Android: Positioning Action Items on the left of the Action Bar - android

Hello everyone,
The first two pictures from the top is currently what I have. The arrow changes images when you click it. I want to make the arrow(action item) closer to the title(sort by) due to design requirements. I have tried to add blank action items to push the arrow over closer to the title but will not work to the various screen sizes.I also realize that the action bar is quite limited as you can only add action items to the right of the action bar.
I gave an example by displaying the bottom two pictures. As you can see the arrow is close to the Chinese title.
Any Ideas will be greatly appreciated as I am quite stuck. Thanks in advance !

You might be able to tell what the Chinese app is doing via uiautomatorviewer. Possibilities include:
They are using the logo, where the Chinese characters and the arrow are both part of the graphic image. See setDisplayUseLogoEnabled().
They have disabled the title and are using a custom navigation view. See setCustomView().


How does instagram fixed and change the bar when scroll up in android?

Notice: I cannot provide pictures due to my reputation.
When we scroll down from the feed in instagram the action bar is actually hide and a white bar that indicate the user name and time is fixed at the top. When we scrolling down again the previous white bar will scroll up and next bar will fixed at the top again. I want to make something like that for my school project.
So my first question is how can I hide the action bar while scrolling up and show it again while i scrolling down?
Second question is how can I make the white bar just like how instagram did it?
Any help will be highly apperciate!!
I am not a 100% sure what to do to accomplish the movable action-bar, but you may want to look into "toolbar" which may provide more manipulation potential.
Also, if you are looking for the white part that has to do with usernames and such inside instagram, you should look for an effect called sticky-headers.
Awesome library to quickly add list view animations, such as sticky-headers

How do i modify the android actionbar?

I have a problem with understanding how the Action bar can be modified.
I want to change the action bar so i can have a reqular menu button on the left side and then a name in the middle, and then a button on the right.
Wanted to add picture but i have to low rep sorry. I hope that somebody can understand and help me!

Android action bar alternatives

I am working on an app right now whose blueprints I got from a friend. I offered to use the ActionBar for screen navigation, but he insists on a little red button at the top-right of the screen.
I have two question:
Having never designed in android, can I make the ActionBar completely transparent, except for a little red square on the right so it looks like what i described?
If there is not such way, can someone please offer an alternative? I was searching for "button drop down list", but got only very old tutorials. Maybe I should look for something else?
Thanks a lot
Yes, you can make the Action Bar transparent. There is an example: Custom Translucent Android ActionBar. Of course, you can make completely transparant AB. Then you can add a MenuItem to the top-right corner (it will be your little red button).
Here you have an Android Action Bar Style Generator. As you can see, there is an option for solid or transparent Action Bar.
There is no need to break the rules with a proper navigation pattern (Action Bar).

Android Action Bar

Hi friends i want to implement the action bar exactly like this(only text), IF i select any of the text, the blue border which is at Balloons comes to that particular text and rest of the things to be normal,How to implement this.please help me.
You probably mean the Navigation tabs.
Everything you need is explained here:

Vertical Action Bar for Android

I want to display the Action Bar Vertically in my App.
I have found few examples for the Horizontal One, but not any for the Vertical One.
Can anyone please give me any example for the Vertical Action Bar.
David Brown
There's nothing in the Android UI design guide about a vertical ActionBar. But you might be able to coerce a similar effect by locking the display orientation, and then applying a rotation to the View in the content area. You also might be able to get somewhere by downloading the source code for ActionBarSherlock and implementing your own version of the ActionBar. But I don't recommend either of these solutions. If you're really that intent on putting actions on the side of your screen, I suggest either a small vertical LinearLayout, or implement one of the side navigation solutions as discussed in Android Facebook style slide.

