auto m3u creation - android

I am looking for a solution to automatically create .m3u playlists for each music folder in my sdcard so that the music player can play music by folders. I had written a simple VB.Net app in the past that does exactly the above but apparently, it has to be run from Windows. Since I have no Java nor Android developing experience I found it quite hard to try to write a similar app that can be run directly from the phone. In a few words, the app does the following:
1) Searches the SD and lists all folders that contain 2 or more .mp3 files (just for user verification)
2) Creates in every listed folder above, a .m3u file that simply lists line-by-line all the mp3 files that exist in the specific folder.
Is there such an app or could someone spare some time and give me some rough instructions on how to create it in Eclipse 3.5.2 environment? (device used: Motorola Droid/Milestone, Android 2.1) I don't care about any graphics or complex UI, just a script to execute the above procedure that would give every "playlist-supporting" music player in Android, the precious ability to play music by folders. I know it is too much to ask but just in case!
Thanx in advance.

because I can download new songs and in general modify the existing collection from my phone where there is noneed to connect to a pc. also I may connect my phone to any pc and transfer new music folders and it may be the case where the remote pc doesnot have the vb runtime essentials on order to run my app, so running it from the phone offers far greater flexibility.


Creating and reading files to be manually transferred to or from Windows

First, let me say that today is the first time I've ask a question on SO, so please be tolerant if I don't phrase my question according to the rules or make myself clear. I have reviewed these problems in SO and can't seem to find an up-to-date solution THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.
My problems deal with creating and accessing files being transferred between Windows and Android 11.
I have an android karaoke app that reads karaoke files previously transferred from Windows. I manually created a 'Karaoke' folder on an external SD card and manually copied the karaoke MP3 and CDG files into that folder's sub-folders. I was then able to programmatically access those files within my app. Under Android 11, I can still access the MP3 files but not the CDG files. What is the best option to solve this problem.
Likewise, I was backing up my app database located in protected storage to the removable SD card. I could then manually transfer the backup files to Windows. This no longer works under Android 11. What is the best option to solve this problem.

How to find and play videos downloaded by Android or Windows app

There is an App which features downloading their videos for offline viewing via their Android and Windows app. I was wondering where does this app saves these videos and if they are encrypted, how to decrypt and play them?
I am a programmer but I know nothing about Android/windows app development, here is what I have been able to hack so far:
On Android
It seems like it saves videos at
These files have no extension, I copied them to my laptop and tried giving different popular media extensions, nothing worked so far in neither of WMP, VLC & Quicktime Player.
I tried to identify file type using TrID (as specified in this link and this utility suggests it is an mp3 file (while it should be a video), I changed the extension to mp3, it did not worked either.
I tried opening the file in ISO buster and several other apps. Finally while trying different things, on android system itself when I choose the option to compute checks, it display some MD5 and SHA-1 values. I am not much familiar with these terms but figured out, these files seems to be encrypted.
If I try to directly open this file on Android, System starts generating Hex Dump and then file explorer crashes.
Now if these files are really the video files and are encrypted, is there a way I can decrypt them and play directly in a video player?
On windows store App in my laptop's Windows 8.1
I found App files are stored at:
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\.com..com_1.5.0.2_neutral_split.scale-140_
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\.com..com_1.5.0.2_x64__
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\.com..com_2015.924.1324.2728_neutral_~_
I was able to figure out how to assign privileges to currently logged in User and gain the access to reach at these paths but couldn't make any further progress to find encrypted or non-encrypted video files in these folders at all.
I understand that if I really just want to download the video files there is much better and easier way - directly log in to their website and use any video grabber application or extension, it's as easy as that, which does works.
But my intention here is not to download videos but rather I am just curious to do ethical hacking for learning and exploring things. Just want to understand whether it is even possible to decrypt, find appropriate extension and play them directly without the app or not. And where does both Android and Windows Apps are actually storing these videos on my own device which I am unable to access/play without App.. huh well done app developers!
Any help or pointers appreciated.
Since Lynda is using HTML5 just click Save as on the video an download it as a mp4....
For Mac users, you can find the offline files at
I was wondering the same thing and I done some exploring with windirstat and found a large bunch of files at:
They are .file but the large ones are the videos and they play fine in vlc. Could probably mess around with them and add the .avi or whatever, to the end for completeness if you wanted..
Alright, so the above listed solutions worked for a while but Lynda was smart enough to begin encrypting the downloaded videos. And hence just finding the downloaded content is not good enough anymore.
I could not find a way to decrypt the videos downloaded by the Windows Store app but someone did a great job in decrypting the videos downloaded by the Desktop app (yes, it is different), which is not as popular as the store app.
You can download the desktop version of this app from here.
Find encrypted downloaded vdos here:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\\ Desktop App\offline\ldc_dl_courses
and decrypt them using this tool.
This is how:
Browse to:
C:\Users\*User Name*\AppData\Local\Packages\\LocalState\offline\*XXXXXX*
Add the extension .mp4 to the files in that folder.
(If you download the files in order they will be alot easier to name because it will be possible to sort by date and time.)
Open a Command Window in that folder (as administrator)
Run the following command in the folder containing your extesionless video files to give all of them .mp4 extesions.
ren *. *.mp4
if you use Windows Store App you can find it under
for those who use "Lynda Desktop App" to find the exact location for
video files in windows
Run Lynda Desktop App from App menu on top left of app select
"Options" you can find path of downloaded files there "Course
Download location" also you can change it to any path you want,and
its default location is
."C:\Users\{userName}\AppData\Local\\ Desktop App\offline\ldc_dl_courses"
for those who can not play files using VLC now offline App Encrypt files so it can only decrypted and played with lynda offline App only
if any one needs how to decrypt files I have already developed tool for my personnel use to do so but I think I can not share it for public

How to store around 12MB of MP3 files in res/raw folder of my Android 2.3 Project?

I am developing a small application in Android 2.3 using Eclipse 3.4 IDE, I wish to store more than 200 mp3 files in the res/raw folder of my project.
But Wen I started the Android Emulator,it stop working by showing this message in console:
Please tell me a way out from this problem
I think the error is explicit enough. The app is too large in size for the internal storage.
I think it's time to redesign your app. For instance you can download the mp3 file from the network on demand and then save it to the sdcard.
BTW, if you plan to support just Android version > 2.2 you can add android:installLocation="preferExternal" into your manifest file and this should rid the problem
Decreate the bit rate of mp3 files! I think 8bit could be fine if you predict that a user will not listen your mp3s via external speaker.
If you have files that will be listened via external speaker, than decrease bit rate in all files except in those.
If you cannot use any of these actions, then you made a big mistake in an application design.
PS. if it's not a secret, could you tell me what kind of app needs 200 mp3 files?
Do you have to use MP3? Android docs suggest you should use OGG where possible.
The Installation of this app was failed due to the insufficient storage space available in the Android Emulator.
And this was removed when I run the app in a new Emulator with sufficient amount of memory space available for successful installation of the apps.
Now this app is successfully running in the new Emulator. Thanks for your support.

Android - Add more levels to game without the need to download or update a new app from the Market

I'm working on a platform=app for games and I want the user to be able to choose games like some kind of an add on, then it will download some file (a game) which my app knows how to read and work with.
Basically, what I want is to build a market without apk files.
Or to generate a new kind of apk files.
I hope you can understand my question..
The way I do it is to simply send a level to the client using the network connection.
My maps look like: [[0,1,2],[0,-1-1]...] which can be nicely compressed.
Even a big level doesn't take more than a few seconds to download.
You just need to generate your own 'level' code reader.
the way snesdroid works is it will play emulator files on the sd card, not sure if you could code the app to download files directly to the sdcard in a specific folder then have the app rescan that directory to refresh the levels.

How to unpack some files from .apk to /data/data/<package> folder while installing the .apk?

My android application needs another NATIVE application executable to run before the android one, so that they can communicate through sockets. Android application has a JNI layer for handling the client-side communication.
Now i need to bundle up the native executable along with the apk file, so that when it is installed on a device it gets unzipped into either the phone memory or the memory card.
How do i do this?
I tried keeping the native executable in res/asset and in res/raw folders, but they still don't get unzipped in /data/data/ folder.
One way I could find is to use AssetManager and then with help of InputStream and OutputStream, i can write this file onto the device the first time it is run and then use it. But there is no point to write it manually on phone memory as it might eat up the memory. ( the case where if memory card is not present. )
Can anyone help me on how can i achieve this? It would be great if there is an option to unzip the necessary files automatically at the time of installation.
How do i do this?
You don't. You unpack it yourself on first run of your application.
One way I could find is to use AssetManager and then with help of InputStream and OutputStream, i can write this file onto the device the first time it is run and then use it.
But there is no point to write it manually on phone memory as it might eat up the memory.
Then why did you want it automatically unpacked there in the first place?
It would be great if there is an option to unzip the necessary files automatically at the time of installation.
No, sorry, this is not possible.
We have the same issue ... the direction we are exploring is to have two separate installs - the first one is the app and the second one is the data-app. When the data-app installs it copies the binary files to the SD card. When we uninstall the data-app it frees up the internal storage.
We don't have this one completely licked yet, and would love to hear other input and maybe find someone to help us by writing a couple of skeletal sample applications for us.
There are so many people who are in this boat (based on my googling) that if this approach doesn't work I suggest we (or someone) set up a generic file delivery web server and generic file delivery Android service and make it available to developers for a very low cost.
This isn't a typical use of OBBs but why not use one? It would then be a file separate to your apk installed in a pre-determined location. It doesn't have to be compressed.

