so in my app, I am using Koin for DI. The app in question is a simple note app and has 2 main fragments: NotesFragment, which shows all notes and InsertNoteFragment, which is used to insert new notes or update existing notes. The InsertNoteFragment has a sharedViewModel, which is shared with BottomSheetDialogFragment, which I use to pick a style for a new note.
Now, when I click a note in NotesFragment, I want to open in in the InsertNoteFragment, so it can be updated. Navigating to the note looks like this:
notesAdapter.setOnItemClickListener { note -> { id ->
NotesFragmentDirections.actionNotesFragmentToInsertNotesFragment(noteId = id)
When I debug this piece of code, it shows, that the onClick id value corresponds with the note's ID value, so all is good here. The ID value, which I send as a navigation argument, is supposed to be saved in SavedStateHandle which I inject to InsertNoteViewModel (the one, that's shared between InsertNoteFragment and BottomSheetDialogFragment)
class InsertNotesViewModel(
private val insertNoteUseCase: InsertNoteUseCase,
private val loadOneItemUseCase: LoadOneItemUseCase,
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): ViewModel() {
private val _noteState = MutableStateFlow(Note())
val noteState: StateFlow<Note> = _noteState.asStateFlow()
init {
println("ID ${savedStateHandle.get<Int>("noteId")}")
savedStateHandle.get<Int>("noteId")?.let {
if(it != 0){
ViewModel is injected with Koin:
viewModel{ params ->
InsertNotesViewModel(get(), get(), params.get())
to the InsertNoteFragment and BottomSheetDialogFragment with sharedStateViewModel (as is suggested in Koin Documentation:
private val viewModel by sharedStateViewModel<InsertNotesViewModel>()
The problem is that the SavedStateHandle id value is null every single time. I've tried to not use the lazy delegated injection (using getSharedStateViewModel()) but the result is the same. I've been using SavedStateHandle for this purpose before using Hilt and it worked just fine. Any ideas will be appreciated!
In a Jetpack Compose component I'm subscribing to Room LiveData object using observeAsState.
The initial composition goes fine, data is received from ViewModel/LiveData/Room.
val settings by viewModel.settings.observeAsState(initial = AppSettings()) // Works fine the first time
A second composition is initiated, where settings - A non nullable variable is set to null, and the app crashed with an NPE.
#Query("select * from settings order by id desc limit 1")
fun getSettings(): LiveData<AppSettings>
fun getSettings(): LiveData<AppSettings> {
return dao.getSettings()
class SomeViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val repository: AppRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val settings = repository.getSettings()
fun ItemsListScreen(viewModel: AppViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val settings by viewModel.settings.observeAsState(initial = AppSettings())
Just to clearify, the DB data does not change. the first time settings is fetched within the composable, a valid instance is returned.
Then the component goes into recomposition, when ItemsListScreen is invoked for the second time, then settings is null (the variable in ItemsListScreen).
Once the LiveData<Appsettings> is subscribed to will have a default value of null. So you get the default value required by a State<T> object, when you call LiveData<T>::observeAsState, followed by the default LiveData<T> value, this being null
LiveData<T> is a Java class that allows nullable objects. If your room database doesn't have AppSettings it will set it a null object on the LiveData<AppSettings> instance. As Room is also a Java library and not aware of kotlin language semantics.
Simply put this is an interop issue.
You should use LiveData<AppSettings?> in kotlin code and handle null objects, or use some sort of MediatorLiveData<T> that can filter null values for example some extensions functions like :
fun <T> LiveData<T?>.observeAsNonNullState(initial : T & Any, default : T & Any) : State<T> =
MediatorLiveData<T>().apply {
addSource(this) { t -> value = t ?: default }
}.observeAsState(initial = initial)
fun <T> LiveData<T?>.observeAsNonNullState(initial : T & Any) : State<T> =
MediatorLiveData<T>().apply {
addSource(this) { t -> t?.run { value = this } }
}.observeAsState(initial = initial)
If you only need to fetch settings when viewModel is initialised, you can try putting it in an init block inside your ViewModel.
I started building my app using Room, Flow, LiveData and Coroutines, and have come across something odd: what I'm expecting to be a value flow actually has one null item in it.
My setup is as follows:
interface BookDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = :id")
fun getBook(id: Long): Flow<Book>
class BookRepository #Inject constructor(
private val bookDao: BookDao
) {
fun getBook(id: Long) = bookDao.getBook(id).filterNotNull()
class BookDetailViewModel #Inject internal constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val bookRepository: BookRepository,
private val chapterRepository: ChapterRepository,
) : ViewModel() {
val bookID: Long = savedStateHandle.get<Long>(BOOK_ID_SAVED_STATE_KEY)!!
val book = bookRepository.getBook(bookID).asLiveData()
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> {
val lastChapterID = book.value.let { book ->
book?.lastChapterID ?: 0L
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
return chapters.asLiveData()
companion object {
private const val BOOK_ID_SAVED_STATE_KEY = "bookID"
class BookDetailFragment : Fragment() {
private var queryJob: Job? = null
private val viewModel: BookDetailViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onResume() {
private fun load() {
queryJob = lifecycleScope.launch() {
val bookName = { book ->
binding.toolbar.title = bookName
Log.i(TAG, "value: $bookName")
} { book ->
binding.toolbar.title =
Log.i(TAG, "observe: ${}")
Then I get a null value in lifecycleScope.launch while observe(viewLifecycleOwner) gets a normal value.
I think it might be because of sync and async issues, but I don't know the exact reason, and how can I use LiveData<T>.value to get the value?
Because I want to use it in BookDetailViewModel.getChapters method.
APPEND: In the best practice example of Android Jetpack (Sunflower), LiveData.value (createShareIntent method of PlantDetailFragment) works fine.
APPEND 2: The getChapters method returns a paged data (Flow<PagingData<Chapter>>). If the book triggers an update, it will cause the page to be refreshed again, confusing the UI logic.
APPEND 3: I found that when I bind BookDetailViewModel with DataBinding, works fine and can get book.value.
LiveData.value has extremely limited usefulness because you might be reading it when no value is available yet.
You’re checking the value of your LiveData before it’s source Flow can emit its first value, and the initial value of a LiveData before it emits anything is null.
If you want getChapters to be based on the book LiveData, you should do a transformation on the book LiveData. This creates a LiveData that under the hood observes the other LiveData and uses that to determine what it publishes. In this case, since the return value is another LiveData, switchMap is appropriate. Then if the source book Flow emits another version of the book, the LiveData previously retrieved from getChapters will continue to emit, but it will be emitting values that are up to date with the current book.
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> =
Transformations.switchMap(book) { book ->
val lastChapterID = book.lastChapterID
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
Based on your comment, you can call take(1) on the Flow so it will not change the LiveData book value when the repo changes.
val book = bookRepository.getBook(bookID).take(1).asLiveData()
But maybe you want the Book in that LiveData to be able to be changed when the repo changes, and what you want is that the Chapters LiveData retrieved previously does not change? So you need to manually get it again if you want it to be based on the latest Book? If that's the case, you don't want to be using take(1) there which would prevent the book from appearing updated in the book LiveData.
I would personally in that case use a SharedFlow instead of LiveData, so you could avoid retrieving the values twice, but since you're currently working with LiveData, here's a possible solution that doesn't require you to learn those yet. You could use a temporary Flow of your LiveData to easily get its current or first value, and then use that in a liveData builder function in the getChapters() function.
fun getChapters(): LiveData<PagingData<Chapter>> = liveData {
val singleBook = book.asFlow().first()
val lastChapterID = singleBook.lastChapterID
val chapters = chapterRepository.getChapters(bookID, lastChapterID)
I saw all of the following scenarios in different example projects from Google's Codelabs and other sources and do not fully understand where the values from the LiveData object are retrieved from.
Scenario 1 - Current Understanding:
According to one reason to use a ViewModel is to store/cache UI related data that I want to re-use after the corresponding UI has been rebuild after a configuration change.
Given the following simplified ViewModel and Repository: After updateName() is called the first time, the LiveData object of _currentName contains a String. If the UI is then rebuild after a screen rotation, the view that needs to display the current name requests it by observing currentName which in turn returns the value of the LiveData object that is contained in the field of the _currentName property. Am I correct?
class NamesViewModel(): ViewModel() {
private val respository = NamesRepository()
private val _currentName: MutableLivedata<String?> = MutableLiveData(null)
val currentName: LiveData<String?> get() = this._currentName
// Called as UI event listener.
fun updateName() {
this._currentName.value = this.repository.updateName()
class NamesRepository() {
fun updateName(): String {
val nextName: String
return nextName
Scenario 2:
What happens if the UI is rebuild after a screen rotation in the following case? _currentName in the ViewModel 'observes' currentName in the repository, but it still is a property and therefore stores its own LiveData object in its field. When the view then requests currentName from the ViewModel, the value is retrieved from the LiveData object that is contained in the field of the _currentName property in the ViewModel. Is this correct?
class NamesViewModel(): ViewModel() {
private val respository = NamesRepository()
private val _currentName: LiveData<String?> = this.repository.currentName
val currentName: LiveData<String?> get() = this._currentName
// Called as UI event listener.
fun updateName() {
class NamesRepository() {
private val _currentName: MutableLivedata<String?> = MutableLiveData(null)
val currentName: LiveData<String?> get() = this._currentName
fun updateName() {
val nextName: String
this._currentName.value = nextName
Scenario 3:
In the following scenario, if the UI is rebuild and a view requests currentNam from the ViewModel, where is the requested value stored? My current understanding is, that currentName falls back to the field of the property _currentName in the repository. Isn't that against the idea of the ViewModel to store relevant UI data to be re-used after a configuration change? In the case below, it might be no problem to retrieve the value from the repository instead of the viewModel, but what if the repository itself retrieves the value directly from a LiveData object that comes from a Room database? Wouldn't a database access take place every time a view requests _currentName from the viewModel?
I hope somebody can clarify the situation more, in order to understand how to cache UI related data in the viewModel the correct way (or at least to understand what are the incorrect ways).
class NamesViewModel(): ViewModel() {
private val respository = NamesRepository()
val currentName: LiveData<String?> get() = this.repository.currentName
// Called as UI event listener.
fun updateName() {
class NamesRepository() {
private val _currentName: MutableLivedata<String?> = MutableLiveData(null)
val currentName: LiveData<String?> get() = this._currentName
fun updateName() {
val nextName: String
this._currentName.value = nextName
To answer your question scenario#1 is correct usage of LiveData.
Firstly, LiveData is not responsible for caching, it is just LifeCycleAware Observable, given that caching is done at ViewModel, when your activity recreates due to any configuration changes, android will try to retrieve the existing instance of ViewModel, if found then it's state and data are retained as is else it will create a new instance of ViewModel.
Second, using LiveData in repository is a bad idea at many levels, repository instances are held by ViewModel and LiveData are part of Android Framework which makes repositories rely on Android Framework thus creating problems in Unit Testing. Always use LiveData only in ViewModels.
I am creating demo project for using jetpack compose with mvvm , i have created model class that holds the list of users.. those users are displayed in list and there is a button at top which adds new user to the list when clicked...
when user clicks on the button an the lambda updates activity about it and activity calls viewmodel which adds data to list and updates back to activity using livedata, now after the model receives the new data it does not update composable function about it and hence ui of list is not updated..
here is the code
data class UsersState(var users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList())
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val usersState: UsersState = UsersState()
private val usersListViewModel: UsersListViewModel = UsersListViewModel()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
usersListViewModel.getUsers().observe(this, Observer {
setContent {
onAddClick = { usersListViewModel.addNewUser() },
onRemoveClick = { usersListViewModel.removeFirstUser() })
class UsersListViewModel {
private val usersList: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> by lazy {
private val users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList()
fun addUsers() {
users.add(UserModel("jon", "doe", "android developer"))
users.add(UserModel("john", "doe", "flutter developer"))
users.add(UserModel("jonn", "dove", "ios developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun getUsers(): MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> {
return usersList
fun addNewUser() {
users.add(UserModel("jony", "dove", "ruby developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun removeFirstUser() {
if (!users.isNullOrEmpty()) {
usersList.value = users
composable function
fun addList(state: UsersState, onAddClick: () -> Unit, onRemoveClick: () -> Unit) {
MaterialTheme {
FlexColumn {
inflexible {
// Item height will be equal content height
TopAppBar( // App Bar with title
title = { Text("Users") }
FlexRow() {
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "add",
onClick = { onAddClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "sub",
onClick = { onRemoveClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
VerticalScroller {
Column {
state.users.forEach {
Column {
Row {
Text(text = it.userName)
WidthSpacer(width = 2.dp)
Text(text = it.userSurName)
Text(text = it.userJob)
Divider(color = Color.Black, height = 1.dp)
the whole source code is available here
I am not sure if i am doing something wrong or is it because jetpack compose is still in developers preview , so would appreciate any help..
thank you
Sean from Android Devrel here. The main reason this isn't updating is the ArrayList in UserState.users is not observable – it's just a regular ArrayList so mutating it won't update compose.
Model makes all properties of the model class observable
It seems like this might work because UserState is annotated #Model, which makes things automatically observable by Compose. However, the observability only applies one level deep. Here's an example that would never trigger recomposition:
class ModelState(var username: String, var email: String)
class MyImmutableModel(val state: ModelState())
Since the state variable is immutable (val), Compose will never trigger recompositions when you change the email or username. This is because #Model only applies to the properties of the class annotated. In this example state is observable in Compose, but username and email are just regular strings.
Fix Option #0: You don't need #Model
In this case you already have a LiveData from getUsers() – you can observe that in compose. We haven't shipped a Compose observation yet in the dev releases, but it's possible to write one using effects until we ship a observation method. Just remember to remove the observer in onDispose {}.
This is also true if you're using any other observable type, like Flow, Flowable, etc. You can pass them directly into #Composable functions and observe them with effects without introducing an intermediate #Model class.
Fix Option #1: Using immutable types in #Model
A lot of developers prefer immutable data types for UI state (patterns like MVI encourage this). You can update your example to use immutable lists, then in order to change the list you'll have to assign to the users property which will be observable by Compose.
class UsersState(var users: List<UserModel> = listOf())
Then when you want to update it you have to assign the users variable:
val usersState = UsersState()
// ...
fun addUsers(newUsers: List<UserModel>) {
usersState.users = usersState.users + newUsers
// performance note: note this allocates a new list every time on the main thread
// which may be OK if this is rarely called and lists are small
// it's too expensive for large lists or if this is called often
This will always trigger recomposition any time a new List<UserModel is assigned to users, and since there's no way to edit the list after it's been assigned the UI will always show the current state.
In this case, since the data structure is a List that you're concatenating the performance of immutable types may not be acceptable. However, if you're holding an immutable data class this option is a good one so I included it for completeness.
Fix Option #2: Using ModelList
Compose has a special observable list type for exactly this use case. You can use instead of an ArrayList and any changes to the list will be observable by compose.
class UsersState(val users: ModelList<UserModel> = ModelList())
If you use ModelList the rest of the code you've written in the Activity will work correctly and Compose will be able to observe changes to users directly.
Related: Nesting #Model classes
It's worth noting that you can nest #Model classes, which is how the ModelList version works. Going back to the example at the beginning, if you annotate both classes as #Model, then all of the properties will be observable in Compose.
class ModelState(var username: String, var email: String)
class MyModel(var state: ModelState())
Note: This version adds #Model to ModelState, and also allows reassignment of state in MyModel
Since #Model makes all of the properties of the class that is annotated observable by compose, state, username, and email will all be observable.
TL;DR which option to choose
Avoiding #Model (Option #0) completely in this code will avoid introducing a duplicate model layer just for Compose. Since you're already holding state in a ViewModel and exposing it via LiveData you can just pass the LiveData directly to compose and observe it there. This would be my first choice.
If you do want to use #Model to represent a mutable list, then use ModelList from Option #2.
You'll probably want to change the ViewModel to hold a MutableLiveData reference as well. Currently the list held by the ViewModel is not observable. For an introduction to ViewModel and LiveData from Android Architecture components check out the Android Basics course.
Your model is not observed so changes won't be reflected.
In this article under the section 'Putting it all together' the List is added.
val list = +memo{ calculation: () -> T}
Example for your list:
fun test(supplier: UserState) {
val list = +memo{supplier.users}
/* Do other stuff for your usecase */
I am trying to build an Android app following the recommended design structure.
Let's say, there is a UserRepository for handling the users. However, I would like to have certain settings in the app, for example "Show profile picture", "Sort by", etc. I would like to store these settings in a Room database, just like the Users.
According to my understanding, the cleanest way is to have a separate UserRepository and a SettingsRepository. And of course, the Settings should have a sort of Model, let's call it SettingsModel, in order to be able to retrieve the Settings as a Map for example. Note, that this is not a ViewModel, it has nothing to do with the UI.
Then, the UserRepository should implement its own business (handling the users), just like in the example linked above. Besides that, it also should have a dependency of that SettingsModel, so that it can easily retrieve the settings, which affect how the Users should be retrieved.
The SettingsModel needs to turn the "raw database data" into a map, so that I can reach the settings like this: settings.show_profile_pictures and settings.sort_by, etc.
To achieve this, I need to extract the data from the LiveData, which implies, that I need to observe that LiveData, so that I can update the Map, whenever the settings change.
And here comes the problem: the observe() method needs a LifecycleOwner, which I cannot provide in my tests.
1st attempt: mock with Mockito
It would be an instrumented test, becase that way I have access to an Activity, which is needed to retrieve the DAO.
I am trying to #Inject it with Dagger, but the mocking wasn't successful:
class SettingsRepositoryTest {
private lateinit var settingsDao: SettingsDao
private lateinit var mockLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner
fun createDb(){
val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext()
val db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(appContext,
settingsDao = db.settingsDao()
fun testSettingsMap() {
val repo = SettingsRepository(settingsDao, mockLifecycleOwner) // throws the exception here
The exception:
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property mockLifecycleOwner has not been initialized
at com.helmet91.currencyconverter.repositories.SettingsRepositoryTestInst.testSettingsMap(SettingsRepositoryTestInst.kt:46)
2nd attempt: use Roboelectric to create an AppCompatActivity, which is in fact a LifecycleOwner.
It is not an instrumented test, because Roboelectric doesn't work in the androidTest environment.
The Activity still has to be mocked, however, it throws a NullPointerException. The only way I can think of, is to go through this Exception stack, and mock everything in it, if it's even possible at all. But that sounds insane to me. There has to be a better solution.
class SettingsRepositoryTest {
private lateinit var settingsDao: SettingsDao
private lateinit var activity: AppCompatActivity
fun createDb(){
val built = Robolectric.buildActivity( // throws the exception here
val created = built.create()
val controller = created.start()
activity = controller.get() as AppCompatActivity
val db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(activity,
settingsDao = db.settingsDao()
fun testSettingsMap() {
val repo = SettingsRepository(settingsDao, activity)
val settingsMap = repo.getSettings()
val settingsEntity = Settings(1, "show_flags", "1", "bool")
The exception:
at org.robolectric.internal.bytecode.ShadowImpl.extract(
at org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.extract(
at org.robolectric.Shadows.shadowOf(
at org.robolectric.shadows.CoreShadowsAdapter.getMainLooper(
at org.robolectric.Robolectric.buildActivity(
at org.robolectric.Robolectric.buildActivity(
at com.helmet91.currencyconverter.repositories.SettingsRepositoryTest.createDb(SettingsRepositoryTest.kt:29)
Is it really impossible to test anything, that involves Lifecycle components?