I'm developing my first Android application, and I'd like to create a settings screen.
I'd like the screen to have a similar look-and-feel as the native phone-settings screens and the native "create/edit alarm" screen. Thus with different kinds of (statically defined) items vertically stacked with a thin line between them.
How do I define such screen?
I understand I can use the ListView, but this seems to be primarily meant for serving dynamic data using a ListAdapter, where each item is served in the same format. It seems to be possible to create different items (that is, some with checkbox, some with two text-lines, some with an icon) by creating my own ListAdapter and overriding getView but this seems like overkill. Should I be using a ListView for this purpose?
There's no need to manually create and format a ListView - there are ways in the API to create Preference screens.
The most obvious is PreferenceActivity.
You can define all your preferences in an XML file, a bit like a layout, and then load them with addPreferencesFromResource() or you can create a number of PreferenceScreen objects in code and populate them with Preference objects that way.
The best thing do would be to look at the API Demos application provided with the Android API. This contains lots of good examples of managing preferences. Here's how it creates preferences from code and here's a sample preferences XML file. There are other examples showing more advanced things like preference dependencies and preference listeners.
Actually in the built-in alarm application, for edit and create alarms, there are two activities, one for create and one for edit.
The Create Alarm activity is the first one with the digital clock.
The Edit Alarm activity is started by clicking on a listed alarm from the Create Alarm activity.
Edit Alarm implements PreferenceActivity, but Create Alarm is more complex (custom cursor adapter to list the alarms).
Have a look at the sources:
Create Alarm activity
Edit Alarm activity
I am working on an application that has several states that matter to the user, online vs offline, how far out of date the local application database is, et cetera. I understand that both non-persistent and persistent notifications are available in android, and might be appropriate in this scenario. However, in our organization's iOS application, there is an 'information bar'.
I realize that this is somewhat of a departure from material design. Is this even possible? I'd like to extend the App Bar in some way as opposed to creating a fragment that I add to every activity if possible.
Try any of the following
1) Replace the action bar with toolbar and customize the design on your own and handle it.
2) Create the separate layout file with the above design and then include it in any screen using the tag <include/>
You can do this a custom Toolbar class or with Fragments. For the later option, each activity will have the user information at the top, either as a view or a fragment. The "normal app stuff" will be a FrameLayout which can hold one fragment at a time. See the Fragment tutorials on http://developer.android.com.
There aren't really hooks for extending the toolbar- in fact Google has deprecated a lot of stuff it used to be able to do (such as tabs in the toolbar). Your best bet is to use a custom fragment at the top of every Activity.
I have a collection of items which are shown using a ListView.
Each of these items has its own settings. By clicking on one item I want to allow the user to view/change its settings.
What is the best way to do this?
It would be nice if I could use something like PreferenceActivity as this provides a nice layout. Unfortunately the preference mechanism always saves the chosen preferences to a global file (see SharedPreferences).
A workaround might be using multiple files, one per item, but I don't like this solution since the collection is dynamic and I prefer the settings to be local to my objects.
Another workaround might be opening a PreferenceActivity, then reading all the settings and saving them to the appropriate object. This also seems far from elegant.
Finally, I could implement my own activity with a ListView and custom item layouts, but this seems a duplicated work to get the same behavior and style.
Any suggestion is welcome :)
Thank you
I'd do something along the lines of PreferenceActivity, but save the preferences to the items themselves or something associated with them. To display the preferences input, use a dialog Fragment. You can then either pop up the dialog, or display it as a regular Fragment.
I am new to android development, and we have a very specific requirement.
We need to change the content/layout/flow of the app on the fly. For e.g. we have a layout which consists of some images, textarea and textboxes. There might be a request coming to change the textarea to a textbox.
We thought about this and are thinking to provide the apk with a json/xml which will contain all these changes.
My question is will it be possible to re-draw the objects again dynamically and change the content?
Yes this is possible. You can dynamically design what has to be displayed in your Activity UI screen. If you feel there are only 2 or 3 different UI screens that would be repeatedly used, then you can have XMLs for these screens and you can just change their labels in OnCreate() of Activity class before rendering. LayoutInflater class would be helpful here.
When you design a Android Application with Activities and Fragments your XML layout definition is always static. If you want a true dynamic layout structure you should use a Web View with a HTML content pointing some URL.
As Rahul says, another approach is to manage the "default cases". For me that is the standard way to design an Android Application.
The dynamic content (values) can be done with a simple http call to server you can get values for your views.
The navigation could be handled by switching Intents, but, definitively you have to associate these intents to UI elements like buttons in the most cases, and ¿How you can do that if your layout is changing over time?.
I think, that the WebView could be a very easy solution for your problem.
A mockup is below that probably explains better than words. Essentially, I want a list where items can be added/removed dynamically by the user, and each item has configurable settings screen.
So there are two keys here:
Adding to the main preferences screen
Starting an
activityForResult when an item is pressed. This activity will show
another preferences view (sliders, checkboxes, etc) where the user
can manipulate these and then return the new values to be stored in
a data structure.
I would suggest heading down the road of Fragments - specifically PreferenceFragment: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/preference/PreferenceFragment.html
Why I think this will work well for you:
Furthermore, the preferences shown will follow the visual style of
system preferences. It is easy to create a hierarchy of preferences
(that can be shown on multiple screens) via XML. For these reasons, it
is recommended to use this fragment (as a superclass) to deal with
preferences in applications.
Your question is a little bit vague, but probably this is best solved by storing the user's data in a database (and using standard CursorAdapter and CursorLoader instances to show this data to the user) rather than trying to force everything into the Preferences framework. The CursorAdapter is optimized for dealing with arbitrarily large result sets, while PreferenceActivity and friends really work better with a fixed set of data.
The Preferences stuff is designed to be easy to implement for its specific use case, but if your use case falls out of that scope — and it sounds like it does — it's going to be a hassle to squeeze your data into a preferences model.
If you just like the Preferences UI, you can of course peek at the Android source code to see how it is implemented while still letting your own logic drive a variant of that UI.
Actually creating the preference screens dynamically is easy. You can do it in code (search the API Demos sample app for PreferenceFromCode.java) or by expanding an XML file that you can write (PreferencesFromXml.java). What's going to be hard is coming up with a sensible UI and storage back-end for the user to compose and store these dynamic preference collections.
I'm trying to create a hierarchy of classes which start with a PreferenceActivity.
The idea is the base class contains the 'About Me' button, then the next class implements the generic preferences for games/apps/wallpapers and then the next class adds the the specifics for each actual Game/App.
The idea works well BUT because I'm 'adding' preferences from XML at each level, they appear with the most generic (lowest level) ones first (e.g. my 'About' button).
Ideally I'd like them to be the other way up - so that specific preferences appear at the top of the list and generic ones at the bottom - is there any way of achieving this (I've read through the docs on PreferenceFragments and the new PreferenceHeaders and even that doesn't seem to offer anything?)
Is there any programmatic way to move PreferenceCategorys or PreferenceScreens around within the overall order??
Essentially when I'm using
I'd like to have a
I'm getting good at answering my own questions here :)
The solution lies in the android:order XML parameter - using that with Preference (or PreferenceGroup or a sub-class of it) will sort stuff into the right sequence on screen!
You could also change this dynamically with setOrder() but it won't reorder the Preferences if they've already been added to a PreferenceGroup.