How to detect if view's parent activity is being destroyed - android

I want to do some cleanup in a view when the activity is being destroyed. Is there any way to get a callback in the View when the activity is being destroyed? I tried using onDetachedFromWindow, but I'm not sure whether it is correct thing to do.

If you want to get a callback without having to overload the View.onDetachedFromWindow() method, you may use the View.addOnAttachStateChangeListener() method, which takes a callback listener as a single parameter.

With the understanding that onDestroy is not guaranteed to be called, you can just callback into your view in the activities onDestroy method.
Edit in response to comment:
You can get any view by giving it an id in the layout and calling findViewById. Here's an example:
Layout.xml (only showing the bare minimum)
android:id="#+id/special_list_view" />
</LinearLayout> (again, bare minimal and assuming proper imports)
void onDestroy() {
DownTouchEnabledListView v = (DownTouchEnabledListView)findViewById(;
v.doCallback(with, parameters);

Since View contains Context, I use LocalBroadcastManager for this. So far, I haven't encountered any issues.
The View is listening to destroy event filter. The Activity then just need to broadcast destroy event.
// On View `setup` function
LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context).registerReceiver(receiver, filter)
// On Activity
override fun onDestroy() {
Don't forget to unregister the event filter once the destroy event is triggered.
presenter.destroy() // Your clean-up code here
You can find more detail about LocalBroadcastManager here:
Blog post
Android Documentation


onSaveInstanceState in Activity vs Custom View

It seems that onSaveInstanceState when overridden in a custom View is not called if the activity that created the View also has onSaveInstanceState overridden. Why is this and is there a way to call both? Is one better to use than the other? Since not all Views are custom I find that it might be necessary to have the activity call onSavedInstanceState too.
In addition if you call it in the Custom View, how do you tell the activity to not perform the time consuming tasks, upon rotation, that were used to create the View in onCreate in the first place? The onSaveInstanceState in the View was used to stop the activity from performing time consuming tasks again and again.
You have to add super.onSaveInstanceState() in your overridden method, it calls this method in all attached fragments and views.
It is a good practice to call super.onSaveInstanceState() every time you override it.

Can android activity be designed without having to override all kinds of lifecycle methods?

When I write my activities on android, I have to override a lot of "lifecycle" methods, such as onCreate, onActivityResult:
class MyAcitivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(...) {}
public void onStart(...) {}
public void onActivityResult(...) {}
public void onBackPressed(...) {}
I don't like this, because I found my logical code are split to everywhere in my class. I do some operation in this method, but I have to handle the result in another method.
Is it the only way to design Activity like this? Is there any other solution can let me do the same without overriding methods from super classes?
I do some operation in this method, but I have to handle the result in another method.
For example:
public void onCreate(...) {
startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, AnotherAcitity.class), INTENT_ANOTHER);
public void onActivityResult(...) {
if(requestCode == INTENT_ANOTHER) {
// do something
Update again
I know how to use these lifecycle methods, what I'm thinking is the "design". Is there any different way to design android (in theory) without "overriding lifecycle methods" to write activities. Does ios and win8 on mobiles use the same design as android? If I develop an ios or win8 application, do I have to override all kinds of lifecycle methods as I do on android?
You only need to override the methods you're using in your Activity. So if your activity simple displays a help page that has already been populated in the XML, you only have to override onCreate() and call setContentView().
In general, if your overriden method is like:
public void myOverridenMethod() {
That is to say, it contains nothing but a super call, you need not override it.
In the example you provided, you must override the appropriate lifecycle methods as the calling of these is beyond your control, unless you're willing to develop a custom ROM for your device(s).
The Android lifecycle methods are called by the system at specific predefined points in your app's life.
You cannot design an Activity in a different way, as if you do Android has no idea which method does what. However, it knows exactly when to call which method in the Android lifecycle. By using your own methods instead of these, you have an app which Android cannot interact with.
Additionally, many lifecycle methods like onCreate() etc. help setup the initial bits of your app (like getting it a Context).
iOS and Windows Phone and BlackBerry have similar lifecycle methods, but they don't always have an exact Android equivalent, as all are different platforms and handle their apps differently.
This is just a generic framework pattern, framework doesn't depend on you, just notifies you, all your actions are optional for framework. It's called Inversion of Control.
This is just opposite to the direct style of programming where you decide everything about the Application, and give commands to framework.
Google developers designed Activity class, and Android only works through them. Android calls these methods whenever it pleases. Android does not care what you do in those methods, it just cares to notify you of the life cycle events.
Since everything is optional, you just have to fill in the places you are really interested in. An empty Activity runs just fine.
public class MyActivity extends Activity { }
If anything additional needs to be done, just add the code at correct place:
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(...) {
//---whatever you want to do in this stage of life cycle----
You dont necessarily need to override all methods of life cycle of an activty. They all are for a specified purpose
onCreate() :
Called when the activity is first created. This is where you should do
all of your normal static set up: create views, bind data to lists,
etc. This method also provides you with a Bundle containing the
activity's previously frozen state, if there was one. Always followed
by onStart().
onRestart() :
Called after your activity has been stopped, prior to it being started
again. Always followed by onStart()
onStart() :
Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by
onResume() if the activity comes to the foreground, or onStop() if it
becomes hidden.
onResume() :
Called when the activity will start interacting with the user. At this
point your activity is at the top of the activity stack, with user
input going to it. Always followed by onPause().
onPause ():
Called as part of the activity lifecycle when an activity is going
into the background,
but has not (yet) been killed. The counterpart to onResume().
When activity B is launched in front of activity A, this callback will be invoked on A.
B will not be created until A's onPause() returns, so be sure to not
do anything lengthy here.
Called when you are no longer visible to the user. You will next
receive either onRestart(), onDestroy(), or nothing, depending on
later user activity.
Note that this method may never be called, in low memory situations
where the system does not have enough memory to keep your activity's
process running after its onPause() method is called.
onDestroy() :
The final call you receive before your activity is destroyed. This
can happen either because the activity is finishing (someone called
finish() on it, or because the system is temporarily destroying this
instance of the activity to save space. You can distinguish between
these two scenarios with the isFinishing() method.

Avoid Service callback when Activity gets closed and re-opened

I have a LocalService that exposes a Binder with some APIs. I create a Service Listener, just like this:
if (dataServiceListener == null) {
dataServiceListener = new DataServiceListener();
(new Intent(mainActivity, LocalService.class),
dataServiceListener.svcConn, mainActivity.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
After I call the method that the Binder in dataServiceListener exposes, I get the response in the dataServiceListener onResult() method. Up to this point, no kind of issues, everything is working.
Some sort of problem occurs when I close the Activity that is waiting for the Service Listener callback and immediately reopen it. Even though I re-instantiate the dataServiceListener in onCreate(), I get two callbacks instead of one, the old one from the destroyed Activity and the latter (right) one; this way the results mix up on the UI.
Is there a way to tell the Service or the Service Listener that when the activity finishes, the callbacks must be avoided. Or maybe even destroy the ServiceListener objects.
I think this is the issue that Mark L. Murphy (Commonsware) described in "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development":
The biggest catch is to make sure that the activity retracts the listeners when it is done.
How can I do this? Is there a way to get rid of the useless listeners when the activity finishes?
Thank you!
I had the same issue. I was working in a remote sevice using AIDL. I got this problem when i am trying do unregister my listeners using the remove method from ArrayList Collection inside a foreach loop, because I was not using asBinder in the comparision. Searching fora solution, I find out the RemoteCallbackList class in Android API. This class does exactly what i needed, and what i think you should do, on a easy way, taken all reponsabilites for the hard work that involves this task.
From the Android API:
To use this class, simply create a single instance along with your service, and call its register(E) and unregister(E) methods as client register and unregister with your service. To call back on to the registered clients, use beginBroadcast(), getBroadcastItem(int), and finishBroadcast().
Broadcast sample:
int i = callbacks.beginBroadcast();
while (i > 0) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// The RemoteCallbackList will take care of removing
// the dead object for us.
The code you show is for binding to a service. You do not show where you are registering a listener with that service. You apparently are, based upon your question and your reference to an onResult() method. Given the nature of your problem, I am going to guess that what you're doing is:
Binding to the service in onCreate()
In onServiceConnected(), you are calling some sort of setListener() method on the Binder
In that case, if we ignore configuration changes, the proper way to unwind matters would be to, in onDestroy(), call some removeListener() method on the Binder, then call unbindService().
Configuration changes, particularly in a pre-fragment world, make this complicated. It's the reason why this sample project (and the accompanying material in the book) is so icky. Binding is twitchy -- if you unbind from the old activity, and nothing else is keeping the service around, the service will shut down before the new activity gets a chance to bind. Binding is also state -- you cannot simply fail to unbind, lest you leak stuff.
So, the recipe becomes:
Bind to the service in onCreate() using the Application Context
In onServiceConnected(), call sort of setListener() method on the Binder
In onRetainNonConfigurationInstance(), make note of the fact that you're undergoing a configuration change, and return some Object that has your Binder, your Listener, and all the rest of your state
In onCreate(), use getLastNonConfigurationInstance() -- if it is null, proceed as normal, but if it is not null, hold onto that Binder and Listener and don't re-bind and re-register the listener
In onDestroy(), if the flag from Step #3 above is false (i.e., we are not undergoing a configuration change), call some removeListener() method on the Binder, then call unbindService().
Using fragments with setRetainInstance(true) can probably simplify this some, though I have not worked through a sample for that yet.
I had this issue too. You need to release all the resources,listeners,threads from the service when it finishes.
Your activity has to register/unregister itself as the listener. You need to use the proper lifecycle callback methods, not onBackPressed(). Register onStart(), unregister onStop(). One way to do it is to make the listener a static member of your service, and provide static register/unregister methods. Then call those from your activity as appropriate.
I finally solved the issue (and no, I haven't been working on it for so long :D).
The callback to the listener was made before the Fragment's onDestroy was called. So the boolean "dontupdate" value was never set to false. Overriding onBackPressed in the main activity solved the problem, as I invoked a destroy() method for each fragment that takes care of setting the boolean value to false.

Which lifecycle event is best to register/unregister listeners?

I have manager classes that take an activity as a listener. I use the managers to do threaded calls, work etc and then call back to the listener(activity) when things are done, need changed and so on.
I want to register and unregister the activity as a listener when it is no longer visible. This will prevent unwanted changes from happening (like dialogs appearing when the activity is no longer visible).
My question is, what lifecycle events are best to do this registering. I started with onPause() and onResume() which worked well except when I had an activity that was doing stuff in onActivityResult(). Since onActivityResult() gets called before onResume() my managers are not always registered in time.
Do I need to register in onResume() AND onActivityResult() or is there a better way to approach this?
An alternative approach may be to postpone the processing currently done in onActivityResult() until after the listeners are registered in onResume().
Possible ways of doing this include posting to the message queue, e.g. using a Handler, setting a Runnable object to be called by onResume, or simply storing the result data received by onActivityResult().
This would also ensure that the activity really has come to the foreground when the listener methods are called.
onResume() and onPause() are the best for this. The onDestroy(), per the documentation, is not guaranteed to be invoked though this is a favorite for many people, so stick with the pauses and resumes.
You can have the handle of the current Activity in the Manager class. Register its presence on onCreate() and unregister it on either onCreate() by some other Activity, or onBackPressed() of the current Activity.
On a related note, I would recommend an MVC (or similar) architecture where the controller has awareness of the view's status (the controller can track the onCreate() and onBackPressed() of each Activity).

Android call back after layout rendering has completed?

How can i create/bind a service only after activity layout is rendered?
-- Update
I have two tabs (both as separate activities)on the main activity and the data used for tabs comes from Service. Right now i'm binding service inside onCreate method. Issue is that layout is not rendered till all the statements inside the onCreate gets finished. A blank screen is shown till the service get bind
See ViewTreeObserver
More info here:
Put the call to create/bind the service at the end of your onCreate activity. If it must absolutely bind/create at the very end of the process, you can add a boolean flag to your activity indicating whether you are already bound or have already created the service. You could then override onResume() as follows:
public void onResume() {
if (!flag) {
// Call code to bind/create the service.

