How to detect the navigation button press on on HTC desire? [closed] - android

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm testing a program on an HTC desire phone. There's a special button on the right of the menu button. It's a circle. It's used to navigate. You can also press it.
I would like to detect when someone presses it over a row of my ListView.
I did try putting in a convertView.setOnKeyListener((OnKeyListener)..., but it doesn't work. Any ideas?

Apparently the good way is to listen to the OnClick event from the listview and not from the adapter... Because there is a difference...
See here : android onClick event not firing


Navigation Arrow Not updating: Navigation arrow not rotating at high speed navigation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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enter image description here
In the image above as you can see my navigation arrow is not pointing in the correct direction in which i am driving. This issue always occurs when i am driving at high speed.What can be done to remove this issue.
Solution for above is easy i missed it:
And to apply logic of if else lader to and provide below
Thank you for your views.

Unfortunately myapp has stopped (imagebutton for FB) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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xml layout
Please help me, when I run the application directly out "unfortunately the application has been stopped". Before the button was changed to ImageButton, its application can run normally.
You need to change your referencing of Button in your activity to ImageButton.
I assume:
Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
Change that to:
ImageButton btn=(ImageButton)findViewById(;

How do I implement touch listener on PreferenceActivity? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Spent so much time reading the answers and now it's time to ask my first question here.
I am trying to implement some kind of touch listener so user could swipe back to the main screen from PreferenceActivity.
But it looks like it can't be implemented in common way. OnTouchEvent of activity and getListView().setOnTouchListener don't fire when I'm swiping. Any ideas how to fix it?
I am using a public static class MyPreferenceFragment extends PreferenceFragment to display settings btw.
Thank you!
Well, I found solution. Use dispatchTouchEvent callback method to listen touch events from whole activity surface

"how to close keyboard with smooth slowly animation" in android [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Android animation keyboard open.
whenever i click done in the keyboard i want keyboard close slowly with animation.
Can i implement it on default keyboard to make this type of stuff or make custom keyboard for that.
please suggest me: i am just new android beginner.
thanks in advance.
An app receives no notification of when a keyboard appears, and the android framework itself is responsible for either sliding the app or laying it out again. So customization isn't really possible. Which is probably a good thing- a keyboard is a separate app, and having written one I wouldn't want to even try to write the keyboard half of such an animation, we'd never get it to look right with all the various ways the app could do it.
The closest you'll get is to specify the fields to pan rather than resize when the keyboard is opened.

App Introduction to user on first installation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wonder how google does it?? When you first power your device on, A introduction to apps and features will be shown in green color when user touches it the element will disappear ! I tried searching google but i don't get exact idea of what that layout / element was? Please regret me if this was a duplicate question.
this is definitely what you are looking for
Holo-themed transparent demo overlays
Are you just trying to do something on the first launch and then never again? Or are you looking for that look and feel? If so, it's probably just images and such layed out. If you want to test the first launch, there's a few ways to do it. One of the easiest is to create an empty file in the shared preferences in your onCreate() method, then check to see if it is there. If it's not there, you do your on first launch action and then create the file afterwards.
Check this out: Determine if android app is the first time used

