how to display images dynamically on dynamic positions - android

i have rectangles and images and i want to show that images on that positions that rectangle holds in is all dynamic. and i am using bitmap class to display but now i have to set positions according to that rectangle...
please help.
thanks a lot.

After much googling I finally got my result, so I thought I'd share it with others. Override onDraw() method and put this code in it:
Paint paint = new Paint();
this.setbMap(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageTile, 0, imageTile.length));
Bitmap adapt = Bitmap.createBitmap(bMap);
canvas.drawBitmap(adapt, rect.left,, paint);


Is there a similar thing in Android to WPF's Imagebrush?

I would like to fill each Rect with a small unique image. Is there a best way to do this? Right now they are drawn with using a Paint object.
I will answer my question for future reference then. Kotlin doesn't have the exact same solution, but you can draw bitmaps into rects similar to this way:
canvas.drawBitmap(image, Rect(0, 0, image!!.width, image!!.height), rect, null)

Android - Fill Path with color partially

I am trying to draw a heart shaped Canvas using Path in Android. The code is as follows :
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Fill the canvas with background color
// paint.setShader(null);
// Defining of the heart path starts
path.moveTo(left + WIDTH / 2, top + HEIGHT / 4); // Starting point
// Create a cubic Bezier cubic left path
left+WIDTH/2, top+HEIGHT);
// This is right Bezier cubic path
path.cubicTo(left + 3 * WIDTH / 4, top + 4 * HEIGHT / 5,
left + 4 * WIDTH / 5, top,
left + WIDTH / 2, top + HEIGHT / 4);
paint.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, canvas.getHeight()/4, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()/4, new int[]{Color.RED, Color.YELLOW, Color.GREEN}, new float[]{0, 0.6f, 1}, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP));
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
heart_outline_paint.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.heart_outline_color)); // Change the boundary color
canvas.drawPath(path, heart_outline_paint);
I am able to draw heart without any issue and I am able to fill color inside the heart using the Fill option in Paint. But I should be able to fill the heart dynamically according to some data and it cannot be filled fully all the time. What I have achieved so far is as follows :
I have made an extensive search and came across a lot of things similar to this. Some of which includes :
Android fill in part of a path?
filling a circle gradually from bottom to top android
I also came across the concept of converting the canvas to bitmap and filling color inside the bitmap using Flood Fill Algorithm which lets users to fill colors inside the bitmap. However, I do not want the bitmap to fill the color while touching inside the heart but to fill while a button click action.
I thought that filling a circle gradually from bottom to top android
would give help me but it makes use of a circle and I am not well-versed in Canvas which makes me very weak in adapting the circle code to such a shape.
If anybody has some ideas or any insights on how to achieve this, it will be really helpful. Cheers. Thanks in advance.
P.S : I also tried some tricks using setShader in Paint but nothing would give me what I want.
I just stumbled upon a idea of drawing a rectangle over the heart with another color same as the background of the canvas so that it will look like its half filled !! I am still working on the idea and not sure how accurate this is gonna be for me. If someone has a better idea, you're most welcome.
I used clipPath function available in Canvas to achieve what I needed. I draw the heart by above method and draw a rectangle over it, and I use the clipPathfunction to clip out the region that is outside the heart.
public static double filled_amount = .90;
path.moveTo(left_x_moveto, left_y_moveto);
path.cubicTo(left_x1, left_y1, left_x2, left_y2, left_x3, left_y3);
path.cubicTo(right_x2, right_y2, right_x1, right_y1, left_x_moveto, left_y_moveto);
Rect rect = new Rect((int)(canvas.getWidth()*.10),(int)(canvas.getHeight()*filled_amount),(int) canvas.getWidth(), (int) canvas.getHeight());
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
canvas.drawRect(rect, rect_paint);
heart_outline_paint.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.heart_outline_color)); // Change the boundary color
canvas.drawPath(path, heart_outline_paint);
This will give me the desired result of filling the heart dynamically. Changing the value of filled_amount dynamically and calling invalidate() will make it look like the heart is being filled dynamically.
#Henry's answer might be a better one but this did the trick for me and I dont look deeply in to the edges so a bit of zig-zags here and there is all right.
You could use Bitmap Masking to get a partially filled Heart. What you ideally do here is use one bitmap to mask the other.
In your case you could have a filled rectangle in the canvas and you have then have the heart shape in a new bitmap to act as the mask. You could then dynamically change the filling of the heart by changing the height of the background rectangle.
Refer this: This contains the implementation of partially filling a Star. The idea is the same.

How to remove the drawing from a bitmap of a particular region in Android

I have a bitmap object.
I have a Region object that represents a small portion of the bitmap;
I want to remove drawing from the bitmap object of that particular region and make that portion transparent..
How to do it? any help....
I am using android api-level 8..
You can simply make a pixel transparent by using mBitmap.setPixel (100,100,Color.TRANSPARENT);, so basic idea is to iterate over all the pixel to make it transparent, but if you have to iterate over too many pixels, it might be slow.
You can use PorterDuffXferMode to make a portion transparent,
For an example create a paint object as mentioned below and pass it to the canvas:
Paint mPaint = new Paint();
mPaint.setXferMode(new PorterDuffXferMode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
You can pass it to the canvas as described below:
Canvas c = new Canvas(mBitmap);
c.drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint);
It is for the circle but hope you will get the hint to do it for the custom region as per your need.
If still it is not working then you might have to disable Hardware Acceleration for that particular View. For more information, refer this Google DOC.
Hope this will give you some hint.

Android: What's the opposite of Bitmap.extractAlpha()

I need to do something which exactly the opposite of Bitmap.extractAlpha: Apply an alpha map (which loaded from a file) onto a RGB bitmap (which also loaded from a file).
Yes! Just like "CGImageCreateWithMask" in iOS!
The Square blog had a tutorial about this just last week: :).
I dont know what exactly CGImageCreateWithMask does, but if you want another picture to serve as the alpha channel for your Bitmap, you can create one as described in this question, which combines four images. I haven't tried it now, but I think for two colors it would look something like this:
Paint colorPaint = new Paint();
redPaint.setShader(new BitmapShader(redChanImg, TileMode.CLAMP, TileMode.CLAMP));
Paint alphaPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
alphaPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.DST_IN));
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, colorPaint);
c.drawBitmap(alphaImg, 0, 0, alphaPaint);
// save result somewhere
You can also always just work on the raw pixel data of a bitmap using Bitmap.getPixels

Draw text on canvas and make it visible on screen

This code was supposed to convert text to image
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(16, 16, Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8);
float x = bm.getWidth();
float y = bm.getHeight();
Canvas c = new Canvas(bm);
c.drawText("Test", x, y, paint);
Is this code ok? If yes, how can I make this new bitmap visible on screen? I tried this code which produced an error
setContentView(c); //<- ERROR!
I am confused with the element Canvas as there is not such element in XML which I can use in the code.
setContentView(View) takes a View and Canvas is not a View.
I am not sure that you want to create a Canvas on your own. There are ways to get a Canvas passed to you from the Android Framework though. One way you can do this is by creating a custom View. To do this, you will need to create a new class that extends View.
When overriding a View class, you will have the ability to override the onDraw(Canvas) method. This is probably where you want to do what you are attempting to do in your onCreate() method in the code you posted.
This link gives a good overview of what is required to create your own custom view.
First: If you draw your text at the x and y position you specified, you draw it
at the lower right corner, starting with exactly that pixel. Nothing will be drawn on your canvas. Try bm.getWidth()/2, for height the same for test drawing. You can optimize that later.
Second: Canvas is not a View (does not extend the View class). You can only set Views via set ContentView(). What I recommend here is writing a XML layout containing only a single ImageView and set that via setContentView(R.layout.mylayout).
After that, you can use findViewById() to grab that ImageView and use ImageView.setImageBitmap(bm) to show your bitmap on it.
You dont have to do anything with the canvas, once you created it with your bitmap. Everything you draw inside the canvas from that point on is found in the Bitmap immediately.
Therefore you can't specify the Canvas in XML. It's just an "Editor" to edit pictures, so to speak and not an actual UI element.

