Spoofing Location - android

I've got an application in the browser that's customized to use Android's browser geolocation APIs. I'd like to find a way to fake the lat/lng that's sent to the browser so I can type in arbitrary coordinates.
In doing some research I came across DDMS - http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/ddms.html - which seems to do what I want, but seems to require the IDE or an emulator. I don't want to use an emulator because I want to test on the device and I don't have the IDE set up for Android.
Does anyone know if there's a way to send mock location data to an Android device without loading up the IDE (or doing it through the emulator)?

I do not believe this is possible -- sorry!
Also the DDMS and IDE solutions are one and the same and only work with the emulator.

Just in case someone stumbles across this question like I did, here is some info about how to mock the LocationProvider on a physical device. Marking this as community wiki because I didn't come up with the original answer. Code is listed in diffract.me/2009/11/android-location-provider-mock (looks like domain is expired as of 9/29/2010, I used Google's cache of the page) & from stackoverflow.com/.../android-mock-location-on-device.


Can we run a Corda node on an Android mobile device?

I'm working on creating a CordApp which I'm expecting to run on user's phone. Android as a starting point. From my reading so far, Android phones do not have a JVM running on the phone and the compiled code is converted into either Dalvik or something similar.
Has someone tried to install their CorDapp on an android based mobile device?
I'm a nooby in the area of CordApp as well in android apps but hoping that I can find some good starting tips here. Thanks for help.
The bottom line is that Corda needs a JVM environment to execute. The most light-weight test we have tried is Raspberry Pi with 2G Memory.
(answering the follow-up in the comment above)
You might be able to run several distinct nodes on some server. However at that point there would be little point in using Corda in the first place.
Once you run a node "somewhere else" the user won't own the private key for its node, and all the safety of using Corda disappears. You're reverting to a 'trusted third party' model.

How to create a tv tuner library for android?

I have a K1 Plus android box which have a built-in dvb-t2` and dvb-s2 tuner in it. I want to create an app that gets and shows the channels from those tuners.
At first, I found about android's TV Input Framework(TIF). The sample app keeps crashing by calling a method that gets the available inputs of the device. Then, found out that it only work for real Android TVs. I looked for android libraries for that android box but didn't find anything. I looked for c libraries that can access the tuners but didn't find anything as well. I looked for code on how to access the hardware components of an android device and didn't find anything. I recently found about https://opencv.org/. I haven't read everything about it yet so I don't really know how to use it.
I found about https://git.linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git from an answer to a SO question but it seems like it can only be used after installing it to an OS. I was able to compile it using CMake on android but it got missing header files.
I also found http://android4tv.iwedia.com. Unfortunately, it's also using TIF.
I'm trying to create something like kodi but I found out that it isn't really the one that gets the channels but kodi is getting it from a supported iptv box. I have zero knowledge about writing C but I'll try to make the code.
This is the box btw. http://www.videostrong.com/S905D+DVB(KI%20PLUS)/55.html
From my research, I found about HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer). Do I need that for making my C code?
After months of research and not finding any quick way to implement a tv tuner library, I returned to my bookmarks from previous research. One of them is this. The first step from that SO answer is do a ls /dev/dvb/ on the device. Because I need to do it on the android box itself, I researched about android terminal apps and found Termux. Then I did the ls /dev/dvb/ command on Termux and it told that the resource was not found or it did not exist. Then I tried to just do a ls /dev/ command and luckily I got results. There's quite a lot of them and I found something related to dvb.
The dvb related results were:
I can post the whole list but I'll post this more related (I think) results.
The results are quite different than the example of the link above because they only used dvb and not dvb0.
I might use a usb tv tuner now based on a suggestion to me.
Is there a list of standard and tv tuner related usb byte[] commands that I can look at? I already saw some but they are mostly for FTDI, serial or the really standard commands which I don't have really have any use.
It will probably take a lot of reverse engineering or a leaked documentation to achieve what you are trying to do.
Devices like the one you are working on usually use proprietery hardware with proprietery drivers for things like DVB, so making a third party app for a TV tuner is very hard.
First, you need to find out what kind of DVB chip / card this Android box has.
Then, you need to figure out how (on what kind of BUS) it is connected to the system.
If it is something generic, you may be able to talk to its driver, if not, you would need to write your own driver.
This is too complicated to explain in a SO post, but you could start by opening the box and looking at the components or by running commands like lsusb through ADB to try and identify the DVB component.
If the device already has a DVB app, you could try disassembling it, to find out how it works.
Good luck!

ANT+ SDK - requestAccess faild (Other failure)

I'm trying to develop own Android application using ANT+ sensors.
My app is based on (developer's Sampler code and SDK).
However I found the strange thing during tests. I mean when I start to searching devices I immediately receive a message:
W/AntPluginPcc: BBD30600: RequestAccess failed: OTHER_FAILURE
At first I suppose that a reason of this problem is that I have a phone with Marshmallow OS (instead my wife's phone is based on Lollipop OS and all works fine). I tried to find anything in documentation related this but didn't find anything interesting. I add to Manifest some permissions (I mean com.dsi.ant.permission.ANT, android.permission.BLUETOOTH etc.) and set the permissions in code, but it doesn't help to me to solve my issue.
May be anybody received this problem and may be somebody solve it. Could you please share your solution to me?
P.S. I install the ANT+ Plugin services, ANT Radio Service. in App I use the ANT+ SDK from github. May be I should use also the ANT SDK? (I want to connect to HRM and cycle devices which use ANT+ protocol)
If you have the same problem as I you need to realize the AntRadioServiceConnection class.
I found it here.
And you should be sure that you have all services and plugins installed on your phone.

Android - 'Checking/Inspecting' Android Application Code

I've tried a number of searches but can't find anything applicable, it may be because I'm just not asking the right question! So please feel free to redirect me if this has been covered elsewhere.
I'm new to Android and to development, but have an idea to use an Application to check other simple apps on the device for potential security holes (this is to design a prototype as part of a course of study).
Before I go any further, is it feasible to use an application to check through/parse/inspect the source code of another app, searching for instances of text/commands/permissions etc (similar to a grep in Linux for example)? Any starting points would be greatly appreciated, things like inter-app communication, converting code into text, searching through that text and reporting and the like.
I think the key might be using an app to inspect a Manifest file of another for permissions settings etc. I've learnt that Dalvik compiled code has big differences to the original Android 'Java'. Is it even possible to use an app to read the Manifest file of another app?
If u use Android Studio try 'code inspect' , 'code analyze'.

Tcpreplay in Android?

I am performing some experiments where I want to replay a previously captured packet trace from Android. So far I have written my own application to replay the trace and get then answer back from the server. Timing accuracy is not a big problem as long as is within reasonable bounds (e.g., some milliseconds).
However, I would prefer to use a tested tool like tcpreplay. Is there any project that have ported tcpreplay to Android? Given that libpcap is available, there should be something available, but I could not find anything.
Thanks for your help
I'm the author of tcpreplay, and I can't say I'm aware of an Android port. Never owned an Android device so can't say one is coming anytime soon.
I've got it running on my tab, you need to install GNUroot and Debian no root, they are both from the same developer... After get it, open GNUroot, check emulate new root, create rootfs and run the rootfs, after this "apt-get install tcpreplay". If you want to capture use TpacketCapture in the play store, you can also get Tpacketcapture Pro to use the capture in only one app.
If you are planning to hack games don't publish it, cause this vulnerability can be easily patched...
any question email me.

