I have problem working with MutableStateFlow, I cannot understand how it is working or I am mistaken somewhere. For example purpose I created simpler classes to get the idea what I am doing.
First I have data class which holds the values and controller which update values in the data class
data class ExampleUiState(
val dataFlag: Boolean = false
class ExampleController {
private val _exampleUiState = MutableStateFlow(ExampleUiState())
val exampleUiState = _exampleUiState.asStateFlow()
fun onChangeFlag(flag: Boolean) {
_exampleUiState.update { it.copy(dataFlag = flag) }
I am using koin, and I created Example controller singleton.
Second I am injection it in my ViewModel where I have two functions there
class ExampleViewModel(
private val exampleController: ExampleController
) : ViewModel() {
val exampleUiState = exampleController.exampleUiState.stateIn(
//called second
private fun useFlagInViewModelFun() {
//here the value is not updated
//called first from UI
fun changeValueFromUi(flag: Boolean) {
//change it from default false to true
The idea is when I call changeValueFromUi from some compose function, I update the value with my controller function, and after it I call other function where I want to use already updated state of data class, but I don't get the correct value.
Where I am mistaken?
Is there any time needed for onChangeFlag() to react and update the value?
Am I mistaken the way that I am trying to get the value after exampleUiState.value.dataFlag ?
In a Jetpack Compose component I'm subscribing to Room LiveData object using observeAsState.
The initial composition goes fine, data is received from ViewModel/LiveData/Room.
val settings by viewModel.settings.observeAsState(initial = AppSettings()) // Works fine the first time
A second composition is initiated, where settings - A non nullable variable is set to null, and the app crashed with an NPE.
#Query("select * from settings order by id desc limit 1")
fun getSettings(): LiveData<AppSettings>
fun getSettings(): LiveData<AppSettings> {
return dao.getSettings()
class SomeViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val repository: AppRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val settings = repository.getSettings()
fun ItemsListScreen(viewModel: AppViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val settings by viewModel.settings.observeAsState(initial = AppSettings())
Just to clearify, the DB data does not change. the first time settings is fetched within the composable, a valid instance is returned.
Then the component goes into recomposition, when ItemsListScreen is invoked for the second time, then settings is null (the variable in ItemsListScreen).
Once the LiveData<Appsettings> is subscribed to will have a default value of null. So you get the default value required by a State<T> object, when you call LiveData<T>::observeAsState, followed by the default LiveData<T> value, this being null
LiveData<T> is a Java class that allows nullable objects. If your room database doesn't have AppSettings it will set it a null object on the LiveData<AppSettings> instance. As Room is also a Java library and not aware of kotlin language semantics.
Simply put this is an interop issue.
You should use LiveData<AppSettings?> in kotlin code and handle null objects, or use some sort of MediatorLiveData<T> that can filter null values for example some extensions functions like :
fun <T> LiveData<T?>.observeAsNonNullState(initial : T & Any, default : T & Any) : State<T> =
MediatorLiveData<T>().apply {
addSource(this) { t -> value = t ?: default }
}.observeAsState(initial = initial)
fun <T> LiveData<T?>.observeAsNonNullState(initial : T & Any) : State<T> =
MediatorLiveData<T>().apply {
addSource(this) { t -> t?.run { value = this } }
}.observeAsState(initial = initial)
If you only need to fetch settings when viewModel is initialised, you can try putting it in an init block inside your ViewModel.
I started building my app using Room, Flow, LiveData and Coroutines, and have come across something odd: what I'm expecting to be a value flow actually has one null item in it.
My setup is as follows:
interface BookDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = :id")
fun getBook(id: Long): Flow<Book>
class BookRepository #Inject constructor(
private val bookDao: BookDao
) {
fun getBook(id: Long) = bookDao.getBook(id).filterNotNull()
class BookDetailViewModel #Inject internal constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val bookRepository: BookRepository,
private val chapterRepository: ChapterRepository,
) : ViewModel() {
val bookID: Long = savedStateHandle.get<Long>(BOOK_ID_SAVED_STATE_KEY)!!
val book = bookRepository.getBook(bookID).asLiveData()
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> {
val lastChapterID = book.value.let { book ->
book?.lastChapterID ?: 0L
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
return chapters.asLiveData()
companion object {
private const val BOOK_ID_SAVED_STATE_KEY = "bookID"
class BookDetailFragment : Fragment() {
private var queryJob: Job? = null
private val viewModel: BookDetailViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onResume() {
private fun load() {
queryJob = lifecycleScope.launch() {
val bookName = viewModel.book.value.let { book ->
binding.toolbar.title = bookName
Log.i(TAG, "value: $bookName")
viewModel.book.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { book ->
binding.toolbar.title = book.name
Log.i(TAG, "observe: ${book.name}")
Then I get a null value in lifecycleScope.launch while observe(viewLifecycleOwner) gets a normal value.
I think it might be because of sync and async issues, but I don't know the exact reason, and how can I use LiveData<T>.value to get the value?
Because I want to use it in BookDetailViewModel.getChapters method.
APPEND: In the best practice example of Android Jetpack (Sunflower), LiveData.value (createShareIntent method of PlantDetailFragment) works fine.
APPEND 2: The getChapters method returns a paged data (Flow<PagingData<Chapter>>). If the book triggers an update, it will cause the page to be refreshed again, confusing the UI logic.
APPEND 3: I found that when I bind BookDetailViewModel with DataBinding, BookDetailViewModel.book works fine and can get book.value.
LiveData.value has extremely limited usefulness because you might be reading it when no value is available yet.
You’re checking the value of your LiveData before it’s source Flow can emit its first value, and the initial value of a LiveData before it emits anything is null.
If you want getChapters to be based on the book LiveData, you should do a transformation on the book LiveData. This creates a LiveData that under the hood observes the other LiveData and uses that to determine what it publishes. In this case, since the return value is another LiveData, switchMap is appropriate. Then if the source book Flow emits another version of the book, the LiveData previously retrieved from getChapters will continue to emit, but it will be emitting values that are up to date with the current book.
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> =
Transformations.switchMap(book) { book ->
val lastChapterID = book.lastChapterID
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
Based on your comment, you can call take(1) on the Flow so it will not change the LiveData book value when the repo changes.
val book = bookRepository.getBook(bookID).take(1).asLiveData()
But maybe you want the Book in that LiveData to be able to be changed when the repo changes, and what you want is that the Chapters LiveData retrieved previously does not change? So you need to manually get it again if you want it to be based on the latest Book? If that's the case, you don't want to be using take(1) there which would prevent the book from appearing updated in the book LiveData.
I would personally in that case use a SharedFlow instead of LiveData, so you could avoid retrieving the values twice, but since you're currently working with LiveData, here's a possible solution that doesn't require you to learn those yet. You could use a temporary Flow of your LiveData to easily get its current or first value, and then use that in a liveData builder function in the getChapters() function.
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> = liveData {
val singleBook = book.asFlow().first()
val lastChapterID = singleBook.lastChapterID
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
TL;DR of this Question:
Is it possible that a LiveData with a backing property (MutableLiveData) inside the ViewModel that is used to Observe and Add to an
ArrayList can have a race condition and using Synchronized or a Lock is required?
Provided that the ArrayList will get its value from a callback
I am trying to setup a group video call using the Agora Android SDK. I followed the documentation here. The problem is with the callbacks (onUserJoined, onUserOffline) from IRtcEngineEventHandler.
OnUserJoined Callback
mRtcEngine = RtcEngine.create(baseContext, APP_ID, object : IRtcEngineEventHandler() {
override fun onUserJoined(uid: Int, elapsed: Int) {
// onUserJoined callback is called anytime a new remote user joins the channel
super.onUserJoined(uid, elapsed)
// We mute the stream by default so that it doesn't consume unnecessary bandwidth
mRtcEngine?.muteRemoteVideoStream(uid, true)
// We are using a lock since uidList is shared and there can be race conditions
try {
// We are using uidList to keep track of the UIDs of the remote users
} finally {
onUserOffline Callback
override fun onUserOffline(uid: Int, reason: Int) {
// onUserOffline is called whenever a remote user leaves the channel
super.onUserOffline(uid, reason)
// We use toRemove to inform the RecyclerView of the index of item we are removing
val toRemove: Int
// We are using a lock since uidList is shared and there can be race conditions
try {
// We are fetching the index of the item we are about to remove and then remove the item
toRemove = uidList.indexOf(uid)
} finally {
Here Lock is being used to access the uidlist in a thread safe way to prevent race condition. It was working for me when I followed the docs exactly, but when I tried to use a LiveData with a backing property (MutableLiveData) in a ViewModel for saving the uidlist, the observer on uidlist always returned an empty list.
My ViewModel
class MainViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val _uidList: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Int>> = MutableLiveData()
val uidList: LiveData<ArrayList<Int>> get() = _uidList
init {
_uidList.value = ArrayList<Int>()
fun addToUserList(uid: Int) {
Log.d("adding user ","$uid")
fun removeFromUserList(uid: Int) {
I am calling addToUserList() inside onUserJoined() and removeFromUserList() inside the onUserOffline()
Please guide me to the solution to this problem,
Thank you
You should not be mutating the value stored in LiveData, you'll get very strange behaviour. You have to swap the value out completely.
I'm feeling somewhat lazy so I will just give you the answer.
class MainViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val _uidList: MutableLiveData<List<Int>> = MutableLiveData()
val uidList: LiveData<List<Int>> get() = _uidList
init {
_uidList.value = emptyList<Int>()
fun addToUserList(uid: Int) {
_uidList.value = (_uidList.value ?: emptyList()) + uid
Log.d("adding user ","$uid")
fun removeFromUserList(uid: Int) {
val value = _uidList.value?.toMutableList()
if (value == null) return
_uidList.value = value
In my fragment I observe dbQuestionsList field:
viewModel.dbQuestionsList.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { list ->
Log.i("a", "dbQuestionsList inside fragment = $list ")
In my fragment I have few buttons and depending on which one is pressed I call method on viewModel passing the string which was set as tag to the button.
viewModel.onFilterChanged(button.tag as String)
My ViewMode:
lateinit var dbQuestionsList: LiveData<List<DatabaseQuestion>>
private fun onFilterChanged(filter: String) {
dbQuestionsList = mRepository.getDbQuestionsForCategory(filter)
Repository method:
fun getDbQuestionsForCategory(categoryName: String): LiveData<List<DatabaseQuestion>> {
return database.dbQuestionsDao().getDbQuestionsByCategory(categoryName)
Dao method:
#Query("SELECT * FROM db_questions_database WHERE category = :categoryId")
fun getDbQuestionsByCategory(categoryId: String): LiveData<List<DatabaseQuestion>>
When I press button, viewModel method is called with argument which should be used to update LiveData by searching through room database, but NOTHING gets updated for no reason. Database is not empty so there is no reason to return null and not trigger observer in main Fragment.
But when I do this in my viewModel:
lateinit var dbQuestionsList: LiveData<List<DatabaseQuestion>>
where I hardcode parameter, the room will return list and observer in fragment will be triggered, so it works like that but doesn't work when arguments is passed when button is pressed, Please explain because this thing doesn't make sense. I tried with mutable live data, with using .setValue and .postValue but NOTHING works.
The reason you aren't getting updates is because onFilterChanged() is reassigning dbQuestionsList, not updating it. So the variable you observe initially is never actually modified.
I would probably implement this using a Transformation:
val filter = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = "" }
val dbQuestionsList = Transformations.switchMap(filter) {
Then in your fragment just set the filter when your button is clicked:
viewModel.filter.value = button.tag as String
Try this:
dbQuestionsList.value = mRepository.getDbQuestionsForCategory(filter)
I need to call a method of a fragment with event onStart() of activity. I found a lot of answers but Java I need in Kotlin. the same time the onStart event take values for sending to the fragment. I think that I can do this with ViewModel but I try set the value in the model I have the error "mismatch".
public class StatusStudent: ViewModel(){
var status = MutableLiveData<Int>()
fun setStatus(newStatus: Int ){
status = newStatus //Here Error "Mismatch"
Problem: You are trying to assign an Int to MutableLiveData<Int>.
Solution: What you want to do instead is assigning the value held by the MutableLiveData<Int> wrapper using the setter:
public class StatusStudent: ViewModel() {
val status = MutableLiveData<Int>()
fun setStatus(newStatus: Int) {
status.value = newStatus
Note: status should most likely be a val (instead of a var) since you are already using a mutable wrapper and don't want to change the reference of it but the value!