I have four questions regarding Android default email program. Please help me to answer the questions respectively.
Thanks in Advance
1) How can we access the Device Database?
2) How can we setup email on Emulator?
3) Can we read Email Content Through Email Content Provider like (AttachementProvider.java)
I have found in Git
4) Can anyone tell me the correct Email URI
I have found the URI that is not working
1) How can we access the Device Database ?
You can't.
2) How can we setup email on Emulator ?
I would assume that you tap on the icon in the launcher and follow the prompts, the way you would set it up on a regular phone. Bear in mind that this application may not exist on all phones.
3) Can we read Email Content Through Email Content Provider like ( AttachementProvider.java) i have found in Git
There is no documented and supported API for any email client in the Android SDK.
4) can any one tell me the corret Email URI i have found the URI that is not working "content://com.android.email.attachmentprovider"
I repeat, there is no documented and supported API for any email client in the Android SDK. You have been specifically told not to use undocumented content providers, since they will be changed without warning and, again, may not exist on all devices.
I want to create user at Mesibo but i am facing some issues :
Sorry, we can't find that page It seems the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist. Maybe you’re on the wrong track, maybe you found a broken link. Who knows?
Please anyone here to help related to these issues and also help to complete my this task and I am using following URL for creating a user at "Mesibo".
token = Application Token
appid = Android or iOS app id (for example, com.mesibo.xxx). In case of web, just pass, ‘web’ as appid. Note that, for security reasons, the token generated for a particular appid will only be usable on app matching that appid.
addr = end point address, for example, a user phone number.
Instead of "https://mesibo.com/api/api.php?..." use "https://api.mesibo.com/api.php?token=..."
I'm making a pair of website-based apps for both Android and iOS interfaces, and I'm struggling with a part of it. Perhaps you guys could help me out!
I'm using Android Studio and Xcode, and launching the website through WebKit and WK WebView respectively. It's super simple, just an app which calls a website into it directly. No external navigation, nothing but a full-page website. And this part is working great!
But I do have one problem! I don't want my users to get consistently logged out if they close the app, or after a few hours of not using it. I'd like it to stay logged in for them, or to automatically log-in when they use it.
The maker of the website has given me a way to do this through the URL.
Basically, my URL currently is set up like "https://URL.com/x/y/z" and it goes to the website, and that is great, but I need to set it up to be "https://url.com/x/y/z/[insert user's IMEI or UDID here]". That unique ID from their Android device will keep them logged in. I've tested it using my own device with my own IMEI and it works great, but obviously using one specific identifier for everyone will not work. I just need it to call the specific user's IMEI or UDID into the URL, to complete it.
How should I go about this?
I am assuming that you are talking about an Android app that visualizes a website in an activity. On Android, you can retrieve the device's IMEI OR MEID string by calling:
But be warned, this requires that you add a permission to your manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
You should inform your users why you are requesting this permission.
For iOS/Xcode, you can get the device UUID via UIDevice:
// Swift 4
let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor!.uuidString
If you are targeting iOS 11 or newer, Apple introduced Device Check to get a device specific token. I personally haven't used it, but it sounds like it's use case is similar to what you're looking for.
From your comment, here is how'd you include it in the url string.
let urlString = "url.com/x/y/z/" + uuid
I'm currently planning on creating an app. Unfortunately the need for usercreation is there. I know users don't like goind through a registration process with opt in by email activation link click.
So I thought maybe using the apple/google id as a replacement for email address would be cool since the verification step by email can be dropped. In addition when the user changes his or her mail address that's no problem since his or her id doesn't change in this case.
I'm not really into this particular topic so I have some questions, any help is highly appreciated:
Is there any numeric/alphanumeric id anyway or is the google/apple id (i.e. the "username") the email address itself?
Is this possible in Android and Apple SDK (and Cordova in addition since I use this one)?
Is this a good idea in general or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance!
You could use the below DeviceIDs solutions as primary key for your users registrations. Look:
1 - Android
1.1 - Android Phones (With SIM chip) - For Android I use the Cordova SIM plugin. It generates uniqueIDs for devices based on SIM chip informations. So, you can manipulate your data based on the plugins return;
Link: https://github.com/pbakondy/cordova-plugin-sim
1.2 - Adroid Tablets - The plugin above is fantastic, but it does not work for devices that does not have any SIM chip. In this case, I use the following code:
if(mContext == null){
mContext = this.cordova.getActivity();
if(dialog == null){
dialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext);
String tabletID = Secure.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID);
Conclusion: If you are developing only for phones (App projected for Mobile Phone) you should use the plugin. If your App targets Tablets or devices without SIM card, than you can take a look at the other solution. The IDs generated are "Devices ID", unique for each device.
2 - iOS
For iOS, I use the following code to generate an unique ID for each device:
NSString *uniqueIdentifier = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString];
The only problem: When user uninstalls all Apps of your iTunes vendor ID from the device and installs any of them again, the ID will be changed. Other easy ways to get Unique ID for iOS is deprecated since version 7.0 of the system.
See more here: Device Id from an iphone app
I want to enable users to share a URL+ text with a WhatsApp group. I want this to work both from iPhones and Androids. However my app is in a browser (it's a website). I'm currently looking into 2 options, but both have issues:
1) The first potential solution - sharing directly from the browser.
I checked out WhatsApp's URL schema and used the following URL to share through my app:
However there were several problems with this approach:
It seems to work only with iPhones and not with Androids. Is there a comparable solution somewhere for Androids?
It enables to choose who to send to only after you are redirected to WhatsApp, unless you know the address book ID (=abid) of the user. First, I do not know how to access the abid of users? Second, I am trying to send to a group, in which case there is no abid (right?), and therefore it seems impossible to do this. Is that true?
Also, what happens for Android apps? What is the comparable to the abid, for a group, and how do I get it?
2) The second potential solution - creating a native app which is identical with the browser-based app, but this specific part (where we do the "sharing") is native.
However, it seems to me that in this case I have very similar problems to the ones described above:
I can see how to do this for iOS on WhatsApp's website (see the link above). However, does the WhatsApp URL schema work with Android native apps as well?
Again, the address book ID issue is the same. How do I get it? It may be easier to get the abid on iOS given that we are now a native app, but does it exist for a group? And how about the Android app? Would this share to WhatsApp group work there?
Sharing directly from the browser works both in iPhone and Android if you use WhatsApp version 2.11 or higher. As you said it DIDN'T USED TO work in Android.
U can use the same URL
Knowing abid is not possible as far as I know.
Hope this was helpful.
Thank You.
in Android you can invite friends from an app using Intent, see the following Code
final ComponentName name = new ComponentName("com.whatsapp", "com.whatsapp.ContactPicker");
Intent oShareIntent = new Intent();
oShareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Your Message");
I hope this solves your problem
Since there is the permission called
there MUST be a way to read the phone owner info on an android device.
The only thing I could find on the net is this:
Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, "owner");
Cursor c = managedQuery(uri, null, null, null, null);
But 1) that doesn't work (owner path unknown) and 2) Contacts.People is deprecated (I guess this should now be ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI)
I can't even get the mobile phone number of the device using the TelephonyManager (getLine1Number) ... even the built-in phoneinfo screen shows "unknown" for the phonenumber.
Anyway, seems like I can't figure it out on my own and can't find anything useful on the web either (except for the outdated (?) code above). Although I believe the above approach must be the right one (using some content provider that provides the owner info). There simply is no documentation about this except that Android provides the permission setting "android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA" but no info about how to actually do that kind of thing.
Does anybody know how to get to the phone owner info (name, address, email, phone, ...) on Android? Thanks a mill!
(Background: Developing on Android SDK 2.1, Testing on Emulator and HTC Desire)
Android is open source. It seems, based on searching for READ_OWNER_DATA, that the "/people/owner" path in the contacts provider returns a cursor with some sort of owner information — assuming that information has been entered already by the user.
You'd have to double check the AOSP to see if that still applies for the newer contacts API.
this permission was removed
see :