android Editext setText should not focused and blinking cursor - android

in my activity
1 editext field and 2 check boxes
i do setText("default text") in oncreate.
when my application lods display default text also blinking cursor inside the text field also shows orange border tells it is having focus.
i don't want to be text field focus on create instead it should focus on some where else i did request focus on rest of the checkboxes but it didn't work out textfield still having focus.

i fixed this problem myself
View okBtn =findViewById(;


EditText - setText on EditText with inputType=numberPassword doesn't show the 'set' text first before the password char

I'm creating a PIN dialog that contains multiple EditText. The behavior I want to achieve is, when the user enter a character, it gets to be shown first before being masked with EditText's password character (bullet/dot).
Instead of managing the multiple EditText, I have a hidden view (EditText) that handles the keyboard input. It's text will then be set to the other EditText that serves as the pin view. However, when I set the value for the pin from the hidden view, the password character is being set right away, no more preview of the set value. The behavior is different when I tried to enter a character directly to the pin view.
How can I achieve the behavior I want with the this current setup? Thanks!
You Can also Achieve This behavior By just using one Editext.
On User Keypress show Current Character for 1 second while all entered characters are shown * if entered.Then replace all text with *,with the length of Text enter inside Edittext.
Basically Toggling The Visible Character with * after 1 second while holding real password inside a variable and then hiding newly entered character by replacing Edittext text with * of variable.length.
I believe what I wanted isn't possible. From what I'm doing the cursor moves to the next EditText when the current received a value.
Using an EditText with inputType (in my case) numberPassword, as soon as the focus was removed from the EditText or if it doesn't have the focus in the first place, setting a value to it will immediately show the 'password' character.

How to change the focus from edittext view

I have a one textview two edittext fields. am using first for the taking input text from user .
for the Second view I made the focusable set to false and I wrote a onClickListener which pops up(Date Picker) so that user can set the date.
I first I click on the first edit text and I start typing some text when am done I click on the second edittext and a I get a popup(Dialog) I select the date and click set on the dialog.
My Problem here is : After setting the Date, focus is still in the first field.
What I have tried.
-- While implementing the onClickListener for the second edittext , I tried to change the focus to the textView.
but it din't work.
Is there a way I can change it ?
if you don't want to enter date manually.. than make that Edittext to Enable false.
and just set the text on edittext from datepicker dialog..

Get EditText ID in which Cursor is blinking

I have four edit text. And one button .
First:On Click of button I want to set the Button Text to EditText in which cursor is blinking.
Second: After reaching MaxLength character of Edit text automatically set focus to next edit text.
Any Idea how to do that?
Make a list of all TextEdit, then search for selected:

Android: Spinner does not set selection after edittext had focus

I have a listview of different view types, including spinners and edittexts. I have a single focuslistener that listens for the onfocus lost event as I have to do some post processing. As a user may have to switch from one edittext to a next edittext by touch, and calling notifydatachanged in my focus lost event would trigger a redraw of the views, I used a variable to set the last focused edittext(whenever an edittext gains focus) so that I can requestfocus for the appropriate edittext in the getview call of the adapter.
Observation: If the spinners are touched first, they work fine. However if they are touched after any of the edittext has been focused and input with values, the spinners will not set the selected item on being touched.
Is anyone able to explain this observation or suggest a workaround?

Cursor should appear from start in editText in android

I have a screen which have editText and a button, now when we click on the button it will fetch the Text from another screen and set to the editText.
The problem is when the text has been set to edittext cursor position is coming at last. I want that cursor position should appear from start.
Any Idea??

