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Shell command to tar directory excluding certain files/folders
(29 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I use command like this:
tar cf - /folder-with-big-files -P | pv -s $(du -sb /folder-with-big-files | awk '{print $1}') > big-files.tar.gz
from THIS site. It works very good but I need to exclude 2 folders in TAR and DU command and I have a problem with this. Perhaps there is a probelm with the order?
I tried this:
tar cf --exclude={"/data/media/0/!Temp/!Test/bellota","/data/media/0/!Temp/!Test/Xiaomi"} "$mainLocation" - "$mainLocation" -P | pv -s $(du -sb --exclude={"/data/media/0/!Temp/!Test/bellota","/data/media/0/!Temp/!Test/Xiaomi"} "$mainLocation" "$mainLocation" | awk '{print $1}') > "$tarArchiveLocationWithName"
but this command doesn't works.
My primary code from script:
tarArchiveLocationWithName="/data/media/0/!Temp/!backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).tar"
tar cf - "$mainLocation" -P | pv -s $(du -sb "$mainLocation" | awk '{print $1}') > "$tarArchiveLocationWithName"
With GNU tar and du from GNU coreutils with absolute paths:
# get size in bytes without excludes
size=$(du -sb --exclude="$ex1" --exclude="$ex2" "$mainLocation" | awk '$0=$1')
# create tar without excludes
tar -C / --exclude="$ex1" --exclude="$ex2" -c -P "$mainLocation" | pv -s "$size" > "$tarArchiveLocationWithName"
I made a magisk module with a like this and nothing else:
if [ $API -gt 23 ]
BROMITE=`curl -I --silent | grep 'location:' | cut -d':' -f2,3 | tr -d '[:blank:]\r' | sed -e 's/tag/download/g'`
ui_print "Installing Bromite webview for $ARCH..."
mkdir -p $MODPATH/system/app/bromite/
wget $BROMITE/"$ARCH"_SystemWebView.apk -P $MODPATH
mv $MODPATH/"$ARCH"_SystemWebView.apk $MODPATH/system/app/bromite/bromite.apk
ui_print "Setting file permissions..."
set_perm_recursive $MODPATH/system/ 0 0 0755 0644
abort "Your Android version is too old."
When trying to install it, after printing 'Installing Bromite webview for arm64...', it's immediately done and there's nothing except for the files already in the .zip file and the created directories in there.
I ran this on my PC:
The variables at the top (except for 'BROMITE') are set by the Magisk installer.
if [ $API -gt 23 ]; then
BROMITE=`curl -I --silent | grep 'location:' | cut -d':' -f2,3 | tr -d '[:blank:]\r' | sed -e 's/tag/download/g'`
mkdir -p $MODPATH/system/app/bromite/
wget $BROMITE/"$ARCH"_SystemWebView.apk -P $MODPATH
mv $MODPATH/"$ARCH"_SystemWebView.apk $MODPATH/system/app/bromite/bromite.apk
And everything worked, the .apk file was where it's intended to be and I have no idea why it's not working on Android.
Is it possible to also display the Log's Package Name in each line?
logcat -v long
leaves exactly the package name field (after PID) empty.
I want to filter the Logs from a specific application with different Tags, just wondering if it is possible.
logcat record does not have a "package name field". Therefore there is no standard/built-in way to filter by it.
Although since Android 7.0 you can use logcat --pid option combined with pidof -s command to filter output by binary/package name:
adb shell "logcat --pid=$(pidof -s <package_name>)"
Replace " with ' for Linux/MacOS
This is my script. A little rusty but still working.
PID=`adb shell ps | grep -i <your package name> | cut -c10-15`;
adb logcat | grep $PID
Actually I have a python script to add more colours, and a while loop to keep monitoring for that process when it gets restarted, but I think you'll get the point.
Option 1
Enter these line by line:
adb shell
PKG_PID_LIST_CACHE=$(eval $(pm list packages | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/echo \"\$\(echo \1\) \$\(pidof \1\)\";/'))
function pid2pkg() { pkgName=$(echo "$PID_LIST_CACHE" | grep -w $1 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | head -1); if [ "$pkgName" != "" ] ; then echo $pkgName; else echo "*NOT RUNNING*"; fi }
eval "$(logcat -d | sed -r -e 's/([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)/\2 \$\(pid2pkg \3\) \5/g' | sed -r -e 's/(.+)/echo -e \"\1\"/g')"
The logcat output will be in the following format:
[Time] [Name] [Type] [Message]
14:34:59.386 wpa_supplicant E wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Failed to set IPv4 unicast in multicast filter
14:35:02.231 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
14:35:03.469 android.hardware.wifi#1.0-service E WifiHAL : wifi_get_logger_supported_feature_set: Error -3 happened.
14:35:03.518 system_server I WifiService: getWifiApEnabledState uid=10086
14:35:03.519 dev.ukanth.ufirewall D AFWall : isWifiApEnabled is false
14:35:03.520 system_server I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(UPDATE_NETWORK_STATE, 0, 123)
14:35:03.522 dev.ukanth.ufirewall I AFWall : Now assuming wifi connection
Some system processes don't have packages. system_server and wpa_supplicant for instance. If a package name can't be found, the process name will be displayed instead.
If the process behind a certain PID is not running anymore, you can't get the package/process name anymore.
After a process exited itself or your device restarted, the PIDs may actually be assigned to completely different processes.
So you might want to check for how long the process has actually been running:
ps -e -o pid -o stime -o name
Option 2
If you want the formatting to be a bit more readable, you can copy my logging script to your device and execute it:
PKG_PID_LIST_CACHE=$(eval $(pm list packages | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/echo \"\$\(echo \1\) \$\(pidof \1\)\";/'))
MAX_LEN=$(echo "$PID_LIST_CACHE" | cut -d ' ' -f1 | awk '{ if ( length > L ) { L=length} }END{ print L}')
function pid2pkg() {
pkgName=$(echo "$PID_LIST_CACHE" | grep -w $1 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | head -1);
if [ "$pkgName" != "" ] ; then
printf "%-${MAX_LEN}s" "$pkgName";
printf "%-${MAX_LEN}s" "<UNKNOWN (NOT RUNNING)>";
eval "$(\
logcat -d | \
sed -r -e 's/([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)/\2\ $\(pid2pkg \3\) \5/g' | \
sed -r -e 's/(.+)/echo -e \"\1\"/g' \
)" | \
awk '
function color(c,s) {
/ E / {color(1,$0);next}
/ D / {color(2,$0);next}
/ W / {color(3,$0);next}
/ I / {color(4,$0);next}
To copy and run it, you can use:
adb push /sdcard/
adb shell "bash /sdcard/"
Output will look like this:
This works with awk.
adb logcat | grep -F "`adb shell ps | grep com.yourpackage | awk '{print $2;}'`"
When I perform command:
for el in $(adb shell ls /mnt/sdcard/ | grep mem_); do adb pull /mnt/sdcard/${el} android_mem; done
I get:
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_AI
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_Alarms
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_Android
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_Autodesk
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_Cardboard
' does not existmnt/sdcard/mem_DCIM
But if I perform this, for example, adb pull /mnt/sdcard/mem_DCIM android_mem I get that 0 KB/s (20 bytes in 0.080s), ie ok. Why is this happens??
The problem is that adb shell ls /mnt/sdcard/ | grep mem_ is returning a \r at the end, so it can't pull the file properly.
So you need to remove it with sed -r 's/[\r]+//g', for example:
for el in $(adb shell ls /mnt/sdcard/ | grep mem_ | sed -r 's/[\r]+//g'); do adb pull /mnt/sdcard/${el} android_mem; done
How do I get the android application name from a apk file programatically outside an android environment? I have tried parsing androidmanifest.xml but it only shows the package name ( which may not be very informative at times)
If you are using Linux, this command will give you the application name:
aapt dump badging your.apk | sed -n "s/^application-label:'\(.*\)'/\1/p"
You'll have to install aapt first.
Can also be done with apktool.
if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo ${0##*/} useage: ${0##*/} /path/to/your.apk; exit; fi
APKTOOL=$(which apktool | head -1); if [ -z "$APKTOOL" ]; then echo "Error: Could not locate apktool wrapper script."; exit; fi
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
$APKTOOL d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $TMPDIR $1
LABEL=$(cat $TMPDIR/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
echo ${LABEL}
It is really annoying if you adb push/pull large files to the device that there's no way to now how far along it is. Is it possible to run adb push or adb pull and get a progress bar using the 'bar' utility?
The main issue here is I think that adb expects two file names, if the input file could be replaced by stdin you could pipe through the 'bar' utility and get a progress bar. So far I haven't succeeded in doing so, but I'm not really a shell guru which is why I'm asking here :)
Note that I'm on Linux using bash.
It looks like the latest adb has progress support.
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32
device commands:
adb push [-p] <local> <remote>
- copy file/dir to device
('-p' to display the transfer progress)
However, the answers above also work for 'adb install' which do not have a progress option. I modified the first answer's script to work this way:
Create "" somewhere in your PATH and run " " instead of "adb install -f "
# adb install with progressbar displayed
# usage: <> <file.apk>
# original code from:
function usage()
echo "$0 <apk to install>"
exit 1
function progressbar()
printf "\r[%-${barlength}s] %d%%" "${bar:0:n}" "$1"
# echo -ne "\b$1"
export -f progressbar
[[ $# < 1 ]] && usage
[ ! -f $SRC ] && { \
echo "source file not found"; \
exit 2; \
which adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "adb doesn't exist in your path"; \
exit 3; \
SIZE=$(ls -l $SRC | awk '{print $5}')
export ADB_TRACE=all
adb install -r $SRC 2>&1 \
| sed -n '/DATA/p' \
| awk -v T=$SIZE 'BEGIN{FS="[=:]"}{t+=$7;system("progressbar " sprintf("%d\n", t/T*100))}'
export ADB_TRACE=
echo 'press any key'
read n
Currently I have this little piece of bash:
function adb_push {
# NOTE: 65544 is the max size adb seems to transfer in one go
TOTALSIZE=$(ls -Rl "$1" | awk '{ sum += sprintf("%.0f\n", ($5 / 65544)+0.5) } END { print sum }')
exp=$(($TOTALSIZE * 7)) # 7 bytes for every line we print - not really accurate if there's a lot of small files :(
# start bar in the background
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push "$1" "$2" 2>&1 | unbuffer -p awk '/DATA/ { split($3,a,"="); print a[2] }' | unbuffer -p cut -d":" -s -f1 | unbuffer -p bar -of /dev/null -s $exp
echo # Add a newline after the progressbar.
It works somewhat, it shows a progress bar going from 0 to 100 which is nice. However, it won't be correct if you do a lot of small files, and worse, the bytes/s and total bytes shown by 'bar' aren't correct.
I challenge you to improve on my script; it shouldn't be hard! ;)
Here is my solution, it will show a simple progressbar and current numeric progress
[==================================================] 100%
./ source destination
function usage()
echo "$0 source destination"
exit 1
function progressbar()
printf "\r[%-${barlength}s] %d%%" "${bar:0:n}" "$1"
# echo -ne "\b$1"
export -f progressbar
[[ $# < 2 ]] && usage
[ ! -f $SRC ] && { \
echo "source file not found"; \
exit 2; \
which adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "adb doesn't exist in your path"; \
exit 3; \
SIZE=$(ls -l $SRC | awk '{print $5}')
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push $SRC $DST 2>&1 \
| sed -n '/DATA/p' \
| awk -v T=$SIZE 'BEGIN{FS="[=:]"}{t+=$7;system("progressbar " sprintf("%d\n", t/T*100))}'
Testing on Ubuntu 14.04
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
directory support
progressbar size change when screen size change
Well I can give you an Idea:
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push <source> <destination>
returns logs for any command, so for example the copy command, which looks like:
writex: fd=3 len=65544: 4441544100000100000000021efd DATA....#....b..
here you can get the total bytes length before, with ls -a, then parse the output of adb with grep or awk, increment an interneral counter and send the current progress to the bar utility.
When you succeeded, please post the script here.