I need to set the initial transparency for a TextView, but I don't know how to do it. On iPhone/iOS, it can be done easily with the alpha property. On Android, I've tried to set the alpha using AlphaAnimation but it's no good -- it doesn't work. It just returns to 100% alpha when the animation ends.
AlphaAnimation anim = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0.2f);
Any ideas guys?
You can set the alpha channel directly in a color value that you assign to the TextView. See Available Resource Types.
I'm trying to use a very simple code to fade the background color change in a textview
the idea is to chose a new color, than have it fade from transparent to the desired color, here is the code:
ValueAnimator anim = new ValueAnimator();
anim.setIntValues(hightlightColor & 0x00FFFFFF, hightlightColor);
// txtView.setBackgroundColor(hightlightColor);
anim.addUpdateListener(animation -> txtView.setBackgroundColor((int) animation.getAnimatedValue()));
highlight color is just a green i'm using for example, txtview is a valid textview and the current background is null
but instead of creating a fade in shades of green the code results in a crazy rainbow like interpolation, that ends exactly in the desired green, but all intermediate values are shit
I thought it might be the alpha channel so i tested starting from white to green but the intermediate colors were all crazy also
MY APP MINSDK IS 16 SO I CANT USE ValueAnimator.ofArgb()
here is how it looks
I can not to set alpha parameter for my GlSurfaceView. XML-attribute android:alpha= not working, call of method from code mView.setAlpha() too not working. I read about a similar problem, for example, - how to make a transparent background on this View, but unfortunately solution did not help to solve my problem - to set alpha channel the contains of GlSurfaceView. I tried to move GlSurfaceView inside FrameLayout and yet to set alpha of FrameLayout, but this solution did not help.
Now i am still see only a one variant - to move a sample View above GlSurfaceView and to set a transparent of a sample View. This solution to be last case for me!
I want to ask - Is there any way to solve this problem differently?
The problem is solved!
Only one variant is correct - to set parametr 'alpha' in 'gl_FragColor' of your shader! For example: gl_FragColor.a=0.5;
That to have acces to your shader from code - need to make parameter alpha in shader as global ('uniform' type), and to link him across methods 'glGetUniformLocation', 'glUniform1f'. For example:
// View-code
int mAlpha;
float alpha = 0.5f;
mAlpha = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mProgrammerHandle, "u_alpha");
GLES20.glUniform1f(mAlpha, alpha);
// Shader-code
uniform float u_alpha;
gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb,u_alpha);
But that is not all!
Need to set parameters GlSurfaceView and Render. After initialization GlSurfaceView should be allowed a transparent Drawing:
setEGLConfigChooser(8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 0);
In render object too must to set a transparent color cleaning and correct color mixing.
GLES20.glClearColor ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
Color mixing can be different. Default - colors mix i.e. GLES20.glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD); - not necessary write.
But there are other options of mixing:
I was not write 'glBlendEquation' in my code.
Next important moment - alpha mixing. Method 'glBlendFunc' or 'glBlendFuncSeparate'. More information you can read in OpenGL tutorial. For correct alpha mixing i took advantage of more detailed setup:
The last thing to do - overriding methods 'setAlpa' and 'getAlpa' in your GlSurfaceView.
P.S. If in your View a transparent artifact appear, then you may tried to set parameters setZOrderOnTop(true); and/or android:windowIsTranslucent="true" inside XML. But for me it was not required - everything works fine!
I want to rotate a simple imageview which has an elevation of 5dp.
animRotate=ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(imgProgress, "rotationY", 0, 360);
The animation for the above code is smooth if the android:elevation value for the ImageView is not set in the layout file. But when i set the elevation, the animation becomes jerky.
Can someone please suggest a fix?
Maybe the reason is that you create and run animatuion at once. As docs say, it is better first to init your animation
animRotate=ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(imgProgress, "rotationY", 0, 360);
And then when it is time for animation to be fired run it
Also, consider reading about what PivotX and PivotY are, it may be useful.
Also, using default interpolator will give strange result for rotating 5 times - i think using simple linear interpolator is much better choice.
I am implementing an AlphaAnimation in my android project with the below line code, but I am unsure how it works and what goes in the parameters.
AlphaAnimation buttonClick = new AlphaAnimation(1F, 0.1F);
What is the first parameter for and what what values can I put in it?
What is the second parameter for and what values can I put in it?
Is it possible to have more then 2 parameters?
Can someone please help me out?
AlphaAnimation is for fading in / out view.
As per documentation
fromAlpha : Starting alpha value for the animation, where 1.0 means fully opaque and 0.0 means fully transparent.
toAlpha : Ending alpha value for the animation.
So if you use
AlphaAnimation buttonClick = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f);
It will mean opacity will be 1 at the end of animation.
Whereas, for fading out image from visible to invisible, you can use
AlphaAnimation buttonClick = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f);
Hope this helps.
I'd like to create an indeterminate animation that simply fades from one color to another (a pulse, if you will). I don't think this should require the use of images but despite my best efforts, I'm not sure I understand how to use something like AlphaAnimation with a Shape to accomplish this.
Could someone please provide some insight as to how to accomplish this? I have a feeling I'm missing something pretty straightforward here. (Examples are always appreciated!)
This is a trivial task in 3.0 - you can set up an ObjectAnimator to change the "color" or "backgroundColor" of an object (View, ColorDrawable, whatever has the property) between two values. See the ApiDemo animations/BouncingBalls for an example of this.
But assuming you're using pre-3.0 APIs, there are a couple of approaches. First, you could set up your own handler to give you the timing events you need, then calculate the new color at each point.
It's probably slightly easier (if not entirely intuitive) to use an AlphaAnimation. All you really want from the animation is percentage values, not to fade anything. So you don't set the animation on a view, but just set it up to run internally from a value of 0 to 1, then get the current animated value in your onDraw() method and set the current color appropriately.
For example, this will set up and start the alpha animation to run for one second:
Transformation transform = new Transformation();
AlphaAnimation anim = new AlphaAnimation(0f, 1f);
Then in your drawing loop, you grab the current animated value:
long time = getDrawingTime();
anim.getTransformation(time, transform);
float elapsedFraction = transform.getAlpha();
Once you have the elapsedFraction (a value between 0 and 1), you can calculate the appropriate in-between color value.
The code above may not match your situation exactly, but you should be able to do something similar to get what you want.