EXPO Mobile app changes after installing generated APK - android

I'm building a EXPO app for iOs and Android.
When testing the application using the Expo Go app on the Android emulator everything looks as it should be. When I generate the APK and install this on the emulator the whole top get pushed down and a bar appear.
The Expo App
The APK version
Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?


reacct native preparing apk fails

I am in process of learning react-native, and in that regard, I initiated react-native default app, screenshots are attached.
I am struck at preparing apk via expo and react-native-cli both, when generating apk via exp it crashes on an android device whereas it works just fine in the browser, android, and ios simulators.
this is the error when exporting via react-native
I'm following this guidelines link https://reactnative.dev/docs/signed-apk-android
Any help or hint would be appreciated, thanks in advance

How to update React native android app with expo

I build an android app in react native and expo. Now I made some changes to the code and was thinking that is it possible to update the app OTA for the users. My app is not published to the play store.
I tried by expo build:apk but this build a new apk file and earlier one has no effect on it.
If you haven't disabled OTA updates for your app you should be able to push an update to the existing app using expo publish command. Just run it in the directory of your project—the project will be built, uploaded to the servers and next time the app starts it will download the update.
See https://docs.expo.io/introduction/walkthrough/#updating-the-app-over-the-air for more information. 🙂

Could Not Load App error APK Android React Native

So, I'm stuck with an error after generating APK with React-Native. I tried on multiple computers, 32-bit and 64-bit operating system and had no success.
How I got here
First, I created my app with
create-react-native-app suporteecontrole
Then I started developing my app, installing dependencies, and etc. After making sure that the APP was running without any errors, I ejected with the command line:
npm run eject
I've put my expo credentials and it worked without any errors too. I figured that it was going to work.
Generating APK's
To generate APK, i followed the instructions on this link:
React Native Build Signed APK
1 - I installed the JAVA 8 SDK, and all dependences too.
2 - I generated the Key by following the step one on the link.
3 - I changed all gradle files according to the link
4 - Then I runned this lines on cmd:
cd android
gradle assembleRelease
No errors popped up. I made it to the build successfully.
So, It generated some files: app-dev19-release.apk, app-dev-release.apk, app-devRemoteKernel-release.apk, app-prod-release.apk.
I installed app-prod-release.apk on my mobile, and returns an Expo error:
Could not load app
I searched Google for this, and found nothing.
Can anybody help me with this?
It is frustrating how the create-react-native does expo by default instead of normal react app. But you've already ejected from the expo app, and your code now wont be working on it.
Instead you'll see a new app on your phone with the name and icon you chose. Try to find the App and run it. And to assemble a release, you actually need to sign it too, so I hope you've done the signing right. Take a look at this https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/signed-apk-android.html for signing if you face that error.

generated signed apk according to the documentation of react-native but it does not appear on my device

I've developed my first RN application and generated the apk as the react-native's documentation says and everything is fine, it does not show me any error, but when I install the apk in an emulator or on my smartphone the application does not appear anywhere, if I get into all applications to uninstall my application previously installed it is there but when I'm going to use it does not appear any icon or whatever. Any idea why I can not see my app? I used detach (Expo SDK)

phonegap cloud build app (apk) Not working for Android and Iphone

I have created an app on local machine Android everything is working fine. Maps / Image Sliders/ Price Sliders / Splash Screens. I have tested entire app to be working fine on simulator and real android device.
But When I upload the zip Soln & Run Cloud build and Install cloud build nothing seems to be working.
Splash Not coming. Only landing page is showing. I can not navigate
to other pages Server requests are not working.
Application is purly html based no intents or plugins are used in it.
Actually issue was in Adobe cloud. We worked with same build the day after and it started working. But still the splash screen is not working.
We plan to have 2 Builds for android and iOS. Android build we will do on our server by installing SDK. IOS build we will be doing on cloud.
Since cloud build apk Size is >6mb while Local Build apk is <2mb

