I have 2 lists, one on the left of the screen, the other list, on the right of the screen which gets dynamically populated based on the selected item on left list.
I move to the right list by pressing "Right" key from the left list.
Issue: Whenever I press right key from left list, the item that is currently selected is the item of the right list that is currently aligned with the left item. I dont want this to happen. I always want my 1st item of the right list to be selected. Can anyone help how to go about this?
Hmm, I don't know if it will work for ListItems. But with Buttons, there is an attirbute to set where the focus must go to! Eg: nextFocusRight
However, in these, the View Id must be specified, i.e the id of the view to which the focus must be passed. So am not very sure if it maybe useful with ListView items.
link text
It's on swedish, but this is what i got with list view.
Every listview item has a empty Linearlayout that i add a view to when i press the down arrow button. the problem is that every fifth item gets this or i can only click on the first 5.
I dont get why they make ListView so complicated. i want to be able to get a child that is in the list without seening it!
The Problem
My way to add the view makes every fifth item to add the view when i only want one position to have this "Mängd" row.
Why Can i only edit listitems when they are visible on the screen.
The child will be static at 5 items even though i got like 20 item....
Is there any way to only say that item 1 will have this and not
position - firstvisibleposition
i think this is the problem with the listview
My code is not understandable at the time because of other things so i hope you get my problem anyways.
This is my main question
It seems like the thing i add to position 0 also happens to 6 and 12 Why is ListView this wierd ?
I have a listview and a corresponding listview adapter.
The views displayed in the Listview have I written myself and it's a framelayout with one button and one imagebutton. The imagebutton is a red cross that deletes the entry and the regular button selects the entry.
When the user presses the regular button, that item is selected and I want to show this to the user by setting the background of that item to green. The application stores which item the user selected and the next time the listview is rendered, THAT item should be selected and green.
Notice that there should be one and EXACTLY one selected item in my listview at all times.
In the getView(.. method in my adaper, it's very easy to change color of the button when the user clicks it. But the button that was green before the user clicked is impossible for me to reference.
I tried storing a reference the previously selected button, but it never repainted
I tried removing and adding the data item from the list to trigger notifyDataSetChanged but it never repainted
I tried setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE), but that led nowhere because I don't know how to catch the choice in my getView method and paint differently depending on wheter it's selected or not.
All guides I see suggest using notifyDataSetChanged. However, the underlying data is NOT changed in this case and it is not correct (or possible) solution.
So I think that my problem boils down to: HOW can I reference another view in my listview??
(And Yes, I have seen this post: Highlight selected item in ListView on Android . It describes my problem and is answered with "and then change the color of previous selected item's background back to normal" but I still can't refer to the PREVIOUS selected item.
Why don't you use Radio Buttons ? This is exactly the design you need. You can add a "red cross" on each line to delete the line. The selected line is unique and you can iterate on RadioButton.isChecked(); of your RadioGroup to set the background color accordingly.
I would know if there is a way to know if an element of a list view gets out of the list, (i want to know if the fist element is seen on screen or isn't)
in fact what I want to do with that, is that i want the second element of my list (which is the title of the fragment where the list is) to stay blocked as a header when it goes up (like an letter in the contact app).
So what i thought about is to add a hidden clone of the second element above the listview (in the relative layout parent), and set it to visible when the first element goes away of the screen (when the second element is the first element of the seen list).
But maybe is it a native way to do so !
You can obtain the first and last visible position in the list at any time using the methods getFirstVisiblePosition() and getLastVisiblePosition() on ListView
I want to display a list item that says "More" at the end of my ListView. Clicking on this list-item will perform some action. How can I create this "more" list item?
I don't know about the "Clicking on this list-item will perform some action" part. The typical pattern is that once the user scrolls to the bottom, new material is loaded automatically. Some people do that by detecting the scroll. I do it by putting in a "More" placeholder and detecting when that is used. Here is a component that implements this pattern.
Just add another value to your arrayadapter (or any other adapter), you might be using.set the text to 'more' .
Suppose you have n items in the list then handle the (n+1)th postion click and do your stuff.
You can add a footer to your listview...
Did you check this post out?
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen
I choose an item to remove from my ListView. And after the Item was removed, my ListView was scrolled back and display at the first Item.
I want my ListView display in right place where the Item I had removed (It like remove a contact in Android Contact list). How can I do that?
I suppose you want to update your ListView display, after you remove an item, right?
When you remove the item, you have to modify your data adapter, and let the ListView change accordingly (something like the MVC pattern behavior). I've seen somewhat similar questions (and the corresponding answers :) ) here and here.
Aha, in that case, try using setSelection(int), after recalculating new indices and new item count.