Add system images to android sdk manager in visual studio 2022 manually - android

I want to add system images to android sdk manager manually in visual studio 2022, because downloading it by sdk manager is very time-consuming due to the low internet speed and international internet restrictions in Iran.
Note that system images are saved in "Users[user].android\avd" and some configurations must be made to system image files to become usable, such as editing config.ini file in system image folder.
Thank you.


where to locate android downloaded by browser?

Im having problems downloading Android Studio for 32 bit (AS version 3.6.3). It stopped in:
Preparing "Install Android Emulator (revision: 28.0.25)".
Then I decided to paste that url in chrome browser and it downloaded it. I have it now in download files in my laptop. I downloaded the next .zip
I want to know...where Im supposed to paste that .zip file in order to make work Android Studio? Otherwise it appears an alert
Your Android SDK is missing, out of date or corrupted.
then when trying to follow some tutorials,
Open SDK Manager > Android SDK > Edit > Next > Next... it doesnt download this same zip file. It keep me awaiting indefinitely...
Where should I paste this file in order to make Android Studio work?
thank you.
I have now successfully installed Android Studio 3.6.3 32-bit in a 32-bit Windows 10 virtual machine. Apart from needing to increase the disk-size that I had initially allocated, I had no installation problems other than that the Intel HAXM component refused to install (probably because it does not like a 32-bit system). The emulator also installed successfully, so I could not reproduce your problem. I can only think that you do not have enough disk space. In my experience, Android Studio with a couple of emulators needs several 10's GB of free space.
I suggest that you check how much free space you have and then try removing and reinstalling Android Studio.
When it comes to which emulator to use, you should use an ARM emulator and not an -86 emulator (they do not seem to work in a 32-bit environment).
I do not know how old your computer is, but you should seriously consider upgrading to a 64-bit operating system. Everything is now targeted to 64-bit architectures.

How do I uninstall Android Studio and the Android SDK?

I tried to install Android Studio and it ended up taking up all of my free disk space. How do I uninstall it? The application reports it uses 400MB and /user/me/Library/Android directory reports 8GB. Can I delete these two directories? I would like to try and start fresh.
I'm on Mac OSX Mavericks.
I was following the instructions here,
This says, "Android Studio provides everything you need to start developing apps for Android".
The next page says, "By default, the Android SDK does not include everything you need to start developing." WTF? Which one is it?
So following the instructions on that page it says add these items:
I selected the items it recommended and noticed some items it mentions where already installed while others were not (the icon on the far right of it's name).
I clicked the minimal amount to install and clicked next. Half way through the download I start getting Low disk space warnings. Next I get Android out of space errors. So I cancel and look back at the application directory and that's at 400MB. I then remember from somewhere that it said something would be installed in /Library/Android. I check that directory and it's 7.4GB.
Most likely, you can just prune the sdk directories.
On Mac OSX Yosemite, my android sdk folder was taking 18 GB two minutes ago. Now, it's just 3.19 GB (not including Android Studio), after having deleted the packages I'm not currently using.
From Android Studio, select Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
Keep the tools. Keep the latest android sdk (currently at api level 21). That means, inside the folder api level 21; keep "SDK Platform", keep the "x86 emulator image for 64 bit", delete the "intel x86 emulator image for 32 bit", keep the "Samples for SDK", keep "Documentation for Android SDK", and keep "Sources for Android SDK"
For the "Google APIs", only keep that if you plan to use the google maps api, or some other google apis. Most likely, you can just delete that one as well, and download it again should you ever need it.
But do delete the package for "ARM emulator image" and all the other packages for the other api levels. Android is backwards-compatible, so targeting the latest SDK does not require additional SDKs even if your minimum SDK is very low.
From the extra folder section: Keep the "Intel x86 Accelerator (HAXM installer)", keep the "Android support repository" and keep the "Android support library". You can delete the "Google Repository" (although, I've personally kept that one, so you'll probably end up with even less than 3.19 GB once you delete it).
And if you still need even more space, I guess you could even remove the "SDK Samples" and the "Sources of Android SDK" (not that I'd recommend doing that. Do it only if you really need the space). After all, if Windows Phone and iPhone developers can survive without having access to the source code of their platforms, there is no reason most of us couldn't survive without the source code to our platform either.
I'm assuming you're using OS X here. You can simply open the applications folder and move Android Studio to the trash. Same thing goes for the SDK.
Though, I'm not sure why it says it's taking up 8 gb - it isn't nearly that big for me. My Android Studio is ~500 mb
EDIT: Also see #stkent's great find in the comments - he linked you to How to completely uninstall Android Studio?, which provides an answer that will completely remove all traces, so that if you reinstall, it is completely fresh.

SDK has been installed but in AVD manager no system image can be found

I use macosx yosemite, all environment configured and works for another software development.
Try to learn some android development, after installed Intellij 14 and SDK, I found I cann't create AVD in AVD manager. Just like this, after choose hardware there is no system image found.
But, there are system images displayed for only one time (it's not the first time I run AVD MANAGER) I try to create AVD, but after that time I have never seen them again.

Eclipse Android Plugins

I have Eclipse Juno IDE Service Release 2.
Basically, I don't know much about Android ADT,SDK,AVD, Tools, plugins and all.
SIC: I don't want to download full ADT again.
I want to install all the latest tools left for android for my Eclipse. I have done with the following (latest version downloaded today) :
And now, I want to add other plugins as well (please tell me what's left).
Also , I have downloaded and installed SDK Tools today (again, latest version).
Following are the files I downloaded and installed (SDK Tools) for latest version (exe file was of 88 MB or something)..
I am also unable to open SDK Manager from both Eclipse and Windows explorer. So, please don't suggest me to open SDK Manager and check this and this.
Thanks a lot in advance !!
no other way other than opening sdk manager.
SDK - Software Development Kit - It is a development kit particular for different platforms. They are needed to integrate java with that particual platform.
AVD - Android Virtual Device - An android phones inside your computer. Whenever u r building an app, rather than trying it everytime in your phone, u can use AVD. It opens Android OS.
1) u need to download buid-tools
2) AVD manager (if u dont already have it)
3) System Images - as mentioned above about AVD, it runs android OS inside your computer. So to run android, u need its system images (if u want to run android kitkat, u nedd system images for that version)

Android SDK "System Images, AVD's, etc) are they system dependent?

Right now I have Ubuntu, and Windows 7 Dual booted on my laptop. Both of which have Android SDK set up on them.
But when I had a very fast wifi network, I downloaded and installed all of the system images and everything else that was available for download, but only on my Ubuntu's Android SDK.
So since it was like 1.5GB of downloads, I am curious if they are dependent on the Linux system, and wouldn't work on Windows?
I am just curious if, instead of re-downloading all of that again, would I be able to transfer all the downloaded files from the SDK and transfer them onto my Windows Android SDK? Or would there be a compatibility issue, as if they will only work on the Linux System?
Thanks for your time guys.
The Android SDK is not system independent.
The configuration files of your AVD are not system independent ( mainly because of the filesystem changes ).
The images of your AVD are system independent.
Well if you go to the place where all the platform sdks are downloaded, that is, you can browse through all system images, avd's, platforms, platform-tools, tools, etc.
So if you go to the sdk-archive xml element, of the things that you want to download, then you can check out the dependencies of the download in terms of architecture and operating system, so anything that has arch="any" and os="any" is effectively platform independent, and that counts for system images, samples, platforms, etc.
Also, if you are curious about where the extra stuff comes from, you can check out, and follow the link list, as usual an relative path in both repository-7.xml and addons_list-2.xml means that you should append to the relative path.
I don't think so that you will be able to use the Ubuntu's Android SDK updates in Windows 's Android SDK.
As Android provides different SDKS for different platforms,you will have to redo all that you have done for Ubuntu's Android SDK.

