I'm trying to get a completely custom Dialog or PopupWindow, without any of the default Android UI controls (title, background, buttons, whatever).
Is this possible at all? I've spent hours searching for this, but no luck... It seems like this should be easily possible, but I can't find it.
Preferably this would be by inflating a View from XML, but at this point anything that would just work would be nice.
Steps I took:
Create a class extending Dialog.
In the onCreate, call setContentView(x, y) with x being your R.layout and y being R.style.popupStyle (see below).
In your res/values/style.xml, you need to override the default DialogWindow style. I tried just making a style that has this one as its parent, but that still didn't clear all defaults. So I checked the Android git tree and got the default style, and just copy-pasted it. This is the one:
<style name="Theme.Dialog">
<item name="android:windowFrame">#null</item>
<item name="android:windowTitleStyle">#android:style/DialogWindowTitle</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">#android:drawable/panel_background</item>
<item name="android:windowIsFloating">true</item>
<item name="android:windowContentOverlay">#null</item>
<item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">#android:style/Animation.Dialog</item>
<item name="android:windowSoftInputMode">stateUnspecified|adjustPan</item>
You'll get a few errors, just solve them by copying more stuff from the official Android styles.xml and themes.xml files. Here's the contents of my styles.xml file: http://pastebin.com/RRR15YYS
That just gives you a white popup, no borders, nothing. Start customizing. :)
Thanks to mbaird for putting me on the right track.
[edit] I needed to look up my own answer again, and I spent at least ten minutes searching the official android styles/themes files, so here they are, for future reference:
styles.xml and themes.xml.
It sounds like you are trying to really customize an AlertDialog. For what you are wanting to do you may be better off just creating your own class that extends Dialog, similar to how you create activities by writing a class that extends Activity.
You can set the layout XML by calling setContentView() inside the onCreate() method of your custom Dialog class, just like you would in an Activity.
I've run into limitations on how much you can customize AlertDialogs in the past, and I've just implemented my own Dialog classes to get the level of customization that I needed.
I am trying to theme the overflow dropdown menu but I am having trouble finding the correct themes and styles for this part of the actionbar.
I am currently looking in the following files:
Could anyone enlighten me please?
I managed to find what I wanted by creating a bogus holo theme here:
Then I just looked at the example inside the zip file and updated my themes/styles files as so:
<item name="android:popupMenuStyle">#style/MyApp.Theme.PopupMenu</item>
<item name="android:dropDownListViewStyle">#style/MyApp.Theme.DropDownListView</item>
<style name="MyApp.Theme.PopupMenu" parent="#android:style/Widget.Holo.ListPopupWindow">
<item name="android:popupBackground">#drawable/theme_menu_popup_background</item>
<style name="MyApp.Theme.DropDownListView" parent="#android:style/Widget.Holo.ListView.DropDown">
<item name="android:listSelector">#drawable/theme_menu_popup_selector</item>
I would like to know how to totally overhaul everything but it seems I can only ever manage to drip feed my app with those essential theme/style specific bits because it takes soooo long to find the necessary styling syntax. If only there was an easier way.
Of course I have no idea how to position the ListPopupWindow or even change the color of the text but it's good enough for now.
I'm trying to make a custom titlebar for my first Android application.
While I can find lots on the web about how to make them so you can change colours etc, I want my titlebar to look the same as the "standard" titlebar, but with a button that I can configure. This means copying the device's currently active themes to be able to style it in exactly the same way.
Not all devices simply use a gradient in the titlebar style, so adding a gradient (as suggested in other SO questions) doesn't really make sense.
Does anyone have any pointers how to read the style information?
try to extend an existing theme e.g.
create your own style which can ofcourse extend from existing from an existing theme. change the windowNoTitle to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="noTitleBarStyle" parent="android:Theme.Black">
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">#color/darkGrey</item>
<item name="android:colorForeground">#ff3333</item>
or try to do it runtime as discussed here
Android - change custom title view at run time
I hope this helps.
Currently, I'm using this to show my application background as phone wallpaper.
But for some reason when I start my application by pressing the icon. It just shows the activity screen with the icons on the home screen. I didn't use dialog but it looks like a dialog because layout is just set that way. So I just want to show the wallpaper whenever this activity is running. But it only shows the wallpaper only after the next event occurs such as switching to different activity. I already put that code on onCreate() and whenever I do setContentView()..... Is there way to do such thing or there is just no way?
For users of AppCompat, just use the following in your styles.xml, no need for code:
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
<item name="android:windowBackground">#android:color/transparent</item>
<item name="android:colorBackgroundCacheHint">#null</item>
<item name="android:windowShowWallpaper">true</item>
<item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation">true</item>
<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>
After long search and trial and error. I've found the solution to what I wanted. It was just creating separate themes.xml file and just tweak the Theme.Dialog which is already defined in default android themes.xml. All I did was change the Animation part. Originally in android themes.xml the line looks like this.
<item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">#android:style/Animation.Dialog</item>
but since modifying in android themes.xml doesn't take the effect. I just created my own themes.xml as I said above and just set parent as android:Theme.Dialog. And added a line like this.
<item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">#android:style/Animation</item>
Thanks for the help and I hope this solution helps others.
Use following code -
rl = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R.id.someid);
//relative layout is my root node in main.xml (yours may be linearlayout)
WallpaperManager wm = WallpaperManager.getInstance(this);
Drawable d = wm.peekDrawable();
rl.setBackgroundDrawable(d);// You can also use rl.setBackgroundDrawable(getWallpaper);
How to change a style from code?
I got a style used all across my app, for all buttons. If the user changes the skin of the app, the background of this style should change.
<style name="ActionBtn">
<item name="android:layout_width">#dimen/action_btn_width</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">#dimen/action_btn_height</item>
<item name="android:background">#drawable/btn_frame_bgstate</item>
<item name="android:padding">#dimen/action_btn_padding</item>
<item name="android:layout_margin">#dimen/action_btn_margin</item>
So far the only idea I got is to make a custom button that itself chooses its background on creation.
I have not found any good, generic way for skinning android apps yet, but if I could change styles from code, that would do the trick.
All suggestions welcome!
1) Create different themes for your skins.
2) Set those themes programatically using following code in your onCreate method.
resid is the id of your theme.
First let me clarify that i have already referred the SO question related to "Android - TAbhost".
I have done googling about "Android Tabhost" but failed to find the solution.
My problem is:
If are having <3 tabs then it is fine.
Supporse if we are having 4 tabs with indicator title as TabHost1, TabHost2, TabHost3, TabHost4). But this title in Tab does not get fitted with tab. so is there any way to fit the Title Text (i.e. indicator) inside the tab ??
I thought the source of our issue was somewhere in the framework's code. And sure enough, I found some clues :
First, if you look inside the TabWidget code, you will see that the label you set in setIndicator is passed to an inner class called LabelIndicatorStrategy which will take care of inflating the view associated to the top part of the tab. This inflation is done using an xml file tab_indicator.xml. This layout is based on a RelativeLayout containing an ImageView and a TextView. And if you look at the properties of the textview, you will see that it refers to a style in android styles.xml. And here finally, you realize that we have THAT :
<item name="ellipsize">marquee</item>
<item name="singleLine">true</item>
So, now, 2 options :
First, override the style by creating your own style, which in my opinion would be the really painless way and then change these properties to something that suits you better. Though the result might not be very nice. this will require some testing.
Or, put on your gloves and copy the code from the TabWidget class, because another issue here is that the inner class I mentionned is... PRIVATE so, no inheritance possible if I'm not mistaken... SO I think, much much more pain than the styles.xml's way.
Hope this will inspire you, keep me posted of what you get please. I'm still interested.
i have solved the above issue by decreasing the size of Font, check the below code of Style.xml:
<style name="MyTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Light">
<item name="android:tabWidgetStyle">#style/LightTabWidget</item>
<style name="LightTabWidget" parent="#android:style/Widget.TabWidget">
<item name="android:textSize">12px</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#1E90FF</item>