I've exported an apk from eclipse. I am able to install it without any problem if I copy it to the phone's sd card.
When trying to download via phone's (Galaxy S) browser I get:
"Download unsuccessful".
I have set mime type application/vnd.android.package-archive in the mime.types, restarted apache, still same result.
Also tried :
Download App
Still no luck.
I am able to download and install applications from android market. I suspect that apache is not sending the mime type but this is just a shot in the dark.
How can I fix the problem and be able to install APKs from my web server? (or at least to check if apache sends correct header with mime type)
Any help will be appreciated.
It is better if you add the .apk extension to the apache`s mime config. Take a look at this example:
You can just find the "apk" record and copy the row to the file /etc/mime.types at your server:
application/vnd.android.package-archive apk
Also add this to /etc/apache2/mods-available/mime.conf :
AddType application/vnd.android.package-archive .apk
(There are some other AddType-s, put it after them for sure).
From here on you don't have to put anything for the apk`s mime-type in the tag, the server will handle this. ;)
UPDATE: fixed a bug in AddType line
After all I found the problem thanks in part to CommonsWare advise.
Directory where I put apks for downloads is protected by simpe auth. Phone's browser correctly asks (once) for username/password when browsing it but obviously forgets to send auth info when trying to download the file and that causes 401 Unauthorized.
Solution: remove basic auth from that dir or use another unprotected dir for the apks.
Use curl to test the Web server to make sure it is responding to the HTTP request and returning the proper MIME type. Also, example your server logs to see what error is being logged.
Sometimes you have no access to apache configuration files like /etc/mime.types, especially on the shared servers. You can create file .htaccess (or open if it already exists) in your root directory and add the following string:
AddType application/vnd.android.package-archive .apk
Hope it helps.
So, basically I'm at step 1 of implementing App Links, I stumbled upon this tool:
I give it my domain name, my package name, and I copy paste my App package fingerprint from the play store console. it generate an assetlinks.json file for me, I put it as required at https://my-domain/.well-known/assetlinks.json I test downloads, it works, then I ask this tool to test it, it says
No app deep linking permission found for package_name at my_domain.
my logs indicate that GoogleAssociationService came and took the file (200 status response and the correct number of bytes).
So basically I put the good values, it generates it, and then fetch it and tells me it's wrong, what am I missing ? how can he not be happy with what he generated itself ?
When we came across this issue we have also investigated logs of our proxy and have seen that the "assetlinks.json" file had been successfully downloaded.
In our case, the problem was with Content-Type. In our case, it was the "application/octet-stream" type. According to the documentation, Content-Type should have the type "application/json". We have changed the content type and everything started working as expected.
Check the requirements using the link above and verify that all of them are met by crossing off all potential reasons one by one.
Update 2022-10-30: The provided link is not available anymore. I have used a cached version to fetch the information below:
You must publish your JSON verification file at the following
Be sure of the following:
The assetlinks.json file is served with content-type application/json.
The assetlinks.json file must be accessible over an HTTPS connection,
regardless of whether your app's intent filters declare HTTPS as the
data scheme.
The assetlinks.json file must be accessible without any
redirects (no 301 or 302 redirects).
If your app links support
multiple host domains, then you must publish the assetlinks.json file
on each domain. See Supporting app linking for multiple hosts.
Do not
publish your app with dev/test URLs in the manifest file that may not
be accessible to the public (such as any that are accessible only with
a VPN). A work-around in such cases is to configure build variants to
generate a different manifest file for dev builds.
can anyone help me with the following question please:
My Android-App is able to send the data via https when compiling the debug-version, but the release version fails there.
The https certificate is not self-signed and the whitelist plugin is working.
Interesting is, that if the debug version is installed and then the release version is installed without deinstalling the debug-version, everything works out well.
Can anyone help me here? Thank you in advance!
Problem solution:
The SSL-Chain was the problem for me.
1) To check if this might be an issue for your app, too, you may go to:
Type in your domain (if already available online) and test your SSL-Configuration. If the last point does not say "SSL Certificate is correctly installed" and you bought your certificate from a trustworthy authority, this website already hints you at an issue you might have with the intermediate certificates.
2) Fix issue:
a) The intermediate certificates neccessary came with that SSL.rar-file you've once gotten. With the provider I had chosen, they sent me three .pem files (besides of other files of course) named:
01_COMODO_RSA_Organization_Validation_Secure_Server_CA, 02_COMODO_RSA_Certification_Authority,
Other authorities might send you something like someName.ca-bundle. That's the same thing, as far as I understood it, and so can skip this a) part.
Concatenate the plain text of these three files, meaning store them in another file - altogether. No additional text changes neccessary. When storing this file, make sure it has the .crt file ending.
b) Upload your chosenName.crt to your server into the same folder your ssl.crt is stored in already.
c) Make this new file known within the system. In your .config file (e.g. default-ssl.conf), the same file you once added the paths to your "ssl".crt and .key in, set "SSLCertificateChainFile" to - example path: "/etc/ssl/ssl.crt/chosenName.crt" - and update the certficates (I used the command update-ca-certificates, but I'm not sure if this was neccessary at all.)
d) Stop and start your webserver. If an error message regarding wrong configuration is displayed, you have probably misstyped the path to the file or it's name and so it cannot be found. If your webserver starts successfully, you're done.
Another check on the link above (I am not allowed to have more than 2 links within this post) should now show you the SSL-Chain (containing now 4 instead of 1 certificate_s) and the above mentioned "SSL successfully installed" message should appear.
Hopefully this will help you!
Further info:
Whether you need this SSL-Chain with 4 certificates or not is probably something that can vary. I looked it up on the comodo-support site because that was the SSL-certificate authority I had to deal with:
i want to have a URL like this one (https://www.ooklnet.com/files/381/381489/video.mp4) where when you click it and itll play the video. Thing is this isnt my website or video. i tried my URL which i thought was corrct (http://54.XXX.XXX.238/srv/ProductVideos/lazar108#hotmail.com/s/s_7s.MP4) and it gives me this error:
The requested URL /srv/ProductVideos/lazar108#hotmail.com/s/s_7s.MP4 was not found on this server.
I know for a fact that theres a video in the file path on my server. Proof:
(I need this URL for my android app so i can display the video in the app.)
How can i create a link like this one (https://www.ooklnet.com/files/381/381489/video.mp4)?
I have a Ubuntu 14.04.4 server with AWS EC2!
Any help would be appreciated!!
Thank you!
1) your EC2 has to have security groups open to allow any access to port 80 from the Internet
2) your EC2 has to be running some web server software such as apache
3) apache needs to be configured to serve files, check the document root
4) apache needs to be configured to correctly send mp4 with the right mime type headers see this answer Apache not serving .mp4 files correctly - shows the contents of the file rather than a download prompt
If it is apache ( and not nginx or another web server) you are using check the access log file /var/log/apache2/access.log and the default error log /var/log/apache2/error.log
I try to make a file server to let people download APK file.My server is using Play framework.
the problem is :I always download a "app" file without file extension by PC browser.while using android browser, I always download a "app.bin" file. Is there anything wrong with my code?
test link:test download
public static Result get_app() {
File tmp = new File("Ele.apk");
response().setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Ele.apk");
return ok(tmp);
There's no such Content-Type as mime/type or mime/apk as you trying to use it in the sample...
By Wikipedia description APK's Content-Type is application/vnd.android.package-archive and probably this one you should set.
If problem remains try to google what is valid Content-Type for serving these keys.
I am currently building an Android app using HTML5. Inside my app, I am providing link to a HTML file available inside tomcat server on my machine.
The HTML file "sample.html" has link to download a file in same file location, where the sample.html is placed.
sample.html has this --> Click to download
The problem here is, when I run my app on an android mobile, the link stays dumb and it won't initiate the download from the given path.
But, the same URL when I open in a web browser, the download starts.
Could anyone let me know why this URL is not initiating the download inside my app??
I already enabled "Allow installation of non-Market applications" in the settings of my android device.
If you are using real device you must set your url with static ip of your machine like and in emulator
See this post.
Use as IP for server running on the same machine as the Android emulator.
Check out following post with similar problem:
Download File inside WebView
Check out this link for setting up the mime type in tomcat.
Copied for reference:
In Tomcat 5.x and 4.x, the default mappings between MIME types and file extensions are stored in the file tomcat_home/conf/web.xml, where tomcat_home is the path under which Tomcat was installed on your server. The mappings specified there are applied to all web / WAP applications hosted on your Tomcat server. Application-specific mappings should be set in the WEB-INF/web.xml file under the directory of your web / WAP application.
Each mapping is specified with the <mime-mapping>, <extension> and <mime-type> tags. Here is an example:
<mime-type>application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml</mime-type> </mime-mapping>
<mime-type>text/vnd.wap.wml</mime-type> </mime-mapping>
<mime-type>text/vnd.wap.wmlscript</mime-type> </mime-mapping>
<mime-type>image/vnd.wap.wbmp</mime-type> </mime-mapping>