I have integrated the Play In-App Review Unity Plugin into my Unity game.
It is working in my standard app.
But it seems it is not working in the instant app.
Is it not possible to use the Google Play In-App Reviews API in instant apps?
I've created a new app in AdMob dashboard to integrate ads on my Android app before I publish it in Google Play Store and linked it to Firebase as well.
After publishing my app to Google Play Store, I've waited 48 hours for the indexing to be able to link my AdMob to my app in Google Play Store.
So I linked my app to from Google Play to AdMob but AdMob created a new app instead of actually just linking my existing AdMob app to my Google Play Store app.
So my question is
how do I actually just link my existing AdMob app to my Google Play Store App?
I want to avoid recreating all my ad units and re-link everything and publish an update on Google Play Store.
Follow up questions:
Does linking your Play Store app to AdMob has always been like this?
Do I really need to link my Google Play Store app to my AdMob?
What are the complications / benefits of linking my AdMob to my Google Play Store app?
What action can you recommend for this situation?
Thank you.
Google has steadily been introducing Android apps and Play store to ChromeOS, with the announcement today that all Chromebooks will run Android apps. Is there any way Android developers can access data about usage on these devices, via the Play console?
I want to implement the "sign in with Google" button in my Android app. And I read this:
Before you can start integrating Google Sign-In in your own app, you
must configure a Google Developers Console project and set up your
Android Studio project. The steps on this page do just that. The next
steps then describe how to integrate Google Sign-In into your app.
And in order to publish the app I need also a Google Play Console, and I was wondering why do I need to create a Project in Google Developers Console?
Can I make this also in Google Play console??
What is the difference between Google Developers console and Google Play console?
Google Developers console you can think of as a Google "Cloud" console. Almost anything to do with interacting with Google servers from your app is done there. Most of the APIs and features are cross-platform iOS, Android and Web. You can find it at https://console.developers.google.com/.
Signing in with Google is a cloud feature, and cross-platform so lives there. You can have a Google account on any platform.
Google Play console is focused on publishing your app to Android users. If you want stats for running your business, to affect the store listing, or roll out a new APK that's where to go.
Can Maldivians develop and distribute Android applications in Google Play Store? it is not listed in the supported locations for distribution to Google Play users. So can you still develop and distribute using Google Play while in Maldives?
Maldives supports Google Play Developer Registration (= you can develop and distribute apps) and does not support registration as a Google Wallet merchant (you can't sell apps or in-app products).
Reference: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/table/3539140
I am considering using Xamarin.Android and MvvmCross on an enterprise device that does not have Google Play Services or any other Google apps/services (i.e. Google Maps).
Does MvvmCross have any dependencies on Google Play Services or other Google apps/services that may not exist on an enterprise device?
No. The only time you would need to install the Google Play Services component is if you use a feature like Maps, Cloud Messaging, or In-app purchases.
MvvmCross is very modular and you include only the features you need primarily via plugins.
As mentioned by #Kiliman, MvvmCross has no dependencies on Google Play.
To get you started here are two good links:
1) Writing a first App
2) Video on using MvvmCross and Android (iOS and Windows as well)