How to add a system service to the Android Framework - android

I want to add my own framework code that runs in the Android "system_server" (handles all the system level services). My service loads a JNI library that talks to a driver I have added to the kernel. The service is designed to allow an app to register a listener with it to get updates from the driver. I found a pretty good blog post ( that explains how to add a system service, but I cannot get it completely working.
First of all, the post mentions that an "appropriate" file should be used to write the client/test application, but does not give an example of this. When I try to build it, I get build errors saying it can't find the service I have added. Could someone give an example of what this might look like?
Also, I'd like to implement this in the vendor directory (or device directory in froyo) rather than in the Android open source code. The blog post mentions that the proper place for this is the vendor directory, but does not give an example of what this should look like. Anyone know?
ANY additional information on implementing your own system service in Android would be helpful. Again my specific workflow is:
Android App -> System Service -> JNI (native) library -> Device Driver

Texas instruments has provided a nice example:
Additionally, the CyanogenMod has also code for dynamically loading system services as defined in the array "config_vendorServices" in config.xml (see core/res/res/values/config.xml), which I believe can be overwritten in the vendor or device directories using the overlays. This is a CyanogenMod-specific addition, added in this commit:

There are multiply way (or 6 ways, just to be explicit) of adding a system service.
What you tried (Android App -> System Service -> JNI (native) library -> Device Driver) is one of them. You might want check out this article for an in-depth explanation regarding system service implementation patterns.

Follow the below steps for writing your own System Service in android framework.
Write your Own Service/Manager with API's exposed by inheriting the stub.
Create an aidl file for your service to expose & include in build.
Add your service in System Server, you service will start along with all core services.
Register your service context in context impl file.
Use your service in application by calling getSystemService(Context of your service)
PS; if your service get some fatal exception, device will soft reboot, as your service is running under system service.

Here is an example of an used to compile a JNItest.c located at system/extras/JNITest. The is also inside system/extras/JNITest directory.
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)


Calling Dalvik Stack from native code

I am using JNI with Android Studio 1.5.1 targeting Android API 18 and my questions are:
Q.1) How can I call Dalvik internal functions from native code?
For example in the Android source code, in the interpreter module, in the stack.cpp, how can I call the function dvmDumpThreadStack(const DebugOutputTarget* target, Thread* thread) from native code?
It seems that I need to include some files and link to some libraries as stated in this answer but I need specific details. Which files do I need to link to and which files do I need to include in my native code to successfully call the dvmDumpThreadStack function for example?
This is the content of the file
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := MyLibrary.c
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(SYSROOT)/usr/lib -llog
Q.2) How to define the required arguments with the required values to call Dalvik internal functions? For example, before I call the dvmDumpThreadStack function, how to define target and thread and which values to store in them before I call the function.
Generally speaking, you don't. They're called "internal" functions for a reason.
If you're really determined to do this, you can find the function pointers by using dlsym() to find the address at runtime. You'll need the "mangled" name, which you can get by examining the binary with nm. (This was easier before the code was switched from C to C++ back in 4.1 or thereabouts.) You can get the Thread* the same way the VM does it, by calling one of the dvmGetThread functions in Thread.cpp (dvmGetThreadByHandle, dvmGetThreadByThreadId, dvmGetThreadFromThreadObject), or by calling dvmThreadSelf() if you're interested in the current thread. Pass that to dvmDumpThread(), which will set up the DebugOutputTarget so you don't have to.
You don't need a header file that defines Thread* to pass a Thread* around. Just declare the thread-getter functions as returning void*, and the thread-dump function as accepting a void* argument. If you're worried about type-safety and portability, don't call internal VM functions from an app.
The one time I actually wanted to do this -- debugging something, don't remember what -- I actually added a new extern "C" function to the VM that took no arguments and just dumped the current thread's stack. That made everything much easier.

delphi XE7 firemonkey android shared object / library to be dynamically loaded - template

Is there a template to create a .so file that can be loaded by another delphi ape file - I have tried starting a blank fire monkey project and changing program to library and build it but the .so file that it produces won't load with dlopen within another delphi project. I have read that in other development environments there is a islibrary setting. I guess more to the point is there an example .so library built with fire monkey - I have found the bare bones link without fire monkey but it uses just jni not androidapi.jni - thanks
If you start a blank Firemonkey project and change Unit to Library, you'll get this compiler error:
[DCC Error] myfunnylib.pas(1): E2029 'UNIT' expected but 'LIBRARY' found
Trying to add an existing library project to the project group will separate said project from the rest of the build and assign unique build targets and platforms to it. Which will leave you with options to compile for Windows and OS X.
The only way I've heard of so far is to pre-compile your library with another compiler. FPC has been mentioned elsewhere. I haven't tried that yet but its next on the list.
Don't get confused by the fact that every Android app is in fact a shared object with the extension .so (for shared object). However, this is not the same thing as a shared library.
Because a library exports its functions while an application does not. To a compiler, that IS quite a difference though you wouldn't see that by looking at the file extension (but its prefix lib instead).
If you restrict your question to XE and Firemonkey, my only suggestion here would be to look into Android services. A bound local service might offer similar capabilities you'd expect from a library:
It's also important to note that Android N will not allow dynamic linking anymore so many of the methods you'll find elsewhere as a solution won't work.
suat dmk's code example in the answer below, though up-voted, is misleading.
It cannot be compiled for Android or iOS in XE 10.1 or any of its predecessors.
There's a definite statement from Embarcadero staff regarding this issue.
It took a bit of patience in explaining the question, but the reply is clear enough:
[..] wants Delphi to have a project type of Shared Library(.so),
in this case then he is right, Delphi does not have it right now. [..]
quod erat demonstrandum
Hence there can be no such template. Also answers this question.
the following codes may be useful.
//-- Code for (MyLib.dproj) ---
library MyLib;
// uses SysUtils;
function GetSum(a, b: integer ) : integer; cdecl;
Result := a + b;
GetSum name 'GetSum';
//-- Code for using (TestMyLib.dproj) ---
DocDir, LibFN: string;
GetSum: function(a, b: integer ) : integer; cdecl;
DocDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(System.IOUtils.TPath.GetLibrary`enter code here`Path);
LibFN:=DocDir + '';
hLib := LoadLibrary(LibFN); //ERROR (Segmentation fault (11))
if hLib<>0 then
GetSum := GetProcAddress(hLib, 'GetSum');//It works
ShowMessage(IntToStr(GetSum(3, 8)));//It works
P.S: you must add compiled file to Deployment of TestMyLib.dproj.
P.S2: it gives an error while executing "LoadLibrary", but it Works.
I couldn't find a solution. Probably it is related with compiler/linker options of MyLib.dproj. Because when I test another '.so' file which is compiled with C++, no problem occurs while calling LoadLibrary.

Custom included extras Android (AOSP) Compilation

For reasons, I want to compile the AOSP 4.3.3 tree with the 'user' (aosp_deb-user) build (and not the user-debug / eng builds).
However I would like to specify that I:
would like the su package included (system/extras)
possibly (but less importantly) remove some things I do not need in my testing (therefore speed compilation up) - such as chromium app / camera app / whatever.
Could anyone let me know how to do this?
I already attempted changing the build tag in the su '' to user (which was the old way of doing it) - but it now gives me an error stating I must request in my product packages, however i am unsure where this is.
thank you,
It's (mainly) the PRODUCT_PACKAGES variable that controls which modules are installed. That variable is set in the product makefiles, which form hierarchies of makefiles. The leaf file for a concrete product is usually device/vendorname/productname/ or similar, in your case device/asus/deb/ In that file you'll find a couple of inclusions:
$(call inherit-product, device/asus/deb/
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
If you following the trail of inherit-product breadcrumbs you'll eventually encounter all PRODUCT_PACKAGES assignments, at least one of which will list the modules that you want to exclude. (The SRC_TARGET_DIR variable in the example above points to the build/target directory.)

Android device configuration for AOSP

I've downloaded Android source code. Now I want to make it for my own device (LG GT540). I heard that you need to create some 'Device configuration' for that. Although several developers have already created device configurations for my device, but I want to create my own, just for learning.I saw a lot of files like,, etc. But don't know what they do. Besides they contain a lot of configurations. Over that, there's not a good documentation for that.Can anyone experienced with Android porting and device configurations help me?
Right... So you want to build your own device tree, read on.
Disclaimer: this is by no means complete, and there will be omissions as have explained all this top of my head and copied pasted certain bits that I have here on my own device tree.
The device tree, for example, /device/lg/gt540would consist of the following make files: - this will tell the build system to include and to build sources specifically for your device. See below, for an example. This is dependant on the device and hardware, you could have libsensors, liblights, libcamera subdirectories under the example device tree, i.e. /device/lg/gt540/libsensors, /device/lg/gt540/liblights, /device/lg/gt540/libcamera etc. - this is for the kernel, the build system uses that to drop the kernel image in place (more about this in a few minutes) - specifies the appropriate device's make file, to use for building. i.e. /device/lg/gt540/, this is specific also. - specifies the properties and extras to copy over into the final output, in this case, it could be for example, - This is the meat of it all, this is where compiler conditional flags are set, partition layouts, boot addresses, ramdisk size, and so on.
Lets peek into each of those to give a glance as to where it all fits in.
include $(call all-named-subdir-makefiles, recovery libsensors liblights libcamera ....)
This is how the build will use that to build recovery, sensors, lights and camera (of course there will be more), its saying 'Yo Builder, go into each of the directories specified, and build the respective sources plskthxbai'
LOCAL_PATH := device/lg/gt540/
# Boot files
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
Now this, is telling the build system, to be able to drop this kernel into the out/target/product/lg/gt540 (notice the correlation with the device tree directory?)
Its telling the build as in 'Yo Builder, read that device make file please and process it upon completion of build.'
* (for this example, *
PRODUCT_NAME := lg_gt540
... specific ...
... more stuff ...
This is where all the specifics for the device such as drivers, proprietary libraries, supporting scripts specifically for the device, gets copied over to out/target/product/lg/gt540/system/ in this case. Notice how the overrides for the properties, these end up in the build.prop found in the root of the /system of the Android ROM.
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := device/lg/gt540/kernel
TARGET_PREBUILT_RECOVERY_KERNEL := device/lg/gt540/recovery_kernel
# This will vary from device!
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v6l
TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi
# OpenGL drivers config file path
BOARD_EGL_CFG := device/lg/gt540/egl.cfg
# Dependant, not to be taken literally!
# Dependant, not to be taken literally!
BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x02600000
# this will be device specific, and by doing cat /proc/mtd will give you the correct sizes
That is an excerpt, notice how we specify kernel's base address, this is how the boot.img gets generated after compilation is done and yet again, gets dropped into out/target/product/lg/gt540/boot.img. Also, more importantly, we're telling the build system to use the target platform for cross-compiling the sources (*TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM*/*TARGET_CPU_ABI*) There will be more information in there such as conditional flags to pass to the compiler, for an example. we specified the directive HAVE_FM_RADIO to tell it, when it comes to handling the source for the FM radio system, to conditionally compile parts of the source. Again, this is hardware specific and mileage will vary, also this applies to the address for boot. In a nutshell, this is saying 'Yo Builder, read the damn variables and remember them and apply them when cross-compiling those source files!'
Now that the internals of each of those Android build make-files are shown.
Now, onto the vendor/ part of it, in AOSP, simply, once again, correlation and corresponds with the device/ tree, as in continuing with this example, vendor/lg/gt540/ which gets picked up by the lunch. There's more make files in there but the general consensus is there's a directory called proprietary which contains the proprietary libs (due to close-source etc) that gets copied over. The copying over of the libraries gets specified in the file, in this case,
When the magic happens by doing the following:
. build/
This is reading in the entire entries found in each of the device/ subdirectories and "remembers them", so the build system knows what type of target is used etc.
When the . lunch gets invoked, a menu appears prompting to pick the device that is required to build. Now the last and final step to do the build...
make -j5 > buildlog.log 2>&1
I run multitail on another terminal and monitor the buildlog.log file to check and make sure its building.
This last step will depend on how many cores you have (n cores + 1 as a rule) and it takes a while to build, GB build takes 40mins on my laptop running Arch Linux 64bit, ICS build takes about 2hrs 30 mins. So mileage will vary on what type of horsepower your machine has.
When the build is done, a little bell goes off and at the bottom of the said log file, I see this:
Combining NOTICE files: out/target/product/xxxxx/obj/NOTICE.html
Target system fs image: out/target/product/xxxxx/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
Install system fs image: out/target/product/xxxxx/system.img
out/target/product/xxxx/system.img+ total size is 108776448
As matter of interest JBQ (Jean Baptiste Queru - the 'boss' for managing/distributing the source from Google), his build step is this...
make -j32
Yup! 32 cores! That..... is pretty powerful.
There is some information here:
An excellent resource for anyone building Android for a device is here:
(A Practical Real-World Approach To Android Platform Development In ODROID)
Though some of the stuff in there is particular to the ODROID board, it still offers great insight into the inner workings of Android and the necessary customization for a new board.
If you're looking to get into the hardware side of things probably the single most informative resource I've found has been:
Read through the documentation they wrote for manufacturers looking to build android devices, it's the most thorough/complete reference you will find.

Android NDK use kernel libs / drivers (so)

I currently developing app for Android that provides various audio settings. I use android system prepared by someone else, and it provides (I see in source and compiled files) some methods that could be useful for me. For example there are (kernel/drivers/audio/audio.c) some methods to change bands (for equalizer). In compiled system there is file in some audio dir on kernel. Is there a possibility to use this methods (library) in my application NDK? I don't want to compile my app with whole system, rather to dynamically add this lib.
It was simplier than I thought. I used:
void *some_lib;
bundlewrapper = dlopen("some/path/", RTLD_LAZY);
if ( some_lib!= NULL ) {
LOGV("Loaded lib\n");
// use methods from lib
Sure, you can use any code on the system.
Obviously if it is non-JNI code you'll have to call it from your own JNI code or wrapper.
In your file you will need to add the extra lib in LOCAL_LDLIBS

