use android application using WAP client - android

When i am using my application using WIFI or INTERNET APn it works fine.But provides socket connection error while trying with WAP APN.
Is there anything that i can do to resolve this in android.
Do i need to use any permissions to use my application for WAP?
Please share your valuable suggestions.
Thanks in advance :)

I really don't think it is a permissions issue.
With a WAP data plan you can only connect to standard HTTP ports (ie. 80) and exchange WAP based packets. If your app tries to connect to a different port or exchange non WAP packets, then you'll get an error.


How does android connect to vpn?

Im trying to understand how does google connects to a certain vpn, receive packets and sent packets.
I have tried modifying google's Toyvpn and was able to create and vpn interface and i can see that there are packets sent but i dont see received packets..
I observe that google's ToyVpn doesn't have username and only had server address , port and shared secret (i think is the password).
So now im trying to understand how does google require username and password to connect to the vpn i have created via android settings.Please give some links or idea how do they do it.

Best way to implement a connection between a smartphone and a webpage on a pc

I am looking for an existing library to establish a connection between any smartphone(android/ios/win phone) and a web page.
Sort of what whatsapp is using (, with authentication.
Once the connection is established, i will have to send real time data ( audio and text) from the phone to the pc.
I suppose that whatsApp use a server to relay the data. i dont mind doing the authentication with the help of a server but once the connection is ok,I prefer to do all the communication on wifi instead of sending data from the phone to a server and sending it back to the web page on the pc.
When you want to solve a particular problem which is already solved, You don't want to reinvent the wheel(especially in web) but use the existing solution.
What you are looking for is WebRTC. Fits exactly for your use case. But i am not sure about the development efforts required for this.
There are Client libraries in almost all languages. A quick search gave this for Android
And i am not sure about the device support you are expecting, check Caniuse?
Also have a look at WiFi-p2p for android.
check this webrtc website for cross platform development support and examples.
There is no real "best" way of doing this, but you have to have a server of some type running on your computer. From there you can use normal network requests from Android to communicate with your computer as long as they are on the same network (WiFi).

native app to server communication

I am writing a mobile trading app (android/ios) and i need suggestions on the best way to connect the app to the server (messageQ)
If i use raw TCP connection , would my users have a problem if they are behind corporate wifi's (protected by firewalls)? If yes, in that case, is web socket a better solution?
With the backend server, after researching with zeroMq, i believe a full fledged broker like rabbitmq is a better option to start with. Now , if i use a web socket connection from my native app, Rabbit MQ has a sockJS-AMQP bridge . But i am not sure, if there is a java and iOS web socket client to speak to sockJS server .
Any experienced views is greatly appreciated
Have you considerer to use MQTT?
If you don't need AMQP you can also use directly an MQTT broker, such as or
Here ( you can find some ready libraries for iPhone and Android.
In order to solve the the firewall problem MQTT is available over HTTP.
You can read here:
This post can also help you : (
For a iPhone application I used directly MQTT and as server RabbitMQ with the MQTT plug-in
I hope it can be usefulĀ 

Chat Protocols and Client to client connection?

I'm looking for a protocol/API to implement a video chat application. In this app, the clients connect to a server and when two clients start chat, they don't send/receive data to/from server! Actually I want the clients connect to each other straightly. I want this on iPhone and Android.
I've searched, and found XMPP protocol, but I'm not sure it let p2p connection.
Anyway, is it possible?
you can work for the XMPP Protocol which is specially made for chatting purpose.
That helped me a lot in my work. They might have an android version out now.
you can use WIFI or BlueTooth to do P2P apps.

WAP application Example

maybe this is a stupid question.. but, is Google Maps app on Android an example of WAP application? and can anybody provide me example of WAP Application?
Thanks in Advance :)
It looks like WAP is a standard protocol for mobile phones and mobile telecomunications.
An android application is not tied to a specific standard or protocole. It just uses the connection provided by the android phone. This connection could either be a 3G connection or a Wifi connection. (Or a WAP connection, but this standard is getting old)
To summarise Google Maps uses a connection to get localisation data etc. But the Google Maps application is not "aware" of the caracteristics of that connection. It is just using whatever available connection through a sort of wrapper.

