need help in sms reader - android

i intend to develop an app which would speak to the user the message he desires in the inbox. I have successfully created an app where there is a text box and when the user finishes typing in it and presses a speak button, he can hear what he has written, now how do i extend this to the desired app? please could someone please guide me on this?

I have a Gmail-to-SMS app that read the email from the content provider of the Gmail app.
I think it's useful to you.
The cursor helper can get the conversation and message:
You can see the client how to use it:
Finally, don't forget the uses-permission
android:name="" />
If you want to see the details in android's source, there is in this path:


displaying user info for android facebook integration

I am trying to integrate FB in my android app ( first integration ).
I am able to successfully login and log out.
But I am unable to display information after logging in.
I have tried setting the text of a textView display for user name in onSuccess () of FacebookCallback.Also I have used correct permissions as Array.list(...).Along with onCurrentProfileChanged() of ProfileTracker, which is written in onCreate() of the fragment containing the FB login button.
Plz help.
I won't mark this as 'duplicate', but there has been a lot of people who have asked 'very' similar questions.
You'll need to provide more detailed information, including logcat logs/stack traces of what "doesn't work" when you try it. etc. If you want more detailed help.
Here is a list of previous questions (sorted by most votes). This might help you also.

Android mobile number verification

Hi guys I need help from you all in Android mobile number verification process. I have a android phone I just need to verify the otp but in this case they using the auto verification method is it possible to verify my otp through fwd the msg or by using prank message app Pls anyone help me to solve my problem and thx in advance...
Assuming that you are asking for "how to implement OTP verification". There are number of ways to tackle this. Please look at the below link for two ways of achieving this using Google authenticator or using a SMS gateway.
Android one time password (OTP)
here is the tutorial to read the incoming messages using Broadcast receiver if you are going to use the second method.
"Reading incoming messages using broadcast receiver."
I believe you are trying to implement a way you can implement your own TTS (Text-To-Speech) Verification system that prompts the user to enter in the code.
If so, you can use Nexmo's Text To Speech Prompt.
All you have to do is make an HTTP call (For example:
From here you can use the parameters you want such as,
text - Body of the text message to be read to the end user
machine_detection - How to react when an answering machine is detected
lg - To determine what language the text is read in
bye_text - Body of the text message played after digits are entered successfully
failed_text - Body of the text message played after 3 failed attempts
There are many other parameters you can work with and customize your TTS prompt to capture/confirm data.
Full disclosure, I work at Nexmo
You can see more information how to implement this here

post a message to facebook wall from android studio project

I am trying to post some predefined text to facebook wall using my android app.
I read somewhere in facebook terms and conditions that fb does not allow external apps to post predefined text to fb wall.
Is there any way to add text to the fb post edit box?
If so pls tell how to do it.
Thanks in advance :)
post some predefined text
That part is impossible and not allowed, because:
Don't prefill captions, comments, messages, or the user message
parameter of posts with content a person didn’t create, even if the
person can edit or remove the content before sharing.
Obviously, you will never get the required permission (publish_actions) approved for posting predefined text.

Facebook SDK 3.22 (android) - Send message without using messager

I want my app to send private messages to user's friend. So I've read the official facebook tutorial but I found only examples of sending with the help of the messeger. So I asked myself: "And if the user hasn't got Messager installed? There is no way for him?". Maybe I should use Intent with SEND_ACTION (I saw this constraction somewhere).
So the question: "Is there a way of sending messages without the help of the Messager?" and if there is, could you plese post the example or the link.
Thanks in advance
The only ways to send a message to another user are the Send Dialog and the Message Dialog.
If they don´t work without the installed Messenger, there is no other way.

How to show toast when application is installed

I am working on this project which have no launcher activity.I want to show a toast to the user when application is installed on the phone.i am beginner in android.
Do any body have any idea of how to do this? please do share the solution i shall be thankful.
Its not possible Usman. Don't get distracted by following intents
These are not sent to the package that just got installed i.e. your app :)

