is there a way to reprompt the user to choose a default activity for an intent? For example, user selects his default home apk and I want him to reconsider his choice once again.
I know how to do that on 2.1 and before, but is there a way to do that now on 2.2?
Famous Home Switcher, which did similar thing, does not work on 2.2 anymore thanks to google team
This is how I represent the Activity selection dialog:
It start the android default ResolverActivity for "HOME" Applications.
Intent selector = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");
selector.setComponent(new ComponentName("android", ""));
The above code is working for my 2.2 enabled tablets.
When executed, it displays the "Complete Actions with:" dialog with all possible Home applications in the list.
A way to detect which is currently set by default you could ask for all preferred activities. The lists "filters" and "comps" contain the data when calling .getPreferredActivities(...).
filters - contains the intent filter data, which you could query what type of data it is.
comps - contians the component which would be called if the intent filter matches
This way you could check if your application is the current "home" application set as preferred by the user.
List<IntentFilter> filters = new ArrayList<IntentFilter>();
List<ComponentName> comps= new ArrayList<ComponentName>();
getPackageManager().getPreferredActivities(filters, comps, null);
For example, user selects his default home apk and I want him to reconsider his choice once again.
That is no longer possible, unless your app is the preferred one. Then, I think you can use clearPackagePreferredActivities() to remove yourself as the preferred choice.
In other words, you are welcome to affect your own app, but you are not welcome to affect other apps.
Im developing an application where in I have 2 text views and a button.
when I click the button, it should open default system contacts application and upon selecting a contact, it should display the name and number in the text fields respectively.
Now I have implemented ContactsContract and getContentResolver. But, I have seen other apps having this feature, which is quite easy because you need not create a list view and stuffs.
Now how do I start? how do I invoke default contact app and retrieve data from it.
I don't know the details about your problem, but I am pretty sure that you need to use an Implicit Intent (because the Contacts app may be different on different devices). Hopefully this page will help.
You may need to start by using this code:
Intent i = new Intent(); // Declare intent
// Start the intent
You may want to use ACTION_GET_CONTENT.
Thanks for the replies. I found out that this is what i need.
Intent localIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.PICK",ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
I am trying to set a quicklaunch shortcut key for my app.
I am able to bring up the Quick Launch screen with the following code:
launchIntent = new Intent();
launchIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", ""));
The screen looks like this: Quick Launch Screenshot. You can assign an app to, for example, "a", and when you press find-a, it will launch that app.
What I'd really like to do is to programmatically assign a hotkey to a specific app, but I cannot figure out how to do this. Is this possible, and how?
My boss asked me to prove that my application behaves properly when summoned by another application (dunno why he asked that).
So I have two apps here, one launches a second one. How I launch the specific app I want? Using Intent launch seemly any generic app that reaches a certain goal, not the app I really want.
Give this a try.
Intent secondIntent = new Intent();
secondIntent.setClassName("com.example", "com.example.YourSecondApp");
I should point out that com.example should be the package of your second application (the one you want to call) and com.example.YourSecondapp is the class name where you have your onCreate() method.
Intent secondApp = new Intent("com.test.SecondApp");
Check out for more examples
Create one Intent using the following code
Explicit Intent
When you know the particular component(activity/service) to be loaded
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass("className/package name");
Imlicit Intent
When we do not have the idea which class to load and we know the Action to be perform by the launched application we can go with this intent.
Action needs to set, and the Android run time fallows the intent Resolution technique and list out(one or more components) the components to perform the action. from the list out components (if more than one), user will get the chance to launch his chosen application
Is there a way to detect that a phone has a default application chosen for an intent such as android.intent.action.SEND ?
Is there a way to clear the default application via code?
I'd like to give the user an option to remove the default or at least show a screen telling them how to do it manually, if I can detect it.
Take a look at PackageManager. With it, you can determine how an Intent will be handled with resolveActivity(intent). It looks like the method for clearing the preference (clearPackagePreferredActivities) only works on your own package.
Use 2-step detection of defaults:
PackageManager.queryIntentActivities to get all activities for Intent, PackageManager.resolveActivity to get resolved.
If resolved one is in the list returned by queryIntentActivities, then there will be no "Complete action using" dialog, thus "default" activity was set.
I'm writing a program for the Android Platform and I would like to implement the code of a preexisting application found here .
There is a button in my application menu that says "Show Friends on Map" so I want this program to start from the button press.
For greater detail I will give a small diagram.
User Starts My application > User Presses "Menu" Key > User Presses "Show Friends on Map" > WAMF.apk (the application in the link above) is launched
Is there any way I can do this?
If I understand you correctly and all you want to do is launch WAMF, see this blog post.
In it is the following code, which will detect whether the OpenTable (or WAMF, in this question) is installed, and if so invoke it, otherwise take the user to the Android Market to download OpenTable:
public void showReserveButton() {
// setup the Intent to call OpenTable
Uri reserveUri = Uri.parse(String.format( "reserve://",
Intent opentableIntent = new Intent("com.opentable.action.RESERVE", reserveUri);
// setup the Intent to deep link into Android Market
Uri marketUri = Uri.parse("market://search?q=pname:com.opentable");
Intent marketIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(marketUri);
opentableButton.setVisibility(opentableId > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
opentableButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
startActivity(pm.queryIntentActivities(opentableIntent, 0).size() == 0 ?
opentableIntent : marketIntent);
As commonsware says, this is assuming that WAMF is available in the Android market. If not, you're out of luck.
(I'm hoping Reto Meier sees your question, as WAMF is his app)
Well, as I see it, you have two main choices.
Option #1 says that WAMF is installed as a separate application. That may be tricky, as it is unclear if this application is available for distribution anywhere (e.g., Android Market). But, assuming it is, and assuming the user has the app installed, when the user invokes your desired menu choice, you need to call startActivity(), using an Intent that will resolve to whatever in WAMF you would like to have displayed. You can also use PackageManager to detect if WAMF is installed (i.e., seeing if there are any activities that would match the Intent you want to use in startActivity()) -- that way, you can disable the menu choice, or have it pop up a dialog telling people to install WAMF, or something.
Option #2 says that, since WAMF is Free Software, you simply integrate the relevant portions of code straight into your app. On the plus side, there's no question whether the code is there. However, should Mr. Meier update the year-old WAMF, you would have to re-integrate his changes. Also, his application is released under GPLv3, which may or may not work with your own app's licensing scheme.