ListView/ListAdapter paging - android

I'm trying to implement paging in a custom ListAdapter. Right now I'm just making the request for the next page when the last item in the ListView becomes visible, by checking in getView() if position is >= the size of ListAdapter.getCount().
It works fine, but I'm wondering if there's a better way (or a different way) that will only make the request once the last item in the list is actually visible to the user. Anyone know of a way?

I'm doing it almost the same way:
public static final int SCROLLING_OFFSET = 5;
// ...
private final ArrayList<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();
// ...
if (SCROLLING_OFFSET == items.size() - position) {
if (hasNextPage()) {
private boolean hasNextPage() {
// basically calculates whether the last 2 pages contained the same # of items
private void addNextPage() {
// show spinner
// fetch next page in a background thread
// add to items

I think there is a better way to do it. Implementing the OnScrollListener interface. Take a look at this: Endless Scrolling ListView

Try removing the check altogether. In my experience, getView() is only called when the entry is about to come on screen.


RecyclerView notifyItemRangeInserted not maintaining scroll position

I have a simple recyclerview with items (tips) and a loading spinner at the bottom.
here's how the item count and item view type methods look:
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
if (position == getItemCount() - 1) { // last position
else {
public int getItemCount() {
return tips.size() + 1; // + 1 for the loading footer
basically, i just have a loading spinner under all my items.
I create the adapter once like so:
public TipsListAdapter(TipsActivity tipsActivity, ArrayList<Tip> tips) {
this.tipsActivity = tipsActivity; = tips;
and then once i have fetched additional items, i call add like so:
public void addTips(List<Tip> tips) {
// hide the loading footer temporarily
isAdding = true;
notifyItemChanged(getItemCount() - 1);
// insert the new items
int insertPos =; // this will basically give us the position of the loading spinner;
notifyItemRangeInserted(insertPos, tips.size());
// allow the loading footer to be shown again
isAdding = false;
notifyItemChanged(getItemCount() - 1);
What's odd here is that when i do that, the scroll position goes to the very bottom. It almost seems like it followed the loading spinner. This only happens on the first add (i.e. when there is only the loading spinner showing initally). subsequent adds maintains the proper scroll position (the position where the items were inserted).
This doesn't happen if i change notifyItemRangeInserted() to notifyItemRangeChanged() like so:
public void addTips(List<Tip> tips) {
// hide the loading footer temporarily
isAdding = true;
notifyItemChanged(getItemCount() - 1);
// insert the new items
int insertPos =; // this will basically give us the position of the loading spinner;
notifyItemRangeChanged(insertPos, tips.size());
// allow the loading footer to be shown again
isAdding = false;
notifyItemChanged(getItemCount() - 1);
Nor does it happen if i simply call notifyDataSetChanged() like so:
public void addTips(List<Tip> tips) {;
Here's the code for setting the adapter in my Activity:
public void setAdapter(#NonNull ArrayList<Tip> tips) {
if (!tips.isEmpty()) { // won't be empty if restoring state
tipsList.setAdapter(new TipsListAdapter(this, tips));
public void addTips(List<Tip> tips) {
private TipsListAdapter getAdapter() {
return (TipsListAdapter) tipsList.getAdapter();
I don't manually set scroll position anywhere.
I call setAdapter() in onResume()
addTips() is called after I fetch items from the server
Let me know if you need any additional parts of my code.
This only happens on the first add (i.e. when there is only the loading spinner showing initally). subsequent adds maintains the proper scroll position (the position where the items were inserted).
RecyclerView has built-in behavior when calling the more-specific dataset change methods (like notifyItemRangeInserted() as opposed to notifyDataSetChanged()) that tries to keep the user looking at "the same thing" as before the operation.
When the data set changes, the first item the user can see is prioritized as the "anchor" to keep the user looking at approximately the same thing. If possible, the RecyclerView will try to keep this "anchor" view visible after the adapter update.
On the very first load, the first item (the only item) is the loading indicator. Therefore, when you load the new tips and update the adapter, this behavior will prioritize keeping the loading indicator on-screen. Since the loading indicator is kept at the end of the list, this will scroll the list to the bottom.
On subsequent loads, the first item is not the loading indicator, and it doesn't move. So the RecyclerView will not appear to scroll, since it doesn't have to do so to keep the "anchor" on-screen.
My recommendation is to check insertPos and see if it is zero. If it is, that means this is the first load, so you should update the adapter by calling notifyDataSetChanged() in order to avoid this anchoring behavior. Otherwise, call notifyItemRangeInserted() as you're currently doing.
Remove the setAdapter code from onResume ASAP as you are setting new TipsListAdapter(this, tips);
Every time a new reference of the adapter is created...make field mAdapter and then set it in onCreate . RecyclerView doesnt remember the scrolled position because everytime a new reference of adapter is being created.. onResume gets called infinitely when activity is in running state..
So either you setAdapter in onCreate using new operator to create reference for adapter or,
in onResume use mAdapter field variable reference..

Click on last item in AdapterView in Espresso

I'm working on a note taking app. I add a note, and it get's added to the bottom of the list. As the last assertion in the espresso test, I want to make sure that the ListView displays a listItem that has just been added. This would mean grabbing the last item in the listView. I guess you might be able to do it in other ways? (e.g. get the size of adapted data, and go to THAT position? maybe?), but the last position of the list seems easy, but I haven't been able to do it. Any ideas?
I've tried this solution, but Espresso seems to hang.
1. Find the number of elements in listView's adapter and save it in some variable. We assume the adapter has been fully loaded till now.:
final int[] numberOfAdapterItems = new int[1];
onView(withId( TypeSafeMatcher<View>() {
public boolean matchesSafely(View view) {
ListView listView = (ListView) view;
//here we assume the adapter has been fully loaded already
numberOfAdapterItems[0] = listView.getAdapter().getCount();
return true;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
2. Then, knowing the total number of elements in listView's adapter you can scroll to the last element:
onData(anything()).inAdapterView(withId([0] - 1).perform(scrollTo())

RecyclerView change data set

I want to implement search functionality for my RecyclerView. On text changed i want to change the data that are displayed with this widget. Maybe this question has been asked before or is simple, but I don't know how the change the data that is to be shown...
My RecyclerView is defined as follows:
// 1. get a reference to recyclerView
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView)findViewById(;
// 2. set layoutManger
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
// 3. create an adapter
mAdapter = new ItemsAdapter(itemsData);
// 4. set adapter
And the data that I am showing is something like:
ItemData itemsData[] = { new ItemData("Mary Richards"),
new ItemData("Tom Brown"),
new ItemData("Lucy London")
So when when I want to give the adapter another set of data, another array (with one item for example), what should I do?
If you have stable ids in your adapter, you can get pretty good results (animations) if you create a new array containing the filtered items and call
recyclerView.swapAdapter(newAdapter, false);
Using swapAdapter hints RecyclerView that it can re-use view holders. (vs in setAdapter, it has to recycle all views and re-create because it does not know that the new adapter has the same ViewHolder set with the old adapter).
A better approach would be finding which items are removed and calling notifyItemRemoved(index). Don't forget to actually remove the item. This will let RecyclerView run predictive animations. Assuming you have an Adapter that internally uses an ArrayList, implementation would look like this:
// adapter code
final List<ItemData> mItems = new ArrayList(); //contains your items
public void filterOut(String filter) {
final int size = mItems.size();
for(int i = size - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
if (mItems.get(i).test(filter) == false) {
It would perform even better if you can batch notifyItemRemoved calls and use notifyItemRangeRemoved instead. It would look sth like: (not tested)
public void filterOut(String filter) {
final int size = mItems.size();
int batchCount = 0; // continuous # of items that are being removed
for(int i = size - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
if (mItems.get(i).test(filter) == false) {
batchCount ++;
} else if (batchCount != 0) { // dispatch batch
notifyItemRangeRemoved(i + 1, batchCount);
batchCount = 0;
// notify for remaining
if (batchCount != 0) { // dispatch remaining
notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, batchCount);
You need to extend this code to add items that were previously filtered out but now should be visible (e.g. user deletes the filter query) but I think this one should give the basic idea.
Keep in mind that, each notify item call affects the ones after it (which is why I'm traversing the list from end to avoid it). Traversing from end also helps ArrayList's remove method performance (less items to shift).
For example, if you were traversing the list from the beginning and remove the first two items.
You should either call
notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, 2); // 2 items starting from index 0
or if you dispatch them one by one
notifyItemRemoved(0);//because after the previous one is removed, this item is at position 0
This is my answer - thanks to Ivan Skoric from his site:
I created an extra method inside my adapter class:
public void updateList(List<Data> data) {
mData = data;
Then each time your data changes, you just call this method passing in your new data and your view should change to reflect it.
Just re-initialize your adapter:
mAdapter = new ItemsAdapter(newItemsData);
or if you only need to remove add a few specific items rather than a whole list:
If you want to change the complete Adapter in the recycler view. you can just simply set by recycler.setAdapter(myAdapter);
It will automatically remove the old adapter from recycler view and replace it with your new adapter.
As ygit answered, swapAdapter is interesting when you have to change the whole content.
But, in my FlexibleAdapter, you can update the items with updateDataSet. You can even configure the adapter to call notifyDataSetChanged or having synchronization animations (enabled by default). That, because notifyDataSetChanged kills all the animations, but it's good to have for big lists.
Please have a look at the description, demoApp and Wiki pages:

Android simple stuff about scrolling

As I don't know how to ask it to google, I'll try here.
I basically have a listView displayed from an intent. This listView is feeded by a custom BaseAdapter.
This listView is actually a calendar. I want on the opening of the activity having this calendar listView that it has been already scrolled to te current day.
Basically I'm asking how can I pre-scroll a listview to an index of the listView ? Is this possible ? With a function of custom BaseAdapter ?
You can make use of following methods -
This method to save save list scroll position.
private void saveListScrollPosition() {
// save index and top position
index = _listview.getFirstVisiblePosition();
View view = _listview.getChildAt(0);
top = (view == null) ? 0 : view.getTop();
And this one to get it back and scroll it down automatically -
private void restoreListScrollPosition() {
// restore
_listview.setSelectionFromTop(index, top);
I think in your case, index will be the current date. Right?

Re-index/Refresh a SectionIndexer

Is there any way to re-index a SectionIndexer after new items are added to a ListView?
I found this solution, but the overlay is position in the top left corner after the SectionIndexer is refreshed.
Anyone have any ideas?
Once the FastScroller (its in AbsListView class that ListView extends from) obtains your sections by calling SectionIndexer#getSections(), it never re-obtains them unless you enable/disable fast-scrolling like mentioned in the link you mentioned. To get the value to be displayed on screen, FastScroller calls the section's toString method.
One potential solution is to have a custom SectionIndexer that have the following characteristics:
The sections array is of fixed length (max length of the expected number of sections. For example, if the sections represent English alphabet it will be 26)
Have a custom object to represent sections, rather than using strings
Overwrite the toString method of your custom section object to display what you want based on the current 'section values'.
e.g. In your custom SectionIndexer
private int mLastPosition;
public int getPositionForSection(int sectionIndex) {
if (sectionIndex < 0) sectionIndex = 0;
// myCurrentSectionLength is the number of sections you want to have after
// re-indexing the items in your ListView
// NOTE: myCurrentSectionLength must be less than getSections().length
if (sectionIndex >= myCurrentSectionLength) sectionIndex = myCurrentSectionLength - 1;
int position = 0;
// --- your logic to find the position goes in here
// --- e.g. see the AlphabeticIndexer source in Android repo for an example
mLastPosition = position;
return mLastPosition;
public Object[] getSections() {
// Assume you only have at most 3 section for this example
return new MySection[]{new MySection(), new MySection(), new MySection()};
// inner class within your CustomSectionIndexer
public class MySection {
MySection() {}
public String toString() {
// Get the value to displayed based on mLastPosition and the list item within that position
return "some value";
I found that the best way to do this is to call setContentView(R.layout.whatever) and then re-populate the ListView with your new adapter / new data items. This will redraw the ListView with your new items and the FastScroll Overlay will appear in the correct place.
I found notifyDataSetInvalidated working fine, here's the idea:
public class MyAdapter extends XXXAdapter implements SectionIndexer {
public void updateDataAndIndex(List data, Map index) {
// update sections
// update date set
update your data set and index (sections) somehow, and then notifyDataSetInvalidated, the index will refresh.
You can force reloading sections list to ListView by listView.setAdapter(yourAdapter)

