POJO's versus Cursors in Android - android

I usually tend to define the model layer of my apps using POJO's, such as Article, Comment, etc.
I was about to implement an AlphabetIndexer in the adapter of one of my ListViews. Right now this adapter accepts a Collection of Articles, which I normally get from my wrapper around an SQLiteDatabase.
The signature of the AlphabetIndexer constructer is as follows:
public AlphabetIndexer (Cursor cursor, int sortedColumnIndex, CharSequence alphabet)
Since this doesn't accept a Collection or something similar, just a Cursor, it got me wondering: maybe I shouldn't be creating objects for my model, and just use the Cursors returned from the database?
So the question is, I guess: what should I do, represent data with Collections of POJO's, or just work with Cursors throughout my app?
Any input?

I have run into similar issues. Right now, I am tending away from POJOs. Note, though, that you can create your own Cursor interface for a collection of POJOs, if you so choose.

I like to create Cursor-backed POJO classes. A Cursor-backed POJO class has a constructor that takes a Cursor and provides the following benefits:
Easy to use getters that return the proper content type, much better
than getting indexes and having to remember the type of data in the
Getter methods that compute their results from other getters, just like how OO programming ought to be
Getter return values can be enums!
These few benefits are well worth some boilerplate code, many many bugs have been averted now that user-engineers aren't accessing cursor columns themselves. We still use the CursorAdapter class, but the first line in the bindView method is to create the Cursor-backed POJO from the Cursor and from then on the code is beautiful.
Below is an example implementation, it's a snap for user-engineers to turn an opaque cursor into clearly defined User object, from that point on it can be passed around and accessed just like a regular POJO so long as the backing cursor is not closed. The SmartUserCursor is a special class I wrote to ensure that the cursor position is remembered and restored before the cursor is accessed and it also stores the cursor column indexes so lookups are fast.
public class User {
private final SmartUserCursor mCursor;
public User(SmartUserCursor cursor, int position) {
mCursor = new SmartUserCursor(cursor, position);
public long getUserId() {
return mCursor.getLong(SmartUserCursor.Columns.userId);
public UserType getType() {
return UserType.valueOf(mCursor.getString(SmartUserCursor.Columns.type));
public String getFirstName() {
return mCursor.getString(SmartUserCursor.Columns.firstName);
public String getLastName() {
return mCursor.getString(SmartUserCursor.Columns.lastName);
public final String getFullName() {
return getFirstName() + " " + getLastName();
public static User newUserFromAdapter(BaseAdapter adapter, int position) {
return new User((SmartUserCursor)adapter.getItem(position), position);
public static User newUserBlocking(Context context, long UserId) {
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(
new String[] {String.valueOf(UserId)},
if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {
throw new RuntimeException("No User with id " + UserId + " exists");
return new User(new SmartUserCursor(cursor, Users.DEFAULT_USER_PROJECTION), -1);
public final void closeBackingCursor() {

One vote for entity objects (POJOs). Passing cursors around, especially to the UI layer, feels so wrong to me (whether or not the Android sdk kinda implies doing it that way). There are usually several ways to populate your UI, and I tend to avoid those that directly use cursors. For example, to populate my custom list views, I use a SimpleAdapter and give my collection objects the ability to return a representation of themselves as a List<? extends Map<String, ?>> for the SimpleAdapter's constructor.
I use a pattern where each table is wrapped by an entity object and has a provider class that handles my CRUD operations associated with that entity. Optionally if I need extended functionality for the collections, I wrap them too (ie. EntityItems extends ArrayList<EntityItem>) The provider has a base class that I pass a reference to a DbAdapter class that does the heavy lifting around the db.
The biggest reason, other than personal preference, is that I want to hide this kind of code as far away from my UI as possible:
String something = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_NAME_CONSTANT));
If I see that kind of code inline in the UI layer, I usually expect to see much worse lurking around the corner. Maybe I've just spent too much time in the corporate world working on big teams, but I favor readability unless there's a legit performance concern or if it's a small enough task where the expressiveness is just enterprisey overkill.

Answers are 4 years old.
I think now we have enought CPU power to get away with more stuff. My idea would be to work only with POJOs and ArrayLists; and extending CursorLoader to map cursor to POJOs in the background and deliver arraylist to activity;
unless youre queries hundreds of rows but then, how often are you doing that vs. niceness of using POJOs, getters and setters


How to Clear the RealmResults<> of a particular Query while Filtering through the Realm in Android?

I am applying filters on realm using RealmResults<>.
I begin to do like this -
RealmResults<data> filteredRealmResults;
List<data> tranfilteredlist;
private OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<data>> filteredTransChangeListener =
new OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<data>>() {
public void onChange(RealmResults<data> results, OrderedCollectionChangeSet changeSet) {
Log.d("realm", "filteredRealmResults.size():" + filteredRealmResults.size());
tranfilteredlist = results;
Now I want to delete the filteredRealmResults. I did like this -
void deleteFilteredRealmResults() {
realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
// Delete all matches
After doing this my data in the realm got deleted. So I just try to delete the tranfilteredlist but it throws an exception that it does not support .clear();
I want to clear if from the memory whatever is holder the query data. Correct me if I am wrong or doesn't understand or just worrying too much.
I read This class holds all the matches of a RealmQuery for a given Realm. The objects are not copied from the Realm to the RealmResults list, but are just referenced from the RealmResult instead. This saves memory and increases speed.
I want to clear if from the memory whatever is holder the query data.
Correct me if I am wrong or doesn't understand or just worrying too
Once you invoke filteredRealmResults.deleteAllFromRealm, it will clear the internal resultant elements object(which holds the elements) and as you know, resultant objects are reference so data will be deleted from realm database too. Hence, there is no need to call clear on the RealmResults object.
You can verify this by calling filteredRealmResults.size() after deletion, it will return 0.
I just try to delete the tranfilteredlist but it throws an exception
that it does not support .clear();
It is the expected behaviour as clear has been deprecated so don't use it.
Why deprecated?
deleteAllFromRealm automatically clears the list so no need to call it again explicitly.
Calling clear on RealmResults object will result in deletion of data from database, can cause unexpected behaviour if the user is not aware so API is being modified to avoid unexpected behaviours.

Dao method returns List<String> while I need a Map<String,Integer>

In an Android app using Architecture Components I have the following view model:
public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final MutableLiveData<List<String>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<List<String>> mChecked;
public void setUnchecked(List<String> list) {
public LiveData<List<String>> getChecked() { // OBSERVED BY A FRAGMENT
return mChecked;
public MainViewModel(Application app) {
mChecked = Transformations.switchMap(mUnchecked,
list-> myDao().checkWords(list));
The purpose of the above switchMap is to check, which of the words passed as a list of strings, do exist in a Room table:
public interface MyDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM dictionary WHERE word IN (:words)")
LiveData<List<String>> checkWords(List<String> words);
The above code works well for me!
However I am stuck with wanting something slightly different -
Instead of the list of strings, I would prefer to pass a map of strings (words) -> integers (scores):
public void setUnchecked(Map<String,Integer> map) {
The integers would be word scores in my game. And once the checkWords() has returned the results, I would like to set the scores to null for the words not found in the Room table and leave the other scores as they are.
The programming code would be easy (iterate through mChecked.getValue() and set to null for the words not found in the list returned by the DAO method) - but how to "marry" it with my LiveData members?
I would like to change my view model to hold maps instead of the lists:
public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mChecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
public void setUnchecked(Map<String,Integer> map) {
public LiveData<Map<String,Integer>> getChecked() { // OBSERVED BY A FRAGMENT
return mChecked;
public MainViewModel(Application app) {
// HOW TO OBSERVE mUnchecked
// AND RUN myDao().checkWords(new ArrayList<>(mUnchecked.getValue().keys()))
// WRAPPED IN Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().execute( ... )
// AND THEN CALL mChecked.postValue() ?
How to achieve that please? Should I extend MutableLiveData or maybe use MediatorLiveData or maybe use Transformations.switchMap()?
I will try the following tomorrow (today is too late in the evening) -
The Dao method I will change to return a list instead of LiveData:
#Query("SELECT word FROM dictionary WHERE word IN (:words)")
List<String> checkWords(List<String> words);
And then I will try to extend the MutableLiveData:
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mChecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>>() {
public void setValue(Map<String,Integer> uncheckedMap) {
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().execute(() -> {
List<String> uncheckedList = new ArrayList<>(uncheckedMap.keySet());
List<String> checkedList = WordsDatabase.getInstance(mApp).wordsDao().checkWords(uncheckedList);
Map<String,Integer> checkedMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String word: uncheckedList) {
Integer score = (checkedList.contains(word) ? uncheckedMap.get(word) : null);
checkedMap.put(word, score);
Well, what you have there in the update probably works, though I wouldn't create a new Executor for every setValue() call — create just one and hold onto it in your MutableLiveData subclass. Also, depending on your minSdkVersion, you might use some of the Java 8 stuff on HashMap (e.g., replaceAll()) to simplify the code a bit.
You could use MediatorLiveData, though in the end I think it would result in more code, not less. So, while from a purity standpoint MediatorLiveData is a better answer, that may not be a good reason for you to use it.
Frankly, this sort of thing isn't what LiveData is really set up for, IMHO. If this were my code that I were working on right now, I'd be using RxJava for the bulk of it, converting to LiveData in the end. And, I'd have as much of this as possible in a repository, rather than in a viewmodel. While your unchecked-to-checked stuff would be a tricky RxJava chain to work out, I'd still prefer it to the MutableLiveData subclass.
What EpicPandaForce suggests is an ideal sort of LiveData-only approach, though I don't think he is implementing your algorithm quite correctly, and I am skeptical that it can be adapted easily to your desired algorithm.
In the end, though, the decision kinda comes down to: who is going to see this code?
If this code is for your eyes only, or will live in a dusty GitHub repo that few are likely to look at, then if you feel that you can maintain the MutableLiveData subclass, we can't really complain.
If this code is going to be reviewed by co-workers, ask your co-workers what they think.
If this code is going to be reviewed by prospective employers... consider RxJava. Yes, it has a learning curve, but for the purposes of getting interest from employers, they will be more impressed by you knowing how to use RxJava than by you knowing how to hack LiveData to get what you want.
Tricky question!
If we check the source code for Transformations.switchMap, we see that:
1.) it wraps the provided live data with a MediatorLiveData
2.) if the wrapped live data emits an event, then it invokes a function that receives the new value of wrapped live data, and returns a "new" live data of a different type
3.) if the "new" live data of a different type differs from the previous one, then the observer of the previous one is removed, and it's added to the new one instead (so that you only observe the newest LiveData and don't accidentally end up observing an old one)
With that in mind, I think we can chain your switchMap calls and create a new LiveData whenever myDao().checkWords(words) changes.
LiveData<List<String>> foundInDb = Transformations.switchMap(mWords, words -> myDao().checkWords(words));
LiveData<Map<String, Integer>> found = Transformations.switchMap(foundInDb, (words) -> {
MutableLiveData<Map<String, Integer>> scoreMap = new MutableLiveData<>();
// calculate the score map from `words` list
return scoreMap;
this.mFound = found;
Please verify if what I'm telling you is correct, though.
Also if there are a bunch of words, consider using some async mechanism and scoreMap.postValue(map).

Realm DB how to get query output object as unmanaged?

I am trying to query my Realm DB such that the output will give an unmanaged object and for that, I changed my RealmList type of object to List.
Now the thing is in addchangeListener I am getting my output object(stories) value as managed. But the type of stories is List. So why my stories object is becoming managed where it should act as an unmanaged object.
List<story> stories = realm.where(story.class).findAllAsync();
stories.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<story>>() {
public void onChange(RealmResults<story> storydata) {
if (storydata.size() != 0) {
madapter = new StoriesAdapter(stories, getBaseContext(), MR);
mrecyclerview.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getBaseContext()));
class StoriesAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
List<story> storyList;
StoriesAdapter(List<story> storyList) {
this.storyList = storyList;
I am saying my List is managed because when i am trying to write below code I am getting Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction.
madapter.storyList.get(3).setTitle("Wonderland"); // where storyList is List which i am pointing to `stories`.
List<story> stories = realm.where(story.class).findAllAsync();
Because specifying the type List<story> just means you'll see the returned list as a List<story>, but technically it's still a RealmResults<story>.
stories.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<story>>() {
This line underneath shouldn't even compile.
Stories should be stored in a field.
private RealmResults<story> stories;
public void ...() {
stories = ...
Anyways, so you are working with RealmResults, which means that in
class StoriesAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
List<story> storyList;
This storyList you provided is a RealmResults<story>, so calling storyList.get(...) will return managed RealmObjects.
Managed RealmObjects are "temporarily immutable", meaning they can only be modified in a transaction. It is also generally not recommended to run write transactions on the UI thread.
The simplest way would be to use realm-android-adapters.
class StoriesAdapter extends RealmRecyclerViewAdapter<story, RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
StoriesAdapter(OrderedRealmCollection<story> stories) {
super(stories, true, true);
And when you want to modify an object, you do
story item = getData().get(3);
final String id = item.getId();
realm.executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
story changedItem = realm.where(story.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirst();
And then Realm will handle automatically updating the RealmResults, the story object, and the RecyclerView.
EDIT: If you intend to use unmanaged objects, then you could use realm.copyFromRealm(results), except that does the read on the UI thread.
You could create a background looper thread and obtain the results from there, but managing that could be tricky. Luckily for you, there's a library I made called Monarchy which lets you do exactly that.
See the relevant sample code for how you'd use it.
The stories is implicitly Managed, the reason is that RealmResults extends the list interface abstractly. Thats why the casting is possible, underneath the same mechanisms for a RealmResults still takes precedence. Also, you should only pass RealmResults instance to an Adapter directly, if you register a RealmChangeListener on it, which will call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). Otherwise, writes will update the RealmResults content, and your adapter will be desynchronized.
Realm is not like SQLite or Core Data. If you’re using Realm, take advantage of live objects. Don’t implement any refreshing logic or requerying. Always allow the current class to own its own instance of a realm query.
This fact is true,Realm objects and any child objects are NOT thread-safe. They’re confined to a single thread to ensure that atomic rights are maintained. There is an internal list where every single thread has its own unique Realm instance. If you want to pass objects between a thread–for example, if you create a dog object on the main thread, pass it to the background thread, and then try and access a property–it will trigger an exception straight away.
Also you are using asynchronous query, which puts it on a worker thread.

How to pass an object as an argument in order to store data to a database?

I am relatively new to Android and I'm a little bit stuck as fighting my way through databases, so any guidelines are much appreciated! Here it goes~
//Random Fragment that inserts data to the databaase
mWorkoutData = new WorkoutData();
mDBTools = new DBTools(getActivity());
HashMap<String, String> queryValuesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
queryValuesMap.put("comments", mWorkoutData.getComments());
The WorkoutData is the model class, however it does not manage to insert any data to the database while in case I pass an Edittext for example as an argument everything is fine!
Any guidelines or insights on how to solve this would be much appreciated!
public void insertWorkoutData(HashMap<String, String> queryValues) {
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("comments", queryValues.get("comments"));
db.insert("workouts", null, values);
This is the respective method from DBTools to insert this specific data, I believe that the DBTools class is working properly, since I am able to see data on my listview in case I pass something like
queryValuesMap.put("comments", EditText.getText().toString());
instead of
queryValuesMap.put("comments", mWorkoutData.getComments());
which was described above.
//Random Fragment number 2 prior to random Fragment of the code above
You constructed a workoutData object and then called getComments on it, but I would assume at that point that comments is null. You need to set value for comments before you try to read it back out.
Not really an answer to your question, but a suggestion I want to make to you that is longer than I can do in comments.
Whenever you're working with databases, you should use a contract class to store the constants. This will make your code easier to write and less prone to errors from typos. This might even be your problem. But basically you just make a class something like
public class WorkoutDatabaseContract {
public static final String DB_NAME = "fitness"
public static final String TABLE_WORKOUTS = "workouts"
public static final String FIELD_COMMENTS = "comments"
Then your calls to your database look like
values.put(WorkoutDatabaseContract.FIELD_COMMENTS, queryValues.get(WorkoutDatabaseContract.FIELD_COMMENTS));
queryValuesMap.put(WorkoutDatabaseContract.FIELD_COMMENTS, workoutData.getComments);
It's less compact, but you do less typing because it Idea will auto complete for you, and you don't have to rely on your typing ability to get the field right everywhere. Plus if you ever change anything, you only have to change it in one place.

Android SQLite Query, Insert, Update, Delete, Always Need to be On Background Thread?

I currently use Loaders to grab data from my ContentProvider (to enable auto-updating of my Cursors). This approach is straight-forward for Querying the database, though, it seems ill suited for any other DB operation (such as Insert, Update, Delete).
My questions are:
Do all SQLite operations need to be on a background thread, or is it safe to do simple operations like Inserting, Updating, or Deleting a single row on the UI thread?
What is a nice design patter to ensure all queries go through a background thread? I would like to implement AsyncTask, should I create a SuperTask so to speak that extends AsyncTask and Executes each SQLite operation? (Bonus: Can you provide bare-bones example?)
I have done SQLite operations on my UI Thread. I guess the question really becomes whether your queries will ever take a long time or not. I've never had my application crash from taking too long to execute SQL calls on my SQLite database.
With that said, if you plan on writing complex queries that can take time to load you would want to run it as an AsyncTask or Thread and use callbacks to update your UI if need be.
This is a great tutorial on SQLite on Android (It also addresses some of the complex sql timing issues you were talking about):
All SQLite operations do not need to be on a background, but should be. Even simple row updates can impact the UI thread and therefore application responsiveness.
Android includes the AsyncQueryHandler abstract class:
A helper class to help make handling asynchronous ContentResolver queries easier.
Here are two example implementations from Using AsyncQueryHandler to Access Content Providers Asynchronously in Android. A member class:
class MyQueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler {
public MyQueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) {
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
// query() completed
protected void onInsertComplete(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri) {
// insert() completed
protected void onUpdateComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) {
// update() completed
protected void onDeleteComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) {
// delete() completed
An anonymous class:
AsyncQueryHandler queryHandler = new AsyncQueryHandler(getContentResolver()) {
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor == null) {
// Some providers return null if an error occurs whereas others throw an exception
else if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
// No matches found
else {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
// Use cursor
Further details:
Implementing AsyncQueryHandler

