Can we use SF Symbol on Android device in Jetpack Compose project? - android

I am creating a project and using Swift for iOS, Jetpack Compose for Android. But icons on Android (Material+Icons) are difference with iOS. So I would like to use SF Symbols of iOS for Android.
I researched and did not find any result for this.
Please anybody can help me out!


Is there a way to replicate a custom renderer that I have on Android, to iOS platform?

I have a custom renderer on SwipeView for Android using Xamarin forms. I want to replicate the same for iOS. But I am not sure where to start as I don't know what should be the keywords that are appropriate for iOS. For example, this below code snippet is on Android.
Android.Views.View _contentView;
How do I know what exactly to use for iOS? Where can I learn to compare and replicate between the two platforms' Custom renderers using Xamarin.forms?
There is no general, or simple, answer to this. What you can do:
In the Android custom renderer, find out what Android type this.Control is. One way to do this is to set a breakpoint in one of the methods, and examine this.Control in the debugger. Then you'll need to read Android docs for that type.
For iOS, do a google search like iOS control similar to Android XYZ, where XYZ is the Android type.
OR copy the renderer into your iOS project, comment out everything Android specific. Try to get to the point where you can breakpoint, and see what iOS control is used.
Then read iOS docs.
Its also possible to download Xamarin Forms source code from github. Find the built-in Renderers for Android and iOS for the XF control being used as a base. Compare them.

A substitution for Rive to use with kotlin?

I was using Rive to make animation for my flutter project, But now I'm wondering if there is a good substitution for Rive to use with kotlin (or something similar to that) in native android programming so i would be able to use awesome animations in native android too?
For native android animations you can use:
Lottie from airbnb ->
MotionLayout from google ->
Android Studio includes a visual design editor for the MotionLayout ->
Doing a bit of searching I found that Rive has an integration with Android.
I don't know if it will be useful to you but I will still share the links.

How to Implement SmartReply just Like LinkedIn,Gmail, Google Allo in android programatically

After lots of research, find it out that it can be achieve by using TensorFlow SmartReply which will help to predict and give some response based on the input using machine language. But while integrating the same into my own android application, facing issue related to JNI libraries integration.It will be really helpful if someone has any sample or example code in this .
Followed the below link :-

Make an Android application using JUCE library

I would like to make an android application using JUCE libray. I am little bit new in android development, After lots of search on google but i can not getting proper idea of JUCE library, I want to use this library for change font in my android application, If any one have idea then please give some suggestion of this topic.

Simultaneously development of iOS and Android app in React-Native

I have been searching online for a while trying to find some best practices for simultaneously development of iOS and Android app in React-Native. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this. Should we have two projects? Have one project with different views? Share the same views for the same components?
Appreciate your time!
How you organize your components is a bit of personal preference.
You don't need to organize by platform, however. Just name your components like so:
React Native will automatically pick the right version of the component for each platform.
I think it should be one project. Here is my project structure:
React-Native has %70-%80 code sharing for both platforms. Therefore you should one project and reuse common components for ios and android.

