mutableListOf(Low, Normal, High)
_state.value = DetailState.PriorityData(data)
With below codes I filled spinners in fragment :
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.state.collect { state ->
when (state) {
is DetailState.Idle -> {}
is DetailState.CategoriesData -> {
categorySpinner.setupListWithAdapter(state.categoriesData) { itItem ->
category = itItem
is DetailState.PriorityData -> {
prioritySpinner.setupListWithAdapter(state.prioritiesData) { itItem ->
priority = itItem
When run application not show me number 1 in logcat, just show number 2.
Not call this line : is DetailState.CategoriesData
But when comment this line viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.PriorityList) show me number 1 in logcat!
Why when use this code viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.CategoriesList) viewModel.handleIntent(MyIntent.PriorityList) not show number 1 and 2 in logcat ?
The problem is that a StateFlow is conflated, meaning if you rapidly change its value faster than collectors can collect it, old values are dropped without ever being collected. Therefore, StateFlow is not suited for an event-like system like this. After all, it’s in the name that it is for states rather than events.
It’s hard to suggest an alternative because your current code looks like you shouldn’t be using Flows at all. You could simply call a function that synchronously returns data that you use synchronously. I don’t know if your current code is a stepping stone towards something more complicated that really would be suitable for flows.

Why Transformation.switchMap(anyLiveData) isn't fire when i change the value of "anyLiveData"

I will hope that when i call to "addPlantToGarden()" passing respect "plantId" parameter then fire the "observers" "Transformations.switchMap(plantName)" but that doesn't happen, what is the error?
private val plantName: MutableLiveData<String> = MutableLiveData()
val plant: LiveData<Plant> = Transformations.switchMap(plantName){plantId ->
val isPlanted: LiveData<Boolean> = Transformations.switchMap(plantName){plantId ->
fun addPlantToGarden(plantId: String) {
plantName.value = plantId
These are a few things to consider:
1. Check your Repository
Make sure your plantRepository.getPlant(plantId) returns LiveData. Since methods from Repository are executed in background, I prefer encapsulate the function using this:
liveData {
// some async process (e.g. HTTP Request)
emit(/*your value*/)
Reference: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/coroutines#livedata
2. Check your Observer
Are you observing on a correct view lifecycle owner? If your ViewModel is inside a Fragment, make sure to do this:
viewModel.plant.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer{
// action
instead of:
viewModel.plant.observe(this, Observer{
// action
And make sure to observe first before trying to change your plantName value.
3. Start with a simple case
I have no idea how you changed your plantName value. But try from a simple hardcoded/mock value first, for example:
plantName.value = "1"
then trace it through your Repository, then down to your Observer. Hopefully this will help you.

What is the difference between emit and emitSource with LiveData ? ( as in REAL time USE-CASE )

emit accepts the data class whereas emitSource accepts LiveData<T> ( T -> data ). Considering the following example :- I have two type of calls :-
suspend fun getData(): Data // returns directly data
and the other one ;
suspend fun getData(): LiveData<Data> // returns live data instead
For the first case i can use:-
liveData {
My question : Using the above method would solve my problem , WHY do we need emitSource(liveData) anyway ?
Any good use-case for using the emitSource method would make it clear !
As you mentioned, I don't think it solves anything in your stated problem, but I usually use it like this:
If I want to show cached data to the user from the db while I get fresh data from remote, with only emit it would look something like this:
val latest = webService.getLatestData()
But with emitSource it looks like this:
val latest = webService.getLatestData()
Don't need to call emit again since the liveData already have a source.
From what I understand emit(someValue) is similar to myData.value = someValue whereas emitSource(someLiveValue) is similar to myData = someLiveValue. This means that you can use emit whenever you want to set a value once, but if you want to connect your live data to another live data value you use emit source. An example would be emitting live data from a call to room (using emitSource(someLiveData)) then performing a network query and emitting an error (using emit(someError)).
I found a real use-case which depicts the use of emitSource over emit which I have used many times in production now. :D The use-case:
Suppose u have some user data (User which has some fields like userId, userName ) returned by some ApiService.
The User Model:
data class User(var userId: String, var userName: String)
The userName is required by the view/activity to paint the UI. And the userId is used to make another API call which returns the UserData like profileImage , emailId.
The UserData Model:
data class UserData(var profileImage: String, var emailId: String)
This can be achieved internally using emitSource by wiring the two liveData in the ViewModel like:
User liveData -
val userLiveData: LiveData<User> = liveData {
UserData liveData -
val userDataLiveData: LiveData<UserData> = liveData {
emitSource(userLiveData.switchMap {
liveData {
So, in the activity / view one can ONLY call getUser() and the getUserData(userId) will be automatically triggered internally via switchMap.
You need not manually call the getUserData(id) by passing the id.
This is a simple example, imagine there is a chain of dependent-tasks which needs to be executed one after the other, each of which is observed in the activity. emitSource comes in handy
With emitSource() you can not only emit a single value, but attach your LiveData to another LiveData and start emitting from it. Anyway, each emit() or emitSource() call will remove the previously added source.
var someData = liveData {
val cachedData = dataRepository.getCachedData()
val actualData = dataRepository.getData()
The activity that’s observing the someData object, will quickly receive the cached data on the device and update the UI. Then, the LiveData itself will take care of making the network request and replace the cached data with a new live stream of data, that will eventually trigger the Activity observer and update the UI with the updated info.
Source: Exploring new Coroutines and Lifecycle Architectural Components integration on Android
I will like share a example where we use "emit" and "emitsource" both to communicate from UI -> View Model -> Repository
Repository layer we use emit to send the values downstream :
suspend fun fetchNews(): Flow<Result<List<Article>>> {
val queryPath = QueryPath("tata", apikey = AppConstant.API_KEY)
return flow {
}.catch { exception ->
ViewModel layer we use emitsource to pass the live data object to UI for subscriptions
val loader = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
val newsListLiveData = liveData<Result<List<Article>>> {
.onEach {
UI Layer - we observe the live data emitted by emitsource
viewModel.newsListLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, { result ->
val listArticle = result.getOrNull()
if (result.isSuccess && listArticle != null) {
setupList(binding.list, listArticle)
} else {
result.exceptionOrNull()?.message + "Error",
We convert Flow observable to LiveData in viewModel

How to create LiveData which emits a single event and notifies only last subscribed observer?

I created live data which emits a single event as in this example.
My question is next:
How to notify only last subscribed observer when the value in the LiveData changes?
What comes to my mind is to store observers in the linked list in SingleLiveData class and then to call super.observe only if a passed observer is the same as the last element of the list.
I'm not sure if this is the best approach.
I want to use this mechanism to propagate FAB click events from activity to the fragments which are shown inside of the ViewPager. Fragments are dynamically added to view pager adapter, so let's say that we know the order of the fragments.
In the end, I found a workaround for this problem. I had to move away from the live data that emits a single event since it couldn't behave the way I needed it to behave.
Instead of this, I used simple mutable live data which emits an event object which wraps a data as in the last paragraph of this article by Jose Alcérreca.
I'm showing fragments in a view pager so I have only one visible fragment at the time.
So my view model looks like this:
class ActionViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val onCreateLiveData: MutableLiveData<Event<String>> = MutableLiveData()
fun observeOnCreateEvent(): LiveData<Event<String>> = onCreateLiveData
fun onCreateCollectionClick(message: String) {
this.onCreateLiveData.value = Event(message)
Event wrapper class implementation looks like this:
/*Used as a wrapper for data that is exposed via a LiveData that represents an
open class Event<out T>(private val content: T) {
var hasBeenHandled = false
private set // Allow external read but not write
* Returns the content and prevents its use again.
fun getContentIfNotHandled(): T? {
return if (hasBeenHandled) {
} else {
hasBeenHandled = true
* Returns the content, even if it's already been handled.
fun peekContent(): T = content
In fragments now we can observe events like this:
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
actionViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(requireActivity()).get(ActionViewModel::class.java)
.observe(this, Observer {
it?.takeIf { userVisibleHint }?.getContentIfNotHandled()?.let {
//DO what ever is needed
Fragment userVisibleHint property will return true if the fragment is currently visible to the user. Since we are only showing one fragment at the time this works for us. This means that the fragment will only access the event data if it is visible.
Also, implementation of the Event wrapper allows only one read of the value, so that every next time Observer gets this event, its value will be null and we'll ignore it.
Conclusion: This way we are simulating a single event live data which notifies only last subscribed observer.
If you're using Kotlin, you can replace LiveData with Flow. StateFlow can be used to replace regular LiveData, while SharedFlow can be used for stateless events. It will also provide you null safety and all the operators and configurations that come with Flow.
The migration is described here among other places. Here's a basic example:
interface MyViewModel {
val myData: StateFlow<MyData>
val myEvents: SharedFlow<MyEvent>
class MyViewModelImpl: MyViewModel {
override val myData = MutableStateFlow(MyData())
override val myEvents = MutableSharedFlow<MyEvent>(replay = 0, extraBufferCapacity = 1, BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST)
* Do stuff
lifecycleScope.launch {
myData.collect {
// handle stateful data
lifecycleScope.launch {
myEvents.collect {
// handle stateless events
Note that lifecycleScope requires the appropriate ktx dependency.
Herer's some more reading about Flow in Android.
I found solution for me in LD extension:
fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeAsEvent(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<in T>) {
var previousKey: Any? = value?: NULL
observe(owner) { value ->
if (previousKey == NULL || previousKey != value) {
previousKey = value
private const val NULL = "NULL"
Usage for this:
viewModel.resultLiveData.observeAsEvent(viewLifecycleOwner) {
I crafted a solution, feel free to take a look
I've created a library to handle the most common cases that we might encounter while working with event-driven data scenarios
It contains the following types of classes:
Multiple observers can register, all of them receive the event based on lifecycle
Multiple observers can register, each one receive the event only once
Only one observer can register and receive the event only once
Multiple observers can register, only the first one receive the event

