bitmap?.let {
cropimg = Bitmap.createBitmap(
56+28,//each mobile has different height of actionbar and status bar
it.height -(56+28)
I am taking Screenshot of mobile screen and I am getting bitmap as a result
I want to crop the status bar or navigation bar from that bitmap
How to do that? I try above solution but it is not accurate.
Step 1: Get the dynamic height of the status bar
fun getStatusBarHeight(context: Context): Int {
val resources: Resources = context.resources
val resourceId: Int = resources.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
return if (resourceId > 0) resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId) else 0
Step 2: Point out the starting point of your new bitmap like this
val statusbarHeight = getStatusBarHeight(this)
bitmap?.let {
cropimg = Bitmap.createBitmap(
0 + statusbarHeight,
Happy Conding! :)
I'm quiet new to Kotlin, but I came across this problem:
I have a library function, that generates an image(QR-Code). Now I'd like to display that image... But I've no idea how. The documentation only explains how to save the image locally. But I'm not really interested in saving it. So I can either get the image as a FileStream or as a ByteArray. Any possibility to display any of these as an Image in the UI?
An Example:
fun QrCode(stand: String) {
Text(text = "QR-Code:", fontSize = 16.sp)
//? Image(QRCode(stand).render().getBytes()) // this obviously won't work
Any ideas?
In order to display an Image, you can refer this.
fun BitmapImage(bitmap: Bitmap) {
bitmap = bitmap.asImageBitmap(),
contentDescription = "some useful description",
So the remaining is to find a way to convert your target input into a Bitmap.
If you have ByteArray of the image file, you can refer to this.
fun convertImageByteArrayToBitmap(imageData: ByteArray): Bitmap {
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageData, 0, imageData.size)
If you just possess the QR String, you can refer this to convert QR String to a Bitmap.
fun encodeAsBitmap(source: String, width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap? {
val result: BitMatrix = try {
MultiFormatWriter().encode(source, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height, null)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return null
val w = result.width
val h = result.height
val pixels = IntArray(w * h)
for (y in 0 until h) {
val offset = y * w
for (x in 0 until w) {
pixels[offset + x] = if (result[x, y]) Color.BLACK else Color.WHITE
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, w, h)
return bitmap
And you need to add this dependency implementation '' when you decide to use the above code.
I want to calculate the resolution of android phones. In some phones have navigation bar and some phone have not navigation bar. When I run this code in android devices then I'm getting exact resolution 1520x720 but In other devices it returns 1461x720(exact resolution 1480x720) so how to get resolution in all devices.
fun test(view: View) {
val height= getScreenHeight()
val width=getScreenWidth()
// for getting screen width
fun getScreenWidth(): Int {
return Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels
// for getting screen height
fun getScreenHeight(): Int {
return Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels
// for getting navigation bar height
private fun getNavSize() : Int{
val resources: Resources = applicationContext.resources
val resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
return if (resourceId > 0) {
} else 0
I know there are already a bunch of questions related to the "trying to use a recycled bitmap" crash, but none helped me.
There are no calls to Bitmap.recycle() anywhere in this project
All images are loaded using Glide (4.11.0)
Glide calls are all simple, and not using placeholders
The crash seems to happen randomly when switching fragments
Only thing I could think of were the transformations.
There are only 2 transformations in this project.
CircleTransformation (clip image as a circle with a custom radius):
class CircleTransformation(private val radius: Float) : BitmapTransformation() {
companion object {
private const val ID = ""
private val ID_BYTES: ByteArray = ID.toByteArray()
public override fun transform(pool: BitmapPool, source: Bitmap, outWidth: Int, outHeight: Int): Bitmap {
val paint = Paint()
paint.isAntiAlias = true
paint.shader = BitmapShader(source, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)
val halfWidth = source.width / 2f
val output = Bitmap.createBitmap(source.width, source.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(output)
(source.height / 2).toFloat(),
halfWidth * radius,
return output
// Caching helpers
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is CircleTransformation && other.hashCode() == hashCode()
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return ID.hashCode()
override fun updateDiskCacheKey(messageDigest: MessageDigest) {
And ClipWhiteTransformation (remove white border from image):
class ClipWhiteTransformation() : BitmapTransformation() {
companion object {
private const val ID = "com.project.transformation.clipWhite"
private val ID_BYTES: ByteArray = ID.toByteArray()
// Config
const val white = 253 // White pixel, if all channels are equal or greater than this
const val transparent = 50 // Transparent pixel, if Less than this
public override fun transform(pool: BitmapPool, source: Bitmap, outWidth: Int, outHeight: Int): Bitmap {
val width = source.width - 1
val height = source.height - 1
val halfX = width / 2
val halfY = height / 2
var startY = 0
// Left Margin
var left = 0
for (x in 0 until halfX) {
val pixel = source.getPixel(x, halfY)
// Transparent?
if (Color.alpha(pixel) < transparent) continue
// Not white?
if ( < white || < white || < white) {
left = x
if (x > 2) {
startY = 2
// Right Margin
var right = 0
for (x in 0 until halfX) {
val pixel = source.getPixel(width - x, halfY)
// Transparent?
if (Color.alpha(pixel) < transparent) continue
// Not white?
if ( < white || < white || < white) {
right = x
if (x > 2) {
startY = 2
// Top Margin
var top = 0
for (y in startY until halfY) {
val pixel = source.getPixel(halfX, y)
// Transparent?
if (Color.alpha(pixel) < transparent) continue
// Not white?
if ( < white || < white || < white) {
top = y
// Bottom Margin
var bottom = 0
for (y in startY until halfY) {
val pixel = source.getPixel(halfX, height - y)
// Transparent?
if (Color.alpha(pixel) < transparent) continue
// Not white?
if ( < white || < white || < white) {
bottom = y
// Clip, scale and return
val newWidth = width - (left + right)
val newHeight = height - (top + bottom)
val scale = if (abs(newWidth - outWidth) > abs(newHeight - outHeight)) outWidth / newWidth.toFloat() else outHeight / newHeight.toFloat()
val matrix = Matrix().apply { setScale(scale, scale) }
return Bitmap.createBitmap(source, left, top, newWidth, newHeight, matrix, false)
// Caching helpers
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is ClipWhiteTransformation && other.hashCode() == hashCode()
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return ID.hashCode()
override fun updateDiskCacheKey(messageDigest: MessageDigest) {
Was using the BitmapPool initially, removing it didn't stop the crash.
By the way, this is the extension used to load images:
fun ImageView.setURL(url: String,
#DrawableRes error: Int? = null,
#DrawableRes placeholder: Int? = null,
size: Int? = null,
options: ((RequestBuilder<Drawable>) -> Unit)? = null,
completion: ((resource: Drawable?) -> Unit)? = null) {
// No URL, use Placeholder if exists, if not, use the error image
if (url.isEmpty()) {
placeholder?.also{ setImageResource(it) } ?: run { error?.also{ setImageResource(it) } }
Glide.with(applicationInstance) // (I'm using an application instance directly here)
.load(url).apply {
completion?.also { completion ->
this.listener(object : RequestListener<Drawable> {
override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
return false
override fun onResourceReady(resource: Drawable?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, dataSource: DataSource?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
return false
.apply { size?.also { this.override(it)} }
.apply { options?.invoke(this) }
.placeholder(placeholder ?: 0)
.error(error ?: 0)
Sorry for pasting so much code here (hope it's useful to someone).
Can these transformations or loader cause the crash?
To shape(circle/square/oval) your image You do not need to Transform your image .
MaterialDesign has introduce ShapeableImageView which let you shape your image at runtime, also you can add border with color .
add matrial dependecies :
implementation ''
Add shapeableImageView in your xyz.xml:
Add style inside res/values/style.xml file
<style name="circleImageView" parent="">
<item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerSize">50%</item>
<item name="android:shadowRadius">100</item>
<item name="android:shadowColor">#color/gray</item>
<item name="backgroundOverlayColorAlpha">12</item>
And at last load your image with glide .
I found that solution ( but when I tried to convert that way I found that the size of inputTensor.dataAsFloatArray is more than bitmap.width*bitmap.height. How works converting tensor to float array or is there any other possible method to convert pytorch tensor to bitmap?
val inputTensor = TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor(
// Float array size is 196608 when width and height are 256x256 = 65536
val res = floatArrayToGrayscaleBitmap(inputTensor.dataAsFloatArray, bitmap.width, bitmap.height)
fun floatArrayToGrayscaleBitmap (
floatArray: FloatArray,
width: Int,
height: Int,
alpha :Byte = (255).toByte(),
reverseScale :Boolean = false
) : Bitmap {
// Create empty bitmap in RGBA format (even though it says ARGB but channels are RGBA)
val bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(width*height*4)
Log.d("App", floatArray.size.toString() + " " + (width * height * 4).toString())
// mapping smallest value to 0 and largest value to 255
val maxValue = floatArray.max() ?: 1.0f
val minValue = floatArray.min() ?: 0.0f
val delta = maxValue-minValue
var tempValue :Byte
// Define if float min..max will be mapped to 0..255 or 255..0
val conversion = when(reverseScale) {
false -> { v: Float -> ((v-minValue)/delta*255).toByte() }
true -> { v: Float -> (255-(v-minValue)/delta*255).toByte() }
// copy each value from float array to RGB channels and set alpha channel
floatArray.forEachIndexed { i, value ->
tempValue = conversion(value)
byteBuffer.put(4*i, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+1, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+2, tempValue)
byteBuffer.put(4*i+3, alpha)
return bmp
None of the answers were able to produce the output I wanted, so this is what I came up with - it is basically only reverse engineered version of what happenes in TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor().
Please note that this function only works if you are using MemoryFormat.CONTIGUOUS (which is default) in TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor().
fun tensor2Bitmap(input: FloatArray, width: Int, height: Int, normMeanRGB: FloatArray, normStdRGB: FloatArray): Bitmap? {
val pixelsCount = height * width
val pixels = IntArray(pixelsCount)
val output = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val conversion = { v: Float -> ((v.coerceIn(0.0f, 1.0f))*255.0f).roundToInt()}
val offset_g = pixelsCount
val offset_b = 2 * pixelsCount
for (i in 0 until pixelsCount) {
val r = conversion(input[i] * normStdRGB[0] + normMeanRGB[0])
val g = conversion(input[i + offset_g] * normStdRGB[1] + normMeanRGB[1])
val b = conversion(input[i + offset_b] * normStdRGB[2] + normMeanRGB[2])
pixels[i] = 255 shl 24 or (r.toInt() and 0xff shl 16) or (g.toInt() and 0xff shl 8) or (b.toInt() and 0xff)
output.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height)
return output
Example usage then could be as follows:
tensor2Bitmap(outputTensor.dataAsFloatArray, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, TensorImageUtils.TORCHVISION_NORM_MEAN_RGB, TensorImageUtils.TORCHVISION_NORM_STD_RGB)
// I faced the same problem, and I found the function itself
tortures the RGB colorspace. You should try to convert yuv to a bitmap and use
instead for NOW.
// I modified the code from phillies (up) to get the coloful bitmap. Note that the format of an output tensor is typically NCHW.
// Here's my function in Kotlin. Hopefully it works in your case:
private fun floatArrayToBitmap(floatArray: FloatArray, width: Int, height: Int) : Bitmap {
// Create empty bitmap in ARGB format
val bmp: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val pixels = IntArray(width * height * 4)
// mapping smallest value to 0 and largest value to 255
val maxValue = floatArray.max() ?: 1.0f
val minValue = floatArray.min() ?: -1.0f
val delta = maxValue-minValue
// Define if float min..max will be mapped to 0..255 or 255..0
val conversion = { v: Float -> ((v-minValue)/delta*255.0f).roundToInt()}
// copy each value from float array to RGB channels
for (i in 0 until width * height) {
val r = conversion(floatArray[i])
val g = conversion(floatArray[i+width*height])
val b = conversion(floatArray[i+2*width*height])
pixels[i] = rgb(r, g, b) // you might need to import for rgb()
bmp.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height)
return bmp
Hopefully future releases of PyTorch Mobile will fix this bug.
I want to know if a device has a soft navigation bar. I use the following code for this purpose:
val hasNavBar = resources.getIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android")
if(hasNavBar > 0 && resources.getBoolean(hasNavBar)){
val resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
if (resourceId > 0) {
ApiHelper.navHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId)
But on some devices that have no soft navigation bar, resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId) gives some height and hasNavBar is true.
The device with this problem is a Redmi Note 4 Pro. I don't know if other devices have the same problem.
I found the answer.
There are some functions in stackOverflow that doesn't work, but this worked.
How to tell whether an android device has hard keys
fun hasSoftKeys(windowManager: WindowManager): Boolean {
var hasSoftwareKeys = true
val d = context.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay()
val realDisplayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
val realHeight = realDisplayMetrics.heightPixels
val realWidth = realDisplayMetrics.widthPixels
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
val displayHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels
val displayWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels
hasSoftwareKeys = realWidth - displayWidth > 0 || realHeight - displayHeight > 0x<
} else {
val hasMenuKey = ViewConfiguration.get(context).hasPermanentMenuKey()
val hasBackKey = KeyCharacterMap.deviceHasKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
hasSoftwareKeys = !hasMenuKey && !hasBackKey
return hasSoftwareKeys