I'm have a LazyColumn that renders a list of items. However, I now want to fetch more items to add to my lazy list. I don't want to re-render items that have already been rendered in the LazyColumn, I just want to add the new items.
How do I do this with a StateFlow? I need to pass a page String to fetch the next group of items, but how do I pass a page into the repository.getContent() method?
class FeedViewModel(
private val resources: Resources,
private val repository: FeedRepository
) : ViewModel() {
// I need to pass a parameter to `repository.getContent()` to get the next block of items
private val _uiState: StateFlow<UiState> = repository.getContent()
.map { content ->
}.catch { cause ->
UiState.Error(cause.message ?: resources.getString(R.string.error_generic))
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(stopTimeoutMillis = SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT_FOR_CONFIG_CHANGE),
initialValue = UiState.Loading
val uiState: StateFlow<UiState>
get() = _uiState
And in my UI, I have this code to observe the flow and render the LazyColumn:
val lifecycleAwareUiStateFlow: Flow<UiState> = remember(viewModel.uiState, lifecycleOwner) {
viewModel.uiState.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycleOwner.lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
val uiState: UiState by lifecycleAwareUiStateFlow.collectAsState(initial = UiState.Loading)
fun FeedLazyColumn(
posts: List<Post> = listOf(),
scrollState: LazyListState
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 4.dp),
state = scrollState
) {
// how to add more posts???
items(items = posts) { post ->
I do realize there is a Paging library for Compose, but I'm trying to implement something similar, except the user is in charge of whether or not to load next items.
This is the desired behavior:
I was able to solve this by adding the new posts to the old posts before emitting it. See comments below for the relevant lines.
private val _content = MutableStateFlow<Content>(Content())
private val _uiState: StateFlow<UiState> = repository.getContent()
.mapLatest { content ->
_content.value = _content.value + content // ADDED THIS
}.catch { cause ->
UiState.Error(cause.message ?: resources.getString(R.string.error_generic))
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(stopTimeoutMillis = SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT_FOR_CONFIG_CHANGE),
initialValue = UiState.Loading
private operator fun Content.plus(content: Content): Content = Content(
posts = this.posts + content.posts,
youTubeNextPageToken = content.youTubeNextPageToken
class YouTubeDataSource(private val apiService: YouTubeApiService) :
RemoteDataSource<YouTubeResponse> {
private val nextPageToken = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
fun setNextPageToken(nextPageToken: String) {
this.nextPageToken.value = nextPageToken
override fun getContent(): Flow<YouTubeResponse> = flow {
// retrigger emit when nextPageToken changes
nextPageToken.collect {
I have a list which is stored inside a Viewmodel via Stateflow.
class FirstSettingViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _mRoomList = MutableStateFlow<List<InitRoom>>(mutableListOf())
val mRoomList: StateFlow<List<InitRoom>> = _mRoomList
I observe the flow via collectAsState(). The LazyColumn consists of Boxes which can be clicked.
val roomList = mViewModel.mRoomList.collectAsState()
Dialog {
LazyColumn(...) {
items(roomList.value, key = { room -> room.room_seq}) { room ->
Box(Modifier.clickable {
}) {...}
When a click event occurs, the viewModel changes the 'isSelected' value via a copied list like this.
fun selectItem(room: InitRoom) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
val cpy = mutableListOf<InitRoom>()
mRoomList.value.forEach {
cpy.forEach {
it.isSelected = it.room_seq == room.room_seq
} catch (e: Exception) {
When in an xml based view and a ListAdapter, this code will work well, but in the above compose code, it doesn't seem to recompose the LazyColumn at all. What can I do to re-compose the LazyColumn?
Use a SnapshotStateList instead of an ordinary List
change this,
private val _mRoomList = MutableStateFlow<List<InitRoom>>(mutableListOf())
val mRoomList: StateFlow<List<InitRoom>> = _mRoomList
to this
private val _mRoomList = MutableStateFlow<SnapshotStateList<InitRoom>>(mutableStateListOf())
val mRoomList: StateFlow<SnapshotStateList<InitRoom>> = _mRoomList
I am using Hilt dependency injection to retrieve data from a Firestore Database. I have a getResources coroutine which is called when by the init in my viewModel. In my view, I attempt to get the first x elements of the populated data. However, the app crashes with this error.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0.
at kotlin.collections.EmptyList.get(Collections.kt:36)
at kotlin.collections.EmptyList.get(Collections.kt:24)
I am guessing that the data load from Firestore has not completed, so when I try and get resources[i], it's empty and it crashes. This happens even when I do a null check. I cannot init{} without a coroutine and if I try and use a suspend function it doesn't like it either. How do I make the view wait until the viewmodel has the loaded data?
class ResourcesViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val repository: ResourcesRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val data: MutableState<DataOrException<List<Resource>, Exception>> = mutableStateOf(
init {
private fun getResources() {
viewModelScope.launch {
Log.d("getting resources", "currently getting resources")
data.value = repository.getResourcesFromFireStore()
class ResourcesRepository #Inject constructor(
private val db: FirebaseFirestore
) {
val resources = ArrayList<Resource>()
suspend fun getResourcesFromFireStore(): DataOrException<List<Resource>, Exception> {
val resourcesRef: CollectionReference = db.collection("updated-resources-new")
val dataOrException = DataOrException<List<Resource>, Exception>()
try {
dataOrException.data = resourcesRef.get().await().map { document ->
Log.d(TAG, "${dataOrException.data}")
} catch (e: FirebaseFirestoreException) {
dataOrException.e = e
fun ResourcesScreenContent(viewModel: ResourcesViewModel) {
LazyColumn (
contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = 10.dp, vertical = 20.dp)
) {
val resources : List<Resource>? = viewModel.data.value.data
items(30) {
for (i in 0 ..30) {
ExpandableCard(resource = resources!![i])
Divider(thickness = 20.dp, color = Color.White)
How do I fix this?
you're doing one minor mistake, in forloop you are using 0...30 so it will run 30 times irrespective of resources list size. so in for loop you have to pass resources.count
fun ResourcesScreenContent(viewModel: ResourcesViewModel) {
LazyColumn (
contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = 10.dp, vertical = 20.dp)
) {
val resources : List<Resource>? = viewModel.data.value.data
items(resources.count) { i ->
ExpandableCard(resource = resources!![i])
Divider(thickness = 20.dp, color = Color.White)
Hope it is clear my brother
I made a state with StateFlow with 2 lists. This is working good. I want to sort these lists according to a parameter that user will decide how to sort.
This is my code in ViewModel:
class SubscriptionsViewModel #Inject constructor(
subscriptionsRepository: SubscriptionsRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private val _sortState = MutableStateFlow(
val sortState: StateFlow<SortSubsType> = _sortState.asStateFlow()
val uiState: StateFlow<SubscriptionsUiState> = combine(
) { activeSubscriptions, archiveSubscriptions ->
activeSubscriptions = activeSubscriptions,
archiveSubscriptions = archiveSubscriptions,
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000),
initialValue = SubscriptionsUiState.Loading
fun sortSubscriptions(sortType: SortSubsType) {
_sortState.value = sortType
sealed interface SubscriptionsUiState {
object Loading : SubscriptionsUiState
data class Subscriptions(
val activeSubscriptions: List<Subscription>,
val archiveSubscriptions: List<Subscription>,
) : SubscriptionsUiState
object Empty : SubscriptionsUiState
sortSubscriptions - is the function called from #Composable screen. Like this:
fun sortSubscriptions() {
viewModel.sortSubscriptions(sortType = selectedSortType.asSortSubsType())
isSortDialogVisible = false
Without the sort function, everything works. My question is how to fix this code so that the state changes when the sortState is changed. This is my first try working with StateFlow.
The problem is that when you create your uiState flow with combine, you just use the current value of sortState and never react to its changes.
You need something like this:
val uiState = sortState.flatMapLatest { sortValue ->
) { ... }
in my ViewModel:
private val _itemList = mutableStateListOf<Post>()
val itemList: List<Post> = _itemList
fun likePost(newPost: Post){
val index = _itemList.indexOf(newPost)
_itemList[index] = _itemList[index].copy(isLiked = true)
Here my Post data class:
data class Post(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val isLiked: Boolean = false,
And here my Composable:
val postList = viewModel.itemList
LazyRow(content = {
items(postList.size) { i ->
val postItem = postList[i]
name = postItem.name,
isLiked = postItem.isLiked,
likePost = { viewModel.likePost(postItem)}
The change does not update in the UI instantly, I first have to scroll the updated item out of the screen so it recomposes or switch to another Screen and go back to see the change.
For some reason it doesn't like updating, it will add and delete and update instantly. You have to do it this way when updating for our to update the state.
fun likePost(newPost: Post){
val index = _itemList.indexOf(newPost)
_itemList[index] = _itemList[index].copy()
_itemList[index].isLiked = true
You are returning a List<> effectively and not MutableStateList from your ViewModel.
If you want the list to not be mutable from the view, I happen to use MutableStateFlow<List<>> and return StateFlow<List<>>. You could also just convert it to a list in your composable.
//backing cached list, or could be data source like database
private val deviceList = mutableListOf<Device>()
private val _deviceListState = MutableStateFlow<List<Device>>(emptyList())
val deviceListState: StateFlow<List<BluetoothDevice>> = _deviceListState
//manipulate and publish
fun doSomething() {
_deviceListState.value = deviceList.filter ...
In your UI
val deviceListState = viewModel.deviceListState.collectAsState().value
In the following viewModel code I am generating a list of items from graphQl server
private val _balloonsStatus =
val balloonsStatus get() = _balloonsStatus
private val _endCursor = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
val endCursor get() = _endCursor
init {
fun loadBalloons(cursor: String?) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val data = repo.getBalloonsFromServer(cursor)
if (data.errors == null) {
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(data.data?.balloons?.edges)
_endCursor.value = data.data?.balloons?.pageInfo?.endCursor
} else {
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Error(data.errors!![0].message)
_endCursor.value = null
and in the composable function I am getting this data by following this code:
fun BalloonsScreen(
navHostController: NavHostController? = null,
viewModel: SharedBalloonViewModel
) {
val endCursor by viewModel.endCursor.collectAsState()
val balloons by viewModel.balloonsStatus.collectAsState()
AssignmentTheme {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
when (balloons) {
is Status.Error -> {
Log.i("Reyjohn", balloons.message!!)
is Status.Loading -> {
Log.i("Reyjohn", "loading..")
is Status.Success -> {
BalloonList(edgeList = balloons.data!!, navHostController = navHostController)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
Button(onClick = { viewModel.loadBalloons(endCursor) }) {
Text(text = "Load More")
fun BalloonList(
edgeList: List<BalloonsQuery.Edge>,
navHostController: NavHostController? = null,
) {
LazyColumn {
items(items = edgeList) { edge ->
UserRow(edge.node, navHostController)
but the problem is every time I click on Load More button it regenerates the view and displays a new set of list, but I want to append the list at the end of the previous list. As far I understand that the list is regenerated as the flow I am listening to is doing the work behind this, but I am stuck here to get a workaround about how to achieve my target here, a kind hearted help would be much appreciated!
You can create a private list in ViewModel that adds List<BalloonsQuery.Edge>?>
and instead of
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(data.data?.balloons?.edges)
you can do something like
_balloonsStatus.value = Status.Success(myLiast.addAll(
should update Compose with the latest data appended to existing one