Composable does not update when mutablestateflow in viewmodel - android

I have Viewmodel where I keep reference to post. When i want to translate post i run function to update state flow and post and if I put logs there I see that value is changed but my composable did not get any new value. Here is part of code from viewmodel that doing this magic
private var originalText = tile.text?.originalText
private var text = tile.text?.text
private var _postTileState = MutableStateFlow(tile)
val tileState = _postTileState.asStateFlow()
fun translateText() {
val newText = if (_postTileState.value.text?.isTranslated == true)
else text
val postText = PostText(
text = newText,
isTranslated = !_postTileState.value.text?.isTranslated!!,
originalText = tile.text?.originalText
_postTileState.value.text = postText
Tile here is one post. And here is parent composable
fun PostTileView(
tile: PostTile,
content: #Composable (
tile: PostTile,
) -> Unit
) {
val postTileViewModel = postTileViewModel(
id =
val postTile = postTileViewModel.tileState.collectAsState().value
modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 10.dp)
) {
PostTileHeaderView(, createdDate = postTile.createdDate)
if(postTile.text?.originalText != null) {
Button(onClick = {
}) {
val buttonTitle = if(postTile.text!!.isTranslated == true)
"Show original" else "Translate"
Text(text = buttonTitle)
PostTags(tags = postTile.tags)
If i put some other state with this one in viewmodel like some boolean and get reference to it in composable it works fine but with updating post it does not work. What I am missing?

The problem is with your translateText() function, you can't update just a single variable of the object inside the state flow like that _postTileState.value.text = postText, but instead you need to update the hole object so your function should look like that:
fun translateText() {
val newText = if (_postTileState.value.text?.isTranslated == true)
else text
val postText = PostText(
text = newText,
isTranslated = !_postTileState.value.text?.isTranslated!!,
originalText = tile.text?.originalText
_postTileState.value = _postTileState.value.copy(text = postText)
Now the state flow will notice that you set a new object.


Boolean State in compose is changing before the variable I put after it get's assigned

So I have Two ViewModels in my Calculator App in which I all reference in my Compose NavGraph so I can use the same ViewModel instance. I set a Boolean State(historyCheck) in the first ViewModel and I set it too true to "Clear" the History I set which is a history of Calculations I am trying to retrieve from both ViewModels. The issue now is that the Boolean State "strCalcViewModel.historyCheck" changes before the variable above it get's assigned which then makes the 'if' statement I setup fail which in turns makes the whole Implementation also fail as it is always set to false.
This is my code Below...
My Compose NavGraph.
fun ComposeNavigation(
navController: NavHostController,
) {
* Here We declare an Instance of our Two ViewModels, their states and History States. This is because we don't want to have the same States for the two Screens.
val strCalcViewModel = viewModel<CalculatorViewModel>()
val sciCalcViewModel = viewModel<ScientificCalculatorViewModel>()
val strCalcState = strCalcViewModel.strState
val sciCalcState = sciCalcViewModel.sciState
val strHistoryState = strCalcViewModel.historyState
val sciHistoryState = sciCalcViewModel.historyState
// This holds our current available 'HistoryState' based on where the Calculation was performed(Screens) by the USER.
var currHistory by remember { mutableStateOf(CalculatorHistoryState()) }
if(strCalcViewModel.historyCheck) {
currHistory = strHistoryState
strCalcViewModel.historyCheck = false // this gets assigned before the 'currHistory' variable above thereBy making the the if to always be false
} else {
currHistory = sciHistoryState
navController = navController,
startDestination = "main_screen",
) {
composable("main_screen") {
navController = navController, state = strCalcState, viewModel = strCalcViewModel
composable("first_screen") {
navController = navController, state = sciCalcState, viewModel = sciCalcViewModel
composable("second_screen") {
navController = navController, historyState = currHistory, viewModel = strCalcViewModel
Then my ViewModel
private const val TAG = "CalculatorViewModel"
class CalculatorViewModel : ViewModel() {
var strState by mutableStateOf(CalculatorState())
// This makes our state accessible by outside classes but still readable
private set
var historyState by mutableStateOf(CalculatorHistoryState())
private set
private var leftBracket by mutableStateOf(true)
private var check = 0
var checkState by mutableStateOf(false)
var historyCheck by mutableStateOf(false)
// Function to Register our Click events
fun onAction(action : CalculatorAction) {
when(action) {
is CalculatorAction.Number -> enterNumber(action.number)
is CalculatorAction.Decimal -> enterDecimal()
is CalculatorAction.Clear -> {
strState = CalculatorState()
check = 0
is CalculatorAction.ClearHistory -> checkState = true
is CalculatorAction.Operation -> enterStandardOperations(action.operation)
is CalculatorAction.Calculate -> performStandardCalculations()
is CalculatorAction.Delete -> performDeletion()
is CalculatorAction.Brackets -> enterBrackets()
// We are Basically making the click events possible by modifying the 'state'
private fun performStandardCalculations() {
val primaryStateChar = strState.primaryTextState.last()
val primaryState = strState.primaryTextState
val secondaryState = strState.secondaryTextState
if (!(primaryStateChar == '(' || primaryStateChar == '%')) {
strState = strState.copy(
primaryTextState = secondaryState
strState = strState.copy(secondaryTextState = "")
// Below, we store our Calculated Values in the History Screen after it has been Calculated by the USER.
historyState = historyState.copy(
historySecondaryState = secondaryState
historyState = historyState.copy(
historyPrimaryState = primaryState
historyCheck = true // this is where I assign it to true when I complete my Calculations and pass it to the history State
} else {
strState = strState.copy(
secondaryTextState = "Format error"
strState = strState.copy(
color = ferrari
You're checking the if condition and assigning a new value to your viewModel variable in the Compose function, it's not correct! you should use side-effects
LaunchedEffect(strCalcViewModel.historyCheck) {
if(strCalcViewModel.historyCheck) {
currHistory = strHistoryState
strCalcViewModel.historyCheck = false
} else {
currHistory = sciHistoryState
Whenever there is a new change in strCalcViewModel.historyCheck this block will run
you can check out here for more info Side-effects in Compose
Based on Sadegh.t's Answer I got it working but didn't write it the exact same way and used a different Implementation which I will post now.
I Still used a side-effect but instead of checking for a change in the "historyCheck", I checked for a change in the 'State' itself and also instead of using a Boolean variable, I used the State itself for the basis of the Condition. So here is my answer based on Sadegh.t's original answer.
var currHistory by remember { mutableStateOf(CalculatorHistoryState()) }
LaunchedEffect(key1 = strCalcState) {
if(strCalcState.secondaryTextState.isEmpty()) {
currHistory = strHistoryState
LaunchedEffect(key1 = sciCalcState) {
if(sciCalcState.secondaryTextState.isEmpty()) {
currHistory = sciHistoryState

Jetpack Compose TextField not updating when typing a new character

I followed this document from the developer site.
I want to display the text in an OutlinedTextField from a user input, and have it survive configuration changes.
With the code below, when the user inputs the text from the keyboard, OutlinedTextField doesn't update the text.
HelloContent(name =, onNameChange = { = it})//Doesn't work
However this line of code works properly:
HelloContent(name = temp, onNameChange = { temp = it})//Work
Below is the code which I use to implement:
fun HelloScreen() {
var city by rememberSaveable(stateSaver = CitySaver) {
var temp by rememberSaveable {
Column {
HelloContent(name =, onNameChange = { = it})//Doesn't work
HelloContent(name = temp, onNameChange = { temp = it})//Work
fun HelloContent(name: String, onNameChange: (String) -> Unit) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
text = "Hello, $name",
modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5
value = name,
onValueChange = onNameChange,
label = { Text("Name") }
data class City(var name: String, val country: String)
val CitySaver = run {
val nameKey = "Name"
val countryKey = "Country"
mapSaver(save = {mapOf(nameKey to,countryKey to},
restore = {City(it[nameKey] as String,it[countryKey] as String)})
Could you help me to fix the first code block to work?
HelloContent(name =, onNameChange = { = it})//Doesn't work
The TextField will not be updated because you are only modifying not the actual mutableState City object so there is nothing that tells the composer to trigger an update (re-composition).
So modify your first HelloContent composable like this.
HelloContent(name =, onNameChange = { city = city.copy(name = it)})
changing this line
onNameChange = { = it}
to this
onNameChange = { city = city.copy(name = it)}
will make sure your TextField gets updated(re-composed).
Keep in mind, invoking .copy() on data classes guarantees a new instance will be created (provided that you supplied a new value to one of its properties/fields), which is needed by Compose to trigger re-composition.

How to add item in LazyColumn in jetpack compose?

In the following viewModel code I am generating a list of items from graphQl server
private val _balloonsStatus =
val balloonsStatus get() = _balloonsStatus
private val _endCursor = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
val endCursor get() = _endCursor
init {
fun loadBalloons(cursor: String?) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val data = repo.getBalloonsFromServer(cursor)
if (data.errors == null) {
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(
_endCursor.value =
} else {
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Error(data.errors!![0].message)
_endCursor.value = null
and in the composable function I am getting this data by following this code:
fun BalloonsScreen(
navHostController: NavHostController? = null,
viewModel: SharedBalloonViewModel
) {
val endCursor by viewModel.endCursor.collectAsState()
val balloons by viewModel.balloonsStatus.collectAsState()
AssignmentTheme {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
when (balloons) {
is Status.Error -> {
Log.i("Reyjohn", balloons.message!!)
is Status.Loading -> {
Log.i("Reyjohn", "loading..")
is Status.Success -> {
BalloonList(edgeList =!!, navHostController = navHostController)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
Button(onClick = { viewModel.loadBalloons(endCursor) }) {
Text(text = "Load More")
fun BalloonList(
edgeList: List<BalloonsQuery.Edge>,
navHostController: NavHostController? = null,
) {
LazyColumn {
items(items = edgeList) { edge ->
UserRow(edge.node, navHostController)
but the problem is every time I click on Load More button it regenerates the view and displays a new set of list, but I want to append the list at the end of the previous list. As far I understand that the list is regenerated as the flow I am listening to is doing the work behind this, but I am stuck here to get a workaround about how to achieve my target here, a kind hearted help would be much appreciated!
You can create a private list in ViewModel that adds List<BalloonsQuery.Edge>?>
and instead of
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(
you can do something like
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(myLiast.addAll(
should update Compose with the latest data appended to existing one

Jetpack Compose, fetch and add more items to LazyColumn using StateFlow

I'm have a LazyColumn that renders a list of items. However, I now want to fetch more items to add to my lazy list. I don't want to re-render items that have already been rendered in the LazyColumn, I just want to add the new items.
How do I do this with a StateFlow? I need to pass a page String to fetch the next group of items, but how do I pass a page into the repository.getContent() method?
class FeedViewModel(
private val resources: Resources,
private val repository: FeedRepository
) : ViewModel() {
// I need to pass a parameter to `repository.getContent()` to get the next block of items
private val _uiState: StateFlow<UiState> = repository.getContent()
.map { content ->
}.catch { cause ->
UiState.Error(cause.message ?: resources.getString(R.string.error_generic))
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(stopTimeoutMillis = SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT_FOR_CONFIG_CHANGE),
initialValue = UiState.Loading
val uiState: StateFlow<UiState>
get() = _uiState
And in my UI, I have this code to observe the flow and render the LazyColumn:
val lifecycleAwareUiStateFlow: Flow<UiState> = remember(viewModel.uiState, lifecycleOwner) {
viewModel.uiState.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycleOwner.lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
val uiState: UiState by lifecycleAwareUiStateFlow.collectAsState(initial = UiState.Loading)
fun FeedLazyColumn(
posts: List<Post> = listOf(),
scrollState: LazyListState
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 4.dp),
state = scrollState
) {
// how to add more posts???
items(items = posts) { post ->
I do realize there is a Paging library for Compose, but I'm trying to implement something similar, except the user is in charge of whether or not to load next items.
This is the desired behavior:
I was able to solve this by adding the new posts to the old posts before emitting it. See comments below for the relevant lines.
private val _content = MutableStateFlow<Content>(Content())
private val _uiState: StateFlow<UiState> = repository.getContent()
.mapLatest { content ->
_content.value = _content.value + content // ADDED THIS
}.catch { cause ->
UiState.Error(cause.message ?: resources.getString(R.string.error_generic))
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(stopTimeoutMillis = SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT_FOR_CONFIG_CHANGE),
initialValue = UiState.Loading
private operator fun Content): Content = Content(
posts = this.posts + content.posts,
youTubeNextPageToken = content.youTubeNextPageToken
class YouTubeDataSource(private val apiService: YouTubeApiService) :
RemoteDataSource<YouTubeResponse> {
private val nextPageToken = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
fun setNextPageToken(nextPageToken: String) {
this.nextPageToken.value = nextPageToken
override fun getContent(): Flow<YouTubeResponse> = flow {
// retrigger emit when nextPageToken changes
nextPageToken.collect {

Remember LazyColumn Scroll Position - Jetpack Compose

I'm trying to save/remember LazyColumn scroll position when I navigate away from one composable screen to another. Even if I pass a rememberLazyListState to a LazyColumn the scroll position is not saved after I get back to my first composable screen. Can someone help me out?
fun DisplayTasks(
tasks: List<Task>,
navigateToTaskScreen: (Int) -> Unit
) {
val listState = rememberLazyListState()
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
items = tasks,
key = { _, task ->
) { _, task ->
toDoTask = task,
navigateToTaskScreen = navigateToTaskScreen
Well if you literally want to save it, you must store it is something like a viewmodel where it remains preserved. The remembered stuff only lasts till the Composable gets destroyed. If you navigate to another screen, the previous Composables are destroyed and along with them, the scroll state
* Static field, contains all scroll values
private val SaveMap = mutableMapOf<String, KeyParams>()
private data class KeyParams(
val params: String = "",
val index: Int,
val scrollOffset: Int
* Save scroll state on all time.
* #param key value for comparing screen
* #param params arguments for find different between equals screen
* #param initialFirstVisibleItemIndex see [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex]
* #param initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset see [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset]
fun rememberForeverLazyListState(
key: String,
params: String = "",
initialFirstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0,
initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0
): LazyListState {
val scrollState = rememberSaveable(saver = LazyListState.Saver) {
var savedValue = SaveMap[key]
if (savedValue?.params != params) savedValue = null
val savedIndex = savedValue?.index ?: initialFirstVisibleItemIndex
val savedOffset = savedValue?.scrollOffset ?: initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
onDispose {
val lastIndex = scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex
val lastOffset = scrollState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
SaveMap[key] = KeyParams(params, lastIndex, lastOffset)
return scrollState
example of use
state = rememberForeverLazyListState(key = "Overview")
fun persistedLazyScrollState(viewModel: YourViewModel): LazyListState {
val scrollState = rememberLazyListState(viewModel.firstVisibleItemIdx, viewModel.firstVisibleItemOffset)
DisposableEffect(key1 = null) {
onDispose {
viewModel.firstVisibleItemIdx = scrollState.firstVisibleItemIndex
viewModel.firstVisibleItemOffset = scrollState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
return scrollState
Above I defined a helper function to persist scroll state when a composable is disposed of. All that is needed is a ViewModel with variables for firstVisibleItemIdx and firstVisibleItemOffet.
Column(modifier = Modifier
persistedScrollState(viewModel = viewModel)
) {
//Your content here
The LazyColumn should save scroll position out of the box when navigating to next screen. If it doesn't work, this may be a bug described here (issue tracker). Basically check if the list becomes empty when changing screens, e.g. because you observe a cold Flow or LiveData (so the initial value is used).
fun persistedScrollState(viewModel: ParentViewModel): ScrollState {
val scrollState = rememberScrollState(viewModel.scrollPosition)
DisposableEffect(key1 = null) {
onDispose {
viewModel.scrollPosition = scrollState.value
return scrollState
Above I defined a helper function to persist scroll state when a composable is disposed of. All that is needed is a ViewModel with a scroll position variable.
Hope this helps someone!
Column(modifier = Modifier
persistedScrollState(viewModel = viewModel)
) {
//Your content here

