I have 6 images I want to display as 2 rows with 3 images in each. I'm using nested LinearLayouts to achieve this, and it works well except for one thing:
The height of the largest image dictates the size of the linear layout, meaning there is empty space a lot of the time. In other words, my problem is as follows:
I keep getting the layout shown on the left, and I want the layout shown on the right.
I am aware that you can just use GridView, but that will still prevent the exact layout shown on the right, so I'm at a loss really. Many thanks.
Instead of 2 rows of three columns, you need 3 columns of 2 rows. LinearLayouts would be fine, just to be sure set the Gravity of the individual cells to Gravity.TOP.
You could equally achieve the whole grid using RelativeLayout instead of Linear. Each of your bottom row would just need android:layout_below and android:layout_alignLeft set to be the ImageView above it.
I am trying to have 3 LinearLayouts ordered horizontally (basically forming three columns) within another LinearLayout where the width of the middle layout can vary depending on it's content.
All columns should be visible at all times filling the viewport from left. The left and irght column will be assigned a max width. So only the size of middle layout varies. If the total width of all columns exceeds the viewport size the middle column must not overlap or push out the other columns. But instead it should use the remaining space.
I tried using layout weights but that would put the right column always on the right side and the middle column would fill up all the space even though it's content would not require that.
When I try to use a RelativeLayout as a container I either end up with all three columns overlapping each other or the first column disappears.
I thought the below code (only schematic for now, as I don't have access to the code atm) should work, but as written above the first LinearLayout does not show up. The last LinearLayout seems to be in place as desired.
Does anyone know how I can fix this? Please let me know if you need more detailed code examples etc. I will try to provide them as soon as possible.
I found a few other questions concerning this or similar topics but the solutions always used either layout weights or something like the code snippet above. So far I had no luck with those approaches, maybe because those questions where either for slightly different use cases or a few years old so that the api has changed in the mean time.
Any pointers are greatly appreciated :-)
Yes. You want to defined the center columns with a layout_width="0dp" and a layout_weight="1". The left and right columns will be layout_width="wrap_content".
A LinearLayout should contain the 3 inner "column" LinearLayouts.
I finally found a solution that works.
Using the layout_weight as describe by Jeffrey Blattman alone does only work when the views get large enough to fill the screen.
But as long as the views only fill a part you get gaps between them as the middle view fills up the remaining space. This is something I want to avoid in this case.
For some other reason I had to put my layout into a fragment. Now when I set the dimensions of the fragment to wrap_content the behavior is exactly as I want it. So the views do not get blown up while they are to small but are laid out as if there was no layout_weight defined. But still when growing larger the edge views stay within the screen.
I want to achieve something similar to the attached image
I was thinking of using TableLayout with 2 columns for each row.
There will be padding in order to be apart of each other. Then I will put white background for the cell. Lastly, I'll just add the ImageView and TextView.
The images and text are dynamically generated. I will get the image URL and display them.
So, are there any better or more efficient way for implementing what I want to achieve? TableLayout doesn't seem to be that efficient.
Your diagram looks pretty much like a grid - for which you can use a GridLayout in Android: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/GridLayout.html
A layout that places its children in a rectangular grid.
The grid is composed of a set of infinitely thin lines that separate the viewing area into cells. Throughout the API, grid lines are referenced by grid indices. A grid with N columns has N + 1 grid indices that run from 0 through N inclusive. Regardless of how GridLayout is configured, grid index 0 is fixed to the leading edge of the container and grid index N is fixed to its trailing edge (after padding is taken into account).
Every one of the items in the grid can be a Cardview (https://developer.android.com/training/material/lists-cards.html) - and that way you will also benefit of a consistent look and feel with Android, without much effort.
Take into account that the cards (every item in the grid) will have the same height, tho: How to make a grid layout of CardViews with variable height?.
If the height of the elements will be variable, you should better take a look to the StaggeredGridLayoutManager: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/StaggeredGridLayoutManager.html
What you have to do is use a RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager.
For a full working implementation: https://inducesmile.com/android/android-gridlayoutmanager-with-recyclerview-in-material-design/
I have a screen which basically consists of 2 parts
upper is a hierarchical structure of multiple LinearLayouts with regularly changing TextViews,
lower is a heavy for drawing custom view.
Currently the TextViews in the upper part have wrap_context set to their width, as a result every their change cause Android to relayout the whole page, including the hard for drawing custom view in the lower part.
My question - Is there another way to solve this problem except changing layout_width parameter for changing TextViews to constant value?
Create LinearLayout to be parent with vertical orienetation. Now create two children LinearLayout with vertical orienetation but with layout_height to 0dp for each and layout_weight to 1 for each respectively.
I want to make my image in given way .
AAAA BBBBB then in next line
I tried grid layout but dont know how to align them for every screen size .
You should use a Master LinearLayout(it will be vertical). Inside it, use two LinearLayout(both horizontal). In master LinearLayout, use Layout_weight of 1.0. and in two child linearLayout, use layout_weight 0.5.
Then put the images in each child linearLayout with layout_weight 0.5 again.
You might want to use Layout_gravity="right"&"left" to properly oriented it.
I'm working on the controls for a game, and require part of the control panel (gray in the figure below) to change dynamically, either showing a single canvas (left) or 5 buttons (right). The border between the lower-row views should always be positioned at exactly the same x-position as the border between the buttons on the upper row, as shown. At the same time, all twelve upper buttons should be scaled and distributed evenly.
I've considered several approaches, but as of yet none do all of what I want:
Using two LinearLayouts, one for each row of controls: reliably aligning the borders seems to be impossible, and replacing part of the layout is difficult at best.
Using a TableLayout: again, replacing a portion of the layout is difficult.
Using a RelativeLayout: resizing and aligning buttons independently of the screen size doesn't seem possible
Any suggestions for an alternative method, or on how to make one of the above approaches work? It would also be nice if there were some way to animate the change of views, i.e. sliding in the buttons from the left over the canvas. Thanks!
Interesting, I've done this several weeks ago. What I did is to make use of this property of View object: "Visibility". So that means at a fixed position, I can set any View to display on to, not depending on any type of Layout, it can be Visibility.GONE, Visibility.VISIBLE or Visibility.INVISIBLE.
In my app, I used RelativeLayout to set relative position to the right side TextView.
Give it a try :)
In order to close this question: I have solved the problem by writing a custom layout class that places and sizes the child views without heeding the measured size of the children. Effectively this gives me the behavior of a linear layout with layout weights, but is more deterministic with border placement.
A ViewAnimator is used to switch between the Canvas and the Buttons.