Navigation drawer items list - android

I looked through the Android development documentation and couldn't find an answer to my question.
Is it possible to add an extra start space in the second category of items (Communicate) as shown in the right side picture?


Android: Positioning Action Items on the left of the Action Bar

Hello everyone,
The first two pictures from the top is currently what I have. The arrow changes images when you click it. I want to make the arrow(action item) closer to the title(sort by) due to design requirements. I have tried to add blank action items to push the arrow over closer to the title but will not work to the various screen sizes.I also realize that the action bar is quite limited as you can only add action items to the right of the action bar.
I gave an example by displaying the bottom two pictures. As you can see the arrow is close to the Chinese title.
Any Ideas will be greatly appreciated as I am quite stuck. Thanks in advance !
You might be able to tell what the Chinese app is doing via uiautomatorviewer. Possibilities include:
They are using the logo, where the Chinese characters and the arrow are both part of the graphic image. See setDisplayUseLogoEnabled().
They have disabled the title and are using a custom navigation view. See setCustomView().

Adding a custom image onto a Navigation Drawer's center

I'm experimenting for the first time with Android's Navigation Drawer. I think it is a very elegant way to provide an application menu. However, showing my prototype to some friends, it seems that it is not quit intuitive to search for a menu i) on the top left corner respectively ii) on the left side of the screen.
To provide a "user hint" for case i), I added a custom image by creating an ActionBarDrawerToggle. This results in following design of the title bar (the little arrow is the cutom image, while the red star is the application icon):
Now while developping, I thought this is quite obvious, but apparantly I'm wrong :). So as a second idea, to support a user to find option ii) described below, I tried to figure out how to add a further image at a specific place, which I want to explain with following image:
Don't look at the design itself in the first place, but following: the image must be placed outside of the "view bounds" (when the navigation menu is hidden), and also exceed the navigation panel itself on the right side (always). Is this in any way possible without customize the entire navigation panel? I really wonder why I can't find much about this idea, since I think it is a very nice option to provide for the user (as long as the arrow don't disturbs the application usage)
Although I haven't actually tested it with Android's Navigation Drawer,
did you try putting an imageview in your activity's layout? The image would be placed in the middle vertically and on parent left horizontally. I believe this would work (i.e. the image will get pushed when you open the drawer. As an improvement you could also change the image itself in the drawer's callbacks, so that you have an arrow pointing right when the drawer is closed and an arrow pointing left when the drawer is open.
Hope it helps.

Implementing Navigation Drawer in android using different ways

I am working on an application, in which I need to implement navigation drawer. We have two different ways of implement navigation drawer in android as shown in attached screen shots :
In first way the sliding list is over main content. In second type, sliding list becomes visible and make main content to slide left to right with Navigation Drawer list.
I goggled a lot about this and only got solution of first type. I want to implement Navigation drawer like second type in attached screenshot. So please tell me what changes I need to make.
For the first case google's official Navigation Drawer is there.
And for the second case there's a third party library on github.
here's the link:
Also I feel you've to use ActionBarSherlock (again a third party library) in order to implement the second case.
Moreover the google's drawer method is the recommended one as it supports a stable action bar, from where you can choose items even when the drawer is open. Also the design + app flow is slick and faster in this case as compared to the third party lib.

Android navigation drawer - two levels

I am looking to replicate the iOS app my company makes and on tablet in landscape they have a second nav drawer slide out from the first for the second level of categories.
e.g. in the first level they have clothes, shoes, accessories, then if you click clothes a second one appears scrolling to the right from the far right of the first nav bar, that then shows things like shirts, t-shirt, jeans, jumpers etc.
Is this possible in android? And if so, is it the accepted way of doing things?
on tablet in landscape they have a second nav drawer slide out from the first for the second level of categories.
That's not a nav drawer, then, at least as defined by Google.
Is this possible in android?
Sure, just not using DrawerLayout. Execute a FragmentTransaction to slide in the second list adjacent to the first list, neither of which are in a DrawerLayout.
And if so, is it the accepted way of doing things?
For a two-tier structure, I suspect that you will see other patterns used:
tabs for the first tier, and simpler master-detail for the second tier
action bar list navigation for the first tier, and simpler master-detail for the second tier
I can't even rule out DrawerLayout as being the implementation of the first tier (with traditional master-detail for the second tier), though the stuff in that list does not strike me as fitting the usage pattern for a navigation drawer.
Sure, It is possbile. But it is not a practise using in android.
If you want to implement this design, the best way is to use two fragments instead of navigation drawer and use FragmentTrasation to provide the animations.

Activity/Fragments & Action Bar

I'm really new to Android and I want to implement listview and tab action bar:
Home page:
A list that has action bar on top with two tabs (swipe left/right).
The items in the list are clickable.
Detail page:
One of the tab will just have some content
The other is another list with unclickable items
What should I use?
A listview activity or a listview fragment for the home page?
Or does anyone know of an example that is similar to this?
I don't care about backwards compatibility (for now)
Thanks in advance!!
I think this Android Developers' tutorial is pretty self explanatory. You should be able to figure it out from that.
I'd suggest you go with fragments as they're the newest way; whereas activities are getting old now. This will make it easier for your application to accommodate future Android updates.
This may also help you out regarding Fragments.

