Android "Not_Market_Managed" error - android

Working on trying out the market licensing service, and I'm running into a few problems with the sample application.
When I first ran the sample, I got an error saying that the application was not licensed. I linked my account to the simulator in order to get it to get the test response, and now I get an error saying "Application error: NOT_MARKET_MANAGED"
Does this mean that I have to upload the app to the market in order to test to see if it works?

Yes your app has to be on the market and if it already is, you have to have a version code number which is greater or equal than the one already published.

There may be another way. The comments on the sample's MainActivity read:
* The first thing you need to do is get your hands on your public key.
* Update the BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY constant below with your encoded public key,
* which you can find on the
* Edit Profile
* page of the Market publisher site.
* <p>
* Log in with the same account on your Cupcake (1.5) or higher phone or
* your FroYo (2.2) emulator with the Google add-ons installed. Change the
* test response on the Edit Profile page, press Save, and see how this
* application responds when you check your license.
And when you log into you will see an option for changing the License Test Response:
Textually saying:
This License Test Response will be
sent to devices using
or the Test Accounts listed above for
applications you have uploaded to
Market. Additionally, this account
(but not the Test Accounts) will
receive this response for applications
that have not yet been uploaded to
If you click that selection list, you will see different options:
I guess all you have to do, for that initial sample LVL tutorial program, is change the response from Respond normally to LICENSED or any other setting you want to test.
UPDATE: It turns out that the above measure is insufficient. I still get the NOT_MARKET_MANAGED error. I guess that "Market Licensing Example" must be uploaded as previous answers suggested. Note, however, that it cannot be the debug version:
Oh, and you can't really upload that "Market Licensing Example" as is. You must at least change the name of the package:
I can see how Google's sample/example system could be improved to become more developer-friendly...
Weird. After uploading the application (just uploading and saving draft, not filling any other required fields), the "Market Licensing Example" stops issuing the NOT_MARKET_MANAGED error, despite the fact that clearly selected NOT_LICENSED. Instead it responds with the message Allow the user access. I also tried setting (for test & learning purposes) it to ERROR_SERVER_FAILURE but I get the same Allow the user access message.

You'd have thought "Saved Draft" would be just what this is for. Otherwise, you're selling an app which by definition cannot have been fully tested live.

Upload your app (.apk) to the market. The default state will be "Saved Draft", so it will not be be visible to the public, but you can still test the Licensing.
One other potential problem:
Make sure that the version you are testing/running has the same android:versionCode in the AndroidManifest.xml as the draft version in the market. If the versions differ, you will receive a NOT_MARKET_MANAGED error. (Apparently the RSA keypair used for license
checks is on a per-app/per-version basis.)

After a bit of a struggle I got this working. You can't use the LVL sample as is.
Here's what I did:
modify the project's package to something else (I used: lvl.test)
set MainActivity's BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY to the one in your Developer Console profile.
export the signed app
go to Developer Console and upload the app (create dummy images and give it a dummy name and description etc. just so that it saves and is listed as 'Unpublished')
install the exported app (from your filesystem) to your test device (i.e. adb install bin/path/to/your.apk)
on your device, open Android Market go to: Settings>Accounts> and select the one that corresponds to your Developer Console account
you can now select a static License Test Response in your Developer Console Profile and save it. When you run the LVL sample on your device the response will correspond to the one you picked!

From my experience, the app has to be published before LVL starts working, incl. static response testing. For me ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED went away only after publishing although the docs say you can Debug and test an application's licensing implementation, prior to
publishing the application.
Cool part is you can publish while only having alpha/beta builds -- the app won't really go live, only testing accounts will be able to use it.
When you're preparing for initial release, it may seem unnatural to hit Publish before you're completely sure everything is in working order (and the fact that you have to put in the description and screenshots before you can do that is even more alarming -- you'd think those are final touches) -- but you should, just make sure you've made a sane choice about the package name and whether the app is paid or free -- those things can't be changed after publishing. Publishing alone does not make the app public; unless you have a Production build don't worry about accidentally making an untested version go live.

This is related so it might help somebody:
I was testing on an Asus transformer and had to delete all non-developer accounts to get license testing to work (including my yahoo account). Once the other accounts were deleted all of the steps worked without a problem.

In my case I was getting because of Version code difference as..
Already published apk's version code = 2
and after some testing release new apk's I had set version code to 5
which was causing this error as version difference should be exact 1 with currently published apk..
same was applied with version name too..

If you already tried all the suggestions above try this:
I had the same response for a while and I could not figure out why this was the case. I read the entire documentation on App Licensing and still receiving the same annoying NOT_MARKET_MANAGED response code.
I was finally abe to resolve the problem by changing my applicationId in the AndroidManifest.xml file. I rewrote an app from scratch starting with a blank new project. The problem was that I did not use the exact correct applicationId. The problem was that the original application on the Google Play Store used a letter in upper case while I wrote all letters in lower case in the newly created project.
Since I corrected the applicationId to match 100% (including casing) I get the expected behavior of the licensing service.


Is it possible to change the package name of an Android app on Google Play?

I would like to know whether it is technically possible, not whether it is easy or not, to change the actual package name of an Android app that is on Google Play. What I mean by package name is the name that will show up in the URL. Please, can anyone tell me why this is / is not possible?
From Dianne Hackborn:
Things That Cannot Change:
The most obvious and visible of these is the “manifest package name,” the unique name you give to your application in its AndroidManifest.xml. The name uses a Java-language-style naming convention, with Internet domain ownership helping to avoid name collisions. For example, since Google owns the domain “”, the manifest package names of all of our applications should start with “” It’s important for developers to follow this convention in order to avoid conflicts with other developers.
Once you publish your application under its manifest package name, this is the unique identity of the application forever more. Switching to a different name results in an entirely new application, one that can’t be installed as an update to the existing application.
More on things you cannot change here
Regarding your question on the URL from Google Play, the package defined there is linked to the app's fully qualified package you have in your AndroidManifest.xml file. More on Google Play's link formats here.
Nope, you cannot just change it, you would have to upload a new package as a new app. Have a look at the Google's app Talk, its name was changed to Hangouts, but the package name is still Because it is not doable :) Cheers.
As far as I can tell what you could do is "retire" your previous app and redirect all users to your new app. This procedure is not supported by Google (tsk... tsk...), but it could be implemented in four steps:
Change the current application to show a message to the users about the upgrade and redirect them to the new app listing.
Probably a full screen message would do with some friendly text. This message could be triggered remotely ideally, but a cut-off date can be used too. (But then that will be a hard deadline for you, so be careful... ;))
Release the modified old app as an upgrade, maybe with some feature upgrades/bug fixes too, to "sweeten the deal" to the users. Still there is no guarantee that all users will upgrade, but probably the majority will do.
Prepare your new app with the updated package name and upload it to the store, then trigger the message in the old app (or just wait until it expires, if that was your choice).
Unpublish the old app in Play Store to avoid any new installs. Unpublishing an app doesn't mean the users who already installed it won't have access to it anymore, but at least the potential new users won't find it on the market.
Not ideal and can be annoying to the users, sometimes even impossible to implement due to the status/possibilities of the app. But since Google left us no choice this is the only way to migrate the users of the old apps to a "new" one (even if it is not really new).
Not to mention that if you don't have access to the sources and code signing details for the old app then all you could do is hoping that he users will notice the new app...
If anybody figured out a better way by all means: please do tell.
No, you cannot change package name unless you're okay with publishing it as a new app in Play Store:
Once you publish your application under its manifest package name, this is the unique identity of the application forever more. Switching to a different name results in an entirely new application, one that can’t be installed as an update to the existing application.
Android manual confirms it as well here:
Caution: Once you publish your application, you cannot change the package name. The package name defines your application's identity, so if you change it, then it is considered to be a different application and users of the previous version cannot update to the new version.
If you're okay with publishing new version of your app as a completely new entity, you can do it of course - just remove old app from Play Store (if you want) and publish new one, with different package name.
If you are referring to, no I understand you can't it would be considered a new app
Never, you can't do it since package name is the unique name Identifier for your app.....
Complete guide :
As per Android official Blogs :
We can say that:
If the manifest package name has changed, the new application will be
installed alongside the old application, so they both co-exist on the
user’s device at the same time.
If the signing certificate changes, trying to install the new
application on to the device will fail until the old version is
As per Google App Update check list :
Update your apps
Prepare your APK
When you're ready to make changes to your APK, make sure to update your app’s version code as well so that existing users will receive your update.
Use the following checklist to make sure your new APK is ready to update your existing users:
The package name of the updated APK needs to be the same as the current version.
The version code needs to be greater than that current version. Learn more about versioning your applications.
The updated APK needs to be signed with the same signature as the current version.
To verify that your APK is using the same certification as the previous version, you can run the following command on both APKs and compare the results:
$ jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs my_application.apk
If the results are identical, you’re using the same key and are ready to continue. If the results are different, you will need to re-sign the APK with the correct key.
Learn more about signing your applications
Upload your APK
Once your APK is ready, you can create a new release.

Google Play Services and "There is no linked app associated with this client ID"

I'm trying to implement Google Play Services following Google's documentation and I'm seeing the following when I try to connect my GameClient:
E/Volley: [4953] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for
E/Volley: [4953] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for
E/SignInIntentService: There is no linked app associated with this client ID.
I've checked that the SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate signing the APK, the SHA1 of the debug certificate, and the SHA1 given to the Google API do match up and they do. I've checked that the app id is declared in the manifest in the application item (I've taken in my case the 13 digit numerical id, not one that also includes a package). I've also checked that the test accounts I'm using are each listed in the Developer Console and they are; they're each too, and they include my developer address. They've each activated Google Plus.
I've tried this from an API 16 S3 device and an API 17 Google API simulator. The app's package name is correctly declared in the manifest, on the developer console and matches the API package name. The app is listed as a client of the game service, and is shown as 'ready for testing'.
In short I'm struggling to see what my mistake can be and what I've missed. I think I have everything from Google's troubleshooting addressed too. I've looked at the main questions here on StackOverflow, and they're covered. Whatever it is I'm missing is probably staring me full in the face. What can I be missing?
I got stuck on this problem for a long time until I realised that I had two strings in my app called "app_id". One from the Facebook SDK and one from Google. I renamed the Google app_id (and changed the corresponding manifest reference) and all was well.
It is POSSIBLE that you have a similar problem. If you can't see the error then I would try to write out the app_id to syslog to confirm that this is not the cause of the problem.
Incidentally, all my Google app_id s (client ids) are 12 bytes not 13, so perhaps you should start by checking that.
Good Luck !
Even after redoing everything, everything, I still encountered the same problem. However, I subsequently encountered a "This package is already in use" error message on Google API even though I had undeleted all projects and removed all clients before deleting these again.
This turned out to be a blessing: The solution to this was to recreate my debug key before adding the new fingerprint to Google API in another new client id.
And lo... my original problem went away.
I hade the same problem and for me it worked to re-link the app in Game services -> Linked apps -> Link another app.
You didn't explicitly state that the gmail accounts you're testing with are added as Google Plus users in a Google Plus community that is configured as the testing community for your app -OR- that you're using a google group as the testing community and those gmail accounts are part of that community.
If you have done those things, then it might be the issue stated here:
This answer might sound encouraging to solve your problem, but don't get your hopes up. I've done all that the original poster did, plus the things above, and I'm still stuck.
I've even followed all of the tips stated here:
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in
And it would appear the depths of the chasm that Google lets you fall into regarding GPS is far deeper than the depths I've plumbed. Joy.
I had the same problem ,I am not sure that the following action is the one that resolved the problem but its worth the try,
Seems that I didnt had the Drive API enabled ,I had it in the enabled apis but i had to actually click the gear icon next to it and then click enable and provide the application name.
Just link the same package as many times as you have Client ID's in your Developer Console "Debug & Release Client ID's"
The thing is if you link your app to the Game Services with the wrong SHA1 fingerprint, Games Services will pick it up and associate it as the main Client ID.
Once you link the same app again to your Game Services, it will automatically pick up the other Client ID's
I had exactly the same problem, and in my case, I fixed it regenerating the API Key from the Google APIs Console. Go to Credentials, select your API key and then click on "Regenerate Key". You don't need to update anything in your code or link more apps, just regenerate and it starts working magically.

Google Play Game Services sign in button spits "Unknown error"

I'm trying to use Google Play Game Services in my practice Android app.
I got the sign in buttons UI as explained in the developer guide. When I hit the sign in for the first time, it guides me through sign in process. Right after it's about to finish the process, it gives me a dialog with "Unknown error". After the first time, it always gives me this dialog after displaying the loading animation for a bit.
I imported BaseGameUtils and google-play-services_lib. I attached reference from BaseGameUtils to the google-play-services_lib. Then attached reference of these 2 to my game project.
I exported the project to get the SHA1 to put in the developer console. Then I have my 12 digit app id to place on the values/ids.xml (got the meta tag under application).
Tried cleaning the project, redoing the SHA1/keystore process and no luck. My email is under the testing access.
I read and tried the solutions provided on this question, but it was not my case.
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in
Anybody experiencing the same or does anyone have a solution I should try?
Try going to your Google+ settings on your device and purging the access that you had granted the app. Afterwards, MANUALLY set up Google+ for your test account, either through a PC/Mac web browser or through your device, then try re-linking the app. This worked for me.
Exact steps for Samsung Galaxy S3:
Settings -> Google -> Google+ -> Apps with Google+ Sign-In -> tap the app and at the bottom, tap Disconnect App.
For what it’s worth, I also tapped the option to “Delete all activity for this app” as well when I deleted it.
Your ids.xml has to look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_id">XXXXXXXXX</string>
And, in your manifest, you have to add:
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="#string/app_id" />
Good luck!
I recommend utilising the debug log trace in the GameHelper class to get a clearer picture of the error. You can simply make a call in your onCreate to do this...
enableDebugLog(true, "fred"); where "fred" is the tag you want to show on logcat
It is most likely that you will then see an error like "OnConnection Failed result 4... SIGN IN REQUIRED. If you then search SO for that message you should be able to make some progress.
Another possibility:
I managed to get my own leaderboard into production last night. The error you are describing is one that I (and judging by other comments that I have seen in error reports on SO ) and other people have also encountered. I found that I was unable to use the google account that I user in the developer console to sign on, even though it is explicitly listed as a testing account for the game. I tried shutting down the emulator, deleting and redefining the game in the developer console etc. but I have never been able to get it to work.
I used a different account and I was able to sign on. I do not know what the problem is with my developer console account - I also use it in Google Plus without problems. Incidentally, I am still unable to use my developer account on the production app with a real device.
My advice is to use a separate account for testing. Good luck !
If you are using your production keystore to get the fingerprint, you need to export and use a release build. Otherwise, use the debug keystore to get the fingerprint.
According to - if using eclipse, the debug keystore is located at
One more thing, for me, I couldn't sign in using my publisher account but one of my other accounts worked ok. Maybe worth a try.
One additional thing that can be tried is to send (as attachment) the exported and signed yourapp.apk to the tester's account's email, and then install the app through email (by clicking on the attachment), and not through the usb.
It seems to me the problem here is not with play services, but with google+, as it sometimes takes several days for the changes (such as deleting some info) to take effect. If nothing works, create a new gmail account, and try again (that's what "worked" for me eventually :)).
Edit: old accounts that didn't work initially started working after 4 - 5 days. Maybe it just takes Google some time to synchronize everything.

Debug Android inapp billing using Eclipse

Now I managed to sign the apk (using Eclipse Android Tools) and adb install .. to the device for testing.
But this removed the debug function, e.g. "step over" which make problem tracing much more difficult.
Is it possible to debug the inapp billing using Eclipse?
Unfortunately I don't think there is any way to step debug, I have just been using print outputs. This is due to the fact that you have to sign your app with a release key in order for it to communicate properly with the billing service. Very annoying.
When you go through the in app billing documentation, you kinda realize that it can take substantial amount of time to understand this complex piece of technology. Most developers feel the need for a working HelloWorld, and then later play around with the builds.
I have uploaded 2 projects
The android sample project. You can download this project, and immediately run the sample. This will help you quickly debug/trace thru and figure out how the in app billing works.
A cleaned up project to help you integrate your app quickly. This can help like a library. Just integrate make your “purchase requests” on your “checkout” button action.
Mind you : I have not incorporated the security recommendations. Read android in app billing documentation. Until then you are on your own risk.
For 1
Download “”
Create a new gmail account for all correspondence (Why, I will explain below)
Pay that 25$ and purchase a “Market Place” account.
Import the project to your eclipse environment
Create a signed application apk, File-Export-Select Your Project-Create OR Use keystore, it should be valid for 25 years from today.
Upload the signed apk to the market place as a “Draft Application”, DO NOT PUBLISH it.
For the uploaded apk, you need to add “In App Products”. You will find this link on the home page for your uploaded apk.
In dont forget to add your “public key” from your market place account “edit profile” page.
On the “In App Product List”, you need to add the following products one by one
The text below should used as “In app Product id”
sword_001 as Managed
potions_001 as Unmanaged
Title and Description dont matter (for testing purpose). Add what you need here.
Cost add 1$ (minimum)
Click auto fill
Publish the in app project (dont get confused here, you only need to publish the in app product, NOT the APP)
In the test account, add your personal gmail id here. Now, this gmail account needs to be configured as your first gmail account on your phone.
Yes, this WONT work on your emulator
Now the sample app should work.
For 2
Download “”
To integrate, in your calling activity initialize the checkout code
Handler handler = new Handler() ;
CheckoutPurchaseObserver checkout = new CheckoutPurchaseObserver(this, handler);
To send the checkout request for your product
Important Note :
This purchaseUri is the “In-app Product ID” of your resource on the “>Create New In-App Product” options. This string should be set as the “in app product” id.
That’s why the “id” is most important. The “In-App Product ID” is how you refer to that particular product.
Also, in dont forget to add your “public key” from your market place account “edit profile” page.**
Debugging Notes
LogCat will show all errors as InAppBilling tag
This project creates a shared_preferences named “inappbilling” And debug is set to true
The androidmanifest.xml may not be needed since this project does not
have a home screen.
Why do we need to create a new gmail account ?
Simple. The account you purchase your market place account for, cant be used for “testing” your in app billing. Since you cannot purchase products for yourself. And your primary account on your device should be set as a “test account” on the market place account. Chicken-Egg issue here. Hope its clear.
An interesting blog I came by ““ (not mine).
In my app, I used the test product id, android.test.purchased, which will simulate the actual buying process (ie, will show the in app dialog and you'll be able to purchase and get a response that can be handled by your application). Using that product id, you can run the in app code on the device (unsigned) via eclipse over usb connection. You still might need to work around some things for testing (ie, account for the fact that you are using a testing product id and not your real id), but I found using that product ID did help me quite a bit.
See the testing section of the in app billing guide

How do you deal with LicenseCheckerCallback.ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED error code?

Using you can check if your app is licensed or not. There is a callback, applicationError() that tells you if anything went wrong. Today I encountered error ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED and I can't figure out how I should deal with it!
Here's what I did:
On Google Play, I added my e-mail address as a test account.
On Google Play, I saved my app (unpublished) with versionCode="10".
On my machine, I changed to versionCode="11".
License check now fails with error code ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED.
The question is; should I handle this error or is this an unrealistic scenario?
ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED: the name really tells all about itself, application is not managed by Android Market (now called Google Play). More specifically, the version 11 of your application is not uploaded or published in Google Play.
should I handle this error or is this an unrealistic scenario?
I would consider this as an unrealistic scenario. You don't need to do anything special in code as long as you upload the new app version in Google Play. ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED is more like a LVL development warning which help developer properly implement license checking code and follow the correct procedure for testing license checking at project build time. check out the comments in LVL sample code:
private class MyLicenseCheckerCallback implements LicenseCheckerCallback {
... ...
public void applicationError(ApplicationErrorCode errorCode) {
if (isFinishing()) {
// Don't update UI if Activity is finishing.
// This is a polite way of saying the developer made a mistake
// while setting up or calling the license checker library.
// Please examine the error code and fix the error.
//String result = String.format(getString(R.string.application_error), errorCode);
//String result = "Error";
The whole point of integrating LVL into your application is to use Google Play publish your application, and use Google Play client application download and install your application (see Requirements and Limitations section in dev guide). I can't see any point that can cause this applicationError at runtime on end user's device if:
Developer follow the correct procedure to upload (for testing LVL) or publish (for real release) in Google Play.
End user use Google Play client application purchase, download and install the application.
If a end user somehow get a copy of your application (with LVL integrated and uploaded/published in Google Play) from other channel (not purchase via Google Play) and trying to install it on his device (with Google Play client application installed on that device), in this case, LicenseCheckerCallback will go to dontAllow() rather than applicationError(ApplicationErrorCode errorCode).
Dont test your application immediately after you upload it to Google Play.
Wait for some time (15-20 mins or probably longer) before you start testing. Google play takes some time to recognize your app.
29 Jul, I have found that while my app is in Alpha or Beta testing all I ever get is Error 3 or Error_Not_Market_Managed. This is actually a reply from the server. SO that means that I am touching the server and the code is good. Regardless of what is set in the Developer Console as a reply, this is the only reply that I get.
I have actually waited 3 days and there is no change. SO there is no wait time which is acceptable. I even cleared and reset my entire phone. I cleared Google Play cache and all of the other magic tricks. None of them were the reason.
I updated one of my already published apps with my new Google License code and got the exact same response. After I changed the version code and then uploaded it to be published, about 4 hours later, that app functioned normally and the Google license check responded with a good valid code. Now as long as it is fully published, it responds with what ever code I tell it to.
SO the answer is, Google License will not function properly until fully published. If your app is in Alpha or Beta and you are getting Error 3 then you are likely good. Just comment out the License Check method until you are ready to publish.
As for now, 2014 May, I have to publish the testing app (no production APK uploaded) in order to test the uploaded APK and expansion OBB in beta. Otherwise, I always got ERROR_NOT_MARKET_MANAGED when testing APKExpansionPolicy. And 2 hours after publish (the notice on webpage said "up to 24 hours"), I can get expansion file information.
No one except testers can see the published app AFAIK.
It also can happen in older devices. I'm testing my app without the actual version being published and it works fine on my Galaxy S8, but I get this message on my Galaxy S4.
Which means it's also a polite way to say that this can also be a mistake from Google.

