Android Camera really choppy on Samsung Galaxy Tab with AIR Application - android

I'm building an AIR Application for Android devices and I'm using the Camera.
I found a really strange behaviour. When I first start the app and the camera initializes, I get around 1fps(!).
If I then press the home Button and klick on the app icon again, it's all good and I get the full framerate.
This same behaviour also occurs within the Tour de Mobile Flex app when I start the Raw Camera part.
As soon as I press home and then return to the app, everythings fine...
Anybody out there having the same issues and maybe a soulution?
Help is highly apreciated.

This is a bug in Adobe AIR that is fixed and soon to be released.

Set <renderMode>direct</renderMode> in your app.xml. This configuration solve my problem


Codenameone - App Crash on Android Tablet and opens a blank black screen from next time

App Crash on Android Tablet and when ever tried to open it again it open a blank black screen there after. This is happening with android debug build.I have tried to replicate the issue on simulator and it didn't happen. Please let me know if any clues about this issue. Is it something related to inefficient memory usage or something else. Is there any tool I can use to narrow down this issue. This is not happening on IOS devices and even Android Phones.

ARToolkit for Unity on Android : Camera won't start, just black screen

I've been working on a project with ARToolkit for Unity. I built it to Android APK. I then installed it to my Xiaomi device. When I run the app, it does the following :
It pops out a small square camera on the upper left corner
It shows unity animation text as usual
It then goes black forever
I've already set the permission for the app to access the phone's camera. How can I solve this matter?
Do I have to do something to get the phone's camera working? I am newbie by the way so don't go harsh on me.
Notes : I've tried to build another scene without ARToolkit to Android APK. It worked just fine and no black screen.
Sorry if my english isn't that good. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks before.
Just a guess... ARToolkit for Android on startup attempts to contact a web-server on the Internet to download camera parameters. I've noticed if your phone does not have Internet access, you'll see a black screen for quite a while (at least 30 seconds I've seen) until the HTTP request times out. You can see this if you run Android Studio studio and view the logs for your app. Unfortunately at the moment there appears to be no switch to turn this off. See:

Cordova Android App: Screen becomes black while working with app

we're developing an cordova android app with angularJS/Ionic. We installed our app on several devices and everything worked fine for a week or two. But since a few days the app randomly becomes black while in use. You can "resurrect" the app when you click the hardware back-button. It seems like the whole GUI is black but all services are still running.
The next problem is, that we have no access to the devices and our own devices don't show this behaviour.
Maybe anyone here has experienced something similar and can help me work it out or can provide us a few good ideas for logging this kind of errors on android?

Android tablet camera not working

I am developing an application for Android ICS's 7 inch tablet. In application there is use of camera function to capture image. I allocate camera when somebody opens activity and after work completes camera releases. This is working fine. When I test this thing for 50 times continually with 4~5 frequency of opening and closing activity, application do not respond to application, Neither for in built applications and suddenly screen gets black and I need to restart system again to continue previous work. Why this problem is coming in system? Is any solution. Thanking you for reply.
It could be to do with the Nexus 7's lack of a back facing camera. This can cause problems as specified here
I can't think of anything else right now. Try adding a stack trace to your answer so we can see what went wrong.

Screen Blinking/Flickering in Application in Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.1 Honeycomb

I have this browser launching application which didn't have any problem till now: when it is being tested on Samsung Galaxy 10.1 (Model Number: GT-P7510) with Android 3.1 Honeycomb.
The issue is this: whenever I tap on a text box, the whole screen will flash across a black screen for a moment and revert back to normal. It starts flickering/blinking the black screen when I leave a focus on any text box as well.
Currently, I've no idea what is causing this issue as I've tested this application on several devices e.g. Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7-inch with previous version of OS from 2.1 to 2.3.
Anyone who has any clue as to what is going on whether be it a compatibility issue with the app or a change in function in honeycomb 3.1 or the device itself, please share your information and enlighten me on this matter please. Any kind of help is greatly appreciated!
I'm sorry that this is not a solution, but I think I can shed some light on the problem.
We have recently been testing a functional jQuery Mobile HTML5 app wrapped with PhoneGap Android 2.x phones to the Galaxy tab 10.1. We have seen something very similar, with the exception that we have defined a splash screen for our app. What we see is that when an input field is given focus, the screen flashes up the splash screen momentarily. Very annoying! To verify if this is the same problem, define a splash screen for your PhoneGap app and see if the screen flahes your image instead of a black background. Knowing something about what's going on with PhoneGap and the Android WebView, this is my best estimation of what is happening: PhoneGap loads the main App activity with a black background and displays the splash screen (if defined) in that initial window. PhoneGap then starts the WebView and opens it on top of the main Window. When a field is selected, the Android invalidates the component wach time it updates it based on a focus event or keypress, or whatever, and Android redraws everything. So it redraws the main window behind the WebView and then redraws the WebView with the HTML page content on top of it. Since the device is not properly double-buffered, you see all of this redrawing in all its ugly glory right in front of your eyes.
We have seen serious glitches with Android web forms on some Android 2.x phones we have tested, and this looks like yet another glitch, but this time on the Galaxy Tab running Honeycomb (3.0).
We have attempted to use CSS -webkit-backface-visibility to resolve issues on some phones when experiencing flicker in the past - but this has caused serious rendering issues in HTML forms. Be warned! In theory this should be a viable fix to introduce some double-buffering into the mix, but in our experience it causes more problems than it solves.
I am not confident that this can be resolved, except by an Android software update from Google/Samsung.

