Snapping elements / conditional layouts - android

Sorry for the extremely bad title, I have no other idea what to call this question. What I'm trying to do is this: have a RelativeLayout which has two children:
one with layout_centerInParent="true"
one with layout_alignParentBottom="true"
However, when the device is in landscape mode, element (1) appears slightly over or under element (2). But, element (1) has enough space above it to appear above element (2). How could I make the layout so that if the screen is too small to center element (1) and make both elements not overlap, then align element (1) above (as in layout_above) element (2)?

This should work to give you a layout where the text1 item fills the available space above text2, and is centered vertically and horizontally in that space; and text2 is on the bottom, centered horizontally.
The important parts are android:layout_weight, combined with android:gravity.

Alright here's a leftfield suggestion that might work if your element (1) isn't too resource intensive.
Have two versions of element (1), the first with layout_centerInParent="true" and the second with layout_above="#id\element2". Default them both to android:visibility="invisible". In your onCreate Post a Runnable that inspects the Y dimension of both elements, and sets View.VISIBLE on the element with the smallest value.

New idea:
This is another idea that's sort of a workaround in that it's not very elegant, but it's very simple. Put element (1) in its own < LinearLayout > configured like so:
<LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" // More on this line below
That linear layout will always span from the top of screen to just above element (2), and since its gravity is "center", element (1) will always be in the middle of whatever space is available for it. Note: The line android:layout_height="..." is required, but doesn't seem to actually do anything. Whether it's fill_parent or wrap_content, its height is overridden by the lines anchoring its top to the ParentTop and its bottom to element(2). However, not having the line makes it crash with a Runtime exception.
Original, not very good idea:
Another less-than-ideal solution is to use two layout files. Put the portrait layout xml in your layout folder and the landscape layout in a new folder called layout-land. Android then automatically selects the right one based on the orientation of the phone. I think you could use layout-port, but putting the portrait one in just layout makes sure it knows which one to use by default.


Android UI: "Smart" centering?

So I have a UI element (a single line of text) that I want horizontally centered with respect to the overall device -- unless/until it collides with other UI elements in the given view group / layout. At that point I'd like it to be either centered in the space remaining or pegged as close to being centered overall as possible without colliding. [When there's finally not enough space, then I want to use ellipses.]
Is there any way to achieve this using just standard Android layouts?
I'm currently achieving this via code that adjusts layout constraints when the view group's width changes, the text changes, or related UI elements become visible/invisible. It works fine, but I can't help thinking that some layout should just do this for me.
You can use a weighted horizontal LinearLayout like this:
android:text="i am centered"
android:text="another widget"/>
The TextView with width 0dp and weight 1 will use the remaining horizontal space.
You can add additional widgets to the LinearLayout, and the TextView will always take the remaining space.
For example, if you change the Visibility of the Button to GONE, you'll see the TextView will expand to use the whole width. Similarly, if you programmatically add new widgets to the LinearLayout, the available space for the TextView will adjust.
You can further add ellipsize options to control what happens when the text does not fit in the TextView size.

Inserting many views into one layout without them overflowing to the end of the screen

I'm looking for a way that I can dynamically add views into a layout (currently a LinearLayout) and that they won't overflow into the end of the screen and be hidden.
I can't use ScrollViews since it has to look like one sentence (It's a "fill the blanks" question).
I'm just looking for an idea on how to do this, not the code itself.
Thanks in advance, Shay.
If you are using linear layout than use linear layout with weights:
For example:
You have a LinearLayout with vertical orientation and you have 2 ImageViews inside it and you want these ImageViews always to take equal space.
You can set the layout_weight of each ImageView to 1 and the weightSum in LinearLayout to 2 to achieve this.
This will work correctly for any device without overflow into the end of the screen and be hidden

Have elements equally span entire width / height of their RelativeLayout

I have, say three buttons i would like to list below one another in a layout. Depending on the device, screen size, pixel density, orientation and so on, i would like the buttons to span the entire height of their parent layout. The buttons each have a fixed height (dp), so the spanning is more likely concerning the space between the buttons.
I saw several questions on various forums regarding how a LinearLayout is supposedly a fix for this problem, by nesting a layout for each element, having the layout span. I would very much like to avoid nesting layouts, and I'm using a RelativeLayout as of now, so if there is any way to go about it with this type of layout it will be of great help! :)
Additionally, I would like the top and bottom button to "touch" the parent layout border at the top and bottom, and the last (or rest) button to fill out the rest of the vertical space equally.
Thank you in advance.
I'm not entirely sure what you wish to achieve, but you should be able to do this using a LinearLayout & weights (so you don't have to nest multiple layouts).
If you want the 3 buttons to take up the entire parent of the screen just add a weight to each for example:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
Try to set to topButton a field in XML:
Try to set to middleButton a field in XML:
Try to set to bottomButton a field in XML:

View without Activity - Placement and Layout

I am using the Code from JawsWare - Overlay View to create a View that lays above everything.
This works fine, but I failed to adapt the given layout to my needs.
What I want: Two Phases.
First Phase: A button in the upper left corner that is always there above all other apps.
When this button is pressed, we enter the Second Phase:
The button is replaced by two images which are to be horizontally aligned at a certain distance from the top, again floating above everything else.
I have to admit that I dont really understand Android Layouting, but I've tried fiddling with a RelativeLayout and an ImageView but it seems buggy.
Additionally, I encountered a very strange behaviour: Even if the Image is only about 200x200 px in the upper left corner, nearly the whole screen is "blocked" by the View (it receives all TouchEvents, even though there shouldt be anything). It seems that if I position the Layout using Margins to float in the middle of the screen, everything to the left and top of the visible button is also receiving touch events and not letting them pass through to the underlying app (even though there is no visible content).
Any ideas to why this happens and how to circumvent that?
Secondly: How can I achieve the two layouts from earlier?
Edit 1: My Layout. (please keep in mind that I just copied this and then did what I thought was right)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall" />
Afterwards I am trying to set the RelativeLayouts Gravity to TOP | CENTER_VERTICAL with a Top-Margin of 200px.
I believe what's going on here is your TextView is filling out the entire screen.
wrap_content bounds the size of a View with its content. match_parent fills a view to as big as it can get (i.e., whatever size the container is bound to).
So in this case, your RelativeLayout is does not have a max size it's bound to. Your TextView is going to try to get as big as it can get, so it's going to fill the screen. Likewise, the RelativeLayout is going to blow up to that size to wrap around the TextView.
Also, RelativeLayout doesn't really respond to Gravity well. That is used in LinearLayout and FrameLayout containers a lot, but RelativeLayout relational rules like "CENTER_IN_PARENT" are going to override whatever Gravity you set (if you set Gravity.RIGHT and "CENTER_IN_PARENT", then one has to win out I guess).

fill_parent in LinearLayout isn't being honored

After much research on both SO and google, I haven't seen any one with exactly the same problem I am experiencing, so here it is:
I recently redid the entire UI on an android app. For the most part, I made only cosmetic changes to each of the screens. They appear in the UI editor of eclipse perfectly as expected. However, directly after doing this, two of the screens stopped being laid out correctly on both all tested devices and the emulator.
Now, the big problem one these two screens was that the root level LinearLayout didn't appear to be actually honoring the fill_parent for either layout_height or layout_width. it looks like it's being measured as if it were set to wrap_content instead. It only takes up about 70% of the screen - which is just enough to wrap the individual elements inside the root LinearLayout. I would post an image, but as a new user, I am not allowed to.
The layout isn't stretching to fill the screen. Here's the code for layout, except that there are a few more in the LinearLayouts containing a TextView and an EditText.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:text="#string/edit_account" />
android:orientation="horizontal" >
android:text="#string/first_name" />
android:singleLine="true" />
I think the root LinearLayout should be filling both height and width. I've used this same layout many MANY times in our app without problems. (A quick count revealed that I used 76 LinearLayouts in our app, and all but two of them are working.)
At first, I suspected that perhaps our custom classes measure was wrecking things, so I changed the layout to use all plain EditTexts, but there was no change. I double checked the activity, but it isn't doing anything except to load this xml. So, in desperation, I redid the layout like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:text="#string/edit_account" />
After that, The words Edit Account appear with a black background mashed into the upper left corner. Clearly, the LinearLayout isn't filling the parent.
Long story short, I am asking how to fix this so that the LinearLayout fills the screen as expected.
I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening, and I am certainly hoping that someone on SO has an idea. This has got me pulling my hair out!
Try setting fixed width and height for the root layout.
Then only you will be able to debug who is driving length and width. It is very much possible that parent activity or background activity is setting dimensions. Once you identify the root cause you can go back to original settings.
As of now from your code snippet given here, nothing wrong here
If you use a custom activity as a container to other activities for some reason (In our case, we were recreating the look of our iOS app, and needed a custom menu to show up along the button side of the screen) the window manager seems to get a bit confused with what the actual height and width of the nested activities should be. A call to fillparent or matchparent ends up wrapping the content instead.
We ended up changing the behavior of several methods in our container activity class to make this work.

