I'm creating a project with the newest admob version, and I'm using admob test ids for testing ads:
App id --- ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713
Banner --- ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111
Interstitial --- ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712
Something isn't work properly, because both formats are giving me error:
onAdFailedToLoad() error code: 3 - No ad config.
onAdFailedToLoad() error code: 3 - No ad config.
How can I display test ads? why the official test ids doesn't works? I'm testing in emulator with android 13 and in real Pixel XL device with android 10. Same problem in both.
Well, I'm not sure if this is a definitive solution or someone will post something better in the future, but I achieved to see test ads signing the apk with release key and using the test ids from google, then installing that signed apk on a real device.
This is extremely frustrating, test ads should be displayed in android studio when simulating...
I'm implementing ads with Unity LevelPlay.
I followed everything in the documentation and installed these adapters:
ironSource 7.2.6
When I test on device, I have two different errors in these situations:
If I make a local build and install it immediately using "Build & Run", the game starts, but the call to IronSource.Agent.init(appKey) ends up with INIT_FAILED. Everything else in the game keeps working except for ads.
If I upload the build on Google Play Console for internal testing and install from there, the game doesn't even start and crashes immediately complaining about Google AdMob not being initialized correctly. I don't understand why as I'm not even using AdMob adapter.
You can see both errors in the attached screenshot, unfortunately not being very explicative.
Why could I be getting these errors and what can I try in order to solve them?
Unity Version: 2020.3.42f1;
LevelPlay Version: 7.2.6;
Unity LevelPlay compatible with Unity version 2021.3
I have problem in Android Studio with Admob app montization. The test ads show correctly but when I create a signed APK and then install it to a real device the ads do not work.
I get this error with real ads:
Ad failed to load : 3
I am using this Admob SDK:
compile ('com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:16.0.0')
The new version of the SDK also has this error
Trying to show banner Ads in my app
The Behavior
Test ads show correctly in emulators
Real ads show correctly in the Ionic DevApp
Real ads show correctly when side-loading the signed app apk, prior to upload to Google Play
Ads FAIL in both Internal Testing and Full Production Release (Google Play)
My Configuration
cordova-plugin-admobpro: 2.35.3
Ionic: 4.5.0
Cordova: 8.1.2
Android: 7.1.4
In my home.ts file...
platform.ready().then(() => {
let adId = 'ca-app-pub-634383******/*****';
this.admob.createBanner({adId: adId})
.then(() => { this.admob.showBanner(8); });
I get no errors or warnings of any kind. Does anyone have ideas what's going on? My ads have been active in Admob for 3 or 4 weeks, so it's not a timing thing.
What's happening during the upload process that causes the admob plugin to fail? Everything else in the app works as expected.
Ok... A day later the ads started showing up.
Hello I am using appcelerator studio version 7.1.1.GA and am porting an iphone app to android for a client. I tried a bunch of things but am unable to get admob ads to show up in the app and the error message I get is ==>
[WARN] : Ads: Invoke Firebase method getInstance error.
[WARN] : Ads: The Google Mobile Ads SDK will not integrate with Firebase. Admob/Firebase integration requires the latest Firebase SDK jar, but Firebase SDK is either missing or out of date
I am using version 2.2.0 of the 'firebase.core' module, version 4.0.0 of the 'ti.admob' module, version 11.0.40 of ti.playservices (whatever is included with Appcelerator Studio I believe) and version 4.2.0 of the 'ti.map' module. I am also using version 2.0.0 of the ti.googlesignin module. Everything else the map and google signin work fine. I tried a bunch of different things including ti.playservices, not including it and also when I had version 4.1.0 of the 'ti.admob' module installed I was getting dexer linking errors which did not seem right and when I reverted to the 4.0.0 version of 'ti.admob' the linker errors went away.
This is the last thing I need to do to release this app to the Google Play Store I have managed to get everything else is working but it would be a bummer not to have ads in the app. I really don't want to disappoint my client.
I figured out what the issue is. It is real simple I just had to pass the ad unit id in as the publisher id in Admob.createView({ publisherId: 'ad unit id', ... }); Talk about confusing!
Currently I am upgrading MoPub in Android from 4.8.0 to 4.11.0. When I am debugging the app, ads are shown fine. When I generate a signed apk and deploy to a device, no ads are shown. All I did is change the dependency version. What can be the reason for this? Even upgrading it to 4.9.0 doesn't work
(note debugging the apk, ads are shown perfectly fine. When signing it, no ad events are being triggered like onBAnnerLoaded or onBannerFailed).
you can debug in two ways
1) In ADB logcat or console in Android studio , do you see the Ad call being made ? you can use a proxy Fiddler/Charles to see if your app is actually making the Ad call Or you can simply use the console in Android studio to look at the logs.
2) In the logcat look for the debugging information. In my App it looks like this, if there is an issue with loading it tells me Ad failed to load.
23:25:28.738 MoPub D Loading url:
23:25:29.453 I Ad failed to load.
23:25:29.453 I Ad loaded successfully.
Note: If you are unable to see the Ad call in the proxy or console then this points to a problem in your implementation.